Elder Scrolls Online - My Bestfriend, Girlfriend, and I. All getting back into ESO!

My Bestfriend, Girlfriend, and I. All getting back into ESO!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 11:22 PM PST

Can we PLEASE fix the snail mail?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:03 PM PST

It's just agitating to have to swap zones to get the junk I buy off of a trader. 9/10 times I have to do it to get my mail to come thru.

submitted by /u/PrinceSauron
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Should I buy Morrowind if I just started playing ESO?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:59 PM PST

Is there any benefit or reason I should buy the dlc now or would it be pointless until I maxed out a character?

submitted by /u/DoctorOddy
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[PC]Just found this old glitch video I encountered during the ESO beta

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

Big thanks to trials group ;)

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 08:05 AM PST

Last night ran vet aa with some peeps from various guilds im in and to be honest I wasnt sure how it was gonna go but we got through it with minimal fuss .at the end all I got rewarded with was a load of yokeda crap ,great. So thought I'd ask in chat if anyone got any vo jewellery and before I knew I got a full gold set handed to me! holy poop I couldn't believe it , just wanted to shout out to everyone who was in my group thank you so much its what makes this game so great an awesome community of people in a great gaming world,love it!

submitted by /u/sherriffcleeton
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[PS4] The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Upgrade is 50% off

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:14 AM PST

[XBOX] [GUIDE] Can someone help me and my ma out with builds?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

Me and my mom play games together, often. and we love this game. But last time we played was last year, as time just got in the way of playing.
Now we wanna know what good builds are for what we are aiming for, and hoping anybody can help us! :)
We wanna be actually useful in groups and dungeons and all that stuff, and to be honest, I fucking suck at knowing the abbreviations of everything, so please be patient with me. Hahaha.
So, we both want to be Bretons, me being a Sorcerer, and her being a Templar. She wants to be a healer and I have no idea what to do with Sorcerer, we just know we wanna do it. Thanks in advance, guys! <3

EDIT: Hahaha, just realized how much my Chicago accent came out, calling my mom "ma". Sorry, guys. Hahaha. I usually fix that when typing but it felt natural, I guess! Lol.

submitted by /u/stonerfelt
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What medium style chest piece appeared to be shirtless on a male?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 01:37 PM PST

Does Srendarr track Rapid Regen?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:46 AM PST

Yesterday I installed Srendarr, but for some reason it never shows Raipd Regen. Is it a bug or a feature?

submitted by /u/DragonAdv
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[PC] Can my friend and I play together when he doesn't have Morrowind? (And I do)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 03:45 AM PST

Me and my friend wanna play the game together, but we can't figure out how to do so. We spawn in different areas. He can't teleport to me, I can teleport to him but I don't see any of the quests (We're both Breton). Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/julesrowland_
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[Feedback to Zenimax] - Please make interactions with NPCs more character-specific

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST

I think one of the best thing about TES (in particular TES3: Morrowind) is that the interactions you have with NPC are contextualized with your own character development.

For example, after you are revealed as the Nerevarine in TES3 the NPCs you talk to mention it and are impressed. I have even had NPCs refer to previous quest I have completed in seemingly unrelated settings.

I think there is room for improvement on that aspect in ESO. For example, I admit it made for a poor game experience when after completing hours of quests for Queen Ayren, she did not recognize me in the follow-up quest.

I was expecting some back scratching for saving her realm y'know.

Another example is that if you complete the main quest and defeat the final boss, well, no one seem to care at all. How rad would it be to have NPCs/quest bosses refer to your previous achievements or personal choices you made? It would make the game feel less mechanical.

submitted by /u/MichelSardou
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Morrowind worth it at half off?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:56 PM PST

So Morrowind is half off rn for xbox, and was wondering if it was worth it to buy. For I felt like at $40 it just wasn't worth it considering I don't really care too much for questing and that the endgame content it added felt lacking, only adding a trial and battlegrounds. But now that it's half off is it worth picking up? How much content does it add and is Vvardenfell worth going to even after completing the questline?

submitted by /u/Floppy_Frank
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Posglt your vMa trick!

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

With double drops this week in Wrothgar, I as well as many other people have been giving vMa another go. As I ask for help in guild chat ive noticed that just about everyone has one or two tricks or mechanics that they figured out that helps them through a tough level.

What I wanted to do was start a post to collectively have these tips accessible for others!

