League of Legends - Patch 7.15 Bug Megathread

Patch 7.15 Bug Megathread

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:13 AM PDT

Greetings Summoners!

With every new patch Riot introduces to balance out champions and items there are some unforeseen issues that creep up and cause disruption during gameplay. We have noticed that these issues which eventually get fixed clutter up the subreddit immediately following the patch.

We want to avoid this by having a single Megathread which will be posted after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

Note only bugs caused by the 7.15 Patch should be reported below.

Pre-requisites to be noted before reporting a bug

  1. A bug must be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.

  2. Steps to recreate the bugs can be submitted if possible. This helps rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

  3. The bug must have been caused by the latest patch.

Format when reporting a Bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

Server: The server you encountered the bug (NA, EUW, EUNE, TR, RU, BR, LAS, LAN etc)

Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

Description: Describe what was the bug that occoured.

Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occouring.

Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above.

Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

Example Bug:

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In Game Bug etc

Description: Zeds R(Death mark) Does not apply secondary damage

Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

Reproduction rate: 2/10 (happened 2 out of 10 times)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch a game after selecting Zed as your champion.

  2. Attempt to use death mark.

  3. Observe the result.

Expected result: The damage should apply after a short delay, amplified by damage dealth during the effect.

Observed result: The damage will not apply properly.

• System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

If you don't know how to format comments on reddit Click here

- **Server:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

From this megathread the list of bugs will not be summarised and put up in the main body of the thread, however note that many rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

submitted by /u/Alkser
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Ever8 Winners vs. SK Telecom T1 / 2017 LCK Summer - Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:12 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Ever8 Winners 0-2 SK Telecom T1

E8W | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Facebook
SKT | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 37m | MVP: Bang (400)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
E8W galio taliyah thresh renekton rumble 62.2k 5 4 I2
SKT zac caitlyn jayce rakan braum 70.4k 12 11 M1 B3
E8W 5-12-7 vs 12-5-28 SKT
Kiin jax 3 1-2-1 TOP 0-2-6 4 maokai Untara
Malrang khazix 2 1-1-3 JNG 0-1-7 1 elise Peanut
Cepted syndra 2 3-1-1 MID 3-2-5 1 orianna Faker
Deul kalista 1 0-4-0 ADC 7-0-3 3 tristana Bang
Ella kennen 3 0-4-2 SUP 2-0-7 2 alistar Wolf


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 29m | MVP: Faker (700)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SKT thresh zac khazix orianna trundle 59.0k 7 11 I1 C2 B3 C4
E8W caitlyn galio taliyah leblanc cassiopeia 45.7k 4 0 None
SKT 7-4-17 vs 4-7-11 E8W
Untara rumble 3 1-1-5 TOP 0-1-3 3 maokai Kiin
Peanut elise 1 1-0-1 JNG 2-0-0 1 rengar Malrang
Faker lucian 3 3-1-2 MID 0-2-2 4 syndra Cepted
Bang tristana 2 2-0-3 ADC 2-3-2 1 kalista Deul
Wolf alistar 2 0-2-6 SUP 0-1-4 2 braum Ella

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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If you're interested in helping out with making threads, click here to send a message to /u/linkux18.

Looking for people to help out with LCK and LPL. Click here to send us a message if you are interested.

submitted by /u/adz0r
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MrRalleZ leaves Fnatic and joins TSM

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:25 PM PDT

Suggestions from a Warwick main, his W needs a fix

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:26 AM PDT

Hello, i'm a Diamond IV Warwick main and honestly i'm just tired of the unspoken changes to his w. Every goddamn patch they touch it and i have to relearn how it works.

Here is what the lol wiki says Warwick's W passive does:

Blood hunt

Passive: Warwick gains 50/65/80/95/110% attack speed against enemies below 50% health. He also senses low health champions globally, moving 35% faster toward them when out of combat. These bonuses are tripled against enemies below 20% health.

What it actually does (in 7.14 at least):

(1)Every time an enemy champion receives damage the game checks if its health dropped below 50% AND said champion is visible for Warwick THEN you run fast.

What does this mean? This mean that if you respawn and there's a 10% hp lucian farming in botlane you wont run fast unless he's hit by a minion/ally/jungle camp WHILE you can see them. Which is plain ridiculous.

(2)Everytime you damage an enemy unit with your AA the game checks if its life is below 50% THEN you get bonus AS.

What does this mean? That means that if you switch targets or sometimes even cast a Q on that same champion, you drop your 2.5 AS down to 0.89 for the next basic attack, and this CONSTANTLY changes between patches. Sometimes your Q does not reset the bonus, sometimes when you switch targets you can hit TWICE a full hp enemy with the bonus AS that you gained when targeting 10% hp enemy next to it.

