Destiny - [D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-11-10]

[D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-11-10]

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.


Nessus, up in a tree

Xur Graphic

Exotic Item Class Power Level Cost
Prospector Grenade Launcher 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x29 Legendary Shards
Foetracer Hunter Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Eye of Another World Warlock Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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Data provided by DestinyTracker

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[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-11-10]

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map


Game Mode


7 Win Options

Beep booo awaiting results

Flawless Options

Beep boop awaiting results

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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As Promised: Destiny Tracker has issued Elo bans

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:49 AM PST


There was a thread a couple weeks ago where OP got screwed in Trials by cheaters. I commented on that thread and said I'd love to look into this and find anyway to punish these guys.

I fully understand that not every cheater out there is doing it for Elo. They all have their reasons. Regardless of their reasons, we want fair, clean leaderboards. And if these guys do care about that, they're not gonna be big fans of these changes...

We have banned roughly 650 players from our Elo leaderboards. They will no longer acquire new Elo, get ranked, or show up on our leaderboards. This wave of bans targets DDOS type of cheating.

Without going into too much detail, we look for patterns in matches where teams are winning often via the other team "leaving" the match. Looking through this data, patterns jump out of the screen at you. So we conservatively banned 650 for now.

We will study this data weekly and continue to ban baddies. We hope this will reduce how often it happens, but no way will it stop it.

Many people submitted confirmed cheaters to my inbox, and I verified that those people got bans in our automated sweep.

Lastly, if you are cheated by these players, we try reduce or negate your Elo losses. We're still working on perfecting that piece, it's tough because Elo was never designed to handle cheaters.

Finally, we tentatively plan on starting Season 2 of Elo when D2 starts it's Season 2. We'll do a full reset and the cheaters will be banned for Season 2 as well. All of this is subject to change but that's the plan!


PS: Don't witch hunt. Let us use the data to ban baddies.

submitted by /u/htr_xorth
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Destiny 2 is too casual... from a casual

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:38 AM PST

(Edit: Maybe I'm not the casual I thought I was but hopefully my points are still valid)

This isn't a rant, but it is a long one so apologies in advance! It's just my two cents on the games current state and hopefully a couple of ideas that could make the QOL a little better.

Just to start off, I'd like to show how filthy a casual I am… I am 34, with a full time job and play with a clan of immediate friends mainly once a week. I've been to the Lighthouse twice in the entirety of Destiny 1 & 2. I've probably completed less than 50 raids in total. We haven't even gotten past the Dogs in the Leviathan raid yet. As I said, I'm a filthy filthy casual!

When Destiny 2 first came out I thought the easier milestones were a good thing for people like myself and my clan. Hats off to Bungie for helping people who don't have the time to grind right?

However, as time has gone on I've realised that this change was a big mistake. My major problem with Destiny 2 is it gone so casual to the point it is utterly unrewarding and in some places it is punishing players for experimenting.

If people have the time to grind to get the best gear, bully to them. If I want that unique piece of gear only the grinders can manage, it's up to me if I think it is worth my time or not. The ability to grind to your hearts content shouldn't have been taken away to appease the folk who don't have the time for it.

I'm going to suggest some potential changes below. I'm positive a lot of them will have been shared on here already but hopefully it won't get any flaming and hopefully a bit of constructive criticism instead… that's what's best for the game in the end.

GAME IN GENERAL It might just be me but I don't feel anywhere near as powerful as I did in Vanilla Destiny.

Suggestions/possible fixes

• Increasing the movement speed slightly across the board (god I miss Titan skating but I believe it was remove for a good reason).

• Increase ability/super recharge (sure this has been brought up loads).

• Make the exotics fun/powerful again (very few stand out for me personally).

LEVEL DESIGN I've been a fan of Bungie since Halo CE but as much as I enjoyed the D2 campaign, there wasn't one stand out level I can think of. I remember playing Halo Reach (underrated if you ask me) were you storm a beach, fight your way into a spacecraft hanger, steal a ship, launch, have a dog fight, board an enemy warship, blow the mofo up while your team mate sacrifices himself to save you, crash land on earth and watch the fireworks… where the hell are the levels like this in Destiny 2? They all feel very FPS by numbers to me. TTK had better missions than D2. And Oryx was a far better boss than Ghaul who again was a boss by numbers.