Full disclaimer: I have not yet beaten vMa. I am currently grinding my ass off to beat it by the 27th.

I will start! I noticed in the Frozen Rink, when youre on the last boss, if you grab the shield synergy before he stomps the second ice island you shoot the ads attacks back at them. This helped a lot because I started to run low on magika and couldnt get dps in while staying alive. The shield actually pushed me over the edge and I'm now stuck on the next boss.

submitted by /u/FastCarsAndDope
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Will the crown sale come on Monday or Tuesday? Or on the 24th?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 10:20 PM PST

I'm itchy on the trigger.

submitted by /u/Mauloch_
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[PC] Reshade DOF in ESO?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:34 AM PST

Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea how to set up a nice clean DOF effect with Reshade/SweetFX in ESO that's nice to use while actually playing rather than taking screenshots? So far all that it's doing for me is just randomly flicking on and off. Thanks to everyone who helps, I'm just getting back into ESO, and thought I'd spruce up my game with a nice custom Reshade job. Also, while I'm here, does anyone know the cheapest place to buy the Morrowind Expansion on PC?

submitted by /u/isaacfuzeallen
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What's your Character-naming style?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:26 AM PST

What's your way to name your characters? Lore-friendly named? Real world names? Funny names? I'm usually naming my characters using a name related to their race and a 2nd name related to their role/class. Such as Lucan Dragonheart being my imperial stamDK tank, Chloe Shademend being my magblade healer, and Shrek the Powerful being my fat orc stamsorc equipped with the Nordic bath towel.

submitted by /u/magicboten
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Can you transmutate an item more than once?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 01:03 AM PST

Enchanting: Stamblade (Agility Jewellery Set)

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 12:21 AM PST

Hey everyone. I am a Stamblade in Hundings Rage with weapons and 2 armour pieces nightmother.

I have a full Agility jewellery set. What enchantments should I have and why?

submitted by /u/hugoDBM
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Best way to find a crafter on ps4?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 07:48 PM PST

Ive tried esobay a few times and it always an extremely slow process. Are there any console specific discords anyone knows of?

submitted by /u/voodoojezuz
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[PC]Just for fun - have anyone tried copying the Warden from the cinematic?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 09:20 AM PST

For those who haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TvZ8arIamo

Have anyone tried copying this Warden in-game? Obviously it wouldn't be a BiS build, it's mostly just for fun. Race would be Redguard of course, and the hairstyle matches the "ridge" ("low mohawk") hairstyle available. There's no exact equivalent that I can see to the beard tho, at least not as default? Skin colour would obviously be dark, but perhaps not the very darkest. Hair colour black of course, perhaps not pitch black. Eye colour is impossible to see so that'd be just vanilla. Body in the 'muscular' category, face kinda rounded, perhaps close to the top of the pyramid? Obviously a two-handed sword (the one in the clip is strictly a hand-and-half, it seems, but still), I don't think there's an in-game style that exacty matches the one in the cinematic, the closest might be Ancient Elf, or possibly Trinimac? Armour would be hidden by the Warden costume, so probably just vanilla Redguard medium? Skills would seem to be mostly from the two-handed and frost-based trees, plus the bear from the Animal companion tree of course.

submitted by /u/TheDrunkenNord
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So, most frustrating thing in the game for you atm?

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 02:11 PM PST

Personally housing slots... Putting together a huge project only for it to be halted by them annoys me greatly

submitted by /u/Dralvok
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Nightblade veiled strike doesn't work, stealth explained

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 04:33 PM PST

I just came back to ESO after a long break and made a new khajiit nightblade. I've unlocked my first few abilities, including veiled strike. When I use veiled strike, the ability doesn't seem to stun the target as the tooltip explains. I will crouch, wait until totally invisible and am certain to approach the target from behind. On my first strike I use veiled strike, and the target doesn't get stunned. I even tried using the shadow cloak ability before veiled strike. Can someone please explain to me how steal/invisibility works in this game?

submitted by /u/chickenwingding
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[PC] You would get Free "TES:Legends" card game key, don't miss.

Posted: 18 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

Free thing for Premium Member or Clockwork DLC owners.

You will get Free "TES:Legends" (card game) key, if you log in Nov.19 on TES:Online.

Don't miss it. even if you are not playing TES: Legends, The key is good for trading with some cheap games.


submitted by /u/Eiran_Kisotsu
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