Hearthstone - [0:44] Umbra's Premonition

[0:44] Umbra's Premonition

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:01 AM PST

Starting November 14th, Death Knights can no longer be drafted in Arena

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:59 PM PST


Death Knight Hero cards can no longer be drafted in Arena.

Starting on the morning of Tuesday, November 14 PST, we will remove the nine Knights of the Frozen Throne Death Knight Hero cards from the Arena draft pool. While the Death Knight Hero Cards are exciting and powerful to play, their permanent Hero Power upgrades are hard to combat in a format where answers are limited.

We will continue to monitor Arena balance and make changes on an as-needed basis. Please note this change does not remove Death Knight Hero cards from existing drafted decks. For a complete list of cards that are not available in the Arena draft pool, please refer to our Arena Specifics forum post on the official Hearthstone forums.

submitted by /u/powerchicken
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Weird bug on today's stream. FeelsBadMan

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:17 AM PST

I wish we could upgrade our non-golden cards to golden cards with arcane dust :(

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:35 AM PST

I hope blizzard implements this option. Gwent has already smth. like this!!!

submitted by /u/TiTaN-------0
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There should be a Starter set released at the start of each year.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:10 AM PST

So, what i mean by this, is that there should be a bundle you can buy, aimed at new and returning players, something around the $10 pricepoint which has a pre-determined set of good cards from the 3 expansions from the previous year.

For example, at the end of year of the mammoth, there should be a bundle you can buy which features some of the key/good cards from un'goro, frozen throne, and kobolds, with them mostly being rares and commons that saw a lot of play and/or are just good cards that are easy for new players to understand and use in decks. Things along the lines of Tar creeper, arcanologist, Stonehill defender, Scalebane, spirit lash, bone drake, despicable dreadlord and plague scientist would be included (all 2x copies). Of course to make it look like an attractive purchase to a player, it would probably also be wise to include a guaranteed legendary from the year in the bundle(for mammoth it would probably be elise).

This could be an invaluable resource to a new or returning player, as if they were to buy the packs they get a load of relatively useless cards that they wouldn't be able to make a good deck from. It's also worth noting that they likely would never want to buy older packs anyways as they have a lower value to them, due to the fact that they are the next cards to rotate.

I feel that this style of product, whilst likely of little to no value to a regular player who played for the entirety of the last year, would help vastly in improving the new player experience in hearthstone.

submitted by /u/spaceninjaking
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Blizzard still hasn't fixed the extra space between "over." and "You" in Prince Arthas' concede emote.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:48 AM PST


It's been months since people first noticed it and it's something so simple, yet so infuriating.

submitted by /u/PitaGiroApOla
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I didn't leave because of price. The ladder is stupid.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:36 AM PST

I don't have a whole lot of money but spent what I could on Hearthstone, at least affording the pre-orders. Though in the past 6 months I've opened Hearthstone a handful of times, down from spending multiple hours a day.

The real reason I stopped buying expansions, and stopped playing is because I can't stand the ladder system. The resets feel way to severe and the time investment required just to get back up to players at a similar level is just too intense.

I loved Hearthstone because I could jump in and out when I want. But as I got better and started achieving higher ranks, the game requires a bigger and bigger time investment. The game literally became a Tamagotchi that I got tired of caring for. Then I started to play less because the grind felt too boring, which fed into the cycle - putting me lower and lower on the rankings.

Now, I simply don't play ladder because I'm down at rank 25 and I know that the time investment to achieve my skill level rank is just too extreme. I'm not a huge arena fan either so I'm down to barely opening the game.

I will say this: as soon as Hearthstone fixes their laddering system I will come crawling back to it like it's a hot ex-girlfriend, and I'll spend all my money on her again. Until that day, I'll continue chicken-dinner hunting.

TLDR; Hearthstone ladder takes too long to achieve a rank which suits your skill level.

submitted by /u/lcmotes
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MORGL v TYRANDE: A Hearthstone Cartoon!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:31 AM PST

Holy Value Batman

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:08 AM PST

I haven't been playing HS much, but this gave me good chuckle today.

https://imgur.com/Z646JhC I guess even Jade Druid is not equipped to handle this much value..

submitted by /u/BestEve
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The Increasing Cost of HS

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:05 PM PST

Shower thought: Most people love this game (even if they say otherwise) and the fact that they can't enjoy it as much as they wish is what's making them sound outraged and toxic.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST

When any aspect of a game is bad, people will point it out. But not just that, they will also try to find someone they can blame, whether it is that person's fault or not.