Suggestions/possible fixes

• This is a really hard one to make suggestions for but I'd happily take less but more interesting missions over what we have now.

• Single player campaigns like Titanfall 2, Doom and Wolfenstein prove there plenty of interest in a good FPS campaign still out there.

MODS Due to the armour mods I find experimenting with gear and subclasses has a negative effect on the game overall. If I want to run my Striker Titan as effectively as possible, I need the right Arc mods on each piece. Then if I want to play as a Defender all those Arc mods are useless with that gear so I need to build another armour set that could take another 90+ hours of RNG frustration just to feel as efficient as possible. That is just not in any way fun or rewarding!

Suggestions/possible fixes

• Allow multiple mods to be added to gear that are interchangeable (free of any glimmer charge). Like how you can swap the damage modifier on the Hard Light basically.

• Introduce a reliable source of mods that does not revolve around RNG.


My big gripe with the subclasses is the over-simplification of them. I run my Striker 90% of the time (due to the mod situation) and bar twin nades on one side and a longer super in the other I don't really know or care what the other perks are. They border on irrelevance to me (I may be missing something here but that's just how I feel)

Suggestions/possible fixes

• With future updates introduce more or deepen the skill trees so we can make a meaningful change to our playing style

• I can't speak for Hunters as I'm not even bothering to run one for D2 (no reason to) but from listening to my friends it sounds like their class abilities need some major love. They are useless in PvE from what I've seen! My clan is rubbish though!

WEAPONS As much as re-rolling wasn't my thing, the fixed rolls on weapons is boring. There is no way around it. Very few exotic weapons feel fun to use either.

Suggestions/possible fixes

• Bring back variable weapon rolls

• Have PvE and PvP settings for weapons so a specific exotic won't become over popular and unbalance the Crucible (not a dig at Mida, it's good but I know it's situational)

• Make the PvE exotics OP! There's a reason the Gally was so loved… it was f**king amazing fun and absolutely destroyed enemies! Maybe don't take it as far as the Gally mind you as it was used 99% of the time by everyone but you know what I mean.

SHADERS & GLIMMER Single use shaders are a business decision and not a gaming decision. While I appreciate being able to apply different shaders to different parts of armour. Making them single use is again a game limiting decision, it punishes the player for wanting to be creative with there look.

Also, why is it when I have a piece of armour and a shader I was rewarded, I am forced to pay Glimmer to combine them? I own them both. In Grand Theft Auto you go to a garage to get your car painted, you pay for it, that makes sense. The Glimmer we spend on applying shaders literally just vanishes into thin air. What's the point in that other than to force some kind of Glimmer grind?

In D1 I would change my shader to match my subclass and/or the exotic I was wearing at the time. Now I can't do that and my character ends up looking like sh*t 90% of the time. Again, a punishment for the player for wanting to be creative! I'm a Graphic Designer and the shader issue drives me insane as my appearance is very important to me!

Suggestions/possible fixes

• Remove single use shaders

• Remove the fee when applying

• Allow us to apply a shader across all pieces in one go

• Allow us to delete multiple ugly shaders at once (I think this is coming for the update)

• Allow us to have fun again with this, please!


I only run the Nightfall in D2 but in D1 I would happily tear through some Heroic Strikes with random players just for the fun of it! There is no fun or rewards for running them now.

Suggestions/possible fixes

• Bring back the Heroic playlist

• Reintroduce the burns the last the entirety of the Strike

• Have a Nightfall that doesn't include the timer every once in a while

• Reintroduce Strike specific loot

There's more in my mind but this is WAY longer than I originally wanted it to be. Kinda depressing how many of the changes are things D1 already had to be honest... Thanks if you managed to make it through this wall of text!

submitted by /u/mccluskey1983
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D2 is like having a high end sports car but its locked in Valet mode. Tons of potential but just no fun to drive.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:29 AM PST

That is what makes me the most angry about this game. I loved D1, played it tons with my friends and clan. 2 months after D2 release and there is so much salt and it all seems to boil down to the game not being fun or there being no reason to play. My friends list and clan list is like a ghost town, no one wants to play because we've done most everything. Why should we keep playing, to get another Origin Story of which we already have several of and they all have the same perks? Why play crucible when you and all your team/enemies are rolling with the same weapons? There is no incentive to do any of the activities because the rewards are all the same.

