Destiny - This Week at Bungie - 11/22/2017

This Week at Bungie - 11/22/2017

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST


This week at Bungie, we explored Mercury – in two timelines.

Curse of Osiris will send you to a new destination, where you'll learn its fate in the past, present, and future. At the heart of the journey is a forest of endless realities.

If you missed it, here's the recap.

Video Link

Next week, we're back with a parade of the gear you'll earn, including some details on new ways to earn it.

Image Link

Sustaining Operations

Working with the Destiny Operations Center, Destiny Player Support keeps a finger on the pulse of the Destiny 2 population. We investigate error codes, and we share our findings through @BungieHelp for community awareness.

This is our report.

Buffalo, Part 2
Last week, Hotfix was released to address Buffalo errors on PC. We have discovered that some players are receiving erroneous Buffalo errors within the game client that are caused by alternate factors. These issues sometimes relate to network stability, or having multiple PCs connected to Destiny on a local network. Please follow steps within the Network Troubleshooting Guide to ensure you've applied the correct settings for Destiny 2 gameplay. Additionally, follow steps for configuring UPnP if you have multiple PC's on the same network.

Continued Investigations
The following issues have recently been added to the Destiny 2 Vital Information and Known Issues list:

  • Faction Rally Tokens: We have identified an issue where Faction Rally tokens are removed when players create new characters within Destiny 2. We are seeking to resolve this issue prior to the first Faction Rallies event of Season 2.

  • "Leviathan" Raid: Calus may sometimes become immune to damage during the final phase of the encounter

  • Black Screen when Loading into the Tower: Players may sometimes encounter a black screen when loading into the Tower. This may resolve itself after one minute, or players may workaround this issue by visiting an alternate destination and loading into the Tower once more

  • Bright Engram Ornaments: Sweet Business and Sturm ornaments within the Bright Engram may display "Already added to Collection" before a player acquires these items. This issue does not prevent players from earning these items.

  • Hunter Survivalist Perk: The Survivalist perk on legendary Hunter leg armor does not grant the intended Recovery stats.

In the coming weeks, we will be issuing Destiny Update 3.1.0 and Hotfix 3.1.1 to address some known issues alongside the release of Curse of Osiris. Stay tuned to the Updates page of for patch notes.

Image Link

Back to the Box Office

Another week, another round of content found on the Community Creations page. Whether you're looking for tutorials on increasing your skill or seeking a record of a comedic moment in battle, this is the place to find it. Winners receive the Lens of Fate emblem within Destiny 2 to commemorate their victory. If you're aiming to earn the emblem, make sure to tag your submission with #MOTW and list any contributors within the video description.

Take your seats, turn off your cell phones, and enjoy the show!

Movie of the Week: Arcstrider PC Montage Video Link

Honorable Mention: Fragment 2 Video Link

Honorable Mention: Shaxx likes puns Video Link

Winners should get their reward within one week of being featured. If you haven't found the emblem within your Vault Collection, let us know in the #Help forum.

This week, we're publishing this article a day early, as Bungie will be dark on Thursday and Friday. We'll be celebrating Thanksgiving here in the United States, sharing time with friends and family. Some will be engaging in food prep, while others will be jumping into the Iron Banner for some friendly competition.

Next week, we'll return with fashion on the mind. [Tune in to our Twitch channel](http://) on Wednesday, November 29, at 11 AM PST to get a preview of new rewards coming with Season 2 and the Curse of Osiris expansion.

Cheers, -dmg04

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Destiny 2 is the real 'Destiny killer' the gaming industry was waiting for

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST

As long as I had Destiny, I was barely even looking for other games to play. With all the unfortunate changes to Destiny 2, I feel I am constantly on the hunt for a new game to give me my hobby back. Is this Activisions master plan? To make me buy other games they sell? /s. Seriously though, any game suggestions until they fix this mess?

submitted by /u/cdub1984ish
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For the love of God stop shooting the small blights in the taken public event!