For example, I've seen tons of people blaming Ben Brode for everything that they are displeased about (they view him as the one guy who pushes all the buttons to make Hearthstone the way it is), whether that's balancing of the game, or the state of arena, or the cost of packs, or some promotion outside of the game and that just doesn't make sense... I know there was even an article yesterday that was talking about the increasing cost of HS and they had an image of Auctionmaster Beardo with Ben Brode's head on him. People need to remember the people that are directly responsible for designing and balancing one of Blizzard's games likely have little to no influence over the financial side of it. Blizzard has people who's full time job is literally "figure out how we can make the most money out of our games."

If some people happen to dislike Ben Brode, Mike Donais, Dean Ayala or anyone else on the HS team for an entirely different reason that's completely understandable. But directing all the hatred towards people who are not directly responsible for why you are upset isn't doing any good for anyone. And in general, spilling hatred is not accomplishing anything good.

Many players are obsessed with finding someone they can blame for all the things they wish to see changed in HS and they will direct all of their hatred to anyone from game designers, streamers, content creators, pro players, casters or even just the average random person that happens to say something positive about the game: "Hey, this week's Brawl is pretty nice." "OH YEA? OF COURSE IT'S NICE IF YOU CAN MAKE A DECK WITH 30 BUSTED LEGENDARIES AND CRUSH ANYONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE THOSE CARDS! YOU SUCK!"

I know that the group of people who are vocal about their hatred are a pretty small portion of the game community as a whole, but the upsetting part of it is that (I think) these people enjoy the game just as much as the people who don't complain (if not more). The main reason why they are so upset is because they love the game so much and can't enjoy it to the fullest...

submitted by /u/feierflorin04
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18 deck for standard and 18 for wild

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:16 AM PST


I play in wild and standard, so i must mixed my decks, i must choise what deck i want create. depend if i prefer play in standard or wild.

We can create 18 deck, in my case, i create 2 deck per class.

But i must mixed my deck, so i create 9 for standard and 9 for wild. :(

I would like 18 deck for standard and 18 for the wild :)

I think it would be nice if we could create 18 deck for the standard and 18 for the wild.

So what do you think for the possibility of create 18 deck in standard and when we swap in wild, we can again create 18 deck for wild ?

Do you think that blizzard can integrate this? For them, 18 deck is enough.

Blizzard read thread on reddit ?

submitted by /u/Otastyle
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It's been almost a year since Blizzard mentioned making Tyrande available again

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:10 PM PST

As a priest player, there's nothing more I'd like to see.

submitted by /u/blazingfear
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Deal notice: Get Kobolds and Catacombs for $38. 10k Amazon Coins are on discount again

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:18 AM PST


I've been keeping an eye on them, and they were 13% off yesterday ($87), today they dropped to 24% off ($76).
You can download Hearthstone through their appstore on Android, and purchase Kobolds and Catacombs. I managed to save a lot doing this.

Btw, you can also purchase it at the cheaper $49.99 US price even if you're outside the US (and even if you're battle.net currency is in € or £).

Hope this helps!

submitted by /u/cheekyjan
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Top cards of the week from /r/customhearthstone (11/11/2017)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST


Hooboy has it gotten very cold very quickly. Hopefully some of these cards from /r/Customhearthstone can help warm us up, especially with a bunch of Kobolds & Cavern inspired cards starting to pop up :)

I'd like to also make a quick blurb about feedback as well while I have the chance. Every week, the cards featured here get a lot of praise but also a lot of harsh criticisms in regards to balance as well. Now I'm not trying to say that they all are fair and balanced, but I encourage you all to look beyond just the surface of the cards and look at the interesting new effects and possibilities that they bring with them. After all, /r/customhearthstone is more about creativity, exploring new ideas, and pushing boundaries; balance is more an afterthought for most people. But still, feedback of all type is still valuable and I thank everyone who provides it each and every week. I know a lot of the card designers look through this post and your comments help them create new and better cards.

Last Week

submitted by /u/Coolboypai
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Rank 1 Legend Free to Play: My Experience, Advice, and Thoughts on Hearthstone’s Cost

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:16 PM PST

Hi Reddit! My name is ESOGlokta, and I'm a rising competitive player and streamer. I held rank 1 legend for about 2 weeks in late July, and I ended that month with a rank 5 legend finish! In addition I recently qualified for the HCT Summer Playoffs with a ton of points, all on an account that is still completely free to play! You may have seen me on stream at Playoffs or on stream at Dreamhack Denver where I just missed the cut with a 6-3 record.

I wanted to make this post to share my experience playing Hearthstone free to play. In a few sections I'll give my best advice about playing for free and towards the end I'll comment about Hearthstone's current state, cost, and free to play as a whole. Hopefully I can contribute to the cost discussion and inspire even a few people to try playing for free! (If pack prices haven't done that already)

I consider Hearthstone to be a game where playing competitively for free is very viable. Basically what it comes down to is a time investment rather than a monetary investment. However with lots of ways to make that time shorter, and with how much I enjoy the game, building my collection has been fun! This post is getting long, so feel free to just take a look at sections you're interested in.

