Hearthstone - Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:10 PM PST

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[K&C] New Druid legendary weapon revealed by NGA China

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:01 AM PST

Chinese Image

English Card, by Hearthpwn.

Name: Twig of The World Tree (confirmed)



4 mana 1/5

Deathrattle: Gain 10 Mana Crystals

Note: They're not empty crystals.


Wowhead link to item.

submitted by /u/czhihong
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[K&C] New Neutral Epic Revealed by JackTorrance

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:07 AM PST

Rummaging Kobold

Class: Neutral

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Epic

Mana cost: 3

Card text: Battlecry: Return one of your destroyed weapons to your hand.

Attack: 1

HP: 3

Source: https://www.twitch.tv/jacktorrance90

submitted by /u/Sonserf369
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[K&C] New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed by Trump!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:00 AM PST

New druid weapon: Twig of the World Tree

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:14 AM PST

[meta] If this post is against the rules, the rules need to change.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST


A little while ago, this overwhelmingly popular, important post was removed from the front page. It keeps with a disturbing trend recently of funny/popular/provocative posts being removed.

Honestly, what gives? Sure, you can make the strained argument that it is "not hearthstone related" -- which would almost be true if Hearthstone was an offline game. However, since we still try to live in a fact-based reality, I would posit that Hearthstone is, in fact, an online game.

Because it is an online game, Net Neutrality explicitly relates to Hearthstone. And all other Blizzard games. And Reddit. And therefore, literally all 584,557 Kobolds holding candles.

Agree or disagree on the policy, that's what was happening (by way of thoughtful and generally non-toxic discussion) in a thread that was 93% upvoted.

The sub should amend its content policy if it is going to continually remove content that the users want to see.

submitted by /u/redditing_1L
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Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:31 AM PST

Fresh from Brazilian card reveal stream, A Paladin Card! In my opinion, dust it. Also, I don't think it fits in current expansion but whatever. At least it draws you a card. But who knows, really?

submitted by /u/Knigolico
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Hearthstone Past Metas #2 - 2014

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:41 AM PST

With a new fresh meta incoming, what better time than this to reminisce about past metas of Hearthstone. In a series of five posts, we will wander through the metas of the past. Last week we covered 2013, and today we will continue our journey – it's 2014.

Pre-Naxx era – Death of Mages, Rise of Handlock

As we have learned from later metas, when a meta deck is capable of a one-turn-kill (OTK), the entire meta changes. Luckily during this period, this deck was mainly the OTK Warrior (decklist). Razor took this deck to rank #1 legend in January, despite there being plenty of Ice Block-decks in the meta. The Freeze Mage was still popular, but an aggressive version of Mage was by far the more common type that you would find at the top of the ladder (according to liquidhearth articles). The Aggro Mage (decklist) worked similar to modern aggro mages, utilising Mana Wyrm early game and removing threats with Frostbolts and Fireballs. The one difference was the 8-mana monstrosity in Pyroblast, that could finish games with seemingly no way out. Some people experimented with Ice Blocks to be able to gain that extra one turn needed to cast Pyroblast.

However, Mages were weak to decks that were even faster, such as Aggro Rogues and Zoo Warlocks. These decks relied on early game pressure and finishers such as Leeroy Jenkins (at this time costing 4 mana!), and were particularly strong against the Mages that at the time severely lacked cheap AOE spells. One specific minion that was king was the Blood Imp, which at the time gave all other minions +1 Health.

Two other strong contenders for the best deck of the meta at this time were the Midrange Druid (decklist) and the almighty Handlock (decklist). Molten Giants cost 20 mana, and thereby cost 0 mana when your Health was 10 or lower. The Handlock did great job at stopping the Warrior OTK by giving taunt to big minions, but it could also stop early game pressure from the Zoolock and Aggro Rogue with AOE's like Hellfire and Shadowflame, and Ancient Watcher which was given taunt by Sunfury Protector. This deck in the right hands (pun slightly intended) could beat any other deck on ladder.

This was also the time of Tinkmaster Overspark, which was featured in plenty of decks. Before this card was changed in March to what it is right now, the effect was targeted, and could therefore be used as a reliable heal or silence. Old Tinky was used a lot in decks to counter the giants, by shrinking them in size and possibly removing taunt.

Before the game was opened up to all players as a beta version, a final touch was made to some of the cards, such as Blood Imp, Dark Iron Dwarf, Defender of Argus and Sylvanas (used to cost 5 mana). Two card changes in particular would change the meta completely: Pyroblast (8 to 10 mana), Warsong Commander (Only minions with 3 or less Attack gain charge). This completely killed the OTK-Warrior and the Freeze Mages. It seemed Blizzard wanted to focus on more interactive gameplay.

