True Dota 2 - Watching Visage being played in tourney makes we want to duo Invoker/Visage again

Watching Visage being played in tourney makes we want to duo Invoker/Visage again

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:22 AM PDT

So Visage familiars with alacrity buff can wipe a tier3 tower in one 9 second pass. Without drow/luna/lycan/aura's.

As a sidenote invoker/visage work well together. Invoker keeps throwing aoe spells, meaning visage always has maxed soul assumptions to throw.

The TL:DR; is that because familiars are hero typed and have .4 BAT, invoker buffing their damage and attack speed is getting more then 4 times the benefit because they hit so fast.

So math -

Bird 1 and Bird 2, over 9 seconds(alacrity length), (4 at the end is for regen'd charges)
Bonus damage from charges = 24 * (7+6+5+4+3+2+1+4) = 768
Normal Damage over 9 seconds
(10) / .4 * 9 = 225 each
Alacrity Damage
(10+115) * 2.15/.4 * 9 = 6046
Total Bird damage:
6046 + 225+225+768*3 = 8800

Familiars are hero typed, so deal half damage to structures - 4400 Damage
Armor modified 4400 * 100/(100+22*6) = 1896 (16+3 armor per 2 heroes heroes)

Edit: Funzie, Max auras vs Backdoor protection: Lycan(20AD) + Ogre(60AS) + Drow(100AD) + Invoker(115/115) + Visage + HOD(10AS) + AC(25AS, -5armor)
Normal DPS (10+20+100) / .4 * (100+60+10+25)/100 = 633
Alacrity Bird
(10+20+100+115) / .4 * (115+100+60+10+25)/100 = 1998
Total Bird DPS:
2 * 633 + 1998 = 3264
Modified Final damage: 20 armor is 16+3 * 3 - 5
3264 * .5 * .75 * 100/(100+20 * 6) = 556
= Tower down, through backdoor protection, 2.8 seconds(didn't calculate in the bonus damage, shave off a couple tenths)

Edit edit: Can we also appreciate that alacrity bird does 2000DPS. Sustained, for 9seconds. Alacrity Bird could solo wipe an entire team in the 9 seconds if it could get to everyone, say if they were magnus or enigma ult'd or something(enigma would also be a BOSS in this lineup, swapped out instead of lycan i'd imagine, those summons also get the Drow dps. Meaning they're all running around with all of the bonuses too).

Edit3: Alacrity bird kills the tower through backdoor protection solo in < 4.5seconds

submitted by /u/punriffer5
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Why is there Bloodseeker in every ranked game I play?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:16 PM PDT

Literally every game in 2k for about 2 weeks now. Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/Ivansic
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Am I the only one that doesn't upgrade to Magic Wand?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:54 AM PDT

I'm at 5K-6K mmr and in 99% of my games no matter what position I'm playing I usually just leave it at Magic Stick.

Maybe I'm just a noob...

submitted by /u/Arytom13
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Helm + Vlads = Broken

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:31 PM PDT

Been buying helm + vlads on SB to close our games as soon as my team wins one team fight with enemy t2's down. The vlads + helm just means that it's 25% easier to take down rax and towers assuming you have 4/5 heroes and some creeps attacking.

With your helm, just getting a melee creep is good enough as that adds like 30dmg to your helm purchase but getting a catapult, wolf or bear creep is even better.

SB power spikes an insane amount around 25 min and if you have a successful early game you can purchase both vlads and helm around 25 min and have an insane power spike during that time.

Perhaps SB is just broken in general but I've also been getting winning games just getting these two items together on other heroes.

Vlads + Helm is just insane synergy. Vlads gives damage and armor, helm gives attack speed and regen. Both work on creeps. Getting a creep with helm just means you're getting another creep to give vlads aura to which increases it's dmg and armor.

I love when I see 20 mega creeps hitting their throne with +15 damage and +10attackspeed each. 20*15= 300dmg.

All this damage you're getting from Vlads is quite efficient as it's being added to things with better attack speed than spirit breaker himself as his attack speed is quite shit compared to even one neutral creep. It's also more efficient to put that damage on a melee creep as it does more damage than both hero or ranged creeps to towers.