My Timeline

I started playing Hearthstone around Blackrock Mountain (April 2015). Inspired by Trump(SC) and my friends, it soon became my goal to reach legend free to play. To that end, I added F2P to my battletag to ensure I would never stray from my goal. I first hit legend 8 months later (December 2015) with a netdecked tier 1 Midrange Combo Druid. However, what was more significant for me was hitting legend for the second time 7 months after that (July 2016) with the tier 2 deck Miracle Rogue (I was even missing key cards like Tomb Pillagers)! The second time convinced me I could be a competitive player and remain free to play, and by 2017 I was hitting legend every month. In the summer of 2017 I made my first push towards the pro scene by successfully qualifying for HCT Playoffs, and in August I started streaming. Sadly HCT 2017 ended after Summer so I can't wait for January when I'm going to put all I've got towards Worlds 2018! Hope to see you then! To give a real idea of the time I've spent, I have around 9,000 total (including arena) wins over the past 31 months, so an average of 9.5 wins every day. I hit the 30 win maximum very rarely, and if I do it's because I'm grinding for legend or high legend, not for the gold.

Collection Managing

As you can see, my goal in Hearthstone is to be a competitive player. What that means is I aggressively disenchant everything I'm not going to use. That includes all golden cards, all wild cards, and all the unplayable epics or legendaries. It's important to realize that a full collection is pretty difficult to achieve, even if you buy packs. Therefore if you would like to have more cards, you may have to narrow the scope and only go for cards you really want. It's totally fine to keep your copy of Loatheb if you enjoy wild! But if you find yourself not playing a card very much then it might be better to just put the dust towards something new or something you would play more. This section won't apply to everyone, but my advice is that if you're missing cards you want to play with then don't be afraid to disenchant the cards you don't play with.


Arena runs are incredibly important if you're looking to build your collection for free. If getting cards is your main goal and you have the time, I would recommend spending all of your gold on arena. Obviously arena runs are only worthwhile if you average over 3 wins. However I have to admit, my first five arena runs totalled 1 win. That's right, four 0-3s and a single 1-3. After that experience I was discouraged from playing arena, but by watching some pros and consulting a tier list I got better. Now I average over 6 wins and can definitely say that the initial runs I did were worth the investment! Arena is hard and has a huge learning curve, but something to keep in mind is that the gold lost on 0-3 runs is actually very minimal!

More Advice

Now in this post I could talk about optimal quest rerolling, completing the hidden quests, and crafting the most valuable legendaries. These were all things I did to try to get the most out of the time I spent. However when I started playing I didn't even know you could reroll quests, much less that there's a pity timer on packs! Despite not knowing these things at first I did completely fine just by spending time on the internet learning. My collection grew very slowly initially but I got faster and more efficient over time. Then I learned about the expansion cycle and started saving up, meaning I at least had something when expansions dropped. Now I have no trouble maintaining a large free to play collection and can save up around 8,000 gold per expansion, enough to make a few fun decks to play for the first month of each one!

My biggest resource and forever my number one recommendation for anyone looking to improve is Twitch streams. Good streamers, and what I now try to emulate on my stream, talk about their plays, discuss Hearthstone, and answer questions. I think watching Hearthstone is really fun, but there's also a lot to learn if you take full advantage of it!

Finally I'm also going to link several other resources that helped me succeed. I never would have reached legend for the first time without knowing an overview of the meta, and I never would have got my first 12 win arena run without a tier list!

Vicious Syndicate HearthArena Hearthstone Wiki

Free to Play Now

There has been a lot of controversy recently around the price of Hearthstone with now 3 expansions per year and 2 legendaries per class in every expansion. I can definitely see the problem: adventures were over twice as valuable as far as gold cost per legendary, and they had far less total cards to collect. I can't speak for what starting a free to play account now would be like, but I can say that my account has continued to thrive. Journey to Un'goro was the first expansion with 2 legendaries per class, and it's meta was the one where I had the most competitive success! Looking back, I now only own 5 of the 23 legendaries from Un'goro, which is not that many! I acquired them fairly easily from my saved up gold, arena packs, and dust due to the rotation.

If I had to guess, I would say a new player starting free to play now might struggle a bit more. There is currently 5 full sets and 1 adventure in play, compared to 3 sets and 2 adventures after The Grand Tournament came out in 2015. It was hard for me starting in 2015: I had no Goblins vs Gnomes cards for a while. I think it took me 6 months before I crafted Dr. Boom. Eventually though I did catch up, and more importantly I enjoyed playing the game throughout that whole time! Now because of the extra expansions catching up would take more time, but I think it's still doable. Especially if hypothetical new player focused only on Standard; disenchanting wild cards at rotation can gain a lot of dust.