After this patch, one class rose above them all - Druid. This was the time the Innervate + Yeti meme became the nightmare opener for anyone playing against Malfurion. With other strong cards such as Keeper of the Grove and Ancient of Lore, they were simply more powerful than the other classes. The combo Force of Nature + Savage Roar was experimented with by many players, including StrifeCro and ThijsNL and proved to be very strong to close out games. Other decks that saw play during the post-patch era was the Midrange Shaman, Miracle Rogue and Aggro Hunter, now with a 2 mana Unleash the Hounds (previously 4). This deck in particular pushed down Handlock slightly, which in turn gave even more room for the Druid to reign supreme, but only for a short period.

The weeks that followed, decks like Puffins Murloc Warlock (decklist), Control Warrior (decklist), and Amaz Priest (decklist) were starting to see play on the ladder. People seemed to be content with the current state of the game, and no deck was way too strong.

The game was eventually released at March 11th, and more features such as card backs, golden heroes, ranked resets and reconnections were added. Both Tinkmaster and Nat Pagle were nerfed, never to be seen in the meta again. This meant decks generally had one less card to deal with those pesky giants, and you know what that means. It's Handlock time 2.0! Now comes with a Leeroy + PO + Faceless combo that seems totally broken! Although, the deck was very hard to play, because of the careful management of your own Health. But when one deck becomes strong, the counter deck will be almost as strong. This meant that Hunter increased in popularity so much that UTH had to be nerfed again, back up to 3 mana.

The first addition in form of an adventure Curse of Naxxramas was to be released in July, and the meta was for the first time stable. During the time up until Naxx, Reynad invented modern Zoolock, Handlock was being pushed down by Hunters, which was being pushed down by Druids. So what? Druid was the new king of the meta again? No. Rogues are back. And this time they had lasers, in form of the new Backspace Rogue (decklist). Forsen (sneakpeek on Naxx) and Kolento also experimented with Miracle, which had been in the meta for so long now that Gadgetzan Auctioneer might just need to be nerfed soon.

Adventure 1 - Curse of Rexxarmas

So, finally, Naxx was out in July 22. People were expecting an anti-aggro meta because of cards like Sludge Belcher, Deathlord, Zombie Chow and Unstable Ghoul. Turns out, they were right, at least at the start. One card that immediately stood out was Loatheb. The ability to shut down the Miracle Rogue right before the Auctioneer turn? Sign me up! Well the Miracle Rogue embraced it instead, and made it their own card. Also as if Freeze Mage wasn't dead enough during this period, Loatheb would bully that deck for years to come. Freeze Mage did get some good addition in Mad Scientist, which did bring it back from the grave.

Sludge Belcher proved itself to be much better than Taz'dingo, and made its way into many control decks. A general rule about new expansions is that people usually start experimenting with heavy cards, because they are in general flashier and more fun to play. This leads to an upsurge of control decks in the meta. During this particular control meta, the Control Shaman (decklist) was born. Previously, the Earth Elemental crusher shaman had been played a lot, but this version added the Kel'Thuzad + Reincarnate combo, which was both fun and strong. It is still played in Wild today. Eventually though, people were done with experimenting, and were looking for the strongest deck. Turns out the strongest deck would come from a class that hadn't been able to experiment as much - Hunter.

Rexxar received four fenomenal cards, three of which weren't even class cards. These were Webspinner, Haunted Creeper, Mad Scientist, and Undertaker. The latter would make people concede turn 1 if it was dropped without answer. It was the most powerful 1-drop printed so far, and in a class with three new shiny Deathrattle-cards, it fit like a hand-in-glove. Something like this is what would typically happen. The deck was simply cancer, spreading like a wildfire, and after a few months everyone (read ~25%) was playing Undertaker Hunter (decklist). During this time, Starving Buzzard was a 2/1 for 2 mana, which made the deck really consistent. When people were tired of Rexxar, they played other fun decks like Zoo (now with eggs), or Malygos Rogue. There simply wasn't much room for control decks anymore. However, a timely nerf in September reduced the power of these decks by targeting Leeroy (4 to 5 mana) and Starving Buzzard (to 5 mana 3/2) to further decrease the consistency of the strongest deck in the game. This gave more room for the Zoolock, and this was showcased perfectly in the World Championship in November.

Blizzcon 2014 – Tournament of sweeps

The Hearthstone World Championship 2014 was played in a Last Hero Standing (LHS) format, which meant that if you win with a deck, you must keep playing it until you lose. The loser's deck is out and can no longer be used. This allows for counter-queuing, which essentially means that if you lose a game, you know what your opponent will play for the next match and can choose your next deck accordingly.