And the worst part is the game play, graphics, controls are all incredible. No matter what game I've played on my PS4 none compare, for me anyway, to the feel and gun play of Destiny. There is so much potential to be had in D2 but it just has no reward feel to it anymore and I feel a huge let down from D1.

submitted by /u/kkocan72
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The Weep Farm has probably received more traffic this week than The Farm ever did

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:26 AM PST


Are we allowed to say that anymore? I know there's some ridiculous spoiler rule about mentioning the Tower.

submitted by /u/TurquoiseLuck
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As to the new raid content, please stop saying you’ll be fine with a reskinned VoG. It’s lazy development for paid content.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:29 AM PST

All this talk about the raid we know nothing about is a bit irritating, but I cannot stand people saying they look forward to VoG coming back. It's old content people. We already gave them our money for it in D1. I don't care if there will be added mechanics. I want brand new content for a brand new game.

I get it. The nostalgia train is real. If it comes back in ADDITION to a new raid, awesome. Seriously. But let's be real, that's the second time I've spent $20 on the same shit. I don't care how fun it was; we played it. We beat it. Its old news. I don't care if it's against the vex. Just please not a remake.

Edit: seriously, they are a AAA company that have come out with fresh raids in the past. They are fully capable of making new content.

Edit 2: sorry for sounding like a dick. I hate nostalgia. I just want new shit guys. Sorry for those that don't care what we get. I hope the expansion contains what you want.

submitted by /u/skepticetoh
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Injection Rig Heroic event tip

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PST

I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not but since i discovered it today I wanted to share. when it's time to start shooting the vents, you can stand at the very edge of the dome shield so that you are half in and half out and you won't take any damage. You can still damage the vents from here.

submitted by /u/Joe_Sizzle7
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Dumb thing I miss: Having a guardian other than myself at the front of the line starting a Crucible match

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST

Whenever a Crucible match in D1 would start it was always sort of exciting to see where you Guardian was; are they in the back, the side, or front and center? I can't count the number of times I took screenshots because of how rare my guardian being up front was. My wife, when I would play her account in Crucible, would yell at me if I didn't get a screenshot when her guardian was up front. :)

Having someone up front other than me also got me to see how other people were kitting out their guardians. Shaders, guns, armor, etc.

submitted by /u/tzp2gameknight
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[D2] Xûr Inventory Infographic [11-10-2017]

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PST

As requested, I've added the Destiny Item Manager Average User Rating to the items. I've also adjusted the shard cost so it's easier to read.

Shoutout to DIM for hitting me up and giving me permission to use their logo!

Shop smart, Guardians!

submitted by /u/thatdudereeg
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Sorry for my glimmer and blight public event fun.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:21 AM PST

Bored ? This is a dumb silly thing to do (but I like it), with the glimmer extraction and taken blight events, where you have to scoot off quickly to another location, after the first event jump immediately on your sparrow and drive off a cliff or into the sea and see how many follow you.

I apologise to all those whom I have done this too... Sorry for my childish fun. I am a bad person.


Edit: changed "who" correctly to "whom"

submitted by /u/Badevilbunny
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The Last Word - LEGO Build

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:59 AM PST

Recently finished a build of one of the most iconic Exotics from D1. It's definitely not to scale (nor was it intended to be), but I'm quite pleased with how all the details worked out considering it's size.



submitted by /u/BrickinNick
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So somehow we enabled PvP in PvE....

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:05 AM PST

While we were farming the weep chest something in the zone transition glitches allowing my friend to kill me, we decide to test it a bit for fun!

submitted by /u/Mallent
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The results of the Destiny 2 Experience survey (11.7k responses, thank you!)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:10 PM PST

Edit 3: Cozmo read it!! "I read it. Thanks /u/samhpl1 for putting it together. I'll share the results with the team." Thank you, /u/Cozmo23!

Hi, everyone. These are the results of the Destiny 2 Experience survey, posted here on Reddit yesterday (11/08).

