Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-11-27]

Daily Questions [2017-11-27]

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Anyone else worried XP issues will overshadow actual reasons we stopped playing?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:03 AM PST

I have no faith in Bungie's ability to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.

I didn't leave Destiny because of XP slowness, I left because:

-Iron Banner was frustrating

-tokens were disappointing and just slow enough not to be fun farming

-I kept running out of glimmer and my shader and mods inventory kept filling up

-whats the point of collecting when the vault cannot sort

-there was no goal to keep playing towards other then full armor sets that you don't have room for

-and probably some other reasons I don't understand/appreciate since I don't design video games

submitted by /u/catharsis23
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I Miss Sniping

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:52 AM PST

In D1, my 1000-yard stare was a vital part of my PVP experience and now this heavy ammo situation with 4 people waiting around one ammo dispenser makes me think I'll never get to snipe in D2 crucible again.

Edit: Whoa! This post blew up. Hi Mom!

submitted by /u/Urinates_On_Puppies
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Back in my day, leveling up from XP gave us a single mote of light... and we liked it

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:08 AM PST


Imo if bright engrams were solely purchased through silver for the cosmetic stuff, we'd have less of an issue with it.

It's the backwards, misguiding, nonsensical design of earning XP in a shell of a former game that is driving us mad.

Sure miss those motes though. Like universal tokens, they were accepted by everyone... including your gear.

Edit: i was half joking. But there's good comments on improving eververse/xp design, not having vendor loot be only random dropped, and appropriately incentivizing playing. gg

submitted by /u/hobbesthehungry
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Despite popular belief, Bungie is in fact capable of rather quick in game fixes. Remember how fast they removed those super offensive gauntlets?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:58 AM PST

Shame they can't apply that kind of haste and man power to meaningful fixes for the player base.

EDIT: "Meaningful fixes" doesn't have to mean completely reconstructing the loot table and fixing endgame progression. There's a middle ground on the difficulty scale somewhere between gauntlets and retooling the entire game. I am aware of that.

submitted by /u/turns31
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D1's Iron Banner rewards system is far superior to D2's.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:43 AM PST

There were 2 fixed weapons and 2 fixed armor pieces that could be purchased each Iron Banner. They rotated from event to event. In addition to the fixed purchasable rewards, the Iron Banner gear (armor and weapons) could be obtained randomly via drops at the end of each match. It made every match feel worth it (even if you lost) because you had the potential to get a reward. And if you didn't get what you wanted, you could purchase the fixed rewards before the end of the week.


This new system just feels lazy and unrewarding. 4 wins or 10 losses for one package which is completely random. Yay.


Edit: Fixed text regarding end of match rewards, as I was corrected in the comments. I think a nice compromise would be to keep the token system for engrams, but allow you to buy two armor pieces and two weapons per event. And/or add a chance for a drop after each match.

submitted by /u/Strimp12
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In Season 2, Trials should have Power Advantages Disabled and Iron Banner should have Power Advantages Enabled

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:51 AM PST

I have held this belief since Trials was announced back in House of Wolves.

Making this change would help differentiate the two PvP events/rituals more efficiently:

  • Trials: Skill-based, competitive tournament/scorecard
  • Iron Banner: Power/character-based reputation grind

In Destiny 2, fans are talking about how Power is insignificant in the endgame. Returning power advantages to one of our two PvP rituals would be an effective way of making Power feel valuable.

After all, Iron Banner's most unique trait was always the ability to receive a boost for bringing in your best gear.

Differentiate the two PvP events, maintain the skill-based nature of Trials, and improve the value of Iron Banner and Power levels.

Enable Power Advantages in Iron Banner

submitted by /u/AboveInfinity
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Destiny 2, A 60 dollar on release title has not released a single QoL patch besides bug-fixes throughout its entire vanilla lifespan.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:26 PM PST

Mind-blowing. I know free to play games that can cater to their community and game better than Bungie and Activision at this point. Its hard to sit-back and watch whats happening to my used to be favorite game title.

submitted by /u/Tryhardownage
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[Iron Banner] With Destiny 2's current loot system, this is what 800 IB tokens will earn you:

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:35 AM PST

G'day Guardians,

Stopping by to share with you my experience with Iron Banner Season One. This week I earned:

800+ Tokens (3 characters, 21 Challenges in 7 days + Game tokens from win/loss)

This equated to 40 Iron Banner Packages which unfortunately left me with two incomplete sets across two characters and an absurd amount of duplicate weapons. Additionally, almost insultingly, I also received many armor pieces that can be acquired through regular Legendary Engrams. If these had yielded Iron Banner armor skins I might've finished the set on at least one character.