However, in many of the games of this tournament, we saw a lot of 3-0 sweeps from decks, where they would take the series once they got a win on the board. The winner of the tournament - Firebat brought a lineup of the strongest decks, Zoolock, Midrange Druid with Combo (Combo Druid), Undertaker Hunter and Miracle Rogue. In his five matches up to the finals, two of them were 3-0 sweeps with the Rogue and Warlock respectively. In his second group stage match, he was up 2-0 on the Hunter, and eventually got reverse swept by Kranich's own Hunter.

The championship title stood between him and TiddlerCelestial, who had shown great piloting skill of the Zoolock, being 7-3 with that deck in the tournament so far. Once again, Firebat swept 3-0, this time with the Combo Druid and thereby won the $100,000 prize money. The finals can be seen here.

During this event, the next expansion Goblins vs. Gnomes was announced. Nothing I can say explains how wrong people were better than if the streamers tell it themselves. Basically, Troggzor the Earthinator was supposed to be the almighty king and saviour, that everyone was gonna put in their deck because it was so freaking busted. Also Dr. Boom would not quite make the cut because it would be competing with Troggy. Well, shit. During this time Blizzard also finally nerfed Gadgetzan Auctioneer to 6 mana (from 5), Soulfire to 1 mana (from 0), and Flare to 2 mana (from 1).

Expansion 1 – Shredders vs. Belchers

So, in the 8th of December, GvG introduced some of the most busted cards printed so far in the game. Behind the core list of Piloted Shredders, Antique Healbot and Dr. Boom that went into most control lists, you had plenty of cards that shaped entire new archetypes:

  • Mechwarper allowed for really fast synergy decks with mechs, one of the most popular ones being Mech Mage (decklist). Also Mech Shaman (decklist) became a thing when people started to experiment a bit more with Crackle & Whirling Zap-o-matic.

  • Tinker's Sharpsword Oil (Oil) gave birth to the Oil Rogue (decklist), which made good use of Weapon Buffs and Blade Flurry to quickly burst and clear the board.

  • Death's Bite & Shieldmaiden pushed the already close-to-tier-1 Control Warrior over the edge and into the limelight. There would be more to come from this archetype in 2015.

  • Imp-losion made the Zoo deck even stronger than what it already was.

  • Muster for Battle & Shielded Minibot gave Paladin a much needed buff, as I realised I haven't talked about Paladins at all, which completely swings around in 2015, so don't worry. There will be time for justice.

  • Lightbomb made appearances in Control Priest (decklist), with Dark Cultist as a staple 3-drop.

People soon learned the golden rules of GvG:

  • Always kill the opponent's Shredder before conceding, it could be a Doomsayer.

  • Always place your Shredder in the middle.

  • Always save your Big Game Hunter for Dr. 7.

  • Always kill Mechwarper.

All in all, a very good year. Most of the biggest nerfs in Hearthstone history happened in 2014. In terms of power level, Warlock probably had the best year, having two decks at the top for very long. Rogues, Warriors and Hunters had their time in the spotlight, and Druid was just always consistent and good. The remaining for classes remained unseen for very long. Mages lost a lot in the pre-beta nerfs and hadn't really recovered until the Mech Mage era. Priest was only really played by Amaz (joking of course), and Paladins and Shamans were just weaker versions of Druids. This would all change in 2015, with the new cards from Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament and League of Explorers. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you all next time.


2014 was a good year for Warlock. Handlock, Zoo, Combo Druid, and Undertaker Hunter dominated a meta that was changed a lot due to nerfs to core cards like Leeroy, Auctioneer, Pyroblast and Unleash the Hounds. Naxx introduced many new control tools and GvG gave us Dr. 7. (Seriously, how do you write these things, I can't even.)

submitted by /u/Reelox14
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New Card Reveal: Rummaging Kobold

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:11 AM PST

Zalae: "First impression: I think this might be the strongest card in the history of hearthstone or at least standard."

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:04 PM PST

Nozdormu is broken

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:26 AM PST

I was playing the game of Hearthstone with my identical twin, just embarking on a close-to-light speed rocket journey. From his comoving frame of reference, he had far longer than the stated 15 seconds to plan his move, and casually disposed of my full board of Feral Gibberers in good time.

