Diablo - I'm still speechless

I'm still speechless

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

Sorry if this post annoys you but i have no one to share this with.


I started late this season and was looking for an ancient weapon, looks like blizzard had different plans for me this time!

I'm still beyond speechless

submitted by /u/Gioggik
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Absolutely astounded.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:25 PM PST

Ive never really played dungeon crawler games, ive always hugged more to MMOs and Mobas my whole life, however my dad always loved dungeon crawlers and when I found HotS it got me really interested in Diablo as a franchise.

After asking you guys here I finally decided to get it and my god im hooked. I finished the story mode as a sorceress and im level 67 right now and im still having such a blast! I havent done any rifts as im unsure what to expect but the game is super fun to me and i think ill try necromancer next!

Since ive been so hooked on D3 I went snooping around my dad's old games and believe it or not I found Diablo 2 with LoD! Unfortunately he had already claimed the key so I cant connect it to my battle.net account but I still downloaded it the old fashion way and played and finished the first act tonight.

I can EASILY see why everyone praises and loves this game so much and why its considered one of the best games in the world, hell one of the best franchises in the world.

I personally want to thank everyone here and the community for helping me get my foot in the door with this series and pushing me to try and get the game. The people ive met in game and the people who've replied to me on this sub reddit have been some of the nicest people ive met in gaming and I am so happy to finally play along side you all and be apart of the community myself :)

submitted by /u/ArchaoticDota
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PSA: Remember to Caldesanns your gear! (Before/After)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

I did all my all my Caldesanns at once because I'm weird. Took me ages because I'm pretty much just playing with a buddy of mine and we don't really do groups.

Before - 1,854k sheet https://i.imgur.com/RD1Qolp.jpg

After - 2,854k sheet https://i.imgur.com/KAw9XG4.jpg

I gained about 53% damage from enchanting all my gear.

All you need is 3 Flawless Royal gems of your preferred stat, a high level throw-away gem, and a piece of ancient gear you hopefully aren't replacing any time soon.

Get to it and push those boards! I went from 50th~ to one shotting a top 20 spot with this.

submitted by /u/imthorrbo2
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Is Monk the "Bard" class of Diablo? Why does he keep talking about guitars?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 10:23 AM PST

I swear every 5 minutes he screams out "FEEL THE WRATH OF GUITAR" completely out of context

submitted by /u/Voidshrine
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How was YOUR diablo weekend?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:09 AM PST

Good day everyone, I didn't see a stickied thread for diablo accomplishment fluff.

So first the question for everyone! How was YOUR weekend playing Diablo? Do something awesome? Get something cool?

I had a great weekend of firsts and fun! This is my first time playing necro and I waited until Season 12 to play it.

My highest GR solo before season 12 was 70 on an archon wiz. I grinded out 75, 80 and 85 this weekend!! I can complete 90, but not in the time quite yet, dying a bit too much and the rifts were also awful.

I got my first ever rainbow sword! I also got primal trag boots! First real useful primal lol.

I'm pretty happy with my accomplishments and wanted to share and hear from others.

May the RNG be with you!

submitted by /u/Sephran
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HotA Barb Solo 101 Full Run ~ Questions and constructive criticism welcome :D

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:18 AM PST

While you are all posting your awesome primals, check out what the gods of RNG had for me today!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:09 AM PST

Suggestion: Change "Binding of the Lost" (Monk SSS belt) to work like Soul Harvest or Bone Armor.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:12 AM PST

Right now the defense bonus gets overwritten with each new use of SSS, rendering the belt litterately useless in lower difficulties, where everything dies instantly in maximum a few hits.

I suggest the legendary effect gets reworked to work like Soul Harvest or Bone Armor, where each new use of SSS adds of refresh the current bonus. In this way, the belt will actually be usuable on lower difficulties.

This change will only affect lower difficulties, as the belt is already fine at higher, where all 14 hits are nessecary to kill mobs.


submitted by /u/Marcshall
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Long time solo, first time group play

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:36 PM PST

Hey all,

So I've been playing D3 for a while but only Solo. I'm late to party but Bounty mats are a pain to obtain and take an excruciatingly long time.

I just wanted to ask what was the etiquette/process for different types of group/parties in Diablo for:

  1. Bounty Mats

  2. Rifts

  3. Grifts

By etiquette/process, just a simple guide on how to ask/what to do to not get flamed and how make everyone's play more efficient.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/hvrry3k
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Rarely been as annoyed as this....125 reforges later, we get this....

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST


I am NOT a happy Irishman at the moment.

submitted by /u/Istrakh
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Help with barbarian

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:17 PM PST

Hey guy so I'm leveling a barbarian and was wondering about what attack is best for the basic attack? Thanks!

submitted by /u/gabtrox
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Seriously, which classes/builds are the funnest in S12?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:57 PM PST


submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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Looking for suggestion for S12 Necromancer.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:56 PM PST

I just barely finish GR70 yesterday with Rathma Necro and now I am struggling to get higher. I know that my set of gear does not have the most optimal stat but my biggest problem is how to smoothly handle the builds.

