Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-11-20]

Daily Questions [2017-11-20]

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

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submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Soft Caps are damaging to a game, and they need to go away. PRONTO.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:29 AM PST

Soft caps have got to be one of the most annoying, and most unproductive gaming mechanics to ever exist. Not only are they just annoying, but they are detrimental to a games health and re-playability.

The soft caps in Destiny 2, for example, farming planetary tokens and elements and chests, is the most non-fun, non-rewarding, unproductive mechanic in Destiny 2. When I hit the soft cap, I just let out a big sigh, and all interest in playing inches closer to getting thrown out the window.

I consider myself to now be a more casual Destiny player, I've logged close to 2k hours in Destiny 1, but have since gotten married, had a baby, moved further away from my place of employment, etc. I just don't have the time to dedicate to Destiny 2 that I once had.

I should not be able to feel the effects of soft caps in Destiny 2! But I do! And it's annoying and frustrating and further limits my already limited play time I get per week to sit down and decompress with Destiny 2.

For example, Flashpoint on Titan. What do you do when waiting for public events? You farm. You open chests, you collect elements, you hunt down high value targets, etc. Collecting these items gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment for just running around and killing shit. It makes it rewarding.

But when it comes to a point that I'm only getting 50 glimmer for opening a chest of collecting an element, that is the single most defeating thing about farming. I get it, the cool down is minutes, not hours or days (looking at you Battlefront II....) but it is still annoying.

I want to someday collect all the armor for my toon from each planet. But, with the soft cap, it'll take me even longer to do so now.

I understand why they implemented soft caps, to try and slow down the 1%, but they are the 1%, there is no slowing them down. All the soft caps are doing is hurting the more casual players who don't get hours upon hours a week to play.

I want to farm on my own terms.


EDIT: The XP soft cap is also dampening. Clarion Call was fruitless. I didn't even bother with it this week because everyone was complaining about the soft cap. I don't have time to deal with caps.

Bungie, you wanted Destiny 2 to be more appealing to more casual players. Well, you're pushing us away, while only just barely, just barely, slowing down the top 1%.

submitted by /u/herefortheanswers
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“If everyone likes your game but no one loves it, it will fail.” Mark Rosewater Lead designer of Magic the gathering. I am starting to feel like this is why destiny 2 feels so blah.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:25 PM PST

I was listening to a podcast from the head designer of Magic. In it he was talking about the lessons he has learned over the 10+ of making Magic the gathering. And it boils down to how if you try to make your game not have the high highs and low lows that nothing really holds the spark to bring you back hungry for more. Here is a bit from the column he wrote about this.

The metaphor I'll use for this lesson is a blind date. Before you go on the blind date, you make a list of qualities that matter to you. Now, which is better? Your date hits positively on every metric you set, but there was no chemistry; or you had great chemistry, but not all of the metrics were met. Most people would pick the latter. What does it matter if the person has fewer negatives if they have no strong positives? The goal of a date isn't minimizing negative attributes, it's finding ones to get excited about. Maybe the latter doesn't work out, but it's much more likely to lead to a second date.

Your players don't need to love everything, but they need to love something. Something has to draw them into your game, something they feel strongly about. Don't worry that the players will hate something. Instead, worry that no one will love anything. Things that evoke strong responses will most often evoke strong responses in many directions, meaning it's almost impossible to make some players love something without making other players hate it. In fact, some players enjoy hating what other players love. So stop worrying about evoking a negative response and start worrying about evoking a strong response.

Maybe I'm just grasping at straw at why destiny 2 does not feel the same to me as D1. Here is the whole article if you want to read it.

submitted by /u/redblade8
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Why is it that we can get Shaxx's gear/weapons in addition to tokens for completing Crucible matches but can't get Zavala's gear/weapons for completing strikes?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

Both activities reward tokens for rank up rewards, but Crucible matches also give you a shot at receiving the actual gear as a post-game reward. Strikes should follow suit.

submitted by /u/platotudes
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Vanilla D2 has ~160 legendary weapons with set perks. Vanilla D1 only had ~60 legendary weapons, but random rolls created more than ~1800 legendary variations.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:44 AM PST

The ~1800 only takes Vanilla D1 weapons (pre-TDB) and their two power perk nodes/pools into account, not the scope or range/stability/HCR/etc. perk trees/pools.

