Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Aspect of Mazzatun

[Daily] Set discussion: Aspect of Mazzatun

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

Aspect of Mazzatun

Obtainable as: Jewels, Weapons, Heavy Armor

Type: Dungeon

Location: Ruins of Mazzatun


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
2 Adds 1206 Maximum Health
3 Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
4 Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
5 When you take damage while under 30% Health, you heal for 7052 Health and restore 6020 Magicka and Stamina. This effect can occur once every 45 seconds.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Mages Guild Monday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Mages Guild Monday is a thread aimed at sharing tips, tricks, knowledge and information about the game.

Know of a place that yields a particularly good reward? Got a tip about how to most efficiently accomplish quests? Have some good intel on good ways to serve your alliance in PvP? Let the community know!

In addition, if you're new to following the game, this thread is your chance to ask questions and get help from veteran players.

Please keep in mind the 'no personal attacks' rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

We look forward to your contributions!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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I've gotten to the point in my crafting journey where I can finally craft training armor for my alts

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:38 PM PST

I would love a Necromancer skill tree.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:29 PM PST

Saw the official forum is "invite" only but love to talk.

Even though it's evil, necromancer could be an interesting skill tree. If as a class the three skills would be:

1) Hexes: Use terrible spells to weaken your enemies. Also some life draining skills to help you create mana,

2) Undead Summoning: the de facto skill, conjure skeletons, bone giants, etc

3) Lichdom: More of a cumulative set of resistances that function similar to armor trees. The ultimate is Lich Form which gives great bonus to magic regeneration. Watch out for fire though.

submitted by /u/noxxshroude
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Well I was definitely not expecting this from my discovery crate for purchasing Morrowind xD

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:21 AM PST

As an Orc fan, please give us a Welwa mount

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:26 PM PST

I was bored and looked through the pets, I inspected the Craglorn Welwa and instantly grew an insatiable want to ride it into combat.

submitted by /u/Orc-Father
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Five new assistants that I would love to see in-game (and in my house)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:29 AM PST

New Assistants:

Gardener - 750 Writs / 2500 Crowns - The gardener can be given crafting materials once per day per home to "plant" around your homestead (requires courtyard) which after it has grown can be picked one time for more material payout than the amount given to the gardener (can be given stuff when summoned in the world but doesn't have much use outside homestead).

Blacksmith - 850 Writs / 3000 Crowns - The blacksmith is a limited vendor with blacksmith crafting supplies (at 35% up-charge) and can repair your weapons and armor at a 35% up-charge from anywhere in the world. While in homestead you can exchange his vendor ability for the ability to make one blacksmith item per day, per house for a 75% experience loss.

Bartender - 850 Writs / 3000 Crowns - The bartender is a limited vendor with leveled inventory of consumables (though at a 35% convenience up-charge) and can be tasked with making one provisioning item per day, per house (that you have the resources and levels for) for a 75% experience loss.

Guild Emissary - 1500 Writs / 5000 Crowns - The guild emissary can access your guild bank and guild store anywhere on the fly (for a 35% additional listing fee) and can be used in homestead homes to access the same features.

The Butler - 1500 Writs / 5000 Crowns - The butler can roam between your house and courtyard and keeps watch, he will gather small amounts of crafting supplies and gold while you're away (primary residence only). He can also be set to turn on lights in proximity and additionally can be set to follow the owner of the house around. The butler's main feature is that you get 10% more experience and inspiration and reduce timer from workbenches 10% in your homestead with the butler.

submitted by /u/iloveallcock
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Some nice attention to detail in Grahtwood

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:38 PM PST

While turning in equipment writs in Elder Root, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the tour going on in front of the Ayleid ruin is something that you can follow (up to the gates of Haven), and along the way the NPCs all have small lines of dialogue.

Thought it was pretty cool of Zos to put that in.

submitted by /u/bike_guy23
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Ran vMa for the second time since the event started...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:13 PM PST

Got a nirnhoned lightning staff and a infused inferno staff. Rng gods have blessed me. This brings my total vMa runs to around 20. Got every other weapon in sharp, nirn and infused in my previous runs. No need to ever run vMa again lol thank god the grind is done.

submitted by /u/Brunz514
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This Looks Incredibly Awkward...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:06 PM PST

I am considering this game

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:46 PM PST

Hi, I am finally hungry for some MMORPG action after spending half a year on war games and having no more interest for RuneScape (I'm always on and off on this game). Before ESO came out, I was really hyped for it, but back then paying for games and downloading them wasn't a luxury I have now. I've played Skyrim, so I'm not too unfamiliar with parts of what Tamriel has to offer, but I know ESO isn't like Skyrim or any of the other ES's. My question is, is it still a good time to get into this game? Also, I've checked the store listings on Steam and couldn't comprehend which is what, for instance Morrowind DLC is listed three times. Could really use some help on this too. Thanks.

submitted by /u/BasoB
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How to increase my magsorc dps to over 30k?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:44 AM PST

I'm a cp498 magsorc running 5 Julianos, 5 IA (gold jewelry) and 2 ilambris. My staves are both golden as i heard gold weapons can increase the dps.