Not sure why the developers persistently ignore the effects of time dilation and special relativity for twins trying to reenact paradoxical thought experiments.

submitted by /u/Goblet9000
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Esporte Interativo Card

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

Did they forget about releasing a card? It should have been out 10 minutes ago on their facebook page.

submitted by /u/grimmscore
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So, I dusted my collection to craft a golden Big Druid

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

Thank you r/hearthstone for making me revisit my gaming habits. The recent self-reflection about the gambling (!!) elements of this game have made me realize how much of my life I was neglecting to play this game.

Don't get me wrong; I love this game. I've made Hearthstone friends IRL, I've improved as a player, and I've had some of the funniest moments of my life.

The problem is that these positive games were heavily outweighed by grinding. It became a habit to open Hearthstone when I arrive home and continue playing until after midnight, tossing away my obligations. I played Hearthstone as a drone, making moves on autopilot without gleaming much satisfaction out of it.

So I crafted my final deck in my Hearthstone career. Full golden Big Druid. It took me the entire collection that I've built through a measly $55 and thousands of hours of grinding.

If I was going to quit Hearthstone, I'm going to go out with a blast. And my god, it feels so good to be freed from the burden of my collection.

Today's brief play session with that deck was fun, which hasn't happened in a while.

It was also kind of sad to realize that my thousands of hours of grinding over the past two years were worth...one golden deck, albeit an expensive one.

And I guess I'll be spending some of the time I would've played Hearthstone sleeping well, some of that time on my schoolwork, and some of that time doing fun things, like playing games with an actual narrative and an ending.

Look at this beautiful deck.

Just wanted to get this out there. If I could make one person in my situation think twice about this game, it was worth it.

submitted by /u/Skaliq
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Kripp spectating rank 19 priest plays

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:34 PM PST

Interaction: Could the New Rogue Secret, "Cheat Death" Could Resummon Deathwing: Dragonlord?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 05:22 AM PST

So basically, the combo would be to play Deathwing: Dragonlord and have Cheat Death in play so when the Deathwing dies it will resummon it.

The card text for Cheat Death is, "Secret: When A friendly minion dies, return it to your hand. It costs (2) less." And from the past, when a card says "whenever," rather than "after", it typically does the effect befor the minion "dies," like how Frothing Berserker gains attack before it dies.

So this will most likely not be viable even if this is how the interaction works but I am still curious and up for discussion.

submitted by /u/espodrew
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New Priest dragon: Duskbreaker

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:13 AM PST

Lets start a kickstarter to buy the Brazilian card revealer a clock.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

Dear Team 5, we know you're keeping a "close eye" on wild but..

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:44 AM PST

At the start of this year Team 5 said they had failed wild during 2016, not giving it any proper attention and generally just treating it as a non-existent game mode. They emphasized it shouldn't feel like a lower valued trashcan and they were going to improve things!  

I've been primarily playing wild, and although I prefer the format over standard, I have this weird feeling that there is something not quite right about the meta, something that many consider unfun and unfair. I'm talking about the absolutely massive and disgusting prevalence of Priest.  

I know it's on your radar, but could you take another look, and maybe see if that radar is still functioning?  


submitted by /u/Throwaway9231824912
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Shoutout to Mike Donais for his presence on the sub after the stream

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PST

Even if the reveal and the cards were a bit underwhelming, good old Mike gave us answers and his point of view on the cards revealed today.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/OnePete7
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Misfortune: a Hearthstone Story

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:14 AM PST

Ever since Knights of the Frozen Throne set came out, I've been saving dust for months and months, slowly building my dust income. I researched and planned which legendary I was going to craft first. I logged in at least once a day and got my daily quest. After building enough gold to buy a pack, I would immediately dust it - for one day, I would be able to finally craft that legendary.

That day - was today. The time has come. I finally reached my goal. As I clicked the legendary that I had my eye on, I looked at the price. Today was the day that I remembered that legendaries cost 1,600 dust - not 16,000.

TLDR: I forgot legendaries cost 1,600 dust. Not 16,000.

submitted by /u/DarkJodo
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Where are they now?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

I saw the reveal for Feral Gibberer and it reminded me of someone. He's had a tough life since Yu-Gi-Oh.

submitted by /u/ATPsych
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[META] Why do we still have no standards for card reveal threads?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:45 AM PST

It's clear people are upvoting anything to do with the card reveals. That's fine. People should get excited about the new expansion. The problem is right now there's 3 cards on the front page with multiple threads about each one. Each thread with a different format for the title. It makes it needlessly more difficult to keep track of which cards have been revealed AND to prevent all this karma whoring duplicate threads.

