Fallout - Fallout 4 was released two years ago today!

Fallout 4 was released two years ago today!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:47 AM PST

I meant to post about this before starting work this morning but got caught up. Sorry about that! Full credit to /u/gtaguy12345 and their post for reminding me!

Fallout 4 released two years ago, 10/NOV/2015, to mixed reception. The game made positive steps forward towards more modern gameplay, but regressed with respect to other core elements, to varying degrees. IMO it wasn't a perfect RPG nor a perfect game in general, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing through it!

Please share your experiences, thoughts, and reflections here, or in /u/gtaguy12345's thread since they posted first! ;)

submitted by /u/Shaka1277
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Happy 2 Year Anniversary to Fallout 4!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:12 AM PST

FO4 May not be my favorite Fallout but I'll be damned if it wasn't my most hyped game of all time.

The hype was insane, like through the roof. The build-up to the release was wild, what with trailers and leaks, amazing. I took off school that day I was so excited. It took me 3 days to finish the game, and I haven't played it once since. Not because I don't like it, but because that week was so insane I just want to leave my memory of Fallout 4 at that.

11/10/15 - 11/10/17 ... Two Damn Years Already.

submitted by /u/gtaguy12345
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NCR Service Rifle - Recreated, in real life.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:54 AM PST

https://imgur.com/a/V90UU <- Forgive me, I don't know how to properly post images in the sub.

After many months of sourcing parts and waiting on anodizing, my NCR Service Rifle is complete!

Fallout: New Vegas has been my absolute FAVORITE video game for years and I have well over 3,000+ hours into it (on PS3 of all platforms). Since this game has been a large part of my life, I wanted something "physical" to take away from it that isn't the typical patch, bobblehead, or special edition (even though I have all of these already).

I started with an 80% receiver that was engraved to match the game and then sent in to get a greyish anodizing. By doing it this way, I believe, this is the most accurate Service Rifle clone out there.

Here is a spreadsheet detailing the build of this rifle.

submitted by /u/The_Guardsman
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Someone in Vault 101 was so angry at the Overseer that they graffiti'd "fuck you" over an existing "you."

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:07 PM PST

Theory: Could the Nightkin's Stealth Boy-Induced Mental Issues Be Due To Their Immunity To Radiation?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:28 AM PST

This is a random idea that came to me while visiting Jacobstown, and it could explain why the Stealth Boys affect people the way they do.

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts, so please comment down below.

So, the information we know (that I'm aware of):

  • Thus far, only nightkin have exhibited cases of schizophrenia and multi-personality disorder due to Stealth Boy overuse, as well as Stealth Boy addiction (both physiological and psychological. These issues seem to take a century or more to develop, or at least to become apparent.
  • Humans, ghouls, regular super mutants, and other creatures, as far as we know, have not shown any problems brought about by prolonged Stealth Boy use.
  • Nightstalkers can generate a natural stealth field due to their genetics (demonstrated at Big Mountain). The Nightstalkers of the Mojave do not seem to exhibit this gene however - the stealth field nightstalkers we hunt near Jacobstown have the trait due to chewing on a Stealth Boy (though this could be argued to have been a 'reactivating' of a dormant gene, perhaps?)
  • Stealth Boys give off some sort of 'stealth radiation', which is either given off by the stealth field or the source of the stealth field.
  • Super Mutants and Nightkin are immune to radiation (they do not absorb it).
  • Ghouls do not suffer the same ill effects from radiation absorption as humans and most other creatures. Ghouls either suffer no ill effects, or suffer brain decay from it (though I don't recall there being any actual confirmation on any of this). In all cases however they do gain some regenerative properties while irradiated, and can be physically healed by radiation (and even mentally healed by certain types of radiation, as demonstrated by Jason Bright if his spaceflight is successful).
  • Stealth radiation doe snot have the same effects as the traditional radiation we know of (it is not detected by your traditional Geiger counter).

This is the theory I propose: Stealth Radiation, unlike regular radiation, is not harmful when absorbed, but is harmful when not absorbed. It is this lack of absorption that harms the Nightkin, and would likely harm other super mutants if they were to extensively use Stealth Boys.