I hope they plan to compensate the player base by perhaps making these items purchasable in Season 2, because I'm left with a feeling of neither pride or accomplishment, only disappointment.

Here's Proof

How was your experience, Guardians?

submitted by /u/AustralianAmbassador
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Towerthought: Kinda interesting how Bungie's progression as a company seems to be mirroring the story of Dredgen Yor...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:43 AM PST

From "Ghost Fragment: Thorn 3"

Ghost: "You are no longer yourself."

Guardian: "I am myself. It's who I was that's gone."

Ghost: "Who you were held all the value."

Edit: (for the new Guardians)

submitted by /u/CtrlAltErik
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Destiny veterans shouldn't be at all surprised by this point whenever Bungie deliberately lies or moves the goal posts on us.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:54 PM PST

Before I rant, who remembers this famous video?

That video, is over three years old now. It should also help drive home the point I wanna make here:

Bungie has always deliberately lied or moved the goal posts on us. Nobody should be surprised at the newest revelation concerning XP rates. The biggest reason why it probably stings a little more this time is because it involves your wallet, and publisher/developers fleecing the shit out of all of us and lying about it is suddenly a hot topic.

Those of us Destiny veterans shouldn't be surprised though. Remember how shitty that first Queen's event was in year one, how everyone was bored to death of it, but they figured out a snarky exploit? The same goes for the loot cave incident? Both times, Bungo saw what players were doing, and moved the goal-posts on everyone. You probably have another example I've forgotten and that's also a good point I guess. They've B.S.'d us so many times at this point, it's hard to keep track of it all. lol.

More lies. This newest XP bullshit is just another lie added to their list. Nobody should be real surprised at this point. In fact, most of us should hopefully be smirking at this point. Bungie and by relation obviously, Destiny have become that toxic person we've all known in life: they hurt you by leading you on with false promises, lies, drama and other bullshit, but they also feed you just enough praise and admiration from time to time to keep you hanging in there. Perhaps you'll start to say "I'm going to keep hanging in there, because I care and maybe they'll change." But eventually, you just start to wonder what's wrong with yourself because you just keep putting up with it. The Offspring wrote a song about this once. You've probably heard it.

Anyway, I'm really into this cup and ball thing lately. You can go ahead and play Bonestorm if you want. Or you can downvote me and defend Destiny and Bungie some more, kinda like that Offspring song I just mentioned.


submitted by /u/The_UnApologist
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Luke Smith Questions Thread / What do you Guardians want to ask Luke Smith?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:43 AM PST

We know the stream is on Wednesday. We also know they will be taking questions so I thought why not make a thread so that when we can ask some serious questions while also giving them some time to be able to come up with proper answers.

Any questions you got on your mind that are respectful or hard-hitting should rise to the top and the memey/angry questions should fall to the bottom.

The stream will got a lot better if they can actually have some answers to questions asked.

I would say try not to repeat what others say to keep it full of different questions.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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you should NOT be able to shoulder charge your team mates off of power ammo.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:57 PM PST

i can't tell you how many times this has happened to me today while trying to get this stupid bounty done. either remove the physics or give every class the ability to nudge a team mate off of power ammo.

submitted by /u/sadmale
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Destiny 2 – Free Trial Trailer

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:02 AM PST

Fist of...wait for it...HAVOC!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST

Apparently tether is only a minor inconvenience for titans.



submitted by /u/mizzou541
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A Raid Leader's Notes on Raid Leading Leviathan

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:57 AM PST


I have been leading raids on PC since the Leviathan came out and I've been having a blast doing it. I love guiding new people through the raid and helping people learn the fights. While I am by no means an authority on raids in Destiny, I figure at least a few people could pull something useful from my notes. That being said, I hope the following helps and feel free to ask if you have any specific questions regarding the raid.

