Diablo - Can confirm primal Bardish does not give you primal cow level with primal loots ;(

Can confirm primal Bardish does not give you primal cow level with primal loots ;(

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:09 AM PST


It was pretty while it lasted.

submitted by /u/chopnblok
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A simple thing I believe would buff Legacy of Nightmares without making it overpowered.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:06 AM PST

I'm sure we can all agree that 2.6.1 brought the best balance in the game so far. What I really miss is an opportunity to use LoN to at least some comparison to the 6-piece sets' power.

The problem with LoN is (as stated a lot times already) that it is extremely hard to balance and simply buffing numbers won't do any good.

So my idea:
Both rings to have an empty slot for a Legendary power that can be transferred to them ONLY from another ring – CoE, ORotZ, Ring of Emptiness, Band of Might, etc.

Why I think that would work well:
- The biggest damage boosters occupy ring slots – Ring of Emptiness, CoE, F&R, Traveler's Pledge, Krysbin's Sentence, so it would be a more natural buff to LoN.
- Playstyles like LoN Bomb Crusader, that are not so loved by the community, won't be affected, because they already use CoE, and for Crus there are not any other damage boosting rings.
- The 6-piece sets can still use the same ring legendary powers, so it would be easier to balance.

I don't mind LoN being inferior to 6-piece sets, but at the moment the power gap is just too big. Let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/bamzelot
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Black magic bars our way

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:18 AM PST

How rare is Manald Heal?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:43 PM PST

Hey guys,

I started to play D3 recently again and made a Wizard, so I got my Vyrs this season. It's obvious to play some Archon with this set, so I want to rock some Lightning Archon. It's pretty fun, but the progress isn't as fast as with other builds/sets I had the last seasons - and that's because I am missing one key item - Manald Heal.

I seriously did spend thousand of shards already, do upgrade rare rings in the cube whenever I have the DBs for it and I still got no Manald Heal. I'm on Paragon 220 already and it's frustrating to gamble only for one item but don't get it (got 4-5 CoEs already).

While researching I found some low level gambling method - does this still work? Is this ring that rare that I have to expect to not get it until like Paragon 400+ or am I just unlucky?

submitted by /u/valhgarm
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If the team could still do some shenanigans: primal Puzzle Ring and Bardiche...well...would at least do something more than before?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:48 PM PST

Just a shower thought. Getting a bit crazy from time to time is no easy thing to do. But it would surely brighten the experience for all of us.

submitted by /u/let_it_feast
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State of the game as of today and what's up next?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:04 PM PST

First of all this post is meant to be a discussion, even tho I might seem critical i'm just laying down my own experience with the game.

Season 12 is 2 and a half weeks old. In US GR110 has been done on most classes (minus WD and DH, altho they are at 109 and 107, and higher in other regions). The balance patch has been a success for the most part, and personally have been having a blast on Jade doc, soon closing in on gr100. Even tho some classes have clear top end builds, most classes having different builds in the top 20 and it is refreshing. But some top players are leaving already.

Now what? Something happened this patch, with high end items drop buffs and builds buffs : progression is very very fast. It's making this game main problems an even more major issue than before. There's a point in progression where everything stops. Para 800-1000+, all ancients items, main legendary gems buffed in parties. At this point you Grift endlessly for augments gems leveling, Xp and the occasional bounties for rerolls. I am putting aside the botters here because I don't think they are or should represent the playerbase.

This point in the game, let's call it the end game, is incredibly tedious, and I mean everything you can do there is a pain. Even tho games like diablo is about grinding, it was never meant to be so boring. Right now I'm having a hard time playing more than an hour at a time before logging out for other stuff and lots of my online friends feels the same. EVERYTHING in the end game is a pain in the ass. I wish the new team at blizzard diablo is gonna take a look into it.

  • Grifting for augments. This season (and end of last season) made a new meta of rat runs. Biggest problem for me in the end game. Basically playing a second class because it's most effective to progress my main character. This is a major issue. Rat runs should be looked at no matter how you like it. I can take the 4 man meta of WD RG killer + supports, but rat runs is a non-sense in class progression. If you are playing private clans you follow the 4 mans, or friends / communites you can 4 man with almost anything including a support. I think there blizzard should take a look at supports, I'd like a WD support to be viable, and other classes.

*Bounties are a pain in the ass for so many people and it's not a surprise botters are running bounties bots a lot. It's probably the worst part of the game and is a sad fact. Bounties is supposed to make you play the campaign normal maps but they made it so incredibly tedious (again).

*The randomness of Primals and how to hit the lottery. The fact that Primals are the very end game best gear while being so random is a waste. For most normal players you'd be lucky to find a USABLE primal and this very fact is a problem on it's own and should be adressed.