This is how Stealth Boys work with this theory: when activated, the Stealth Boy will project a controlled electromagnetic field around the user that will bend light around the wearer, giving the appearance of invisibility. In order to do this, some of the radiation must pass through the user. For your average user this is fine, as they do not have any immunity to the radiation that would destabilize the field. Some would even be able to absorb this radiation over time (specifically nightstalkers and possibly ghouls), which can lead to mutations that would enable them to generate their own stealth field naturally (though it may be a permanent condition if it develops).

With Nightkin, and likely all super mutants, however, their immunity to the absorption of radiation destabilizes the field and forces it to bend oddly, causing the wearer to see slight, shifting variations in their sight that may or may not be noticeable (think something similar to optical illusions and hidden undertones in music). This oddity in perception is not something super mutants or nightkin are built to be resistant to - in fact, nightkin may be even more susceptible because they have much better senses than an ordinary human or super mutant. With time, this issue shifts their brain chemistry, making it more sensitive to such visual stimuli and other stimuli, leading to various mental issues (some 'benign', like Keene, some more extreme, like Davison, and many in-between).

Couple this with a psychological desire for stealth boys (or more specifically, the stealth field that keeps them out of sight; likely this is simply a more exaggerated form of being antisocial that developed from extensive time spent invisible and alone), and we are left with a a looping cycle of degradation.

=Other Notes:

Curing and Adjusting the Nightkin

  • Stealth suits, like those the Chinese used in the pre-war era, could likely help the Nightkin adjust to society without damaging their minds. I say this because I believe such stealth armor would not be emitting the stealth field through the wearer, and would rather be emitting it via around the wearer via ports on the suit. This would allow the nightkin to stealth to their heart's content without risking damage to their minds, as the field will never be disrupted.
  • Curing them is much harder, as it would require readjusting their brain chemistry back to what it used to be, or at least to a more stable state. This could be achieved via surgery, if any of them were willing to be guinea pigs, but I doubt any would allow it. Another avenue could be to try and use alternate light frequencies to adjust their brain back steadily overtime, but the only safe method of doing this would take at least another few decades, longer than most nightkin have the patience for. A final option would be a rapid inundation of different lights to effectively reformat their brains, but this would likely risk damaging their memories and personality. Beyond these methods however, I'm not sure how their condition could be cured.

Non-Nightkin Super Mutants

Your standard super mutant (east or west) would likely distort the stealth field in the same manner as a nightkin. However, they likely wouldn't suffer as much for the following reasons:

  • Regular super-mutants are used to being seen regularly, so they would not develop the antisocial personality quirks that easily.
  • They rarely if ever use stealth boys, as they are trained to serve as infantry rather than an elite commando unit.
  • It takes (from what we see) roughly a century for these side-effects to become noticeable, and the stealth boys have to be used regularly as well.
  • Regular super mutants (from what I am aware) also aren't as sensitive to stimuli or as perceptive as nightkin, so the disrupted stealth boy field likely won't affect them as badly as most of them may be unable to actually pick it up in the first place (preventing it from affecting their brains as much, as they won't be actively adjusting to the disrupted stealth field).


Since ghouls absorb radiation and suffer no ill effects from that absorption (beyond possibly brain decay), it is possible that stealth boy radiation may actually be purely beneficial for ghouls. It likely wouldn't have the same healing properties as nuclear radiation, but could still have a gradual healing effect (similar to the valiance headgear you can get in Old World Blues or the original version of the Solar Powered Perk). This likely would be even more beneficial than normal radiation in the long run, as the the weaker radiation likely wouldn't be as damaging as nuclear radiation is to their brain's ability to function (if the theory of radiation harming their brains holds true, which characters like Jason Bright show may not be the whole story).