General Advice

  • Morale: This is the most important thing in a group. If you're having issues during the raid be sure to get ahead of the problem by staying positive working to understand what is causing the issue.

  • Guardians are people: Treat your fireteam with respect and make sure to listen if they have concerns.

  • Know your fireteam: Figure out what people are comfortable doing and who is going to be better at different roles.

  • Use your assets: If you have some very geared and experienced people, make them shoulder more responsibility. Have them go on their own to kill a beast in the Gardens, Have them cover extra mobs during the gauntlet event, assign half the room to them during Calus's throne etc.

  • Take charge: Don't get into the rut where you feel like you need to wait for people to volunteer for roles. If you feel like someone is best for a position, tell them to do it. If they are strongly against it you can reconsider. I'd much rather have a person try and fail than not even give a role a shot.

  • Explain the fight, do a quick attempt, ask questions and explain. Seeing things in action is worth hours of pre-fight explanation. Do not get upset if people don't understand things right away.


  • Send your strongest player and one other to go on offense to get the standards.

  • Keep the other four guardians back on defense and encourage them to use their supers as much as possible.

  • When the two offense players cross back through the defenders they should snag as many orbs of light as you can to help burn down the boss.

  • When one of the offense guardians is returning the standard, the other should head to one of the other doors. You have a 50% chance of it being the right one and being able to camp the spawns at the door.

Pleasure Gardens

  • In this fight you have three people that have to do nearly all the decision making: 2 spotters and a point man

  • The point man is the runner on the ground that everyone else should be following. Everyone needs to be right on his butt at all times. Your most confident and capable player should be the runner.

  • The two spotters need to make sure the point man is always aware of which flowers are available. Make sure to give this role to someone who can jump.

  • An experienced point man ideally can lead the runners to each flower without the guidance of a spotter. If the point man is not experienced be sure to have the spotters indicate the path to take by laser-pointing where to go.

  • Once the runners pick up a flower buff the other side's spotter should immediately begin guiding the runners to the next flower. Very often the buffs will spawn across the room from each other so having the team moving quickly and confidently helps reduce wasted time

  • If the runners are fast you can get to the first flower that spawns right outside the door on the left or right before the dog gets to it. Just grab the spore and sprint to the flower. As soon as it activates retreat back to the safehouse.

  • The Noble Sacrifice: If you get to 48+ stacks and you have one or two players with significantly higher damage than other players sometimes it is worth it to have those one or two players stay behind when everyone else returns to the safehouse to continue damaging dogs. Have them stay behind, burn the dogs as hard as they can and then die horribly. This usually leads into the next point...

  • The Reset Phase: If there are a few people dead going into a phase all is not lost. Rather than scrambling around you can kill the chaos quickly by sacrificing a spore gathering phase to get everyone rezzed and ready for the following phase. If you have to burn time getting people alive then you likely won't have time to collect spores. Tell people who to rez (Ex: Failoe rez Kirielle then Kiri rez Kamana). Once everyone is up just shoot at the L1, L2, or Tree dogs from the top of the safehouse. You lose a phase of buff gathering that you were going to likely lose anyways due to running out of time but you gain order and a clean next phase.

  • If possible, have people use Cluster Rockets on the dogs, aim beneath the dogs as this splashes the damage back up into the dog.

The Royal Baths

  • Put your strongest guys starting on the top platforms and your weaker players on the bottom ones. The runners need to head top asap so the strong guys at top can kill the bather top and rotate bottom to help with the bather when it spawns at bottom.

  • As soon as you see the clamps coming up on the chains and your buff gets refreshed to 50 stacks call for everyone to sprint to the middle. You don't need to wait for the gong sound.

  • Assign two players (typically ones with add-killing ults) to handle adds when everyone goes to the middle.

  • Don't have people kill adds on their way to the middle. Just get in position and let the two add-killing guardians take care of it.

  • Once people run out of the protection buff during the middle phase have them switch to killing adds and the add-killers switch to damaging the crystals.


  • Your best players need to be your runners because they can also help two sides during the add phase.

  • During the add clearing phases have your runners stand on opposite sides at the corner of two platforms (ex: between Chalice and Axes and the other between Dogs and Sun) and help DPS the adds down.

  • If you know a player is going to have difficulty with killing waves have the runner focus on their side more.

