Civilization - I didn't really want to play today anyway.

I didn't really want to play today anyway.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PST

Looks like someone from Florida forgot to upgrade a few of their naval units.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

so this just happened

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:51 PM PST

Nomadic Civ Idea

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:21 PM PST

So in the past the Mongols, Huns, and other nomadic would play out the same as other civs, just with an emphasis around having horses or pastures.

An idea I had was what if the nomads didn't start with a settler, and instead spent the start of the game as a roaming hoard. The Civ would start with horsemen and horse archers, granting them a massive combat advantage over everyone else in the game, but they can't really produce anything outside more troops.

Their "borders" are everything immediately around their "Khan" leader, any flat land around that, and jumping to any pasture resources that are adjacent to their borders. Any time their Khan moves, their borders do too.

Their early game objective is to conqueror a city/cities, then have their khan "settle" in one of them and make it their capital. They will then immediately, get all the technology and civics plus horseback riding if they don't already receive it.

Think it could work? Or would it be to broken?

submitted by /u/Leivve
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Please tell me I wasn't the only one that saw this every time I looked at the science advisor.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:08 PM PST

Oh sweet, I can pay my troops!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:28 PM PST

Found this nice surprise while clearing out my childhood bedroom

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:07 PM PST

Turn 20 - I yield, I yield!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:13 AM PST

Not bad for my first game of a Civ ever. Holy shit that was exciting. Won on turn 499. Can't wait to start another

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:52 AM PST


Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:02 PM PST

I've been playing as Kush in Grand Earth mod with true start locations and destroyed the Sphinx in a war with Egypt. Am I a terrible person?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:34 PM PST

I love chocolate!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:44 PM PST

PSA: When you found a religion, all your cities with Holy Sites adopt that religion!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:40 AM PST

Now that you have a chance at getting a religion in the higher difficulties, this info is very relevant. I discovered it the unfortunate way in a game the other day. My civ had been converted by a religion with Defender of the Faith, but I had already cleared out the northern portion of my empire and wanted my own religion. I expected to be able to found it and then spread it to my homeland cities while retaining Defender of the Faith on the Southern front. Much to my horror, upon founding Dudeism in my capital, all my southern cities (being conquered and so of course having Holy Sites) immediately dropped their defenses in pursuit of oneness of decor and doobies.

Now you know!

submitted by /u/DannyMcClelland
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Is CIV:BE really that bad?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:16 PM PST

I noticed it was on sale today and I remember that it received lukewarm reception. Is it pretty much broken, or is it fun to play when you're bored of CIV V?

submitted by /u/IsaacClarkeSNL
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Beat First Emperor Game Civ V

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:03 PM PST

Just beat my first Emperor-Difficulty game. Up until recently, I always played on Prince or King, but I've appreciated the challenge higher difficulties present. I was wondering if anyone had advice going into higher tiers. For all those interested, I played Morocco on a Pangea map and won a cultural victory sometime in the 20th century, playing on quick.

submitted by /u/Shenanigans21
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Civ5 freezes and crashes while process the AI's turns

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:47 AM PST

Wondering what I can do about this, It has happened twice in the last 12 hours, different games, different rulers. I've validated the files, checked that my drivers and directx is up to date. I run the game off of the "recommended" touch screen enabled, the other 2 options crash while loading the game. I would save I'm tech savvy enough to navigate around my computer but not enough to know how to fix this issue. Would hate to stop playing because of a technical issue of an otherwise near flawless game.

submitted by /u/eons93
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Buggy diplomacy

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:56 PM PST

So ghandi declared a joint war on me with nubia the same turn nubia entered an alliance with me. Now I'm in an alliance with someone who is attacking me, and I can't make peace...

What the fuck?

submitted by /u/alexanderyou
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I am beginning Civ VI and a bit lost to all the new possibilities.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:35 AM PST

Hello ! I'm a big player of Civ V and BE, and have recently bought Civ VI. I would like to ask for advices on how to optimize my future games. Specifically :

  • Cities : Tall or wide ? I felt that the districts almost force you to go for wide, since they are more specialized. On a 6-players map, how many cities ? At which turns should I get my second city ? Since districts, how should I place them ? What does the activity means, is it some replacement for Happiness, and then if I have some pearls or tea in one of my cities, do all of them get a bonus for Happiness ?

  • Units : How much should I be aiming to build ?

  • Science : what techs are more useful early on ? (depending on playstyle of course)

  • Culture : How much should I have at, let's say, each new era ? How often should I be changing my government and policies ? How many culture districts should I have by turn 150-200 ?

  • Faith : nah, this one I get it. Just what are the most useful beliefs, and how to keep missionaries away from my territory.

  • City-states : How much emissaries should I send ?

  • Growth : Is growth as important as in Civ V ? Which building/districts to prioritize ?

  • Diplomacy : what has changed ? It seems the civs are more talkative and want to buy some Great works, for example.

  • Rules : have new rules emerged on this reddit about civ VI ?

  • Petra/Kampung porn : should i share any of them whenever i do them ?

EDIT : if you have any other advices, or some things I missed, feel free to share :)

submitted by /u/LackofSins
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How do I create Custom Scenarios/Maps

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:50 AM PST

So I want to create a custom scenario (or just a map) to play solo or with friends... It would be a gigantic scale of Japan, and it would around 12 player conquest. Your mission is to unite Japan under one rule. So I'm curious, how could I do that?

submitted by /u/normantas
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Civ 5 BNW Finances while Warmongering

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:33 PM PST

A few days ago I played Assyria, Emperor, Pangaea, Standard size, Standard speed. Took Honor, went Comp Bows --> Crossbows --> Cannons. Never went for universities or national college, thinking my UA (free techs for every city taken) would solve the issue. Now conquered 6 capitals, but army has backbone of 6 crossbows (all Logistics and Range) facing Gatling Guns, while most of my core is making Wealth not Artillery just to stay positive.

Warmongers, how are you not bankrupt/scienceless?

submitted by /u/marcopolothefraud
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How to beat the game in 2 Turns

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:10 PM PST

Any tips for Deity on duel size pangea at online speed with 4 civs?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:20 PM PST

I've been binging on these setting but have never won due to not being able to catch up on science. At most I can build is 4 cities before being forced to invade as everybody simply runs out of room. My invasions are generally fruitless as I'm at least down 2:1 on military might prior to Renaissance. All 4 civs are basically playing tall but I can't seem to catch up with the AI deity bonuses. I always lose by culture or religion. Any tips? I only play single player. All DLCs, no mods except CQUI. Thanks

submitted by /u/civgarth
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8 Ages of Khmer - New 8 Ages of Pace Updates, New Y(n)AMP Terra Script, & More | Civilization VI

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:21 AM PST

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