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 11:53 PM PST

You step into the small blights to gain a buff that lets you destroy the big blight for heroic. Bad...bad guardian.

submitted by /u/cderry
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Somebody FINALLY said something about my D1 AoT shirt...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:59 AM PST

After proudly wearing my Age of Triumph shirt, with my gamertag I spent extra on, for many months somebody in public finally acknowledged it.

"That's a cool soccer shirt man!"

submitted by /u/return2ozma
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Bungie: Amend your final Curse of Osiris stream to include QoL issues

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:39 AM PST

Honestly, it looks like everyone in the subreddit and myself would much rather hear that you hear us more than look at the undoubtedly fantastic artwork that we will get to experience ourselves in a few weeks. Deej - you made a point of saying that you were limiting the chat to donors to the Bungie foundation in the last stream, but then it seemed that you mostly ignored what even that stream of comments had to say. You don't have to promise any changes, just acknowledge some of the frustrations that players are experiencing. You already drove Gothalion crazy last stream, so please don't send any more of the community to their wit's end. Thank you.

submitted by /u/ludicmoose
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Honestly, the best thing you can do for this game? Don't buy the DLC, and cancel your preorders if you can.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:11 AM PST

You can argue that this expansion was in development before we even got our hands on live, but if any serious amount of playtesting was done behind closed doors - then these issues would've been more sorted out at launch.

We'll never get what we want, but we can communicate clearly to Bungie what we don't want. I think there's a version of Destiny out there that is is a dash of D1 and some of the better ideas of D2 - but something more unique and worthy of all of our time.

Edit: I get it guys, some people are still having fun, by all means buy 3 DLC and have fun. The majority of this subreddit (let's say a majority of active posters and voters) don't seem to share your opinion. If you feel the current game and the details of the upcoming DLC are likely not going to change much for you, then consider following my advice above.

submitted by /u/Tower13
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I just need to let it out

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

This post is more of a cathartic release for me than anything else.

I picked up Destiny on release day for the Dark Bellow. I didn't know anything about the game.

A friend who lives on the other side of the world from me (I'm UK he's US) suggested I pick Destiny up so we can keep in touch and have some fun along the way.

Up until this point I was a filthy casual playing COD year after year and I got burnt out.

Destiny did something that no other game has ever done for me. It transcended gaming.

The more I played the further and further I fell in love with the world that Destiny (Bungie) has created.

As I mentioned I knew nothing about how Destiny works. I just loved shooting them aliens in the face and feeling like a bad ass, gun totting space wizard.

After a fair few weeks id completed the campaign and I was loving life just running strikes.

I started looking for information about Destiny and came across this sub reddit. I didn't even know about reddit.

I started reading some of the articles and hearing tales of magical weapons like fatebringer and Gjallarhorn.

Then one day running the archon priest strike I heard what I thought was a thunder clap and watched in awe as the bosses health started to melt.

Witnessing the power first hand I just had to find out how to get that weapon. (After I inspected the fellow guardian).

Then the love affair began and I became obsessed with becoming legend and writing my own tales and so my journey began.

I began watching Youtube videos listening to podcasts and before long Destiny had become much more than just a game. It was my hobby, my secret, I was part of an elite team of Guardians doing my bit to push back the darkness.

Then one fateful day I picked up the courage to LFG into Vault of Glass. To scared to admit Id never done this before for fear of my newbiness becoming public knowledge to the group I was with.

My mind was blown, 6 Randoms fighting our asses off. I will remember for the rest of my life that feeling of beating Atheon for the first time.

The screams of joy the cheers of jubilation wow! I was on such a high.

I started staying up later. I became an expert at tending to all my responsibilities (married with kids full time demanding job) in record time, so that I could eek out some more time to become legend.

I finally got Fatebringer and I still remember the very moment it dropped. I finally got Gjallarhorn on a Hard Mode completion of VOG. As Atheon went down that joyous moment seeing the loot pop up and everyone going crazy that I was now part of the elite club of Guardians wielding this mighty weapon.

Guns like Blackhammer, Hunger of Crota just kept those endorphins racing and I was a Destiny addict.

Granted things got a bit slow after the Rise of Iron update. It was OK though because Destiny 2 was coming out. I slowed down on my playing time and caught up on other matters.

