Grand Theft Auto V - I missed the mechanic so I made my crewmate fill in...

I missed the mechanic so I made my crewmate fill in...

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:43 AM PST

Huge save in the Pyro only for the other guy to kill himself...

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST

Hunter Hyped!

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:52 PM PST

What are you're expectations for this op chopper?

Mine as long as it's gonna get countermeasures and not toilet paper plated I'm buying.

Bro it's the hunter!

submitted by /u/waterfire221
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On the topic of children and GTA

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:07 AM PST

The classic situation. Child vs parent in the most epic war their generations have seen. Does GTA corrupt your morals or cross a moral boundary? At what age should GTA become acceptable? Is it not acceptable no matter what age you are?

I'm 14, almost 15, and my parents won't let me play GTA because they think it crosses a moral boundary at some point. However, I've already played games such as: Payday 2, Just Cause 2 and 3, a lot of CoDs, Battlefields and Assassin's Creeds. More recently, games such as R6 Siege, PUBG, and Watch Dogs. I've seen movies such as: Deadpool, Dirty Grandpa, Wedding Crashers (I'm including this one because of the explicit use of topless women), and so on. All of these games/movies I've experienced were with the complete knowledge and understanding of my parents. Do you think their ban is acceptable, even though I've experienced all the "bad" things that GTA has to offer?

submitted by /u/TheHamGamer
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What is the fastest Muscle Car in the game now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:39 AM PST

I'm looking to build a fast muscle car and want to know which one I should be building cheers for any info. Also is the New rapid gt classic fast? Is it worth the cash?

submitted by /u/shiftyshamrock
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Is there such a mod ?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:32 PM PST

Add more military vehicles, APCs ,tanks, helicopters, fighters, bombers, planes, boats, and paratrooper, etc.

military can use all weapons, and vehicles, APCs ,tanks, helicopters, fighters, bombers, planes, boats, and paratrooper, etc, hunt you down.

submitted by /u/willy3215
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Version Compatability

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:46 PM PST

If I buy a hard copy of gta v for PC can I still play with friends that got it on steam?

submitted by /u/Ciscus
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Rockstar fix your shitty creator.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:50 PM PST

I love to dabble in the creator but the limitations are actually starting to piss me off,many of these ive hoped tockstar would add naturally over time...but no rockstar dont give a fuck about the creator i feel these must be brought up to make the creator alot better.

  1. Vehicle deathmatches these have been in the game for gods no when but can players create them why after 4 years is this game mode restricted from acsess from players.

2.the ability to put vehicles,guns and spawn points etc ontop of props is magical vanished from the lts and capture creators,this is so stupid that a player using those creators have to use stupid bugs to place down a gun or something on a prop...

  1. Special vehicles have not been added to the creator why! Ive been patient but rockstar being rockstar fail to release them to the creator,but instead being pricks only allowed acsess to them in the race creator... which brings me onto

  2. Customization this is extremely annoying as certain vehicles essential the new aircraft like the rouge dont have guns equipment by default. An ability to add weapons and cosmetic upgrades to the car/plane should be implemented by now the beat we can do is change the skins.

  3. This one is small but still annoying the howard in the creator doesn't have acsess to its skin selection who ever forgot this is a fucking idiot,as well the tula,dodo and Seabreeze cant be spawned on fucking water...

  4. The creator is seriously lacking the control features that the director has acsess to such as, -more control over weather and time of day The creator only has acsess to morning day and night and clear or rainy weather... The director on the other hand has more control over the weather with abilitys such as fog,stormy and xmas weathers and the ability to set the time to dawn...

7.the 3 current creators (excluding race) need to be brought in line and balanced as some offer features other dont have acsess to...such as, -Last team standing can only place 30 vehicles while others like the deathmatch creator alow up to 32 vehicle's. -actors are only alowed in the capture creator -minimum player start is only accessible in the deathmatch creator,sucks building a capture only for the min player start being 2 people...

  1. Creators should be given acsess to all the props that are in the game or at least more then the current state players can once again look thru the director creator and look at all the props they get that creators dont such as,destructible walls. Players in the creator need acsess to basically every prop in the game this includes stuff like the bushes and trees we cant acsess to stuff like staircases and ladders players sould have as much creative freedom as possible.

