Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-11-25]

Daily Questions [2017-11-25]

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Luke Smith respons

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:29 AM PST

"Next week the Destiny 2 team will detail the systems side of the December update.

It includes: economy updates (vendors & acquiring their gear, tokens, legendary shards), investment updates (new reward systems for weapons & armor) gameplay updates, and more. (1/2)"

Additionally, @knowsworthy and I will also be answering some questions and addressing community feedback we've been reading since launch.

See you soon. (2/2)

Edit: English

submitted by /u/Vertzcal
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I'm just glad that journalists are pointing out that the change is an awkward reaction to being caught rather than just a bug fix

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

'Double XP' from Buying Poptarts Wasn't Just Nefarious, it was a Scam.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:28 PM PST

It pains me to write this post. I put more time into Destiny 1 than any other video game I've played. When Destiny 2 was announced I was all aboard the hype train. When I learned that I could buy pop tarts to get a double XP I was more than willing to pay money to speed up my progression. Did I want to buy Poptarts? God no! I bought them strictly for 2x XP.

Now nothing I've talked about so far is wrong, immoral or illegal at all. I voluntarily spent my money on pop tarts to speed up my progression in Destiny 2. The problem arises with the recent developments with how XP works within Destiny 2. For those who aren't up to date with how xp worked in destiny 2 (until nov 24th 2017) the longer you played the less xp you earned from the same activities. Now this xp mechanic was hidden very well due to the fact that the game would tell you were earning the correct amount of xp when you actually were earning less xp, a lot less. This hidden mechanic was figured out by dedicated destiny community members here on Reddit with a plethora of testing data to back it up.

On Nov 24th 2017 Bungie finally addressed the xp issue by admitting it was intentionally put into the game (it was not a bug). Bungie stated that the xp reduction was not working as intended and removed the xp reduction mechanic from the game. Many in the destiny community (self included) find it interesting that the same day that major gaming news outlets cover the xp reduction mechanic in Destiny 2, Bungie decides the mechanic is not working as intended and removed it from the game. One hell of a coincidence if you ask me.

The xp reduction mechanic has been in the game since launch. That means that I was spending my money on Poptarts for double xp AND I WASN'T RECEIVING WHAT WAS ADVERTISED! I was paying money for double xp and as I played the game Bungie was reducing the amount of xp I earned while the game showed I was earning double xp when I actually wasn't earning that amount of xp.

This is deceptive. This is manipulative. This is nefarious. Worst of all this is false advertising. I don't care how long you've been playing Bungie games or how much you love this company. At the end of the day Bungie is willing to lie to its player base to make a buck. I haven't even discussed how this mechanic was designed to make earning bright engrams take much more time to earn without spending money for them. Imagine how this makes Kellogg's look!

Between the state of the game, Jon Weisnewski discussing his 'gaming philosophy', and Bungie getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar, I am just sick. It's sad that this is what has become of a franchise I loved so much.

Edit: Some how people are missing the point. This post is about the ethics of Bungie and what they're willing to do to make money. I don't care about getting my money back that I spent on pop tarts.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Edit 2: woke up to 150 notifications so I'll address the main points being made here.

  • Apparently it was 1.25 xp multiplier not 2.0, I apologize for the confusion but this doesn't affect my argument at all.

  • "You still technically received the xp boost despite Bungie scaling down your xp earned"

While technically true everyone who purchased the xp boost was under the impression the the base xp earned wouldn't change as they played the game. If you completed an activity and earned 1000 xp with a boost active, it was expected that the actual xp earned would be 1,250 xp.

1000 x 1.25 = 1250 xp

The real kicker is that the game would tell you that you earned 1250 xp via the UI but you actually earned much less. If you played that activity over and over the scaling system would reduce your xp gains by up to 90%!

1000 x .9= 900 1000 - 900 = 100 100 x 1.25 = 125 xp

Did I technically get the 25% boost? Technically yes but if scaling mechanic was public knowledge before the Poptarts event began would you have spent your money on Poptarts for the xp gain? I wouldn't have.