After playing the D2 beta I liked the changes the developers had made and I truly believed in the team that had created a whole new (new to me anyway) type of game. A FPS RPG MMO I didn't even know what those letters stood for before Destiny.

I was part of something. Something bigger than me and I LOVED it.

When D2 landed I told my wife that I would be back on the grind again. I implemented my old time keeping plans. Boy was I ready to get back on the horse and enjoy my hobby all over again.

More story, more weapons more epic moments of legendary stories. The Raids the Strikes new friends to make new enemies to shot in the face.

It pains me to say that I'm just not that excited to play anymore and I feel like I've lost a dear friend.

Destiny was my hobby, it was my way of stepping outside the daily grind that goes with working fulltime and having a family.

This isn't me calling anyone out but I just needed to express it! Sad hey!

Bungie have created a masterpiece guys like Deej the Destiny Community Podcast crew, Guardian Radio, Destiny Reset, Destiny the Show, Fire Team Chat felt like old friends (I appreciate they wouldn't even know me if I walked passed them in the street but I knew them and I was a part of this movement).

I don't know what the point of this post is. I still have hope. I just wish I could get as wrapped up in the mysteries of the cosmos like I did for D1.

A fun raid with proper loot. Guns that are worth the time invested to get them. Armour that makes people go wow this guys/gals been there man! Strikes you want to play again and again in the hope of that magical drop.

I want my hobby back – either way Destiny changed my life. Podcasts are now a part of my week. I check reddit every day. I have friends on my friends list! But it doesn't mean anything without the prism of Destiny to look through.

Sure there are other games but nothing scratches that itch.. nothing…

Eyes up Guardians. I still believe. Thank you to all you Guardians that have opened my eyes to a whole new world.

submitted by /u/Stewjd
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Bungie, let's talk about the real problem with Destiny 2 that we have right now...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:41 AM PST

The biggest problem that your amazing game has right now is that it is forcing me to spend entirely too much time with my wife and kids. Without my late night raids or grinding away with my internet friends, I am forced to spend quality time with my family. The current state of the game is also forcing me to get more sleep, relying less on caffeine, engaging more with society and performing better at work. These are all unfortunate byproducts that a lack of daily destiny 2 binge have let into my life.

Bungie, I didn't ask for these problems. I just feel so lost without the grind; feel so helpless without an endgame that allows me to avoid being an adult. My wife and kids hated you for Destiny 1, and now your name has become an afterthought. Rise up Bungie! Return to the source of their abandonment, give them back a reason to long for their father figure to be present in their lives. Give my wife a reason to wake up at 1 AM and nag me to get to bed. Rise up Bungie! Claim the mantel that you lost. Give us back the grind!

submitted by /u/elsucioseanchez
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It makes me sad that PC players new to the franchise will never know the joy of Destiny 1

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST

I know it could never happen but man oh man could you imagine all the content of D1 being made for PC and marketed as a $60. The final product of D1 is just so amazing

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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VoG's Glass Throne in Lego Worlds

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:37 AM PST


This room alone took about an hour or two, I was working on the rest of VoG, and had quite a bit done, but apparently since the world's corrupted it doesn't save anything. About 4-5 hours of work just removed from existence (Screw you Vex). You can see in the mini-map in the corner how much ground I had dug out.

Anyway, I thought I'd just share what I was able to capture, since I had a feeling it would glitch. Maybe lessen the salt from the less than exciting stream from yesterday.

submitted by /u/Ze_AwEsOmE_Hobo
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Belgium's Gaming Commission Has Declared That Lootboxes Are Gambling

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 04:39 PM PST

I hope Tess has a good Lawyer.

Game Informer Article

submitted by /u/wrecluse
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For the first time in the history of Destiny I'm not even excited for the new DLC.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:36 PM PST

I have always been a big fan of Destiny. Played from the day one, and supported the game throughout its life. I was always highly excited for the new DLC or expansion because I knew it would bring something new and make the Destiny universe better in some new exciting way.