This number doesn't include VoG weapons, because they have set perks. I also haven't included Y1 ToO weapons, since ToO didn't launch with Vanilla D1, even though their D2 counterparts are included in the D2 totals.

I arrived at ~1800 using a weapon with smaller perk pools—the Vanquisher VII perk pools, which could roll 30 different variations:

  • S&P / RR / CB / Cascade / Persistence / HF
  • GHF / RF / Grenadier / CC / 3E

I applied the 30 possible Vanquisher combinations across the board (60 weapons x 30 combos), even though Y1 Iron Banner weapons, by comparison, could roll 40 different variations.

"There will be a ton of loot."

Edit: Even if one were to concede that 90% of Vanilla D1 rolls were trash (which they weren't), the remaining 10% (~180+ weapons) would still leave us with more options and variety than all Vanilla D2 has given us (~160).

submitted by /u/platotudes
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Arc Soul VS Calus {Killing Calus with ONLY Arc Soul Damage}

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:02 AM PST

Video Link:

Indica's PoV:

This was a funny idea that we thought of a while ago, and we finally got around to completing it. Can you successfully kill Calus with ONLY Arc Soul damage? Well... yes... you can haha.

The majority of the video is pretty self explanatory. Go about the fight as you normally do, jump on a damage plate, and place an Arc Soul rift... and wait. There were a few important discoveries that we made while doing this:

1) All players must be ON the plate BEFORE the Arc Soul rift is placed down. We found that many of us were getting immunes if the rift was placed before we were in position.

2) Once the Arc Soul buff is activated, you no longer need to remain on a plate. As long as you reset your Arc Soul countdown timer BEFORE the current timer runs out, Arc Soul continues to do damage, even without standing on a plate. The little robot keeps the plates' DPS buff while off the plate.

After realizing the two key factors above, we got this right away. It took us five DPS phases to get the kill. As for final stand, I'll let you watch yourself :)

Thanks to my teammates for the run!

Have a ARC-SOUL-lent day!


submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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As much as D2's endgame is considered cosmetic, isn't it a bit ironic that we had almost no limitation to what we wear in D1 as long as you roll the perks you want.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PST

Meaning that in D1, at least you could get any non-exotic armour to roll with any perks, outside of specific raid/poe perks. You could always be on the hunt for the perfectly rolled armour set that both looked the way you wanted to look and gave you the abilities that you wanted. T12 5-5-2 with fast melee, more sniper ammo and void resilience for instance. Now, in D2, if I want to have a recovery build for my hunter, I only have a choice of using pieces from 4 out of 19 available sets. That's just so backwards to me!

submitted by /u/marteinnorn
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Bungie should've released a new Adventure every week/fortnight, that contributes to the story and the gaps between DLCs

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:04 AM PST

As the title says, Adventures came in and they were great for expanding the story for the upcoming DLC, but after everyone did it on the first character they probably didn't do them again, so one less thing for people to come back to, one less thing for people to actually do when we're saying there's no good events to keep people coming back.

We talk about how the current events don't do enough to keep people coming back, and that they're away for long periods of time until the next DLC with the new story content comes out, so why not fill it out with a new idea that hasn't been used to its full potential?

Even a Tell-Tale style storytelling over the course of a couple of weeks between DLCs to bridge that gap, I mean it's been a couple of months between Red War and Osiris so you're saying fuck all has happened with the Fallen and Taken in that time? Expand the backstory pls bungo. :)

submitted by /u/RyanGUK
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What's the point of gearing up when everything scales?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:10 AM PST

As the title suggest, I'm really wondering what the point is. I understand that you need to meet the requirements for the raid and other things but once you hit that, what is the need to gear up? I kill the same things in the same amount of time as I did when I was 260 in Strikes and public events.

The whole appeal of gearing up in many situations is to kill stuff faster and feel better. It's a good feeling when you finally hit that piece that allows you to oneshot something that usually had a little bit of health left previously.

I'm not sure how the raid scales, maybe that's different? I haven't felt any difference in the Nightfall Strikes since I've become more powerful so I don't think that scales at all either. Or does it? How does it work?

This game really lacks a good progression system like (flame me all you like) The Division had. There you had World Tiers and you obviously became more powerful as you geared up, until you unlocked the next tier.

submitted by /u/raduki
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The Hunter perk Practice Makes Perfect is functionally useless

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

I've been wondering about the Practice Makes Perfect perk, which supposedly gives you Super energy for each precision shot you LAND on a target. It didn't seem like it had been doing anything so I decided I would try to test this.