Here are my ideas but please I want to hear yours, this is a draft and i'm drunk.

*Grifts should be the only or the main source of XP and progression only.

*Gear, an old idea taken from d2: make farming the campaign map or areas of the map the best way to farm gear. I know it is an old idea coming from d2, where pits and other end game areas had a higher loot table but blizzard need to make us play the real maps, i'm tired of rifts. You play T13 rifts for keys and then jump to grifts. This part is so linear it's incredible. After playing this iteration of the game for seasons, I now miss the ol a3 arreat crater farming days.

*Bounties should have a raid feel, where everyone parties up to fight greater quests and bosses: this would be the way to get materials. No more of that crap randomness of killing 100mobs in a 30 mobs map. Something should be trilling here, bounties should be the very baseline for mats and they should remove or diminish materials gain from other places.

So 3 layers, XP, Gear and materials. My idea is that GRINDING should never feel this much boring as it is. I'm the first to be up to endlessly farm stuff but rifts are the only thing you do right now. 2-3 mins Rat runs are more effective for legendaries than T13 speeds right now.

I've been playing since beta and a witch doctor represent. I was there in the RMAH days of market items flipping, was there for the 1-2 years after of a3 farming on ww barb and then explosive blast sorc and then the completly blackness this game was before expansion. When ROS came out I was happy, it was the game d3 should have been at start, I just want to look further.

edit: holy wall of text

submitted by /u/lolGroovy
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I am the new rank one turbo nerd dh. Yay

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:35 AM PST

That was my goal at start of season. I put so many hours into rat runs I was ready to die of boredom. Decided to pull a few keys early this morning and got it without power or conduit, so I'll probably go a little higher.

Just want to thank everyone that hung out with me on stream when I hit rank 2 yesterday. Couldn't have hit my goal without the hype from some of you bros in discord too.

This is my first r1 after many times in the top 10. I know it's not end of season but I'm pretty stoked either way.

Build I used: n6m4 focusing on attack speed, cc and cd. Basically my theory behind that design choice was empty and filling my hatred as fast and as many times as possible. I'd like to get quad gloves with area dmg and eventually get ad on shoulders too. Would also like to have ias or ad on weapon in place of vit, but hey, primal is primal.

submitted by /u/tomatosaucin
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If you worked at Blizzard, and you were pressured to make Diablo 4 more profitable amidst the world of micro-transactions, how would you monetize the game in a consumer friendly way?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

I feel like one of the biggest reasons why we get so little Diablo coverage at Blizzcon is because Blizzard is still struggling with finding ways to convert the franchise into a cash cow. I imagine they already make a ton of money with expansions, but it seems like Blizzard is less interested in IPs that don't consistently generate revenue from existing customers.

Are there any ethical ways to monetize a game like Diablo? I'd personally hate anything beyond the current system, but I was just wondering if there were any system that would encourage Blizzard to support the franchise at a faster pace.

submitted by /u/WhiteAsCanBe
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Got my first primal ancient today...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

https://imgur.com/a/6EFwq Can't be happier atm....

submitted by /u/xXWildFireXx
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I have a couple questions with my HOTA build

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:46 PM PST


So I'm wondering if I should drop one or both of the atk spd rolls on my weapons for area damage. I know there's a lot little tweaks I can do with my gear also. Currently pushing beyond GR 92. I might can make it to 95 currently but my goal is 100, at least for solo.

submitted by /u/BlackMetalCoffee
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Relic of Akarat

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:20 PM PST

Hi, I'm new in the game and I just got the item in the title, is t good? should I create a new char to use it?

submitted by /u/shabbzh
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How does Rathma Singular Mage on Grift 95+ and above survived from FROZEN or THUNDERSTORM?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:53 AM PST

Yeah, that is my question.

How does one can run at Grift 95+++ with Rathma Singular Mage Build without get OHKO by FROZEN or THUNDERSTORM affix from elite monsters?

There must be a few elite encounters that your Frozen land is on the cooldown, and even with Cheat Death passive, these affixes can instant kill you before you can even react to move away from it.

Am I supposed to accept that dying a lot at Gr95++ supposed to be something normal for Rathma SM?

submitted by /u/Xixth
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Just finished the campaign.Now what?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

Hello diablo community.I just bought the game on black Friday (literally the only Blizz game not on sale but oh well) and i've been having a blast playing through the campaign.First id like to share my first impressions,as this is the first time i am playing a Diablo game.