How to fix (1): When visible for warwick, add at least a check every second for enemy champions remaining health regardless of if they're in combat or not.

How to fix (2): The fix to this is more a technicality from a programmer's view than anything else: Do the check for adding or removing attack speed every time ww issues an attack order, not when the attack animation starts. When the order is attack ground, get the target chosen by it and calcule the as if warwick purposely rightclicked it. Yes, this will make numbers look funny when you change targets while in base running towars that teamfight in top lane, but who cares? The champion will not feel clunky for once.

EDIT: Also a quick guide as a bonus for those who read it all the way through:

Max: W>Q>E

Build: Tiamat>Basic boots>BlueSmite>NinjaTabi/Mercury>TitanicHydra>TankJungleItem>Randuin>Adapt to the game (Never build an item that does not give you HP, if you want to hit hard, build as a camille, not as a kogmaw)

Gank Combo: W>Chase a little>Active E>AA if possible>HOLD Q so you can follow if they flash>Release E>Tiamat

DPS Combo: AA>TitanicHydra>Q

EDIT2: Seems like people like this thread, so here are some tips:

-Use your W to scout where the enemy jungler is. If you are playing against a really good lvl 3 ganker (shaco, lee sin). Clear your two buffs and a camp and rush towards the quarter of the jungle where they're in and cast W, then ping where he is and type it in chat.

-At level 3, if you plays your cards right (damage reduction, fear, AA reset, chase even through flash) you can duel anyone, literally anyone. Use that to your advantage.

-Use W to pressure a lane you wont gank. Go mid/top, press W, go back to farming. You just gave your laner 30 seconds of no pressure, and made the enemy laner to spam ping requesting help from their jungler, probably diverting from his powerfarming path. This may look stupid but there are lanes that are not worth wasting your time with (fizz, talon, camille, kassadin post 6) This one doesn't really work on lower elos

-Use your Q to dodge any displacement. While moving with your Q (whereas it's the short or the long cast) you are inmune to displacements.

-You don't need to hit people with R to make an impact. Sometimes to chase someone down all you can do is E>R to reposition yourself, and at the end of the cast you Q onto your target, fearing them onto your team. This is specially usefull if you have a big movement speed buff from an enemy champion that is about to die and you want to keep the clean up going.

-In mid/late game you don't just initiate teamfights. You peel and if you peeled really good then you help with the clean up afterwards, the clean up is where you shine. A 1x2 turns into a 1x4 or even an ace with a Warwick in your team.

submitted by /u/ePaint
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DRIVE: The LemonNation Story

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Sivir hotfix out

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:13 PM PDT

/u/RiotMeddler back with another word on hot fixing, he just tweeted

Sivir hotfix out, reverting most of the 7.15 buff (now +10 damage instead of +30). Bad form by us not catching how strong that was earlier


Edit: /u/RiotAxes with a comment on the hotfixes

Our tech for hotfixes is much better than it used to be, so the process of putting one is much, much faster.

This also accounts for the increased number of hotfixes - the risk of doing one is dramatically lower than it used to be (still not zero, but much lower), so we're doing hotfixes for balance issues that we would have allowed to sit for a patch in years (even months) past.

This one was definitely our bad, though. We shouldn't have shipped Sivir buffs in that state.


submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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Unpopular opinion: Tank meta. Best meta.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:26 AM PDT

Finally we can play some immortal tanks and fuck some Riven and Yasuo mains in lane!

submitted by /u/R4zer20
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2017, Urgot rework is released

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:47 PM PDT

I open the launcher and log in to my account while the game continues patching. I purchased Urgot in advance for 3150 IP-- I was sold as soon as soon as I saw him use Purge, even before I saw the meat grinder in action. I paid my respects by giving him playtime in anticipation of his rerelease, but he clicked so well with me that I was upset I hadn't already picked him up. A similar champion begging for an update, I played Warwick when he got his temporary splash update and found him an effective ranked pick; when he was being teased for rerelease, scraping up every bit of footage impacted my productivity. The Warwick Update team moved straight to Urgot, so they're really good at revitalizing Zaun's chemtech monsters. Champ reworks are basically new champs, and his new model, animations, and 16 minutes of voice, especially the roasts, are a real testament to Riot's hard work and attention to detail, so I feel undeserving of the bargain. Once patching finishes, I test him out in the sandbox mode Riot added when Season 7 began, and then queue up for draft later. He gives me a DOOM vibe, so he's basically one of my mains at this point.

Starting my third game, I get first pick (technically second pick). Using the new 10 ban system, the enemy team bans Jarvan, Illaoi, Darius, Zed, and the permabanned Yasuo. I've locked in Urgot, so I visit the recent reddit AMA thread. Urgot, the first "ranged juggernaut" was designed u/RiotRepertoir and u/GreaterBelugaWhale, Repertoir also having significant involvement in the 2015 juggernaut update; they all learned a lot from that rough time! Anyway, I really came here to get the link to Urgot's bio, since I surprisingly rushed through it the first time.