Conclusion (TL;DR): Practice Makes Perfect has little if any effect on the development your super.

The first experiment was pretty simple, see how fast I could evolve my Super by shooting stuff with precision shots. The location I choose for this was Artifact's Edge. if you go down the elevator, to the left there's a small mesa ~6ft (2m) tall. If you crouch on this mesa, you have four groups of Vex that will spawn rapidly enough that you can basically continuously shoot enemies. I ran each test 10 times. I manually counted the number of bullets AND the number of precision hit out of those bullets. Each test had between a 65-70% precision hit rate (in other words, 65-70% of my bullets gave precision damage numbers). Each test also saw me downing 70-75 enemies before my Super developed. I tried this with Way of the Sharpshooter, which contains Practice Makes Perfect; Way of the Outlaw, which is the other perk tree in Gunslinger; and a third set of trials on Nightstalker (specifically Way of the Trapper, which doesn't seem to have any Super boosting perks).

So to the results.

  • Way of the Sharpshooter (Practice Makes Perfect) Time to develop Super: 3:24 Average enemies killed: 70 Average Total number of bullets used: 103 Average number of precision hits: 67 (Rate 65%)

  • Way of the Outlaw (Other GS perk tree) Time to develop Super: 3:31 Average enemies killed: 72 Average Total number of bullets used: 105 Average number of precision hits: 68 (Rate: 64.7%)

  • Way of the Trapper (Nightstalker class) Time to develop Super: 3:28 Average enemies killed: 71 Average Total number of bullets used: 101 Average number of precision hits: 68 (Rate: 67%)

As you can see, at most you develop your Super 7 seconds faster than you do with the GS Way of the Outlaw perk tree. This amounts to around a 3.5% decrease in Super development time. And this COULD be easily put down to be slightly more lucky with the speed at which I killed enemies versus the other tests. During these tests I was as continuously firing as fast as possible. I used Nameless Midnight and Conspirator and found no difference between the guns in terms of Super development. (Conspirator generally required more bullets to kill, but the precision hit % and number of kills and time to develop Super were exactly identical to Nameless Midnight across all three trial sets so I added the 5 trials with Nameless Midnight to the 5 trials of Conspirator for each group).

Lastly I decided I would make the attempt to get a full chain of bullets out on a Boss. I choose the Pyramidion for the fact that the 'head' of Brakion is large and he teleports at known intervals. I only tried one run under each condition. The Super bar is 20cm long on my screen. I put two full clips into Brakion and then measured the length of my super bar (after switching perk trees to empty my Super energy fully). Under this scenario, I could not detect a measurable difference between shooting his head and shooting his legs in the total length of the Super bar. (The Practice Makes Perfect test may have been 2-3mm longer after two clips.) During this test I specifically avoided killing any adds, so the ONLY bullets I landed were on Brakion's head or legs.

So in sum total, whatever Practice Makes Perfect is doing it is NOT actively decreasing your time to develop a Super under most conditions.

submitted by /u/JBaecker
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Curse of Osiris Stream Two - Teaser Trailer

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:29 AM PST

Destiny 2 cover art is a lie

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 04:56 AM PST

The character creation is nowhere near as in depth as the characters on the box art.

submitted by /u/TheRealistArtist
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So who actually got people left in his clan for the clarion call..?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:59 AM PST

it feels like this game is empty and nobody cares to return for the clarion call event..

i had 0 people online this weekend in a 80 member clan and wonder who else has this problem?

the event seems utterly pointless..

submitted by /u/criticalheat
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Cayde chests are still constantly empty.

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:45 AM PST

Those are just 3 examples that I dug out of my video captures. I have plenty more, unfortunately.

It's already difficult finding things to do every week without this being as consistent source of disappointment. We've been hearing about this being investigated for some time now. Are we waiting until the DLC drop to fix this?

EDIT: Bungie bug

Bungie confirmed it's an issue months ago. Suggestions don't help, tried them all on XB1 and now PC. Need news on a fix from the source.

It is expected that if too many planetary chests are opened within a short amount of time, players may not receive items. Cayde's Stash and Lost Sector chests should not follow this functionality. We will provide updates on our investigation when available.

submitted by /u/intercede007
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"I just feel like having a sniper, shotgun or fusion rifle and a primary weapon, at the same time, that is Destiny to me. And it just doesn't feel the same without it" - SirDimetrious in "This Isn't the 'Primary Meta' We Asked For".