But first, I would like to emphasize what many people said in the original thread. Destiny 2 was released two months ago and there's still many expansions and updates to come that will make the game better. On the other hand, Destiny has been around for 3 years, 4 expansions and many updates. I'm not saying we shouldn't compare them, I'm just stating the facts, something that many people requested me to do.

Now, to the data!

Destiny 2 Questions

What platforms do you play on?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Playstation 4 41.4% 4,804
2nd PC 40.2% 4,708
3rd Xbox One 30.2% 3,528

Number of responses: 11,701

How do you rate Destiny 2's campaign? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 29.5% 3,448
2nd 8 25.1% 2,939
3rd 6 16.4% 1,921
Last 1 0.9% 107

Total average: 6.77

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's graphics and art direction? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 10 36.7% 4,292
2nd 9 33% 3,862
3rd 8 20.8% 2,433
Last 2 0% 3

Total average: 8.97

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's sound design? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 10 46.7% 5,467
2nd 9 26.7% 3,126
3rd 8 16.5% 1,936
Last 2 0.1% 7

Total average: 9.06

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's gameplay mechanics? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 8 25.9% 3,029
2nd 9 21.9% 2,568
3rd 10 18.3% 2,136
Last 2 0.5% 57

Total average: 7.90

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's patrol areas? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 26.5% 3,101
2nd 8 26.2% 3,068
3rd 6 13.3% 1,557
Last 1 1.2% 142

Total average: 6.99

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's social spaces? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 17.9% 2,096
2nd 6 16.1% 1,882
3rd 5 15.2% 1,776
Last 10 2.4% 282

Total average: 5.42

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's strikes? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 18.8% 2,195
2nd 8 15.2% 1,773
3rd 6 14.9% 1,745
Last 10 1.9% 228

Total average: 5.62

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's Lost Sectors and Adventures? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 19.3% 2,225
2nd 6 15.7% 1,838
3rd 8 14.3% 1,671
Last 10 3.3% 388

Total average: 5.81

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's raid, Leviathan? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 8 21% 2,284
2nd 7 18.9% 2,055
3rd 5 13.5% 1,475
Last 2 2.3% 252

Total average: 6.61

Number of responses: 10,888

How do you rate Destiny 2's PvP, the Crucible? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 15.6% 1,820
2nd 1 12.9% 1,515
3rd 5 12.4% 1,449
Last 10 2.3% 274

Total average: 5.05

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's gear (weapons and armor)? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 16.5% 1,925
2nd 6 16.1% 1,515
3rd 5 12.1% 1,449
Last 10 1.7% 196

Total average: 5.10

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's customization options? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 1 20.1% 2,356
2nd 3 13.2% 1,545
3rd 4 12.2% 1,431
Last 10 1.6% 192

Total average: 4.13

Number of responses: 11,702

How do you rate Destiny 2's End Game? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 1 22.7% 2,647
2nd 3 13% 1,516
3rd 5 11.6% 1,351
Last 10 1% 111

Total average: 4.03

Number of responses: 11,640

How do you rate Destiny 2? (1-10)

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st 7 27.6% 3,234
2nd 8 21% 2,452
3rd 6 18.8% 2,204
Last 1 0.9% 102

Total average: 6.55

Number of responses: 11,702

Average of the averages (except the last question): 6.27

Destiny Comparisons

Which campaign do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny - The Taken King 51.9% 5,115
2nd Destiny 2 Vanilla 24.1% 2,376
3rd Destiny - Rise of Iron 13.4% 1,323
Last Destiny - The Dark Below 2.4% 234

Number of responses: 9,853

Which game has the best graphics, art direction and sound design?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 2 51.8% 5,129
2nd Both are equally good/bad 40% 3,969
3rd Destiny 8.2% 813

Number of responses: 9,911

Which game has the best gameplay mechanics?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 42.4% 4,174
2nd Both are equally good/bad 34.9% 3,435
3rd Destiny 2 22.8% 2,244

Number of responses: 9,853

Which weapons system/loadout do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny's Primary/Secondary/Heavy weapons 65.2% 6,429
2nd Destiny 2's Kinetic/Energy/Power weapons 34.8% 3,437