I played Destiny 2 on Ps4 propably around 60 hours and just saw no point in playing anymore. I'm not going to dive into why I stopped playing because I'm sure all of you know why by now. I was still excited for the PC version. I thought to myself that I would invest more time into it on my new PC I just bought. And I preordered Destiny 2 for pc as well. Upon launch I begun noticing big frame rate issues that made the experience bad for me. And those issues are still not fixed for me. I just didn't find the experience satisfying so now I haven't even played D2 on PC. I didn't even complete campaign. I feel like I wasted my money.

The saddest part is that I thought I would still have fun with my friends who would also buy Destiny 2 for PC. But after seeing all the critisizm they didn't even get it, and to be honest, I couldn't even recommend it to them anymore.

Now after watching the Curse Of Osiris reveal events I just don't see any of the awesome new and exciting things that Destiny 1 dlc's brought. No formal confirmation that they would actually improve the game or change the course of their design philosophies. I also remember reading from someone in the media that even the story isn't that exciting. ( Edit: Destin Legarie )

Bungie, we all had or still have faith in you, but the flame is starting to slowly extinguish.

Edit: Thankyou a lot for the gold kind stranger!

I am glad to see that I am not the onlyone who feels this way. I didn't write this post to whine but just express my concerns. I don't want Destiny to go to a direction where overpriced half complete dlc's are sold to the mass audience throughout advertising.

submitted by /u/Giftea
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"I promised before that this would be the most rewarding Public Event" - Deej

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:48 AM PST

This is what Deej said during the second stream right after the fireteam completed the new Public Event. (at 12:51 if the video doesn't start at the right place)

2 Mercury Tokens, and 1 Rare item.

Is this a joke? What the hell.

submitted by /u/iamaspacepizza
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I'd love to see Dave Samuel, the Moustache dude from TTK ViDoc in a future stream

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:29 AM PST

Dude had so much passion and enthusiasm. Like a 'fuck yeah i made this' kinda attitude. Would love to see him in a future dev stream

When they were describing the new subclasses in the ViDoc his enthusiasm alone made me pretty hyped for them

Edit: A better, more condensed video showing his Enthusiasm shared by /u/Griffin880

submitted by /u/BillehBear
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It was an interesting experiment Bungie but let’s bring back random rolls on weapons and armor

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:05 AM PST

Fixed rolls has sucked the life and enjoyment out of this game for anyone who plays more than a few hours a week. Mods are a joke and tweaking them won't help. Bring back random rolls before you lose 80% of your player base and all your hard core players

submitted by /u/feedthezeke21
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I would have rather seen the DLCs pushed 2+ months than go without QoL and balance changes until after they launch

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:08 AM PST

While I love to shit on The Division as much as the next Guardian, they did one thing right. In October last year, they announced that they were delaying DLC until they got the game under control.

That is what we need now. QoL fixes and real endgame changes need to be implemented ASAP. CoO looks like it will not address any of our issues. It adds some story and some more gear, but fixes nothing that is plaguing the game. Expansion II is also likely nearly complete already. So in all likelihood we are not getting major change until after March/April.

Please Bungie... Take a step back. Look at what your customers are saying and take the time to fix it. People won't be here by spring if the game dies in a month.

submitted by /u/wekilledbambi03
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The token system has to die

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 02:31 PM PST

In D1 when you opened a strike chest, killed a raid boss, or complete a raid challenge you got a drop, it may not have been what you wanted but the first time I got my genesis chain I felt great, the adrenaline was still going after my raid team just barely killed Aksis before he completed his last SIVA cycle in challenge mode.

How the hell am I going to get that from a generic token drop?

Bungie, there are problems with the game but they can be fixed and I appreciate that you wanted to increase consistency with the token system but frankly its not exciting.

What sounds better ?

Opening 2 chests and getting 2 tokens and a blue


Opening a single chest and getting a weapon with a low drop chance thats exclusive to that activity?

User solutions :

u/nventure - "All they need to be is activity/location currency for vendors that actually sell a stock. So you can save them and buy the thing you want that hasn't dropped for you from playing. For Factions, use the current system for all I care. For IB, turn in to rank up but let people purchase items too.