  • If someone dies during the add wave phase their side's runner should rez if possible. If the runner can't rez in time then the closest person on Axe or Sun platforms should go.

  • Get in the habit of calling for people to punch psions after the runner goes through the gate every time. I usually just say "Punch your psion" like clockwork as I jump through a gate.

  • The Wardcliff Coil can one-shot the "boss" in the last wave.

  • For "middle" gates have the person on that symbol shoot the bottom triangle and the person to their left shoot the top triangle. I have the left person shoot the triable because they can always see the top triangle from anywhere.

  • When everyone is running Platform folks grab the orbs first and runners get orbs second.

  • Your two weakest platformers or first-timers to the raid grab an orb EVERY gate. This helps minimize their chances for failure.

  • The fastest person needs to call when the floor is going to go down as this usually takes people by surprise that aren't used to the fight.


  • Send less geared guardians into the shadow realm

  • Try to keep one warlock on the outside with healing rift for the shield phase. All other locks go with Empowering Rift and all Titans go Rallying Barricade.

  • Establish who is going to use what buffs on which platforms during the Calus damage phase. This avoids overlapping buffs and lets you stack Rallying Barricade + Empowering Rift.

  • Have people call their symbols in the shadow realm from left to right and DEFINITELY not all at once.

  • If you are going to say which symbol to punch make sure to preface it with "Punch". Nothing gets more confusing than hearing "Sun. Axe. Dogs. CHALICE!"

  • In the shadow realm kill the psions on the ground THEN the psions in the air.

  • If a psion purple-knock-up-grenade is flying at you, turn 90 degrees and sprint to dodge it.

  • Be sure to call for the fireteam to jump off the platform and then again to jump on the next platform to maximize your dps time.

  • If Calus is doing his animation after taking enough damage do not have the fireteam activate the next platform. Let him finish his animation and line up his shot. Once he's aimed the shot away from the platform, have everyone jump on.

  • After the Calus damage phase have your shadow realm guys use their ults to clear the room. This is mostly to generate orbs so your throne room guys have their ults if needed while they're alone.

  • If someone dies while everyone is in the throne room, have a shadow realm guardian rez them. The throne room guardians should save their rezzes for when they're the only ones in the throne room.

  • If you have new people in the raid act like the chest should spawn at Calus's feet and pretend to be confused when it doesn't. Tell everyone that it looks like y'all got screwed out of loot this week. Then snicker as you lead them to the actual chest.


  • If you don't know your way through the Underbelly you'll likely save time just doing the Castellum event each time.

  • Doing all the Underbelly keys before Calus can be a good way to give people a break and also prevents everyone from leaving after Calus before doing keys.

Edit: scion -> psion

submitted by /u/Failoe
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Okay I admit I was wrong, Iron Banner IS soul crushing!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PST

I have been a long defender on the new crucible, even just earlier in the week I was being all smug saying that as solo player its no big deal playing against 4 stacks. At the time I had just had a good first night. I was totally wrong.

After the last three nights, I completely retract almost everything I said. This Iron Banner has the first time in years made me feel really terrible about myself as a person in ANY PVP game in years. Games should be about entertainment, even when you are losing. they should make you feel bad as a player, not as a person. I am one of those people I really couldnt care if I win or lose as long as I am giving as good as I get and as long I feel like I am in a fair fightand as long as I am playing the objective. IE I dont care if I get out played, I dont care if I lose, hell I dont even particular care if I go even. (I am like a 1.55 player).

But these last three nights, 2 wins for 28 games. STUNNED SILENCE. Each game I went like 1.30-2.2 average (occasional 0.9). So its not like I wasnt pulling my weight or trying to, but I keep being put into losing matches, up against clan groups, then all the usual trash... * high calibre weapons * meta only weapons (all you see, and forced to use, though I did try other things) * team shooting * Hunter knifes curve around walls?!!!

then the worse part, all I needed was my sleeves, after 24 engrams I still dont have them

So for me... * the experience is not enjoyable * doing it for no reward

but the worse part, there was no on going reason to put myself through it... in the old Iron Banner we would have sizeable weekly quests, that forced you (and those you were playing against) to mix up their play styles, so there was always variety. then the crucible weeklies on top of it. So many objectives, so even if I was losing I was seeing progress to something. Now the greatest challenge is to get five kills in a life, trying to out run knives that can bend around walls. hehe.