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST

Everytime I check Trials report I can't unsee this...

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:38 AM PST

Turns out, hunters wear some sort of happy little bear on their head.

submitted by /u/Carpy444
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I really like this game, it’s my first destiny game as a PC player. It has things I’d change but it is still fun and I bet it’ll improve

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PST

I enjoyed the campaign and I like the strikes. The public events can be fun too and it's easy to get on with friends and play. I guess I organize through discord so the brief talk about lack of chat options didn't bother me so much. The multiplayer is pretty basic but not the reason I got the game, so it's not a big deal for me.

I think the game has a problem with loot not being rewarding, but i am not so sure this is impossible to fix. I remember playing Diablo 3 when it came out, and I was convinced that game was going to be awful when it released. It had a really bad loot system that was universally hated, but over time the game became one of my favorites. I just imagine Destiny with Rifts and I get excited. If they fix loot progression and make some QOL changes with the menus and showing your light level it could be an amazing game. That said, I had 60 hours of fun! I'll check back in again later

submitted by /u/What_Is_EET
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Using Titan Barricade Offensively

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:34 AM PST

The best defense is a good offense.

Titan Barricade is a stronger offensive option than a lot of the grenades. It slows enemies and does a lot of damage all while protecting you from bullets.

Make them land in your shit and punch them in the face dummy!

submitted by /u/Sliq111
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Destiny needs to find it's sense of wonder again

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:14 PM PST

I can honestly say that I was immediately drawn into Destiny due to it's grand scale, operatic themes, and overall mystique. There was so much awe and horror. A huge alien sphere that gave god-like powers to dead people. An evil alien race brimming with dark magic, loving our fear. A past apocalypse buried with untold wonders. There was a somber, serious tone in the way we went about things because we were newborns in a strange, scary world finding mind-boggling things.

With Destiny 2, that feeling and atmosphere just isn't really there, let alone expanded upon. Now, we have a cheesy Ghost full of bad jokes that completely blue-balls the atmosphere of the original. It's like Bungie saw people be fond of Cayde (who was just about the only source of comedy in vanilla), and decided that just about every character needed to have stand-up night. Comedy has it's place, but it's not what made Destiny great.

In the perfect universe, I'd love to see this series be more mature, and show us just that even though we have space magic, we are still very small in this universe, and are fighting against eldritch threats that thrive on our fear and destruction. It would be nice to fail sometimes, even. It's where true character shines. Hell, it would never happen, but an M-rated Destiny would be superb (imagine the Savuthun's Song strike, but SEEING helpless Guardians get turned into Void crystals). And, not having to fear that our "ears would be blistered" from big-boy words. While simultaneously murdering thousands of aliens.

So, Bungie, if you are reading this, please remember what made people fall in love with Destiny. It was the world-building, not the jokes.

submitted by /u/Zokrux
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If The Lighthouse social space is in the Patrol world, could future social spaces follow this trend?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

Previously, in Destiny 1, social spaces such as The Reef, and Iron Temple were self-contained areas players would load into, completely separate from the public patrol space.

In last week's reveal of Mercury with The Lighthouse, we see that The Lighthouse is actually integrated within the public space of the Mercury patrol world. In my opinion, this is a really smart design decision that allows players to avoid loading into a space just to hand in tokens. From what it appears, players should be able to see Brother Vance, hangout, track their Forge progress (Bungie did not touch on this much), and travel through the Vex Gate to quickly exit The Lighthouse within seconds – all with their weapons at the ready. This allows The Tower to remain as the primary space for all major milestone vendors, Eververse, vault, etc.

Now, this has got me thinking. The space is well-designed, and feels substantial enough, that you could call it a mini-social space. For future expansions, we could potentially see more of our token NPCs within well-designed, lore-specific spaces similar to The Lighthouse in Curse of Osiris.

Maybe our current vendors could even see upgrades? Devrim could see an upgrade to his set-up in the church, Asher could see a more substantial lab built on Io – instead of him just standing between two puddles, etc. If The Lighthouse is in the patrol world, couldn't The Farm be integrated into the outskirts of the EDZ? If there is ever a 'Reef 2.0', I feel like it would have to feel much more substantial and larger to warrant having to load into it, just to do what we could, for the most part do in The Tower.

What are your thoughts on social spaces and how do you think Bungie should treat social spaces moving forward? Do you prefer this or the previous separated social spaces or integrated social/patrol spaces?