This is what's unethical about this situation. Everyone who bought pop tarts for an xp boost did so under the false pretense that xp earned end game would remain consistent. This is supported by the fact that the game would lie about how much xp was actually received from completing activities. How someone can call this an ethical business practice is beyond me. Expect better from corporations you do business with.

Edit 3: Many fellow guardians are claiming they never received the xp boost even after texting a picture of a receipt to Kellogg's. Maybe the community needs to look into this more.

Edit 4: "You paid for Poptarts, the xp boost was a free bonus."

This is simply false and untrue. Purchase was absolutely necessary to receive the xp boost. You had to text a picture of your receipt to Kellogg's. there was no way of receiving the boost without spend money. It was not a free bonus.

submitted by /u/Armlock311
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Has the kinetic/energy/power format failed?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:29 AM PST

So there has been a lot of discontent within the sub regarding the state of Destiny 2 at present. The problems generally discussed nowadays are:

  1. XP issues
  2. Lack of endgame incentive
  3. PvP being a boring teamshoot fest.
  4. Exotics and weapons not really feeling powerful.
  5. Guardians and abilities in general feeling less potent.
  6. Tokens.

I'm sure there are more that I have missed but there is a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. Something that I haven't wanted to admit for a while because the flaw is too fundamental in D2 to change. Yes it's in the title. I think we need to discuss the failure of the kinetic/energy/power layout.

There are many who would defend this and state that having essentially two primaries (effectively), removes a lot of crutches that people had in D1 PvP. That it requires more teamwork now. And to a certain extent I agree.

However, in doing so. You have added to the lack of power fantasy that plagues destiny 2. Compared to the primary/special/heavy format, guardians are undoubtedly less powerful now. That much cannot be argued with. But switching formats has weakened the power fantasy in other ways in my opinion.

In PvE, there is now just one less method of outputting a large amount of damage in a short space of time. You can use your power ammo or you can use your super. Switch to your secondary and it's now chipping away at a bosses health bar with an auto rifle or something similar.

Roaming supers now are generally weaker in PvP to give energy weapons a chance to outplay and defeat them. Roaming supers in D1 were immensely more powerful. But with a skilled hand, talented play with your special (sniper/shotgun/fusion) could still outplay a super.

Abilities like melees and grenades are significantly weaker in PvP now than they were in D1. Why? Because you likely only have two primaries now to try and outplay the ability spam. If you had one shot stickies and one shot shoulder charges in D1, talent with a sniper or shotgun could still effectively counter it.

If my opinion doesn't matter to you and it likely doesn't, take a look at the population of PvP streamers that D1 spawned. It's no longer as active now as it was before. Of course it isn't! Individual talent that can outplay something seemingly insurmountable like a super with merely some special ammo doesn't exist anymore! You can now outplay a significantly weaker super with some good teamshotting. Yay!! Heck we don't even need streamers to make moments of magic. We all have memories in our heads about times we clutched a 1v3 in trials with a sniper or shotty. When everything just came together. These moments happen far less frequently when you have a couple of primaries and neutered abilities to work with.

In short, I feel that the kinetic/energy/power format has fundamentally worsened the game in more ways than one and there isn't a quick fix to this.

TL;DR - the kinetic/energy/power sucks and takes away from the power fantasy.

Apologies for lousy formatting. Doing this on my phone right now.

Edit: There are some VERY good comments/opinions in the comments that are worth reading. Glad we could generate discussion as I felt this wasn't discussed enough.

submitted by /u/DrBrainsqueeze
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After all this better give the Live-Team WAY more control over the game Bungie. After all, most of this backlash seems to be decisions made by the Main-Team!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:54 AM PST

These decisions made by the Main-Team are just cruel. The loss of so many QoL Improvements, the XP Scaling, The Eververse Control, the PvP...

So much seems to be going on behind the scenes that we won't see and I feel like the Main-Team is making the Live-Team SUFFER.

Look at what they have to fix!

Live-Team...please do your best to gain more control over the direction of Destiny!

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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You can refund the curse of Osiris through the Blizzard support services on their website.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

Like many of you, I think Destiny 2 is no longer a good game.

So I decided to try and get a refund on the Curse of Osiris, I honestly didn't have much faith going in but thought I would give it a shot.