9.the props from the race creator need to be added to the rest no creator should be limited to what they have acsess to and its stupid the race creators get treated to more fantastic props other creators cant acsess

  1. The ability to set a playable area is a needed feature and not the shity lts version players should be able to draw out there player bounds on gamemodes like deathmatches and captures simular to how players can draw in were pedestrians can spawn in on the capture creator.

  2. Creators should be able to set outfits for use in creations or at least be able to ban certain clothing stuff like helmets and thermal goggles are Op in deathmatches etc...

12.the ability to no clip in creator, creators should be able to no clip into buildings and have access to interiors so i am not forced to do stupid gliches to get into buildings...

If theres anymore super fucking stupid things rockstar have fucked up about then plz share them. Hopefully rockstar actually fucking fix there broken mess of the creator...

submitted by /u/Saboteii
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How long until I get to research explosive sniper ammo?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:39 PM PST

I have already researched 10 different, rather useless products and still have not gotten to the explosive sniper ammo. I'm tired of getting destroyed in every lobby because I simply dont have the same artillery as others.

submitted by /u/jerzeypipedreamz
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Best way to make money

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:02 PM PST

Whats the best way to make money other than spending actual money on digital currency? I find constantly boosting cars and delivering crates till be very tedious.

submitted by /u/jerzeypipedreamz
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What is the best way to make money now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

I have beaten all the heists and have about $3.5 million but haven't played in a long time. With all the new things what is the one that makes the most money?

submitted by /u/Donny-Berger
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[Single Player] Is it even possible to play the game without getting shot a bunch of times?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:33 PM PST

In Grand Theft Auto IV, you could take your time with each and every shootout/gunfight, you could strategize and play it cinematically and carefully and do it without getting shot at all, and even if you did get shot you could just pretend it didn't happen in-universe because Niko wouldn't have a bullet hole in his body.

Now in GTA V it seems nearly impossible to get through a gunfight without getting hit at least once. They are so fast-paced and always have at least 5-10 enemies all out in the open at ONE time, and then one piece of cover for your character, so there doesn't seem to be any way to plan it out other than just pop out of cover to kill one guy at a time while getting sprayed by everyone else each time you pop out to do so. The enemies can even hit you while you're in cover, and the blind fire still leaves you vulnerable, unlike in IV.

And it breaks the immersion SO much when you are shot at and a big cloud of blood comes off and michael/franklin/trevor are covered in bullet holes. My question is, is there any way to avoid getting shot? What kinds of strategies have you guys come up with? And does anyone else share my opinion on how annoying it is to see the protagonist riddled with bullet holes without it seeming to phase them? Did rockstar do this on purpose, or was it just too difficult to program the bullet holes to show up on enemies but not the player?

submitted by /u/CalmPassenger
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My opinion on Dat Saintsfan

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:36 PM PST

Ok so I think this might be a little controversial but here I go. I don't think Dat Saintsfan is that bad. I think people hate him because he's in Mr. Fuckfaceftw's group.

Take mid roll ads for example, in his last ten videos only four have been over ten minutes. They all had only two ads, the second ad was always at the very end of the video.

I do think he's running out of content and he's posting pretty crap videos, but isn't that the case for all you tubers. YouTube is in a horrible state and he needs to upload videos to make money.

The last thing I'm going to cover is the accusations that he disrespects his fans. More like his fans disrespect him. Take his streams for example, he reads the chat gives shoutouts and takes suggestions into consideration. At the same time people are killing him and destroying his stuff in game. He gives away shark cards and the people that say he doesn't are wrong. I actually talked with one of the winners and he told me he revived the code and it worked.

If you still hate Dat Saintsfan that fine. I just hope you can take my opinion and many others into consideration.

submitted by /u/Voose200
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thanks rockstar for the free 400k

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:37 AM PST

i was able to buy a pretty nice car and start some heist. my brother hasn't gotten his money yet but i told him to just be patient

submitted by /u/underratedkilla
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[Discussion] I didn't get my 400k?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:48 AM PST

Please help me!

submitted by /u/SoreeAL
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