Guild Wars 2 - [Keks] Power Holosmith | Sword/Shield | No Kits | DPS Benchmark | No Meta build

[Keks] Power Holosmith | Sword/Shield | No Kits | DPS Benchmark | No Meta build

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST


In Raid DPS Benchmark:


I will share my Sword/Shield Power Holo Build after many ppl in Raid ask me about that.

This Build is not for max DPS but it's ok with constant 29k-30k. The rotation is rather simple and has no kits, you use only Sword/Shield and the Holoforge + Utility Skills

In 99% of my pug raids (150-250li+ groups) i was top DD with this Build and higher then other Holosmith's or Condi Engi's.

For premade Raid Groups the classic meta builds are better, but it is a very fun build and for the first time Holo feels like a normal class and not another variation of Engi. I really wanted to get rid of the Kits and create a fun build that is at least viable DPS-wise.

Feel free to have fun and use it :)


if you have questions you can ask me in game: Xashija.7913

  • Written rotation:
  • Rifle Turret
  • Particle Accelerator
  • Surprise Shot
  • F5
  • Corona Burst and Photonblitz on cd
  • Blade Burst over 50% Heat
  • after over heating
  • Prime light Beam
  • Laser Disk
  • Photon Wall -> Launch Wall
  • Auto attack
  • wait for Photon Forge
  • Repeat

  • F3 and F4 on cooldown and F2 Every time when you are over 50% Heat

submitted by /u/XashijaShino
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Canvas painting

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:44 PM PST

Signet of Inspiration Be Like

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:56 PM PST

[Art] Im real tired of your shit (have a good time) by tinhan

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:52 AM PST

Tyria is Wasteful! (xpost from r/educationalgifs)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST

Any Word From the WvW team?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:23 PM PST

Just wondering what the Wvw team are up to. I don't remember hearing anything from them for a while. I've heard many rumor on what may be in the works, but can't find any info since before PoF's launch.

submitted by /u/Manawind
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What it’s currently like to ride mounts in Guild Wars 2

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

TIL... home-instance cats are the real Raid-Bosses. They come equipped with a 25-kill streak nuke.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

If you like the effect of Aurora but have no gold.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:27 AM PST

Cooking with friends

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:38 AM PST

Earth Shield Condi Weaver - 33.3k DPS

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:58 PM PST

[Art] Pixel Versions of my Thief throughout the Years

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:30 PM PST

This gw2

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:31 PM PST

Statement from CG why PoF mechanically can't be profitable:

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:41 AM PST

Hey all - CG (Grind Coven) wanted to make a statement today about why PoF is near-impossible difficult to make profitable... (Not regarding meta-events per say).

Outlining the issues:

  • Bounties: they take too long (with scaling) to make effective for farming, and the rewards are really bad.
    • There are no additional awards for making the effort to physically pick up the bounty contract.
  • Chest Farming: CG really tried to make this work. We did around 5 full tests, with 20 people then 50+ people. Summary - the less people you have, the worse it is.
    • Bounty chest locations are RNG on item use, which is unique to each player.
    • It requires raid-level attention and efficiency1 from all squad members. It's simply too much work for a pug or even guild-level organisation.
    • Each map has several 'circles' for spawning chests inside of, each 'circle' has around 7-10 chest spots, and the circles are huge, not small.
  • Trade Caches: These in beta were great, they were super cheap and made trade contracts worth farming, however, with their price hike, they become nearly unprofitable.

1 - Every player in the squad must be aware of: their own chest location, how to reset it, not to make a mistake in picking up someone else's chest before using their item, knowing that they must mark their own chest (giving everyone lieutenant).

How can ArenaNet fix this I am personally not one for venting frustrations without offering some constructive solutions.

Chest locations: Make them fixed spawn, rather than RNG-on-item-use or allow the item to be refreshed without having to relog/rezone.

  • Bounties: Increased rewards for people that physically collect bounties, also increase overall rewards, maybe with the chances of something else along the reward line?
  • Trade caches: Make the keys cheaper, make buying them cheaper. Whatever it is to make PoF supersede Silverwastes.