Another possibility is that, were a ghoul to absorb enough stealth radiation, their bodies may actual begin to turn invisible over time, eventually getting stuck in a situation where they have a permanent stealth field. (Anyone want some true-blue ghost ghouls in the next Fallout?)

submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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Fallout 3's way of saying "fuck you"

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:43 AM PST

This is a yes man appreciation post

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:43 AM PST

Cause who doesn't want an army of Nye invincible, grenade machine gun wielding death bots?

submitted by /u/JayRicktor
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I wish Coursers had more combat animations

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

The way they're talked about makes them seem like some sort of weird cross between Terminators and Agent Smith, but it's not really like that. Being able to block/counter melee strikes, blitz people, increased agility, and general adaptability would go a long way to make them more threatening

submitted by /u/rfriar
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Best settlements and settlement tips in general?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

Fondest Memory of F04 So Far?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:12 AM PST

In honour of FO4's 2nd Birthday, what is your favorite memory playing the game?

submitted by /u/galgadotfuckmeup
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I'd really like a DLC/mod that's future baseball

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST

The swatter guy explains baseball as a fight to the death between teams using baseball equipment in a stadium. It would be badass to have something like this in the game. And not some shitty Oblivion arena bullshit that's tiny and boring. I'm talking fucking gigantic, pyrotechnics, traps, crowd throwing shit at the teams they don't like. It could be beautiful.

submitted by /u/NRod1998
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My worst / most hated quest(s) in fallout 4

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:54 AM PST

So I don't know about anyone else but I don't mind the minute man quests in comparison to the railroads wavelength quests all it is is go here place this comeback and rinse and repeat. You can't even tell Tom you don't want to do this.

submitted by /u/draught_marrow
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PSA: If your Xbox has the new reflections bug, clear your cache.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:59 PM PST

With the new update, people on all platforms are reporting a bug where reflective surfaces like eyes and puddles have a weird, neon/oil-slick look to them. If you have this problem on Xbox, turn off your console. Unplug the power chord from the back of the console, and wait thirty seconds. Plug it back in, start the game, and pray to Atom that it worked.

submitted by /u/kidgun
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[Possible Spoilers]Far Harbor is one of the Best DLCs I've Ever Played!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

It's been a few weeks since I posted about my slog through my master playthrough of Fallout 4 (as many achievements as I can get on one char, all DLC, all max affinity), and that was a long entry about how Automatron's final boss was the hardest thing I'd ever done in a Fallout game, thus far. Having recently completed Far Harbor however, I'd like to talk about this ExPac with anyone who cares to listen, and I have to say, Far Harbor is (in my opinion) one of, if not the best Bethesda DLC I have ever played... EVER. I loved this DLC! To start however, I'll admit that Nick is, hands down, my favourite companion in F4. I love how his backstory mirrors your own, (a man out of time) and how he's morally good, helpful, and overall just a good guy making his way in a world that isn't his. The Sole Survivor and Nick Valentine, synth or not, at least to me, seem inextricably linked to each other, and are perfect for each other. I say this mainly to show that yes, I'm a bit biased when it comes to Nick, and this DLC is all about the good detective. Anyway...

The main quest of the DLC revolves around finding Kasumi Nakano, but you actually find her fairly early on. After that, it becomes a quest to uncover a mystery about the Synth Leader (DiMa's) true identity and motivation. As the quest progresses, you are presented with three very interesting options about how to end it, and if you work hard, find everything, and pick the right options, a three-way peace is ENTIRELY possible! That's right! Unlike the main quest in the main game, you can actually complete all of the quests for each faction, and still get a peaceful ending. This is of course contingent on NOT completing the quest to KILL the other factions... (obviously). The quest is very compelling, and I really felt like the writers stepped up their game compared to the main quest. I felt like I actually had a choice as to what I would do. I could refuse quests, change my mind, betray people (if I chose), and destroy or build up a small society that was developing on the island. There's even a Mass Effect 3 style (synth consciousness) mission that makes you do settlement... puzzles. All very unique and thoroughly enjoyable.

The music to this DLC is superb. It has wonderful first-nations influences in its instrumentation and is some of the most calming, atmospheric, and amazing music I've ever heard. I loved this soundtrack. After doing a few missions for the Harbormen, you're sent on a mission to kill a legendary Mirelurk Queen in a ritual called "The Captain's Dance" Since I couldn't fast travel, I had to walk from the Harbor, to a lake on the opposite side of the island. Doing so, unbeknownst to me at the time, passed me very close to a Children of Atom quest area. And so when I finally arrived to fight the queen, I was greeted with Mother of Atom ... It was so different and so impressive that I actually had to stop what I was doing and listen to the entire song, I didn't want the battle music to interrupt it. On survival, this music made walking back and forth across the HUGE island much more enjoyable and the soundtrack alone, to me, was worth the price of the DLC.