So I was wrong, I get where people were coming from now. Shame, because Iron Banner used to mean something.

PS Sorry. Not sorry for my rant. (i know its not highly original)

submitted by /u/blakeavon
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Just got my first We Ran Out Of Medals medal ever in Destiny!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:09 AM PST

Despite the negativity and somewhat boring-ness of this game in the past month, i'm so excited to have finally got this medal! Such a good feeling, even if it did only show for a split second before the game ended.. Thanks Bungie! I finally got my moneys worth

Proof if anybody's interested

submitted by /u/CallMeJakeyBoy
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Had a blast playing Destiny yesterday ...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:25 AM PST

Most fun I'd had on Xbox in weeks, tbh. Picked up some bounties on my Hunter, jumped into the strike playlist, and RIPPED through them. Zhalo, Stellar Vestige, & Hezen Vengeance (Unto Dust for that witch of Cuba, though); Skyburner's Annex and my tether making orbs for days; streaks, sprees, and rampages popping up all the time on screen -- seriously, it just made such a difference. Yeah, every piece of gear I came out with was something I already had, but I didn't care because the actual game play experience was FUN AS HELL.

That's what's missing from D2 for me right now -- that sense of joy as I rip through the thralls at the beginning of the Malok strike, or as I rocket the living crap out of the Vex adds in the Nexus Mind one. Oh, no, I just used all my heavy getting that last streak for that rainbow Zavala bounty? No big deal, I'll just pop a heavy synth before we hit the boss. Aw, I used up my super to tether the precursors coming down the hill? That's OK, I can just run over the billion orbs on the ground and get another one. No shortage of resources here; nothing to hold me back; nothing to get in the way of having fun.

Does it make logical sense that killing Omnigul for the god only knows how many-th time is more fun than doing the Cabal Extraction public event for the tenth or twentieth or whatever? It may not, but for me at least, it absolutely is -- and going forward, I think I'm going to allocate my Xbox time accordingly.

submitted by /u/BigFloatyThing
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Bungie: Please have a loot pool dedicated to specific side activities. It’s an incentive to complete. Adventures. Cayde’s Stash. Public Events.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

I'd love to see real incentive to keep players pushing to really do everything in the game. As many have already said, there's little incentive to complete many of the possible activities in the game. I'm not even talking about higher power level items. Once you hit the cap, then your incentive is gone.

I'd love to see a dedicated loot pool for specific activities.

Imagine if Adventures had their own loot pool. Cayde's Treasures? Before faction rallies were here, they would reward faction weapons. People did them to get The Number and other items. But now that we've had faction rallies, the incentive is mostly gone. Maybe for an exotic engram, but by now we have all of the exotics. I'd love to see an unique loot pool for those chests only.

The same applies to Public Events. And why not even patrols?

In Rise of Iron, Archon's Forge had it's own loot pool. You would get those drops from completing the events. That was really rewarding and worth doing over and over again each week. The Saladin's Fusion? GREAT. The Sniper? Also good.

Please take this into consideration. Otherwise, for players to acquire gear the incentive is to grind only public event and then turn in parts at the gunsmith. That's literally the way to get all of the legendary weapons in the general loot pool. Public Events for engrams, then turn in parts from the blues you dismantle. That's it.

If each activity had a chances to drop different items, then now players will want to do them all in order to get everything.

submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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Destiny 2 API does not yet reflect XP change

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:49 PM PST

According to this tweet from the official Bungie Twitter, the API has not yet been updated to reflect the change to XP that Bungie announced a couple of days ago.

This means that XP tracking websites that use the API will not show correct values when compared to in-game numbers/progress. They've also mentioned that the correct in-game amount of XP required to earn a new level/Bright Engram is 160,000.

submitted by /u/smith2681
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Are we still going to ignore Feedback Fence...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:57 AM PST

There is no way ACD/0 Feedback Fence is currently "working as intended." I'm glad Bungie has recently addressed some of the bugs in the game, including the Hunter Survivalist Perk, but the fact that they haven't even mentioned this exotic is a little disappointing. It's an exotic that I am sure many people chose at the beginning of Destiny 2 not knowing that it is complete garbage because of a bug. On paper, this could be a really good exotic and one that would be fun for aggressive titans like myself.

submitted by /u/Word0nRoad
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There should be a publicly viewable collection of Crucible medals

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

As every PvP player knows, there are a lot of medals you can earn in the crucible - for kill streaks, for killing someone who killed you before, for super kills, for super shutdowns etc.. etc....