Ticket got resolved within 19 hours and my regret has been subsided.

Shout out to Game Master Talyain, thanks for the swift response.

submitted by /u/ZettaSlow
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Bungie, instead of throttling our XP, can you throttle duplicate drops instead?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:46 AM PST

I don't think any Destiny player should be able to get 3 duplicate drops in the span of 30 minutes.

Repeated duplicates with fixed rolls is pretty much the opposite of "respecting the player's time".

submitted by /u/Chundercracker
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Bungie, like before you have provided players a stale experience that in its first year will drive players away for good.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:04 AM PST

It's uncomfortable to see this happening after they learned their lesson in D1. Clans are dead. I see two clanmates on at most even at peak times. And in D1, my group of 9 friends thinned out to three.

D1 was a bit underwhelming in its first year, with a tedious grind, progressions system unlike the years since it, and an uncomfortable amount of content that was recycled here and there.

Then The Taken King came out, and not only did it come with a gigantic QoL update, but it brought some content that felt like a true, proper expansion. But then you had a $50 rerelease of the game with all the DLC's including TTK. Meanwhile us year 1 players spend a lot more, and have to sit through the game's teething problems.

Destiny 2 has gone down the same path. Bungie implemented new systems that kill the experience - RNG token systems that replaced a perfectly good reward and rank-up system that very few people complained about in D1. D2 feels even worse this time for a year 1 experience.

We have the raid, some strikes, pvp activities, world activities, but there's only one way, and one version (with exception of prestige raid, but we'll get to that) to play all this content.

Heroic strikes are not recycling content. They were a harder version with better rewards. People liked that. Why don't we have that? The prestige raid is laughable. Every raid in D1 I attempted hard mode the day they came out, because of the rewards awaiting our attempts. But this? An emblem and a weapon skin? That is not worth our time.

Destiny 2 at launch has followed the same routine, albeit different details. D1's grind kept us going, even though we didn't always enjoy it. Not only has D2 got so little grind, no effort needed aside from the raid, but it also has next to no reward. Every time I play at this point, I feel like I'm wasting my time.

The game is not enjoyable in its current state, and the fact we have to wait until DLC's come out for QoL updates is not an excuse in the slightest. Studios can pump out updates a lot faster than that, and the lack of weapon tuning updates, changes in the way things work, etc. has made the game stale incredibly fast.

So on that note, if D2 is fixed and really great by the time we get to September 2018, I ask Bungie this - Why should we get Destiny 3 at launch? Many people, myself included, might simply decide to skip the drama and save money by picking up the bundle a year later.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Hey Bungie, My Friends All Quit

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:59 PM PST

I am a casual player, my friends all quit, and in a team shoot roaming 4-person meta of Crucible your game has to be one of the most frustrating, terrible, and soul-crushing experiences I have ever had in my 15-years of online gaming.

Please fix your game, there is no way in hell I will be purchasing any DLC until it is clear that this game is going to receive the patches and updates that it needs to make this game entertaining and fun, as a game should be.

Edit: Wow did not expect this to blow up, this was more of a rant after a terrible IB experience on Friday. To those of you telling me to put the game down, and play something I enjoy, I have been. I really wanted to get the IB emblem (cosmetic goals and all), so I grinded it out despite not enjoying my time doing it.

Like most of the people in this sub, I want to see Destiny reach its potential, not sit here wallowing in mediocrity (if we even think it's worthy of that). Bungie has created a beautifully game, with a very strong foundation to build, and a story that could be rich, yet is mired in teenager jokes. Maybe Destiny isn't the right game for me, maybe it isn't going to be the game we all thought it would be anymore. But I sure as hell am going to keep voicing my discontent, like you all have been until Bungie either makes it clear their current direction is their only direction, or that they hear us and made some mistakes.

submitted by /u/Bizmarhk
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After "XP Update," it took 116k XP (not even including most mob kills during PEs) to fill my "80k XP Bright Engram Bar."

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

So, Bungie said this (Emphasis mine) -

As a result, players will see XP earn rates change for all activities across the board, but with all values being displayed consistently in the user interface.