Hearthstone's Cost

By my estimation a lot of complaints about Hearthstone's cost stem from the very low expected value of buying packs. Spending $50 for an average of 2.5 legendaries feels really bad. But I think it especially feels bad because of how it's not too hard to get those same packs with in-game gold. Take a look at the last expansion you preordered to see how many legendaries you have. Let's say you have 10 from Knights of the Frozen Throne: that would mean that (on average) only 25% of the legendaries you have came from the packs you bought with money!!! That's the real problem: the $50 you spent is not getting you much more than you would have gotten playing for free! For another example, consider going 7-3 in arena. You get your gold back along with a free pack, getting in just 10 games what someone else would get for $1 or more. And for many people, 7 win arenas are not too far off of average.

Of course, it's great that it is possible to get so many packs in Hearthstone without spending money. The game can be played for free and for people like me that's awesome. But for people who don't have the time to play tons of arena, spending money needs to feel worth it, and I imagine that as of right now it doesn't.

There has been a lot of great solution ideas floating around the subreddit this week. I think the best one that I've heard is for Blizzard to sell pre-built decks. For the right price, this would allow people who spend money to get something cool and valuable that you couldn't as easily get for free. In addition it could make the entry barrier of the game lower and allow new players to get cool cards from several different expansions! Finally without the randomness of packs you would know exactly what you're getting for your money. Even though I'm free to play I hope this is something Blizzard implements. For now though why not join me playing Hearthstone for free!

Concluding Thoughts

Clearly I've spent a lot of time playing Hearthstone, which is the main thing that has allowed me to succeed without spending money. However I think I prove that it can be done! Another thing to note is that if your goal is to play competitively, you're going to be spending tons of time anyways practicing, learning, and ranking up! If your Hearthstone goal isn't that ambitious then I'm a strong advocate of just using the cards you have gotten for free to play fun and interesting decks. A perfect example is my recently opened Cenarius, which has barely even been in any Tier 4 decks that I can recall. However last season on stream I made this sweet Token Druid which ended up with a positive winrate in top 200 legend! Other examples of decks I've played on stream recently are Tempo Egg Priest, Mill Druid, and Menagerie Zoolock! These decks are all pretty cheap and after some tinkering they have all done reasonably well! Also building your own decks can be a lot more fun than playing stale meta decks. Since everyone will guaranteed get a few legendaries, why not try making decks with whatever you do happen to open next expansion!

That's all from me thank you for reading! Hopefully I'm able to inspire even a few people with this post. If you'd like to know anything else I'll answer comments or feel free to message me on Twitch or Twitter!!

TLDR; I'm a high level competitive Hearthstone player and I think Hearthstone is a viable free to play game. Investing time instead of money as I did can get you lots of cards, or the game can be enjoyed for free even with less cards! In addition I think complaints about the price of the game come mostly from the low expected value of buying packs. Try playing for free!

submitted by /u/ESOGlokta
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Who needs that C'Thun guy anyway?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:59 PM PST


Now they really are twins. :)

submitted by /u/apracticalman
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Why doesn't anyone use emotes?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:50 AM PST

I've been noticing this a lot lately. I love interacting with my opponent and letting them know they played well or if something funny happened. But it seems like most of the players I come across don't even return the "well played" at the end of a match.

Is this a common thing or am I just reading into it? Lol

submitted by /u/lonely_sad_angry
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Am I wrong in thinking that Flare should destroy Counterspell instead of being countered?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:25 PM PST

It's not like "destroy all secrets" is a very common mechanic, so if you put it in your deck as a specialty tech card it should be fully effective, i think. Maybe it's too powerful to counter counterspell?

submitted by /u/harpydiem
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Is it just me or is the collection awfully buggy

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:45 AM PST

The search bar doesn't show what I'm typing along with swapping places every time I type a letter, and every time I disenchant a card I have to leave the collection and re enter it to disenchant another. It's painful

submitted by /u/ExHibiiTz
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Amnesiac Tastes the Salt

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:38 PM PST

Can we take some time away from sharpening pitchforks to talk about how good the legendary animations have become?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

Looking back at the older legendaries and how blizzard gave Deathwing and Thalnos animations made me realise that ever since Karazhan, every legendary (except Barnes) has it's own entrance effect with it. Compared to the basic to old gods sets it's a huge step up, where being a powerful card like Tirion, Sylvanas, Dr Boom or Reno wasn't enough for you to get a special entrance (that is unless you count battlecries as entrance effects). Now legendaries don't even have to be good to get animations. Sargent Sally and Moorabi may be garbage but at least they have flair to them unlike Paletress and Deathwing dragonlord.

In fact, even the 3 tar minions have animations and not only are they non-legendary, they're commons to boot.

submitted by /u/THEREALSPARTAN9001
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NaviOOT gets a sweet shaku card

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:23 PM PST

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