Number of responses: 9,866

Would you like to be able to use Destiny's weapons system/loadout in some areas of Destiny 2?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Yes 64% 6,300
2nd Maybe 21.7% 2,132
3rd No 14.4% 1,414

Number of responses: 9,846

Which location/patrol area do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 2's Nessus 22.4% 2,199
2nd Destiny 2's Earth 22.1% 2,174
3rd Destiny's Dreadnaught 19.3% 1,898
Last Destiny's Mars 1.6% 156

Number of responses: 9,815

Which social space do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 2's Tower 35.1% 3,451
2nd Destiny's Tower 29.1% 2,861
3rd Destiny's Felwinter Peak 16.5% 1,621
Last Destiny's Reef 5.9% 578

Number of responses: 9,820

Which game or expansion has the best strikes?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny - The Taken King 44% 4,221
2nd Destiny - Rise of Iron 21.3% 2,039
3rd Destiny 2 Vanilla 14.7% 1,410
Last Destiny - The Dark Below 2.2% 213

Number of responses: 9,590

Which strike do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st The Sunless Cell (Destiny - The Taken King) 19,1% 1,819
2nd The Pyramidion (Destiny 2 Vanilla) 15.6% 1,481
3rd The Devils' Lair (Destiny Vanilla) 7.1% 675
Last Blighted Chalice (Destiny - April Update) 0.4% 36

Requested: The Wretched Eye - 0,8% - 75

Number of responses: 9,512

Which activity do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Archon's Forge (Destiny - Rise of Iron) 38.7% 3,695
2nd Court of Oryx (Destiny - The Taken King) 34.1% 3,253
3rd Adventures (Destiny 2) 15.7% 1,502
4th Lost Sectors (Destiny 2) 11.4% 1,088

Number of responses: 9,538

Which raid do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Vault of Glass (Destiny Vanilla) 49% 4,671
2nd King's Fall (Destiny - The Taken King) 23.1% 2,198
3rd Wrath of the Machine (Destiny - Rise of Iron) 14.4% 1,371
4th Leviathan (Destiny 2) 7.5% 719
5th Crota's End (Destiny - The Dark Below) 6% 571

Number of responses: 9,530

Which Crucible do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny - The Taken King 24.1% 2,297
2nd Destiny 2 at launch 18.2% 1,731
3rd Destiny - House of Wolves 15.6% 1,489
Last Destiny - The Dark Below 3.8% 364

Destiny total: 81.8% - 7,789

Number of responses: 9,520

Which game mode do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Control 35.5% 3,429
2nd Clash 18.2% 1,664
3rd Mayhem 14.1% 1,356
Last Double Skirmish 0.5% 48

Number of responses: 9,647

Which Crucible event do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny's Iron Banner 65.8% 6,236
2nd Destiny's Trials of Osiris 18.3% 1,736
3rd Destiny 2's Trials of the Nine 9.4% 893
4th Destiny 2's Iron Banner 6.5% 614

Number of responses: 9,479

Which game has the best gear?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 90.2% 8,735
2nd Destiny 2 9.8% 951

Number of responses: 9,686

Which game has the best subclass system?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 80% 7,801
2nd Destiny 2 20% 1,945

Number of responses: 9,746

Which system do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny's Random Rolls with Reforge 54.7% 5,318
2nd Destiny 2's Fixed Rolls 23.9% 2,326
3rd Destiny's Random Rolls without Reforge 21,4% 2,081

Number of responses: 9,725

Which game has the best End Game?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 90.2% 8,696
2nd Destiny 2 9.8% 944

Number of responses: 9,640

Which game do you like the most?

Placing Answer Votes (%) Votes (total)
1st Destiny 71.8% 6,942
2nd Destiny 2 28.2% 2,731

Number of responses: 9,673

Total number of responses: 11,702

Google account was required to vote, only one vote per account.

If you spot anything weird, let me know.

Google analytics and graphics here. There are some duplicate answers, created when I was trying to fix spelling mistakes.

Thanks to all who helped me sharing the survey, and of course, answering it.

Edit: Thanks for the gold!