I assumed this meant that all XP gains shown in-game are now accurate instead of the false amounts being shown prior to this update. Is this not true? Could someone please explain to me what this update entails if the numbers being shown still are not adding up properly in their system? As I said, I added up to 116k to reach my next bright engram, and that didn't include a huge portion of my kills during the PEs, so I'd put that number close to 130-140k. Any insight would be appreciated, thank you.

I had my well-rested buff during this test, by the way. 7.5k per PE.

Edit: Well, seeing this is on the front page, let's make a few acknowledgments here:

1) I am well aware that n=1 is a shitty sample size, so I hope someone with time on their hands can provide a larger sample size either from personal experience or through gathering information from trustworthy individuals. I'd advise running tests with the well rested buff, with the medallion, with both, and with no buff. For science. Video evidence, which I lack the means of providing, would be all the better.

2) I'm hoping Bungie will clarify what they meant by the quoted statement in the upcoming TWAB, and they truly need to go into more detail on what the deactivation of that system entails and how it affects our XP gains. I'm trying to limit the name-calling and shouting at them until they (hopefully) come fully clean next TWAB. I'd personally love to see some hard numbers from them instead of vague explanations of their systems like they so often do.

3) Thanks for the various viewpoints given on this matter. According to some comments, I understand sites that track their API may not reflect the current changes. If this is the case, then more accurate data will come in time. Try to report any XP discrepancies you experience here, in the stickied post, and/or on Bungie forums. The more samples we have, the better.

submitted by /u/Inflicties
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Where is the passion?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:58 AM PST

So I just want to try and quickly share my story.

When I started in The Taken King, there were a bunch of cool things to shoot for. A friend of mine had an exotic weapon called Bad Juju he'd never shut up about. I saw people running around with swords. The legendary "God Roll" thousand yard stare that my friends said was the best weapon.

As I progressed through the game, learning different things, I picked up different weapons. Maybe they weren't the best weapons, but they were my weapons. I had a Counterbalance Braced Frame Arminius-D which I used to bounce around with on Patrol. My legion of Hakke pulses. My Triple Tap, Hand-Laid stock, Firefly Cocytus SR4.

Eventually I worked my way up to bigger and better things. I got my hands on the Starfire Protocol, which I pretty much never took off. (Int/Dis/heavy ammo/solar armour? Why would you?) In fact, even though I carried around The Impossible Machines i'd often forget to switch to them and so i'd be this Stormcaller running around with the Starfire Protocol. Derp.

I spent tons of strange coins on legacy primaries hunting for year 2 bad juju. I remember checking this sub daily for Xur to sell the Zhalo Supercell, and the Prayer Circles (It worked!!). I got my Dark Drinker. The Tlaloc.

Right near the end of my D1 experience I finally got my God Roll Thousand Yard Stare. After countless late nights on the heroic strike play list I finally got the god roll to drop.

Grenadier - Quickdraw - Hidden Hand

Well, it was one perk out of perfect. But Grenadier is still perfectly usable. And Hey, Hidden Hand means I can actually hit stuff with a sniper now, right? When I went to brag to my friends, I remember them all having a big laugh at me, because turns out the God Roll scope was Shortgaze, not Longview. I still found it usable, and I had a lot of fun with hidden hand letting me actually use a sniper rifle for a bit!

I haven't had any moments like this in D2. I don't remember where my weapons came from. I don't aim for different weapons. I don't even carry around many different weapons. There's not much point. I just keep a single duplicate of each one in the vault, and take it out if I need it before a mission/strike/crucible.

Perhaps the closest was when I got my MIDA Mini-tool. The quest dialogue was kinda charming and I liked the lore on the weapon, but the weapon itself wasn't customizable and now it's kinda just sitting in my vault. Oh, there was my first Wardcliff Coil, because I use that a lot for Public Events. But it's not a powerful weapon or anything. Just very niche. And I only remember that because I was frustrated for so long that I didn't have it to do the vents on the injection rig.