The story started out great,but then it started falling a little flat in act 2.I saw the giant plot twist with Leah in act 3 from miles away, even though the only thing that i had seen from the franchise before was that awesome Tyrael cinematic after act 1,so i was completely in the blind .Azmodan was also really retarded,for the supposed ''grand strategist'' of hell.He just kept telling his plans.The expansion story definitely felt way better,even though killing Adria felt a little out of place with the rest of the story and killed the pace.A bit like ''ooops we forgot to kill her before the expansion and we have to cut the loose end''.

While the story was mediocre,the gameplay was just amazing.I chose to play a crusader,as they kinda looked awesome and i was having a lot of fun.Ended up going for a spinning hammers/beam thingy aoe set up.I think the game needs to label difficulties better though.I made a huge mistake by playing on ''hard'' for the first 2 acts.Untill killing Leoric it was kinda ok,i was never in the danger of dying but the mobs were taking a decent amount of time to kill.Afterwards though i dunno if i just became decent or i was probably overgeared but i killed The Butcher in 10 seconds.Only in act 3 did i discover i can up the difficulty (the raise difficulty button was greyed out,i had to leave the game and go to set up and change it from there.Should really be clarified better).

Once i did the game became way,way better.I even died once,by yellow Mallet lord in act 4.I upped to master after act 4,and act 5 was just incredibly fun to play through.So i killed Malthael an hour or so ago,and i am level capped plus 20 or so extra paragon levels.

Now i read up that i should continue in adventure mode,and i opened it but im kinda lost.Should i do bounties or rifts to find green gear? (i found one piece in the campaign).Should i up the difficulty to Torment 1?Or even higher?I tried reading some guides but i just got confused.There was something about a cube i don't have,and guides for the crusader just seem kinda strange with not having a single primary skill in them which just doesn't make sense to me as ill run out of wrath in 5 seconds.At least most of them have spinning hammers in them which is my favorite ability.

And last which follower should i be using?I ran through most of the campaign with the Scoundrel ,but i did so mostly because he had funny banter and i didn't really feel like i had to min max there.But adventure mode seems to be all about min maxing from what i've read so i might need to change that.

submitted by /u/Malon1
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Newb trying to understand Seasons

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:14 AM PST

Hey guys me and some friends completed the campaign awhile ago and stopped playing thinking that was it.

we read about seasons and this is our first season playing.

I tried finding this information online before i came here. So we started the campaign got the helm off leroic and started doing adventures we're having a blast so far up to level 50. We're not too fussed about levelling super quick just wanted to know at level 70 is the idea to keep doing rifts and try to push yourself to doing tougher rifts / difficulties? a bit like the mythic + system in wow? (which we would be happy to do)

I've read about conquests and thats it for the first 1000 that complete it. Does that mean once 1000 people do them you cant do it for that season?

Is there anything else you can do in Seasons that i might have missed

submitted by /u/Tayschrien
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What to aim for next? (DH UE MS)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:53 AM PST


I am currently Paragon 700ish, cleared gr85 and speedfarm gr70 currently (3mins). I wanted to ask for gearing advices. Here is my character: https://eu.battle.net/d3/de/profile/DommeUG-2628/hero/101731531

I have saved up a copy of each item in order to reroll the ones I think need to be better. My plan for gearing was to farm bountie mats for rerolls and reroll Yangs, the jewelry & set pieces after. A friend of mine said I shouldn't worry about Bounties and rather keep farming rifts and gr for paragon, gem upgrades and augments.

Any advice on how to continue gearing?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/DommeUG
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Can anyone suggest a fun DH build that isn't based on any of the class sets?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:50 PM PST

Usually the classes have at least one class set that is perfect for the way I like to play my characters. But the Demon Hunter doesn't.

submitted by /u/Slash_Raptor
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buying a Euro Key on US account

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:12 AM PST

Hey guys, i have the original game (Global version) but want to buy the Rise of the Necromancer expansion but it says its euro only. Will it still be activated and played normally on my US account.

thnank you

submitted by /u/rafivip
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Paragon Farming (HC)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Is there any viable way to farm paragons with 2 people instead of the 3 necros and a barb? (Hardcore)

submitted by /u/Squishyx321
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Changes in Item Rarity with Season 12?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:17 AM PST

Since the start of this season, my friends and I have reported an unusually high drop rate of historically rare legendaries, including The Furnace, The Witching Hour, Thunderfury, immunity amulets, Ashbringer, In-Geom, and so on. I've personally seen dozens of each since starting and I'm not even 800 paragon yet.

My witch doctor has found and made an absurd number (20-30) of Dagger of Darts but has yet to find a single Soul Harvester. It might simply be bad luck, but the wide-spread nature over several weeks and players is fairly suspect.

Has anyone else experienced similar drop rates?

submitted by /u/Batsi_
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Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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