"A former Noxian Headsman, Urgot used to think he knew what strength was. Then he was betrayed by Swain and found himself bound in chains, a slave in Zaun's mines. There, he discovered a new form of strength: pain. He revels in the chaos of suffering, knowing that it makes him strong. Now—his body augmented with machinery—he knows that Noxus can never truly be ruled by strength while it is ruled at all. He seeks to destroy the leaders of Zaun, and preaches to those who survive: there are no rulers, only survivors." [more]

Lore guys working overtime. This guy's what happens when you let the animalistic ideals of Noxus loose. Riot's writing team has gotten better and better over the years, their most notable milestone next to Sion being 2015's connected "Burning Tides" and "Shadow and Fortune" events revitalizing Bilgewater and giving us a vision of the former Blessed Isles. Has it already been 2 years? Anyway, the game's started and I'm still reminiscing.

I start with the usual Doran's Blade, potion, and yellow trinket, and immediately go to ward the enemy blue buff to give my jungler a headsup. They were there, and I escape unscathed with a laugh. My opponent's playing the new champion, Kayn, who can walk through walls. Fortunately I know enough that he's weak in early lane skirmishes, but I start my W just incase he gets in my face. I start pushing him in as I realize Warwick might gank me first, so I find him as I go to ward river and steal his scuttlecrab with a Q. He stands there, either upset or trying to bait me so Kayn can pincer attack me, but our Volibear comes charging in as we pincer Warwick instead, and he secures the kill by flashing after Warwick's flash. I nearly kill Kayn in lane when I grab him as he goes for CS and burst 3 of my shotgun knees with my W, but he backs off with 10% HP and I shove the lane into tower to force his teleport. I return with my boots and components for phage; this time I might've killed Kayn if I didn't miss my ult because of his own ult where he infests a target champion, making him untargetable.

Midgame gets rough. Ryze takes his lead even further after I go extra ham and dive his tower after we kill Kayn in a small fight; my aggression lead to the death of Voli and myself while Syndra got executed. However, I catch Ryze while he's chasing Syndra in the jungle for my satisfying first meatgrinder execution, letting my team relieve pressure at botlane briefly. Still, the pressure on all lanes gets more overwhelming as the game goes on, with Ryze's strength and Kayn's roaming allowing them to take towers while we're forced to deal with the rest of their team grouping, and they eventually take both our sidelane inhibitors.

I get a double kill when I come back to clean up a teamfight after clearing bot, chasing down Jhin with my Frozen Mallet. Caitlyn and I push down the remaining two mid towers and take the inhibitor, picking off the last surviving Warwick in the process and moving back to take the infernal drake. Killing both Ryze and Kayn after they take our top inhibitor, and with our bot inhibitor respawning, we take out the Baron cleanly. We march our super minions down the midlane, and with Volibear and I performing the devestating double suplex on Ryze, we ignore all their efforts and push for the win.

Volibear was chill as a toplane Malphite with a feeding botlane against 7.14 Lethality Draven, so I give him some recognition using the recently updated honor system (can you believe it? I remember when it was newly added 4 years ago); I got two honor points for being tiltproof and leading the team, even though I didn't shotcall. Still, it made me feel warm inside. It was a well played game.

Full team honor for /u/Super_Javelin, for bringing us the legendary shitpost.

submitted by /u/Ceridran
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[Update] on Time Warner Cable sued for deliberately interfering with League of Legends and Netflix traffic

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:55 AM PDT

You can now ping "Enemy has vision here" on PBE

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:43 AM PDT



It's not bound to any key so you have to do it yourself.

submitted by /u/PLOXYPORO
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Lancer Zero Hecarim looks extremely underwhelming...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:25 AM PDT

When I saw it on the PBE I thought "cool, another cheap Hecarim skin"...

But it's not? Why is this skin a loot exclusive?

The model is underwhelming compared to Worldbreaker, a 750 RP skin. The animations vfx* are cool I guess but I still think it pales in comparison to Arcade or Elderwood.

But worst of all:

He's wielding a lance, so why does he slap enemies with the non-pointy part? I was expecting AT LEAST his devastating charge to have some sick animation where he dives into an enemy while making a stabbing motion, but nope, not even that. The only ability where his lance looks fitting is his ultimate, but that looks more like an accident than intentional.