Drop a comment down below!

submitted by /u/IAMTHECAVALRY89
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Beating Strike Bosses and Raid Encounters in one phase/ one teleport

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 08:43 AM PST


Just a video showing some boss bakes with mostly the Curtain Call aka the best weapon in the game. Our setup for the strike bosses was one Striker, one Sunbreaker, and one Voidwalker. The basic strategy is to place an Empowering Rift and Rallying Barricade, apply Hammer Strike (Melting Point) to the boss as it spawns, and then spam Curtain Call rockets. The raid stuff has many different possible setups, especially for Calus.

Yes, you can bake the strike bosses faster in Nightfalls with Prism/Torrent but we wanted to do it in the Strike Playlist since that's something you can do any week as opposed to only certain weeks.

Savathun's Song: The boss will instantly turn immune after about 4 combined rockets from the Striker and Voidwalker. So, after each shoots 2, they should both turn around and aim at where it will teleport. The Sunbreaker, after applying Melting Point should then be able to get into the Rallying Barricade in time to shoot it when it teleports.

Brakion, Genesis Mind: Brakion is probably the 'toughest' to get a quick kill on because he can instantly turn immune if you aren't able to bait out his animations properly. He has three animations that he will perform: his melee attack, his horns breaking, and his body breaking animation. We found that throwing our grenades when he spawns as opposed to instantly rocketing him baited out his attempt to melee our Sunbreaker.

Bracus Zahn: The Voidwalker and Striker can shoot 3 rockets each then should use their class abilities at the top of the elevator at which point the Sunbreaker will go and apply Melting Point. You can actually climb the elevator chain to spawn him even earlier (props to Redeem for this strat) but we didn't go for that kind of kill.

Protheon, Modular Mind: Standard rocket spam. He is vulnerable as soon as he exits the portal as well so your Sunbreaker should make sure to apply Melting Point early.

Royal Pools: Setup was three Sunbreakers and three Voidwalkers, with one pair of each using their supers on the Lamps. Voidwalkers should use the bottom tree for the Vortex Nova and Sunbreakers should use the top tree for the exploding hammers.

Pleasure Gardens: Extremely easy to get a one phase even with x24 here. Simply run to whichever is the closest flower (R1 or L1), then you should be able to run directly to the next one. As long as your timing is good, there will always be open paths, no matter if you get R1 L2 or L1 R2.

Emperor Calus: Use the 4-2 Void/Throne split to get the better skull spawning pattern. 100 skulls is the cap so past that is useless. Again, there are many different class combinations here but as long as you have at least one Warlock for Empowering Rift and one Titan for Rallying Barricade, the other slots can be filled with Strikers with double pulse grenades, Hunters with Celestial Nighthawk, or Warlocks with Vortex Nova Bombs.

Anyway, that's about it! The reason Thaviks, the Depraved wasn't featured is because even if you kill him instantly, the encounter won't end.

submitted by /u/RhinocerosG
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Why doesn’t Outlaw’s cooldown reset with each critical hit kill?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:42 PM PST

After the first critical hit kill it has a window of time where you can even shoot another bullet or two before needing to reload. But even if you continue to get headshots the perk will wear off.

It feels like each critical kill should reset the window of fast reload, doesn't it?

submitted by /u/daitenshe
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Rocket launchers shoot bullets/shells instead of rockets

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

Golden bullets to be more precise. Proof.

submitted by /u/Daniilthethird
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If Bungie ever do larger playercounts for PvP : Faction rally could have a pvp component with 3 teams , mayhem, each being a different faction and you fight for kills/flags/crests etc

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 08:31 PM PST

Remember the crazy multi team halo days?

Fuck it would be great in Destiny to see like 7 titan strikers going apeshit with their supers.

submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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I feel like all they had to do was make Destiny 2 a massive expansion like WoW does and so many things would be fixed for end game.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 05:22 PM PST

I mean who thought it would be a great idea to build this massive vast universe of planets and raids, strikes, lore, and boom it's all gone and pointless now. Any previously successful MMORPG or whatever Destiny tries to be, have built off of their universe and continued expanding. They threw it all down the drain for 1 raid, a handful of strikes and basically no PvE endgame content.

I'm just letdown is all. Just wanted to say this. I feel like no other game has ever had so much potential like destiny. But I guess that's all it will ever be. #Destinyhaspotential


submitted by /u/dwk001
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