Edit2: Also posted on!

submitted by /u/SamHPL1
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We shouldn't be asking for private matches... We should be asking for custom games.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:13 PM PST

Bungie chose the word "private matches" very carefully because you can't customize the match beyond what the game does in public matchmaking which is a huge mistake in my opinion because it kills a whole possible community of custom gamers like there is right now in halo (although that is helped by forge immensely)

Private matches (at least in d1):

-choose game mode

-choose teams

-choose max score

-choose max time

Custom games (like halo):

-choose game mode

-choose teams

-choose max score

-choose max time

-choose player health

-choose player damage per weapons or across the board

-choose player loadouts (may not work in destiny)

-choose gravity

-choose ammo spawn rates

-choose ability cooldowns (possibly per ability)

-choose what weapons/abilities just don't work to tune the custom game to how you want

An idea for a game mode i came up with:

-disable all abilities by making the recharge rate 0%

-increase melee lunge range to maximum allowed given it is an option

-decrease gravity to 80%

-decrease all weapon damage to 0%

-decrease player health to 1%

-increase player damage to 1000%

the idea is just to have fun with meleeing people across the map in moon gravity.

E: formatting and spelling

E2: what do you guys think? did i miss anything? what are your destiny2 custom game ideas?

submitted by /u/RoboThePanda
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Who else just doesn't feel like their guardian isn't really "their guardian" anymore?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:51 PM PST

Edit 2: Well let this be a lesson on why you shouldn't Reddit when you're about to fall asleep. Title should read "Who else feels like our Guardians aren't really our Gaurdians anymore?"

Destiny 1 my guardian felt realyl adapted to my play style. He wore a suit of armor I thought was extremely cool, and flipped between shaders depending on the mode I was in that day.

But in Destiny 2, I just feel like I'm playing 1 of 2 preset options. Instead of being able to tweak my stats and then pick exactly what each ability does, I'm just picking option A or B. My sunbreaker has a 50/50 shot of having the same powers as every other Sunbreaker I run into.

Sure you can swap grenades, but they feel like 1 multi use option, and then a couple of niche situational choices.

Who else misses the D1 method of picking our abilities and stats?

edit: I just want to clarify something. Yes, the face of the guardian is the same. I'm talking about how in D1 we had more options for customizing how our guardians played.

submitted by /u/skilledwarman
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Holiday Giveaway: Funko POP Atheon (GameStop Exclusive)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

Hey guys, I'm giving away an Atheon POP for the holidays, everything including shipping is absolutely free. Shipping will be to the U.S. and Canada only, sorry. All you need to do is leave one (1) comment and a random winner will be chosen on November 15th.

Thanks all and good luck!

submitted by /u/jedi_ellis
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I hope Bungie realizes the decision to strip away all RPG elements from Destiny was a bad one

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:34 PM PST

This isn't really a "Bungie please..." kind of post. I actually think the shift to a CoD style game was intentional on Bungie's part to SHORTEN the time people spent on Destiny. For what purpose I leave to the conspiracy theorists... I only fear that in doing so, they're in danger of killing their golden goose.

Most people have complained that Destiny 2 is a "shallow" game. That's putting it mildly. I think most D1 veterans honestly feel betrayed by the endgame. Not so much in that their previous progress was wiped out, but that Destiny no longer has any tangible RPG elements.

I'm old school in that I think an RPG requires a feeling of "uniqueness". This isn't D2. My guardian in D2 is effectively a "template" where I toggle certain perks on/off and slide some numbers around. I have a set loadout of guns that I can choose from that are universally available to all players. There are probably thousands of devour warlocks exactly like mine with the same stats and same guns in the D2 universe. This doesn't sound like Destiny... it sounds like Call of Duty. Complaints about a lack of progression are merely calling to attention symptoms of Bungie straight up changing Destiny's genre.

Which circles back to my original point. I understand the need to attract a new audience from a financial perspective. The numbers will show that D2 made Activision tons of money this quarter. D2 sold well because it had a diehard fanbase and well-reputed community that was anchored by hardcores, sherpas, streamers... But by effectively pulling a bait-n'-switch on its most ardent fans I fear Bungie is going to kill its own franchise from the inside out.