Please don't make loot exclusive skins bank on being rare to be desired. If someone wants to shell out something like 100 dollars for a skin, at least make it good.

submitted by /u/Bladerunner7777
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I think the next update should target performance.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:36 PM PDT

Now I've been playing league for a long time. I've started of on a literal toaster that got so warm you could make eggs & bacon on it, League ran perfectly fine on a GT325m. Over the years I've moved onto better things. I am now more or less rocking an i7 4790k + GTX 1070. It hurts to say that I've seen a massive decline in my framerate since last year. I used to be able to pull between 300-400 fps. Now my framerate hardly sticks around 200 during early-mid game it begins to drop into the lower 100's. Until at one point went below 80. Now we are talking about the performance on the rift, take ARAM for example a similar thing happens where my framerate just barely hovers around 150. Not to mention the game visibly stutters and hiccups when entering bushes sometimes. I can for sure say that this isn't my computer's problem. It has been rebuilt completely recently, on top of that I do not have such issues with any other game. I think I actually get a higher avg framerate on Warframe now than I do on League. I surely cannot be the only one that has noticed this? League isn't a demanding game, it was designed to run on almost any computer so why are frame-rates tanking so much? I don't suppose reinstalling the game on an SSD would do much, but would possibly be worth a shot. I understand we have had many updates/changes but they should in no way affect performance as they weren't really visual updates. I also anticipate some of you will probably say that having high frames doesn't matter, or that I should be happy to have at least that many. If my frames dip so much on such hardware, I cannot imagine what lower-end users are going through. Has anyone else actually noticed this or had technical issues with their game? TL:DR - League used to run good, however I've noticed the framerate in League slowly declining over the past few years which is concerning considering I am running higher end hardware.

submitted by /u/Nuk-Terrible
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7/26 PBE Update: Summoner Icons, Login Theme, & More

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:58 AM PDT

It always been a joke how Dardoch is toxic, but with him on the 5th team in 2 years this is obviously a serious issue.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:36 AM PDT

Immortals signed Dardoch to a 3 YEAR contract and let him go after a single split. He then plays about 3/4ths of a split before being let go again because he "Did not mesh well with the team".

CLG traded Xmithie for him and then let him go after less than a single split favoring an unproven Rookie jungler who is 2-2 all time in the LCS and did not look great in the wins he got.

But who won the Jungle trade???

Edit: Some lovable words from Joshie himself

submitted by /u/DavFree
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Dardoch back on team liquid

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:46 PM PDT

Or so it appears, judging from their twitter


Really not sure how this is gonna work out, if Breaking Point was any indication of the dynamic between Dardoch and management. It's not completely unexpected though, seeing how Dardoch had been unsatisfied with the direction CLG staff was going regarding their jungle position (not telling him they were subbing in Omar, etc)

Edit: CLG's announcement: http://clgaming.net/news/847

Edit: CLG's announcement, unsurprisingly, points to attitude issues.

Over the course of the split, we found that Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett did not align with our focus on teamwork and culture.

submitted by /u/hachimitsufan
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Domination Major Slot Sneak Peek

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:02 PM PDT

Welcome Mrrallez

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:04 PM PDT

"Assassin" gets filtered out in your rune page name... why does the filter think I'm typing ass ass?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:26 AM PDT

So I'm trying to make a "lethality assassin mr" page and it's filtering out the assassin part, thinking I'm typing assass. Why Riot :(

Link: http://i.imgur.com/Frpayfq.png

And also - any way to recycle runes yet?

submitted by /u/prometheus199
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With Dardoch back to Liquid, a reminder of what Liquid means to Dardoch

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:39 PM PDT

If League of Legends would be made into a movie, what actor would play what champion?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:53 AM PDT

I think Emilia Clark would make a great Janna

submitted by /u/TiltedMeme
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SKT Bang apologizes on air for his controversial comment

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:15 AM PDT

1750 true damage Urgot rework 1 hit tank

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:50 AM PDT

context: was playing as braum jumped into to help urgot got me and 1 hit me from full health 1750 TRUE damage!!!

come on rito https://gyazo.com/b4e7d7a9b921dccba9c88d74eb56d839

EDIT: just got replied from rito this is NOT a bug it is working as intended source :https://gyazo.com/4baeb75b1d1a394da0d781cf0a6fb974 (from the urgot rework makers)

submitted by /u/DRAGONRODEO
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"What you don't see on Twitch" : follow the backstage story of UOL during RiftRivals (w/Sheepy's and Romain's voices) [7:50]

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Turning Mentality into Victory

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:44 AM PDT

Leona Artwork

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:07 AM PDT

Not mine but this artist deserves way more attention than they have right now


submitted by /u/Childish_Fiend
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It's kinda weird for Omega Squad Veigar to be shouting about the magic when he's using modern weaponry

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:31 AM PDT

Makes him seem like he's high on something strong.

On a side note, I wish they would release a non-face-shadow skin Veigar. I would pay legendary price for that.

submitted by /u/fiskerton_fero
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