My gear build is based on alcast's mystic but instead of using moondancer, i use IA (since i dont own the dlc). My rotation is based off another player (i forgot his youtube name) that uses volatile familiar and he seems to pull over 60k dps with that rotation.

When I use the target dummy, i can only reach 23-25k dps and when i start weaving heavy attacks, it goes all the down to 14k (what's up with that?)

My rotation as follows: Summon pet > light attack > LL > LA > blockade > swap LA > pet > LA > daedric prey > weave force pulse 4 times > cryst frag when proc > swap

When I'm out of mag, i either weave heavy attack instead of pulse or i use energy overload.

tl;dr how to increase dps and how to weave attacks without losing sweet precious dps

submitted by /u/SlyFi3ld
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Last night I was blessed

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:04 PM PST

[Discussion] [Spoilers] EP Bal Foyen Crossroads quest...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:59 PM PST

I've seen a couple of outdated threads out there discussing the choices, just wondering what did most of the current redditors choose?

Did you choose the fort (saving most of the refugees), or the dock (the captain and the girl?) Just reached this point last night, went to sleep coz I could not make a decision.

submitted by /u/Ra7nyday
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What other dedicated classes do you think would be great additions to ESO?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:59 PM PST

Let's shoot for lore friendly, balanced, and awesome.

submitted by /u/TheWord707
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Build for new playee?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:27 PM PST

Hey everyone! New player here. I'm stuck at the character creation screen trying to figure out what to do haha. So I would like a class that's high in damage, but is able to take a good amounts of damage. I am new to MMO's so I'm just trying to figure out how this all works. Any race or class is fine, I'm looking for good suggestions on what to do. I think sorcerer or dragonkight look mist appealing to me. All thoughts are welcome and much appreciated!

submitted by /u/ViciousRooster
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I just got my healer to 50. What's a good option for a healer?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:40 PM PST

New player . Need help

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:13 AM PST

I just bought the $10 version because I always wanted to play after I tried the free weekend weeks ago on ps4 . I'm now stuck in character creation and need help choosing a class/character/race. Also seen that you get 500 crown pts. What should I buy with those points .

submitted by /u/GeneralBape
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[xbox] Are DPS focused Stam Nightblades viable anymore?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:06 PM PST

I've come back to ESO after a fair amount of time away after buying the Morrowind expansion, are stam nightblades still viable for endgame content anymore? because I heard that they got nerfed to hell.

and if they're still viable, does anyone have any pointers?

submitted by /u/Infinity_Gore
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Does anyone do public dungeon group events anymore?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:45 PM PST

Trying to get skill points in some, but I've had to solo everything so far as nobody shows up, and just hit a huge wall with Nchulaeon the Eternal on PS4. Get him to last phase then the group of centurions destroy me. Is it the norm to try and find a group for these now instead of forming groups with random people you meet?

submitted by /u/yalik3that
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What is the best armor set based on looks in your opinion?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:48 AM PST

I'm looking for a new armor set to put on my character and would love to hear your opinions on which looks the coolest!!

submitted by /u/PumpsHouse
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MP/HP/STM bars, anyway to move them closer to eachother?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:03 AM PST

Newbro to the game, need crafting advice!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:12 PM PST

As the title says, im new to the game, just started morrowind. Im having issues finding basic wood and iron for crafting my first set of gear. Is there a decent farming area for these mats around vivec city? Where do i need to travel?

submitted by /u/statikvirus
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What is the lore behind aedric spear skills? is it light magic of some sort?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST

Build help for new player

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PST

This my first time playing MMORPG so bare with me. I started as two handed stamina build character but I was thinking of bringing little bit of magic for healing and attack spells.

My stats right now are


Game has been quite easy so far and I was thinking of bringing Magicka close to 20 as well.

You guys think I should put more effort on health for late games sake and is even magicka/stamina build usefull?

Also have to note I havent watched any build guides and this might not be most useful build overall.

submitted by /u/MustaKahvi85
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Been getting an irritating dialogue bug with guards lately (PC)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:19 PM PST

It seems that every time I get caught by a guard after botching a pickpocket/murder, the guard traps me in a dialogue screen with no options, screams "VERY FOOLISH" at me and then proceeds to murder me while I'm trapped and unable to move or take actions. Respawning puts me somewhere under the map so I have to relog in order to get unstuck.

It was really funny the first or second time it happened, but now that it's happening every single time I get caught it's starting to get tiring. Any way to fix this? I did a search but the last post I saw was from like a year ago.

submitted by /u/tossaby
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