But the problem is: They don't mean anything. Only you yourself see them, in the heat of battle you might even miss them somehow, and they aren't tracked anywhere. Also, they are never explained - sure some are obvious, but today I got several medals, such as "Lethal Cadence", that I have no idea what they were for!

This is a huuuuge missed opportunity.

Making all possible medals viewable, along with the number of completions, would have numerous advantages:

  • it provides an additional challenge and can encourage you to diversify your playstyle to unlock elusive medals you don't have yet

  • it gives a way for skilled players to show off

  • it gives us something to chase at minimum effort for Bungie - all the medals are already there, we only need a tracker!

And hell, why stop there? There could be new, cosmetic rewards for certain medals, such as specific shaders for weapon-type-kills that let you show off your preference on your armor, emblems for especially elusive ones and so much more! Hell maybe even special weapons - give an exotic SMG for 1000 SMG kill medals, an exotic sniper for 1000 precision kills etc....

submitted by /u/Destirigon
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It almost feels like Bungie made the game worse on purpose just to "fix" it over time and pretend they are the good guys

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

I think everyone can accept that the general consensus is Destiny 2 isn't as good a game as it could or should be. And it's so annoyingly close to being amazing.

I've been thinking lately that it could be designed that way. Ever since we learned about the seasons and quarterly updates to the quality of life. It feels like the game is designed to be made better and better over time, eventually ending in the real "planned" experience.

Why they would do that is beyond me. The only reason I could think of would be to make a huge song and dance about how good they are every few months by "listening to player feedback" and delivering "quality of life improvements".

Bungie, if you want to keep your players happy, fix problems when they are raised. Don't make us wait 3 months and then act like it's new content.

Let's not pretend like the Warmind DLC isn't already pretty much done and Bungie aren't already working on the next big Taken King level expansion as we speak. Maybe even that's done too. There's no reason why the game shouldn't already have been fixed in plenty of ways.

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I feel like the game could be so much better and there doesn't seem to be any real reasons why it's not that better game from the start.

[Mini rant]

Also, you bloody idiots, static roll guns don't make them feel "Unique" or special. Half the guns are basically the same and the other half are incredibly overpowered in comparison. They make Exotics feel the same as legendaries for the most part and makes it feel like there are far fewer guns to choose from. There is absolutely no sense in taking away a players ability to grind for the perfect roll for their play style. If you REALLY want to have static roll guns, make a new orange colour Epic rarity, and have those unique guns be powerful versions of guns with random rolls, and have a collection for them in the vault.

submitted by /u/SirAwesomecake
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Why is power level even a thing if it doesn't matter in the slightest in end game PvP and is consistently scaled up in PvE?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:59 PM PST

In Destiny 1, you were consistently checking to make sure your desired PvP gear was high enough that you would be on a level playing field with everyone else in Iron Banner and Trials. If your raid gear was lower than some new gear you just got, you infused it immediately. I remember when Iron Banner first launched in D1 and people were using the first AR you get and demolishing, and there was massive backlash. But in D2 everything else is so bad already that this is just another problem lumped into everything else.

What is the point of "looting and shooting" if all of that loot I get does literally nothing for me outside of allowing me to say I use a legendary over a blue?

The first and only time I did the raid I was worried 276 was too low. My raid group, who had done it multiple times before, basically let me know "you can literally be anywhere from 270-305 and your damage is basically the same".

For me, there is no grind in this game not only because most of the content is shallow and underwhelming but because I don't get any power from my power level. I don't feel powerful as I get better weapons, there is no change in how my character performs.

And when I die to a green 110 weapon in Trials of the Nine, it feels that much worse.

EDIT: I will agree that being a 300+ makes the prestige nightfall and raid slightly easier, but as I said in a previous comment I think the raid and the nightfall are things that benefit more from coordination rather than power level. The main point of the post is also geared more towards PvP, since that's why I play Destiny. It seems even more imbalanced to have power level effect gameplay in end game PvE content slightly and to then ignore power level completely in any semblance of PvP.