Where is this passion? Where is the story to my Guardian? What is the legacy he leaves behind in his dusty, old vault when The Taken Gary 2: Electric Boogaloo nukes it for Destiny 3?

submitted by /u/ThisUserWasTaken
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XP in Destiny 2

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:16 PM PST


We've seen community discussion around XP gain in Destiny. After reviewing our data, we agree that the system is not performing the way we'd like it to. Today, we'd like to describe what's going on under the hood, and talk about what you can expect going forward when it comes to earning XP in Destiny 2.

Currently, XP will scale up when playing longer or fixed duration activities like Crucible competitive multiplayer matches and the Leviathan Raid, and XP will scale down when playing activities that can be quickly, repeatedly chained, like grinding Public Events. We are not happy with the results, and we've heard the same from the community.

Effective immediately, we are deactivating this system.

As a result, players will see XP earn rates change for all activities across the board, but with all values being displayed consistently in the user interface. Over the course of the next week, we will be watching and reviewing XP game data to ensure that these changes meet our expectations, as well as yours. Any additional updates to this system will be communicated to you via our official channels.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Nosism's Destiny 2 Improvement List // hopefully a more positive spin on constructive criticism

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

I have high hopes that Bungie keeps working hard to give the community what it wants. A lot of what we asked for made it to Destiny 1 eventually.

I try to be very, very specific about the game we want so Bungie gets it right. Here is my best effort-- made better by all the wordsmiths who have been suggesting better phrasing and who have even written a few sections under PvP better than I could have.

Nosism's Destiny 2 Improvement List

Click Here to Visit:

We all want Destiny 2 to be great. Here is a list I have curated on improvements Bungie should focus their time and energy on. I want this to be a perfect game and I want to contribute my thinking and organization to make this easier for Bungie.

Table of Contents:

  1. Game Design: Progression, Rewards & Customization

  2. PVE: Open World

  3. PVE: Strikes & Nightfall

  4. PVP: Balancing The Meta

  5. PVP: Enhancing Gameplay & Progression

  6. Technical, Cosmetic, UI Improvements

  7. PC-Specific Improvements

My favorite sections are:

PvP Enhancements:

Making the Open World Feel Large:

Fixes to Rewards-- including returning prestige and a system for random rolls while keeping the game clear:

submitted by /u/Nosism
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Bungie Corporate Review

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:46 AM PST

If this is true, this explains a lot about what's going on. I really hope change comes soon I love this game too much to see it implode like this.

submitted by /u/nyq_evolution
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Lirik on Twitter: "Damn, @DestinyTheGame community is in an uproar and can't blame them. Kinda sad there is no direct communication between player/Dev."

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:23 PM PST

Good to see someone as big as him on our side.

Edit: To those who don't know Lirik is a Twitch streamer with over 1.8 million followers. He may be the biggest US variety streamer and he pretty much plays every new AAA game including Destiny 2 (briefly). One notable thing is he doesn't use a face cam when he streams.

thanks /u/meizer for summing it up

submitted by /u/TrueAnarchist42
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Game Journalists, we appreciate the help in getting the XP Scaling removed! Would you mind giving us a hand on getting some other things fixed?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:53 PM PST

With you publishing articles pointing out what redditors on here found out about the XP Scaling and how it negatively effects the game we got the negative and nefarious system removed!

Please help us get other issues fixed as well by making more articles regarding things that have been issues for months and have yet to be fixed!

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Reasonings around D2 game design choices made me sad.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

This whole xp gain kerfuffle made me realize that Destiny 2 and all its systems are designed around microtransactions.

But let's not jump the gun.

I started reasoning from here: in-game XP is a currency to earn Bright Engrams. Earning a Bright Engram is also the most recognizable event in the game, with an overlay UI that overrides whatever is happening on-screen to let the player know he/she got something big and exciting.

What are Bright Engrams? A RNG wall to the best cosmetics in the game: legendary shaders, legendary and exotic sparrows, legendary and exotic ships.

Shaders were subject to a radical change from permanent & reusable to one-time consumable. Sparrows have been removed from the gameplay loot tables. Ships as well have been removed from the gameplay loot tables.

What else is in the Bright Engrams? The Optimacy set, which is arguably the "shiniest" of them all. Emotes, that were once buyable directly without being in a RNG container. Mods, mostly useless and possibly included to dilute the loot table. Xp-boost items.