For one it's already a rule for pretty much every other sub and every other topic that there's one thread per topic. Why not card reveals? The other is there should be some sort of very simple and basic format posters should adhere to make sure that the title is clear. Something as simple as the title must include the name of the card, class, and rarity. That's it. Go crazy with the syntax. Add whatever else like where it was originally revealed. Add stats. Add classification like spell, minion, weapon. Just as long as it's clear what card the thread is about in the title.

submitted by /u/TechieWithCoffee
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TFW Esporte Interativo is 2 hours late with their reveal and posts this instead

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

Don’t let Duskbreaker shadow the power level of Branching Paths

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:24 AM PST

Although Duskbreaker is undeniably powerful, let us not throw Branching Paths to the sidelines. People complain that Druid's anti-aggro tools are too powerful and shamelessly bolster one of the former weaknesses of the class. But even so, Team 5 decided to give Druid Branching Paths, an extremely flexible Greater Healing Potion that works at full health AND can provide extra burst damage or draw if needed.

Of course, it's not at all near the same power level as UI. But nonetheless, it might be smart to keep this card on your radar; Branching Paths may be the sleeper annoyance that plagues this subreddit for the months to come.

submitted by /u/Been_Ssbcomp
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All new Kobolds and Catacombs cards shown on the reveal stream today.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:07 PM PST

Feral Gibberer

  • 1 mana 1/1 rare neutral minion
  • After this minion attacks a hero, add a copy of it to your hand.
  • Gameplay

Sudden Betrayal

  • 2 mana common Rogue spell
  • Secret: When a minion attacks your hero, instead it attacks one of its neighbors.
  • Gameplay

Cheat Death

  • 2 mana common Rogue spell
  • Secret: When a friendly minion dies, return it to your hand. It costs (2) less.


  • 4 mana 3/3 rare Priest Dragon
  • Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, deal 3 damage to all other minions.

The Runespear

  • 8 mana 3/3 legendary Shaman weapon
  • After your hero attacks, Discover a spell and cast it with random targets.

Branching Paths

  • 4 mana epic Druid spell
  • Choose Twice - Draw a card; Give your minions +1 Attack; Gain 6 Armor.

Level Up!

  • 5 mana rare Paladin spell
  • Give your Silver Hand Recruits +2/+2 and Taunt.
  • Gameplay

Lesser Mithril Spellstone

  • 7 mana rare Warrior spell
  • Summon one(/two/three) 5/5 Mithril Golem. (Equip a weapon to upgrade.)
  • Spellstone progression

Kathrena Winterwisp

  • 8 mana 6/6 legendary Hunter minion
  • Battlecry and Deathrattle: Recruit a Beast.

VOD link Thanks, /u/bdzz!

submitted by /u/deviouskat89
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The Chinese site NGA, which just revealed the Druid Weapon, read the card wrong (The English translation is correct)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:01 AM PST

First of all, the card text is provided by blizzard and is correct. So are the translations we have here on reddit. But the site's introduction went way wrong and is misleading many Chinese readers. The topic is a bit long but I'd like to try my best to avoid being clickbaiting or misleading.

In the site's introduction, it talked about the innervate nerf which hit druid recently, and describes the effect to be the same as kun's and similar to innervate. Though in fact it's exactly the same as Astral Communion, which means the extra mana, even if spent, don't go away at the end of turn.


It can be roughly translated as: ... the weapon's special power is the same as druid class legendary Kun's battlecry, an oversized innervate... And you can see it's definitely wrong.

And the other parts are all talking about the innervate nerf and how to spoil the effect (which was also based on the wrong read). On local forums many people are having heated discussion about what this card actually do. Though some has pointed out the fact, like I do, the site has not responded yet and the misleading introduction is still up at the moment.

I am mildly disappointed by this. It is the first non-blizzard revealed card and the site somehow managed to screw it up. It means two abilities the site lacks:

  • The ability to read card text correctly, or in other words, understand the rules. (The card text is the same as Astral Communion's in Chinese, there should be little mistake.)

  • And the ability to simply ask blizzard what it actually do to avoid misunderstandings like this happen, or in other words, simple communication skills.

And yet a site like this gets to reveal the first card. I don't know if we can blame blizzard for this, but please next time let a competent site do this. And to the site that get to do such reveals, please make sure you don't get things wrong, so you don't confuse the whole local playerbase like NGA is doing now. Meanwhile there are some other Chinese sites way more popular and competent than this NGA, but they aren't getting a reveal this time.

Just a Chinese player's concerns though. I'm hoping that the upcoming reveals can be better done than this. I'm also hoping that blizzard or NGA, after seeing this post, can officially post something to clarify this and settle down the misunderstanding in CN playerbase now.


A Chinese Hearthstone Player

the reveal article in Chinese

submitted by /u/SiriusWolfHS
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