World of Warcraft - Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:08 AM PDT

Weekly healing thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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How akward..

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:31 AM PDT

Why can't Boomkins get armor like this ingame?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:57 AM PDT

7.3 Spoilers The Real Expansion

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:20 AM PDT

Speculations over guys, we were all wrong. When the puzzle box spoke of the black forest, it wasnt about the old gods, it was the treants all along! The trees themselves have embedded their dark roots deep into the heart of azeroth. THE END IS NIGH!

submitted by /u/Dreamrunner
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Times when EOE procs for me

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:50 AM PDT

I accidentally glitched into the priest class hall as a pally...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:53 AM PDT

Naxxramas in Minecraft, full scale.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:30 AM PDT

I used a Fel Meteorite and launched myself out of the Emerald Dream. [Large Album]

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:02 PM PDT

Is the goal of getting pathfinder to make you hate Suramar?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:32 PM PDT

Because I hate Suramar.

submitted by /u/Swaglul
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Gnome.... night elf?? (Spotted on the PTR for the Tavern Crawl Micro Holiday)

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:39 AM PDT

Final prayer

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Trying to teach our raid to do Maiden (sorry for quality)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:06 PM PDT

playing Legion like

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:27 PM PDT

Working as intended

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT

Day one of LFR Maiden

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:22 PM PDT

DPS raid utility

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:42 AM PDT

With the clearing of mythic ToS and the emphasis on rogues throughout the tier, does anyone else think that we really need DPS ultility back? Abilities like moonkin tranq, warrior banners, aspect of the fox, and antimagic zone, were all removed with very little indication to why. The DPS raid utility abilites gave reasons to bring a wide diversity of classes as they each brought a niche besides being able to soak (which seems to be the only utility classes have anymore). Furthermore not all class utility seems to have been removed: feral still has stampeding roar; warlocks still have gateways; demon hunters have darkness; shadow priests still have vampiric embrace (even though it's a weakened version). So blizzard, would it be too much to ask to bring back some abilites that encouraged having more class diversity in a raid; banners, AMZ, aspect of the fox, smoke bomb, moonkin tranq, and many of the others (although despite its immense fun I understand the removal of symbiosis).

submitted by /u/meecan
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nice RNG

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:46 AM PDT

Turns out it's possible to Death From Above through the Avatar's floor...and see his tiny little wiggling feet.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:58 AM PDT

So I checked my level 41 Priest on the armory...

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:39 PM PDT

Logged in. Saw this. Had to screenshot.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:42 PM PDT

What is your characters back story?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

I've never been into RP really, spend most of my time raiding and if not then I'll be on the battle field somewhere. But, when I make a new character I like to think of little back stories to help me get attached and less likely to fall victim to endless re-rolls.

Just recently made a Warlock, and thought of a short back story.

He was crippled at a young age, his father and the close nit farming group he lived with was predominately a hunter based society. Struggling to walk, he couldn't keep a pet due to being unable to control them, or play with them. Mocked, and outcasted he was sent to his uncle to study as a mage, "if you can't prove yourself useful then go and waste your time studying with your uncle," was his father's mentality. There, he learned spells of sorts, but it was the ones kept hidden at the back of library that really interested him. Spells to rejuvenate, spells to bring strength to his failing body, but most importantly spells to bring him pets and the gift of companionship. He could be just like the others, albeit these pets were far more dangerous, disgusting and well not very cuddly... they were his. Eventually banished from his uncle's studies for refusing to give up his little imp companions. He set off to prove he can be just like all the other hunters.

Have you guys got any little stories about any of your characters? If so share :D

submitted by /u/Ikhlas37
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Try to explain what you do in wow in the worst possible way possible

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:38 PM PDT

Example: I kill other people and races because they are different then us

submitted by /u/Mogroc
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I'm having a hard time to level

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:15 AM PDT

I'm just gonna say it, the 1-110 leveling is just boring. Yes, i have played with and without heirlooms, I've tried to do the loremaster, i have tried new race and class combos, i put on music in the background, i watch twitch and videos while leveling, butit still doesnt make leveling fun or more enjoyable for me.

All i'm thinking when i level is, ''cant wait to get to 110..''. I usually log out after doing 2-3 dungeons or a few quests and log back on my main, wishing i had my character at lvl 110 already.

Now the main reason i think this, is because i've already done the ''old content'' many many times to the point where i just want to skip it.

So, wtf do i do, i hate leveling in this current state, but i still want to get more characters to 110. And paying 60$ for every new alt is a wallet breaker.

submitted by /u/Cerms
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Stuck on Heroic Mistress

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:14 AM PDT

My guild has been stuck on Mistress for the last 3 weeks. This is pretty much my fault I'm the tank (blood dk). The other tank (DH) and I mostly got down burden last week (we are having one person take most of them by taunting back when it falls off to keep our jobs simpler) and we are doing our best not to move her during hydra shot. We got her down to ~14% but she enraged, some of our dps (who are far better players than me) said that we have to move her out of the muck pools faster, I'm doing it as fast as I can but the WW Monk is saying he's still losing his hit combo and the paladin (also GM and raid lead) is losing some trinket does or something too. All these issues are leading to them considering tanking for us instead. Is there anything I can do to be better at this fight, I don't want to be the one holding our guild back.

Edit: Thank you for all the ideas, I don't have logs (sorry) I will however have them on Monday. One of the problems with the dps is that we are so small that while the core members are guildies we still have pugs (recruitment is slow) and while that could account for some of it I can't 100% deny blame, I'm not a great tank but I am trying to get better.

submitted by /u/Darksoulstone
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*PTR Spoiler* The End is Nigh.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:59 PM PDT

The most recent PTR build added in multiple Doomsayers around Dalaran reminiscent of the Doomsayers that appeared around Cataclysm, as well as the Legion pre-launch event. This is also followed with many confused citizens crowding the streets, an influx of citizens feeling "sick" and unable to be cured, and some folks blatantly speaking gibberish and mentioning how the end is coming.

EDIT: Added additional screenshot showing that these Doomsayers also hand out pamphlets.

EDIT 2: Added in the Doomsayers' appearance from the Legion Pre-launch.

submitted by /u/_Woover_
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