The latter is meant to be an incentive to grind less for the next Bright Engram.

Let's take a look at the normal engrams. Blue engrams now decrypt on pickup. Why is it so? Because every now and then in D1 we used to get a legendary or even an exotic from decrypting them.

Warning: this is where it gets worse.

Decrypting a Blue to something better rewards the user with a "Jackpot!!!" feeling. That's bad because if this was the case Bright Engrams would not be the flashiest and most sought after source of "Jackpot!!!" feelings. For the very same reason we now have to decrypt just legendary engrams...that churn out just the same fixed-roll weapons again and again with the occasional exotic. Fixed roll weapons are not particularly rewarding per they are not a threath to the Bright Engram rule on player excitement. Exotics in D2 are a dime a dozen and Exotic Engrams give tons of duplicates as well. Not particularly exciting, again. And thinking about dupes: vendor engrams also give tons of them. Well we can shard the dupes to get legendary shards. But they're useless too since the only purpose they currently serve is to buy exotics from a vendor. But exotics are not that exciting in D2.

Basically: dupes, useless shards, the exotic droprate, the absence of blue engram decryption, the fixed roll weapons are all linked with a feeling of "less excitement".

So we have "less excitement" for anything that's not a Bright Engram.

Not a few weeks ago someone posted that the true end-game content was grinding for Bright Engrams because they were the only exciting thing they got from the game.

Let that sink in.

The whole game is rigged to make you think this.

Because Bright Engrams can be bought with real money.

Add the recent XP-gain controversy into the mix and you have a whole game, even its hidden systems, designed around selling as much lootboxes as possible.


...and now I'm sad, because I love the Destiny universe but I hate the design of D2.

EDIT: typos.


TLDR: I realized the whole game design choices of Destiny 2 (changes vs. D1, including currency systems and reward experiences) are deliberately designed to herd us towards Bright Engrams and Eververse. And that makes me a sad panda.

EDIT3: formatting.

Also, I'd love to hear the opinion of those downvoting the thread.

submitted by /u/Ps3Dave
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If Destiny 2 was actually an expansion pass instead of a new game

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

[Towerthoughts] The people who followed the "I'll delete my vault in D1 before Ghaul does", and went back to D1 from D2, must be pretty pissed right now.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:03 AM PST

I'm glad I didn't follow that meme. :D

submitted by /u/Deaf_Control
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This team wins the "most arc charges from the walker" contest.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:28 AM PST

see here

I can say that I've done the walker public events HUNDREDS of times, and it wasn't uncommon to see 6 charges drop at a time, but this many?? My jaw went to the floor.

submitted by /u/VenomousMuse_
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Destiny 2 NEEDS a live support/support ticket system

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:14 AM PST

I literally cannot think of another game of this mmo/persistent world genre that does not have a support ticket/live chat system. Me and many others are having game-breaking network issues that aren't our fault today and all that can be done about it is to post on the forum about it, where there hasn't even been so much as a 'we're working on it' from anyone.

For lack of a response, I should at least be able to send a report straight to bungie. I feel totally powerless and I want my money back, I can't even contact them about this.

submitted by /u/OgodHOWdisGEThere
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Datto / Destiny 2: Bungie Reveals They Throttled Experience Gains

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:23 AM PST

many people have been locked out of the game for two days now. There is no fix, you are simply told 'servers not available'.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:15 AM PST

This is not a tech support thread, every possible solution has been tried on the forum and nothing works. Bungie hasn't even acknowledged it yet. I don't know what percentage of players are experiencing it but if it's enough to make the forum look like the above screenshot then it's too many.

edit: Bungie now says they are investigating the problems... on PC. No mention or even acknowledgement of console issues. maybe that has something to do with the fact that PC players can submit tickets to and console players can't even directly contact anyone about this. what a joke.

submitted by /u/OgodHOWdisGEThere
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The "Competitive" playlist needs something to make teams and high skill players choose it over "Quickplay"

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:29 AM PST

"Competitive" game modes last longer, you spend more time dead (countdown), its more punishing for players who aren't playing hard, its longer matchmaking with heavier SBMM....


Come on guys, how did you expect this to work?

submitted by /u/suenopequeno
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