They tried to make it one method across everything, and stripped rewards away from activities making nothing feel rewarding."

u/kapowaz - "Tokens aren't bad in and of themselves, but Bungie leans too much on them. As has been suggested before, we should have a system where:

Activities drop random loot from an activity-specific pool Activities also yield tokens Vendors sell specific activity-related items for tokens 

In WoW the badge system (which has seen many variations over the years) was (at first) meant to act as a safety net for players being unlucky with loot rolls in raids. Often there was a reputation level requirement to be able to spend said tokens on the better items, which prevented players from trivialising loot acquisition (which D2 seems pretty bad at)."

For consideration , the pro token arguments :

u/noob35746 - "I like tokens personally. I can grind on any character and exchange them in another, the loot not being up to par is another issue."

u/Mikeyyyc - "Why cant it be both?

As long as were getting interesting loot on top of it, i see no issue with getting tokens as they are literally just reputation and reputation means more loot in the long run. The token system could actually be cool if it wasnt so plain. Give tokens other uses; allow us to turb regular raid tokens into prestige loot if weve completed it that week for double or triple the cost of a normal mode engram. This game honestly has a pretty decent reward system in place its just that the balance is wrong and it lacks any kind of depth or complexity.

We should be asking bungie to refine and flesh out these systems, not remove them. Im also fine with eververse having ships/shaders/sparrows but not having any of those things as rewards for any specific activity is soooo fucking stupid i can barely comprehend it."

u/DefiantMars - "I think that tokens should stay, but as a "backup", a sort of safety measure to ensure that players can get something they want eventually. Alternatively, they're an "extra" a second chance at gear from a particular vendor.

But I agree that tokens shouldn't be the primary means of getting loot."

u/Glamdring804 -"Tokens are, conceptually, a good alternative to alternate drops. For example: the Mythoclast was a random drop from beating Atheon, but the bosses in VoG drop a token after completion. There's a vendor back at the Tower though, that sells the Mythoclast for 20 tokens and 200 legendary marks. That means that if, after 10 clears, you still didn't get the Mythoclast, you can cut past the RNG and just straight up buy it.

Instead, we got tokens that give you random drops."

submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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The Most Rewarding Public Event

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 06:55 PM PST

Spiced up that clip from today's stream that's been floating around here. Pretty sure this could win Movie of the Week guys /s.

submitted by /u/LM_SupBroImNotLJ
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Bungie says they listen to us, yet as we slowly deconstruct this game's flaws, they don't even make a statement on our current criticisms

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:15 PM PST

At least from what I'm seeing. I come to this sub Reddit everyday, even though I don't play D2 much anymore. I stopped playing for the same reasons as most of you. On the Curse of Osiris stream yesterday, I saw those token rewards drop from the public event, and I just felt defeated. Its as if our suggestions and pleas over the last month or two on this Reddit have not even been acknowledged (in terms of token rewards and how the rewarding system can be improved). I can only hope that stuff like that is subject to change. I only want to see Destiny succeed, as I loved Destiny 1, especially in AoT.

submitted by /u/DaniakIsCool
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Iron Banner - that's it?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:31 AM PST

I'm new to Destiny. Only played it since PC launch. So I'm trying to 'participate' in this Iron Banner event. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it basically quick play crucible with only one mode? That's it? Am I missing anything?

submitted by /u/fokusfocus
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Destiny n00b here, am I correct in assuming Bungie only wants us to play once a week? I'm at 283 now after being 278 all of last week. It seems like I only have the chance to level up on the weekly reset. Is this right?

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:18 PM PST

I think the shotgun in the stream is Saint-14's!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:35 AM PST

Just paused the video to take a closer look at it, found this:

submitted by /u/snibbon
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Fireteams shouldn’t get matched up against solo players in IB.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:48 AM PST

It's so frustrating. 70% of my IB matches were against fireteams of 3/4 while my entire team are randoms. We're getting our ass kicked every match. I'm not a bad player but this is just stupid.

submitted by /u/Oravital1
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Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST







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