Closing statement:
If Chest Locations remain RNG per character, it is going to be quite difficult to make PoF profitable and replayable. I plea for you to change it - these maps are visually stunning and capturing visually, but for content, they simply aren't capturing enough to leave silverwastes.

TL;DR: PoF cannot mechanically be profitable; rework is needed. Bounties need an overhaul, reward given for physical collection of bounty. Rewards need to be buffed overall.

CG's Discord is now open to the public: - if you want to come chat, feel free and ask us questions :)

Data added due to redditor comment:

Research Yield:
- 10 Buried Treasure
158 trade contracts (highest yield was 27 in a single open).
6 Green unid.
6 Blue unid.
1 Elonian Skin (Rare)
4 Eye of Kormir
An assortment of crests & rubies.

Bounty Yields:
Bounty Yield(s):
1-22 Ley-Infused Sands (37 from legendary bounty)
1-25 Trade Contracts
1-10 Pile of Trade Contracts
2-3 Blue/Green Unid gear OR 1 rare unid.
1 junk item (highest value was 50gs for me)
10+ data entries.

submitted by /u/DakotaCoty
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First world boss completed!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:07 AM PST

Hey all, I have been playing for about two months now and I must say your community and game is pretty great!

Yesterday I was able to join in on a wold boss, TT in the bloodtide coast and it was AWESOME. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it as I am not max level but the people running it were really nice and explained things well. I also currently play LOTRO, but I am really enjoying the random world events on GW2. It makes if feel much more like a community when people randomly jump in and help you defeat a challenge.

I'm really happy I picked up this game, and this subreddit has been very helpful.

submitted by /u/mikyu416
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[Art] Bevyn

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:20 AM PST What Does Class DIversity Mean

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

Dynamic events in PoF

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

Hello everyone, I am currently doing my daily achievements regularly. So I'm not just in PoF maps but also much more in core maps. And that's why I'm a bit confused why the events in PoF are less "dynamic" as in core maps. Just as a disclaimer. This is not going to be a rant. I enjoy PoF and GW2 a lot, and maybe I'm even wrong because I haven't played a ton of open world PoF. Just completed the maps and did the events on the way.

Now to my observation. First I feel like PoF has more events going on than Core Tyria. But also there are some events that just happen almost always. It doesn't happen that you run around like in core without seeing events. But it's mostly just the same events. Even though they are much more interesting and fun due to the fun mobs. Most of them are just "Kill everything on screen"

My second "issue" is the term dynamic. I don't feel like the maps actually change if a event succeeds or fails. There is a event in vanilla where you fight a Lich ghost and after the fight the church behind him collapses. Or when centaurs in harathi, claim a base camp from the seraph. Or the water pipes in Queensdale which can be destroyed by centaurs. Bandits that take over the village etc. I don't think I've really seen something like this in PoF. It's often an ambush that stops after a timer runs out. If it fails or succeeds doesn't really matter. It's not like a village will be empty. Also there aren't a lot of chains or branches of chains that could happen. I know core maps also don't have a huge variety and don't do changes to the maps as often as I probably think, but I still miss that from PoF. Changes in the world and more variety of events is on my wish list.

Maybe they're scared it won't work as good because of mega server or some other technical reason.

I hope I explained myself good enough.

Did you also have this impression or am I looking at the game with the wrong mind?

submitted by /u/Noschii1
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Deimos Just Won't Leave Us Be

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:19 PM PST

Tonight we had a fun bug at Deimos. At 25%, only 2 of us went up (oops!). We phased to 10% as the 2 fought for dear life. Unfortunately, they died before Saul stopped talking. By the time Deimos dies, Saul is still chilling with us. So Saul and Deimos came to get loot with us!

sweet pics here

submitted by /u/omg_itskayla
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The Commander Under The Sun

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:02 AM PST

My daughters wanted to make a Guild Wars 2 video

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:41 AM PST

This is our first ever video and our entry to the Wooden Potatoes competition. I hope you enjoy it...

submitted by /u/A_Fine_orange_Lick
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Heading 250 years back, the last one (for now) | Tomb of the Primeval Kings!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:26 PM PST