ETA: My first gold :) thanks for the comments fellas... I want to clarify that I don't consider D1 a genuine RPG by any means, but at the very least loot drops in D1 felt like YOUR LOOT... Hey maybe your first eyasluna was garbage, but it was YOUR GARBAGE EYASLUNA. In D2 it feels more like "You've unlocked the eyasluna!" There's an eventuality and uniformity to getting loot in D2 that feels more like unlocking a weapon in CoD than getting a sweet loot drop in an RPG.

submitted by /u/Chundercracker
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WoTM had the best raid intro

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:46 AM PST

I remember doing the Rise of Iron questline and passing by the giant Fallen butthole, thinking it looked cool but disregarding it otherwise. I was actually pleasantly surprised that was where the raid would take place. After defeating Vosik for the first time, the butthole opens up and we go on an epic journey to put an end to a self-proclaimed Fallen God using SIVA to enhance his army.

I just think it's amazing how so much could be hidden behind a simple butthole we all disregarded when we started RoI.

submitted by /u/sorox123
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If you haven't logged in your character since last faction rally . Your faction will stay the same from last time and you won't be able to change it.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:13 AM PST

So i haven't logged in on my hunter since previous faction rally. I just did, wanting to go to dead orbit, but my hunter is still FWC from last time. And the milestones still says pledge to a faction. And yes i can get tokens from FWC but i can't plege to any other faction or get rid of the Locked milestone. But can still inject tokens into FWC and get rewards.

submitted by /u/kristijan1001
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Fun tip: The Prospector melts Thresher ships during the Cabal Excavation public event.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:22 AM PST

The Prospector may not be your number one choice for endgame content, but it's a ton of fun for everything else. Make sure you grab it and melt some Cabal ships.

Also, a note about grenade launchers if you're not aware: They do crit damage! It doesn't show up as a yellow number but it is certainly there.

submitted by /u/NoctisNoctua
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The Leviathan, Nessus Orbit (Panorama)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

Hello Guardians,


Last week I said I'd be back with a Leviathan Panorama this week and OP is delivering! I absolutely love the visual style of the Leviathan and I'm really pleased with how this image turned out - hopefully the community is too!


Link to the full panorama


Have a cool panorama location? Let me know!

submitted by /u/ItsDanniey1
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Curse of Osiris - Interview with Sam Jones and Dave Matthews

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:54 AM PST

Not sure if anyone posted it... I haven't seen it here.

tl:dr by u/DrSynapses

  • The focus is on action and story

  • Four characters (Osiris, his ghost Sigera?, Vance, Ikora) are the leading figures

  • Explore Mercury's surface, new social space

  • There's a portal which goes to the infinite forest. A vex simulation.

  • Adventures, lost sectors, public events are in Mercury (and some 'secrets')

  • Interviewer asks how much content is there - guy says story is compelling

  • They try to tether destinations to reality and feel relatable (EDZ, Russia, Moon etc)

  • Bright engrams can still be achieved or bought like normal

submitted by /u/RiseofIronHype
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Add a buff notification when you've stepped into a Rift with Lunafaction

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:31 AM PST

There's no way of telling whether or not a Warlock's Rift has the additional benefit of auto-reloading your weapons when you step into it that the Lunafaction Boots grant. I think that there should be a buff notification on the left side of the screen that lets you know when you're standing in such a Rift, so you can take advantage of it.

submitted by /u/KelpTheGreat
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Remember during the beta, when people kept saying “Don’t worry about the cooldowns, armor perks will surely fix that!”

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

What a joke.

Yup, if you spec your entire build toward a SINGLE ability, you can knock a whole twenty seconds off that EIGHTY SECOND cooldown! I sure do feel powerful again!

These ability cooldowns still bring the game down immensely for me. I played Destiny 1 because it totally nailed the power fantasy of being a space magic god. Moving away from that in D2 is the single worst thing they could have possibly done imo. I don't want to play just another shooter, I want to play Destiny.

I went back to Destiny 1 to try out the Echo Chamber strike (#XboxGuardianLife) and was blown away and how much fun the game still is. I get to sling grenades and use my super whenever the hell I want, it's AMAZING. And you know what? Maybe it is a bit overpowered just how often we got to use our abilities in D1. But it was fun, and that's the most important thing. D2's ability system is not fun.

submitted by /u/_cats______
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Can we please get a Slav Squat emote?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:47 AM PST

Redditor suggested I share this here

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:39 AM PST

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