But ultimately, I think the most interesting part of this DLC is the question that it presents and truly makes you think: Are you a synth? Typically you can brush this question off, and indeed, you can say No, No (Sarcastically), No (emphatically), or 'How would I know?' Your first and only memories are the day before you were frozen, then you wake up in the world. You can't remember or recall really anything before. Is this not exactly what your experience would be if you were a synth? It's something that I never imagined before playing this game, and really does an amazing job of (whether you believe you are or aren't) giving you an understanding of just how jarring and cruel it would be to discover that your memories aren't your own, that you are a synth, and that everything you believed was true, might not be. For the record, I don't believe my character is a synth, but the question and conversation you have about the subject, really, really make you think.

This DLC is something really great. If you haven't played it yet, definitely give it a try. For the music, atmosphere, visuals, and the very interesting characters and questlines, I have to say this was probably my favourite Bethesda DLC I've done in a while, and maybe ever. At least that's my opinion.

edit: In case it gets asked, I'm almost finished with Nuka World as I write this. I like Far Harbor a lot better!

submitted by /u/thevaultguy
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In regards to President Dick Richardson!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:58 AM PST

Dick is know to be a shorthand for Richard. This would mean that it's accurate to call the Enclave President Dick Dickson, or Dick Dick for short. You may continue with your day now.

submitted by /u/NaiveMastermind
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[Fanart] Veronica Santangelo - FNV companion portrait series! 1/8

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:47 PM PST

PSA: You get 4 Lunchboxes, 6 Nuka Cola Quantum, And a Pet Carrier on Fallout Shelter.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

These are being distributed for Fallout 4's anniversary

EDIT: This sadly only includes mobile, Sorry PC players!

submitted by /u/Andypeanut
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Fallout 4 FPS Issue

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:40 AM PST

I physically cannot get above 40-45 frames when in interior or exterior cells in Fallout 4. When I look down, I get 61. When I'm loading I get 59-61. When I look up, 60. But when just standing or walking I cannot get my frames above 45.

I have tried so many different fixes and none of them have changed it even slightly.. Please, if you have ANY suggestions, hit me up here.

submitted by /u/JayyTF
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Will an this MSI laptop run Fallout 3/NV ok?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:18 PM PST

Return to the Wasteland

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:42 AM PST


I'm going back in. I already completed vanilla as a dude. Started again as a chick. Then time moved on and I sold the game.

But the (cazador) bug has got me. I just bought GOTY edition, it arrives tomorrow! So I haven't yet played Far Harbor, Automaton, Nuka World, nor had the workshop packs, or any mods (PS4 :()

Would be good to fill the time til tomorrow hearing about the cool shit to get up to from the community!

submitted by /u/MadeBrazen
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how do you imagine you would be in FO universe?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:55 PM PST

if you were in a If you were in the Fallout universe, which objects do you choose, which faction and which skills? me a reinforced leather jacket, a Plasma defend with telescopic sight, a Pip-boy 2000, and the skills will be Lockpick, lockpick and medicine

the faction that i'll choose would be the BoS

submitted by /u/Virgil1409
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What is the Best DLC?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

In your opinion, what is the best DLC in the Fallout series?

submitted by /u/Tileepay
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About to do a Permadeath Survival playthrough, any tips?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:28 PM PST

Like the title says I feel like lowering my self esteem, so I'm gonna try to complete Fallout 4 on survival without any deaths. That being said I've only put 70ish hours into this game. Any tips or tricks on ways to keep my self (and my sanity) alive?

submitted by /u/LiquidPanda2019
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Fallout: New Quebec [Part 2] - Intro Sequence

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:56 PM PST

I am continuing the work for my Fallout: New Quebec concept, and today I have some screen grabs describing the intro sequence. Enjoy!

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submitted by /u/FriendofManyFoeofFew
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Fallout 3 Windows 7 Fix

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:54 PM PST

Downloading Fallout 3 GOTY again. I have Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit. What mods and workarounds are there to make my game not crash so often, while also allowing me to use multiple sticks of RAM? For mods, I'd prefer them to be ones that are easily installed without a mod manager, as I really enjoy Fallout 3 without mods and don't want to complicate the process. Thank you

submitted by /u/OHFUCKMESHITNO
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