Some have stated that skill is more important than power level in PvP, and that is what makes using a green over a legendary a disadvantage. However I don't think thats the case, as PvP has been changed so that teamshotting is the strongest style of play and solo plays are punished.

In other games there are sections where you get a piece of loot and you instantly say "wow, I am so much stronger now. Time to move to the next stage of content." For me there was not one single instance where a gun dropped and I was excited about how much stronger I had become. I watched a number move while doing the same activity over and over and when that number capped out, that was it.

EDIT 2: I dont want to spread misinformation, as others have pointed out there is a slight increase in damage and decrease in damage recieved in PvE. But when I made this post I was more concernced with PvP, and the difference in PvE is minimal at best (especially for a space ninja who has killed Gods). I just can't see a reason to have an end game PvP experience where the gear and level you've spent so long refining literally dont matter.

submitted by /u/MLG_Penguin
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Crucible Radio 2 Episode 127 - A Very Bungie Thanksgiving Episode Discussion

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PST

So the post on Crucible Playbook has been locked. There are currently no comments on the content of the podcast. I thought maybe here we could have a discussion on the content and what we thought about it.

  • Veist is the stealth weapon foundry. New weapon coming in COO.

  • Grenade launchers are scaled between one hit kill weapons and 'trick shot' weapons. Don't exactly have a defined place.

  • Subclasses: Dawnblade was created alongside Sunsinger, not made to replace it. Ending up replacing it as the 'avenging angel.'

  • Bladedancer was too complicated for the average player to grasp, Arcstrider took the CQC and acrobat aspect from it to create a new experience.

  • Subclasses inherited abilities from others to create specific fantasies through each subclass. Nightstaler=Stealth, Sentinel= CQC Tank, Striker= Brawler

  • Smoke tripping radar was super controversial at first, making Way of the Trapper focused on trapping.

  • Each designer's fun bias finds a way into the game. The inspiration behind Sentinel to go off and defend your team or go off and punch people to death. No difference really between Path of Aggressor and Path of Protector.

  • Slova bomb comes from a late night session talk about a Street Fighter ultimate slowly moving towards you, even if you don't get a kill, satisfying to see people run away. "Attunement of Chaos"

  • Challenge of PC was to get mouse and keyboard to feel the same as a console in the way a guardian moves. PC challenged sandbox preconceptions from moving to console. Took a ton of fine tuning. "If were going to do it, we need to do it right" Prioritize the PC experience for a PC player.

  • FOV is now able to changed, but at first exposed a ton of bugs. Reticle location used to be lower than the center of the screen, had to be changed to centered on PC, exposed a lot of bugs.

  • Aim Assist does exist on PC. Some things were turned off on PC in comparison to console, but it does exist as a system to deliver the "secret sauce."

META - Balance patch has not happened yet, but guns will probably be balanced differently from PC to console. Difference in meta putting pressure on balancing issues.

  • The meta has been a surprise to Newsk and Claude. Playtesting seems to be more random than the way the community plays. Antiope is not out of balance according to the playtesting. They thought high impact pulse rifles would be stronger. Small changes create an entirely different game. Pulse grenades were made fun in D2, but did not see that they would get picked over lightning grenades.

  • They new Mida would become popular, same gun as in D1.

  • A lot of hidden power in subclasses that arent frequently used, Sunbreaker Fireforged Path. Stormcaller Conduction Path. Striker Juggernaut Path. (I'd expect a small buff to these paths for variety)

  • Dawnblade Attunement of the Sky designed for unanticipated angles, and body shots? I'm not too sure about this one.

  • SMG's are very lethal, Iron Banner weapons are high with average KD per user. Iron Banner pulse is the IB weapon with highest KD per user.

  • Least popular and most effective exotic is Rat King, top are Viligance Wing and MIDA.

  • They're glad they could speak about the game in an emotionless way. Talking about why they like to play the game. (Newsk and Claude)

Edit. For part 2 that aired today. Edit 2. Added summary. A lot of these are summarized quotes, everything in quotations are almost exact words.

submitted by /u/rowdyrc123
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