For example, I found both lance build is hard to master since I need good corpse management when LoD is in CD. And Rathma has low toughness to withstand higher tier, one single mistake and whole thing is screwed over.

So am I forced to play Inarius or any ways that I can improve? Thank you all.

submitted by /u/tommy200401
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Noob questions ;-;

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:48 PM PST

Just downloaded the game, so sorry if these q's are out of place.

I've played way too many hours of MOBAs and the 'locked camera' of this game is very jarring for me, is there a way to disassociate the camera from my character? (ie. move cursor to screen edges to move camera view)

In the same vein, is there a way to re-bind a force-move command to my right-click? using left click to move is hurting my brain :(

Also, are all classes fairly well-balanced? I don't want to venture through the game for a couple hours then come to realise that I have made a grave mistake...

Thank you for your time! ^-^

submitted by /u/FlazeHOTS
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This week's challenge rift is pretty good

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:02 PM PST

This week's challenge rift was pretty good, maybe one of the best. Let's hope we don't have any more like last week, it was a pain in the butt to complete.

On a side note will be interesting to see if /u/wudijo will top the rankings yet again :)

submitted by /u/margenov
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Best class for speed farming?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

What is the best class for spamming t13 rifts I️ haven't tried this season yet and I️ enjoy spamming rifts more than long progression . Thanks

submitted by /u/totemagotes
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Can I equip Krysbins with other classes?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

(Pretty new here) I switched from my Necro to Barb, I had I Krysbins and thoght I could use it but its not in the Cube for barb. Now out of curiosity, could I have equipped it with my Barbar?

submitted by /u/redditLapislaz
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Returning Player. Is there a master list of useful legs for all viable builds so I know what to keep and what do toss?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:59 AM PST

Title, thanks

submitted by /u/danny_b87
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Diablo 2 mods with imposing dark atmosphere and evil music like Diablo: The Hell?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:56 PM PST

I loved playing The Hell for Diablo for primarily these two reasons, and I wonder if there's anything like it for Diablo 2. Up until now I have stayed away from Diablo 2 because I felt the horror aspect was extremely weak compared to Diablo from what I played, but I would like to finally play it through, if there's something that manages to make it darker (and the music more kickass), basically a spiritual successor to The Hell.

Anything like it?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/CampyJejuni
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Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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The age of Xul (D2 necromancer)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

First of all, I don't know if this discussion should be here or on a Heroes of the Storm but I thought it more fitting to post it here.

Okay, so Xul's age came up in a discussion I had with some friends so I'm going to gather as much information as I can to try and give an educated guess for people like me who are starving for Diablo lore since Reaper of Souls. This could be a good read. Enjoy:

Just to make it clear again, I'm going to refer to the playable necromancer class in D2 (who we are talking about) as Xul because his name is Xul in Heroes of the Storm. It has been indirectly confirmed by Blizzard that that version of him is during D3.

So first, let's estimate his age in D2 to start with. How can we do that you ask? Well, we can't, we're just guessing. But that is fun too! And I can be completely wrong. With that said, Zayl, a necromancer in Moon of the Spider states that Priests of Rathma are put through extensive physical training to be able to find in both hand to hand combat and to use their ritual daggers as weapons of war. So basically they are trained as skilled warriors, which takes a lot of time. Even if Xul was taken as a child to be trained, he must have been at least 30 by the time he reached the rank of novice that he started as in D2 Act 1. I also think that because both Zayl and Kara (another necromancer) were low ranking priests but were described to be well into adulthood. So we can say with some certainty that most neromancers who reach any significant rank in the priesthood are well into their thirties, maybe even at their late thirties, early forties.

So to sum it up, getting to the skill level Xul was at at the start of D2 should take at least 20 years if you start really, really young. Thus, I'm placing him at the age of 35. I think that is quite reasonable since Xul himself refersto himself as 'an old man' while in the Nexus. So when did he enter the Nexus? It is confirmed that he reached the rank of Master Necromancer and is still very much alive and active during D3. D3 is 20 years after D2, so I would guess Xul is in his mid 50s. Quite the packs for someone of his age. I'm impressed.

submitted by /u/Lerquiy
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Servers are terrible?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

There have been days throughout the season where they've been a little shitty, but it's nearly unplayable today. Anyone else having this issue?

submitted by /u/anongaybro
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It was only for a brief moment, but I made it to the front page of leaderboards last night mostly solo!

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:21 AM PST


I've run a few 99s~ in 2s with my buddy, but other than that no real grouping here other than public bounties. Making steady progress feels fantastic, I missed playing Monk!

submitted by /u/imthorrbo2
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