Heya guys,

As the title says, I've got a new Guild Wars 1 Landmark covered in a Guild Wars 2 video! This one is a bit different and shorter than the last ones. The reasons being that I'm using voice and can cover a bit more of content with that and the Tomb of Primeval Kings is a lot smaller than a whole area. Let me know what you think: (playlist can be found in the charts)

Anyway, this one is also going to be the last one for now! I felt that I already covered a great deal of areas and there's still a lot more to explore but I want to change my content up a bit. More Guides and lists (top 5's) for example. Suggestions are welcome! I'm gonna pick up these series again in a couple of weeks but had some other ideas in mind. So don't be afraid if you liked these, they're coming back for sure!

As a last note, I'd like to thank Reddit, you guys! I got hundreds of upvotes and thousands of views for my content. It helped my channel grow a lot! I'm gonna use this for the WP contest and see if we can get more people hyped for this game!

Thanks and see you in the next one <3

submitted by /u/Yosika
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Some love for Downed Skills ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:04 AM PST

Downed skills are 99% untouched since release.

Every profession has its nice mechanics but there is too much disparity in efficiency. Usually we have #1 auto attack #2 prevent stomp or avoid death #3 big nice thing

  • Necro : mostly ok. #3 is a bit weak but it compensates for a strong #1 mechanic that can be a game changer especially in spvp and open world. #2 is a bit weak : contrarily to all other downed interrupts, it is countered by stability AND resistance, by stunbreaks AND condi cleanses, and even by slow. Could use at least a shorter cast time to get some relief with that last counter.
  • Mesmer : too weak imho, has no good fight back or get up mechanics. Maybe make #2 targeted or last longer (especially in pve, it isn't enough to lose any agro). Maybe make #3's clone stronger either in damage or in hp (in pvp it's too easy to get rid of it or ignore it).
  • Ele : in a good spot imho
  • Warrior : #3 should have its RNG removed. Kill something ? Good. I don't want to be forced to take the trait. In pve, should still work on enemies that don't have loot/xp for other reasons like story or farm nerfs (exception : critters). If necessary, balance it with something else like a 5-10s debuff after the full rally (be it un-cleanable weakness, or something like gw1 deep wound for example) and change the trait to ignore that debuff or even make it a buff.
  • Guard : good spot
  • Rev : #2 could use a cast time reduction. #3 needs to be fixed, it hits once like a wet noodle, doesn't do what it says in the description. Plz properly hit 4 times, and do the pull thing.
  • Ranger : good spot
  • Thief : #3 is a bit weak. Like mesmer it it not enough to lose any agro in pve (otherwise useless) => add duration for pve. In pvp the duration is ok but easy to cleave, maybe add something so it becomes an actual #3.
  • Engi : close to good. #3 should do more damage in pve, and also actually work (too many times it does nothing, I don't know if it's a bug, easy interrupt or just blind, but a #3 shouldn't be wasted like that)
submitted by /u/Keorl
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[Video] Power Mirage PvP Roaming Montage

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:59 AM PST

Hi back with a new vid, maybe the last this year but for that its a bit longer ;) Again power Mirage ranked pvp, placement + plat t3 gameplay.

I was asked to add some more rotations into my pvp montages and that eats a lot of time in a vid. Few matches are not cut that much, so you can see also rotas and not only fights. I tried to explain here and there but explaining everything in text would be too much, so i hope it can still help maybe. Pls also keep in mind, that some rotas are done in terms of carrying a match or just because i can and not because thats the job a power mes is meant for. You have to decide by your own, how many risk you will and can take. The most important thing is to stay alive at least when taking a risk, so when you see you were too cocky or selfconfident or you simply failed, than leave before you die and dont get stuck in your own mistakes.

Another reason for the length of the vid is the music. I made a nice epic rock playlist and wanted to use/share it as a whole.

Next vid will be shorter again i promise! So sry for the ppl who hate long vids, but i hope at least the music makes it worth watching all.

I also know that my editing is not as epic as the music deserves it but yea... cannot change what i cant ;) Anyway enjoy!


submitted by /u/JazzXman
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