Some of my games in 5k:

submitted by /u/ericjlima
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I feel so lost whenever I play support

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:48 AM PDT

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I last played dota, the last time I played was in April and I decided to pick up the game again. I was last at 4k and obviously the meta has changed and I have read the patch notes and everything and I still can't get the hang of playing support again.

I'm not sure what it is. It usually happens around the 10 minute mark. Either I secure top and try to gank mid with no luck or the solo offlane is at equal farm with my carry and I can't harass anymore because I'm out leveled despite all the pulling I've done. At that point I usually just wait around the map for a rotation if need be, but I generally get there too late because they USUALLY get caught out and then I waste a TP and more time. Another scenario is I TP in for a gank and nothing becomes of it.

Like just recently where 3/5 of our heroes were farming and Pudge and I (Naga Support) were just sitting around waiting for something to happen since the other team had a blink dagger/lifestealer puck. It seems that most of my games some enemy hero just goes crazy and secures a large lead while my team is too afraid/reserved to go in a do a smoke gank. A scenario happens is either Mid or offlane gets owned and I can't go in and rotate since I'm busy helping the carry secure farm.

Idk I guess I just can't get into the flow of the game. I know I'm wasting time but I don't know what I should be doing other than stacking and pulling. It's a lot harder for me to feel out what the other team is doing since my flow is messed up so my warding is also suffering and I feel like I just buy wards for the sake of it. The game feels a lot more snowbally than I remember it being.

I guess my question is what is the general pace of the game now and what are some timings I should be looking at? What are the priorities? Should I be ganking mid more often than helping the carry?

submitted by /u/LDRsLips
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Sven: S&Y or Echo Saber

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

I was hoping to open a discussion about S&Y vs Echo Saber as the item after treads and MoM for Sven.

Echo seems to offer mana regen for farming, allowing you to spam warcry and MoM, and the added burst damage/slow when combined with ult. This can be particularly powerful when bloodthorn or daedalus his acquired.

While S&Y provides movement/attack speed, additional HP, and a severe but longer slow. The biggest drawback for S&Y is the additional cost and no mana regen.

It looks to me that S&Y on Sven is associated with higher winrate, but I feel so mana starved when going S&Y. I could potentially be missing tread switches.


submitted by /u/hahaXDu2
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how do I counter a drow strat at around 3k

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:42 AM PDT

I usually play with a stack of 2-5 (usually 3) and we are struggling to deal with drow strats where the enemy picks drow+1ranged carry and front liners like underlord, huskar etc. how do we counter this? drow just seems really tanky with her defensive talents granting over 500 hp and we are unable to shut down their entire team at once. either the frontliner, the drow or the other ranged carry gets ahead and we end up losing.

submitted by /u/rainbow_shadow
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[TIP] When climbing solo MMR stick to your plan, don't let peer pressure affect you.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:03 PM PDT

I want to share some of my experience when climbing solo MMR. Often you might find yourself the lowest MMR in that game so you might follow every single command of your teammates.

DON'T DO THIS. Sticking to your plan and what your hero does best will give you the biggest chance of winning. Players in your game are on similar skill levels to you and most of them have no idea what is actually beneficial for your team. This doesn't mean ignore everything your team says. The idea is try to do what you do best and don't let your teammates stupid comments distract you.

If your team needs wards, buy wards. If your team needs mek, buy mek. Don't let the idiot laughing at you saying "LMAO mek on viper" distract you.

If you're playing Riki and you know the enemy planted sentries don't let the guy saying "WTF riki go scout" distract you.

Stick to your plan.

More often than not your teammates will give you sub-optimal advice in games in terms of decision making. You're controlling your hero, you know the state of the game and you're not stupid. Trust your own judgement.

tl;dr -

Your teammates are the same skill level as you and often gives bad advice. Trust your own judgement, stick to your plan, and don't cave in to peer pressure.

submitted by /u/Apretsi
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Soul ring on safelane carries?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:43 AM PDT

After seeing twitch chat's boy Arteezy pick the item up on Ursa, I've been playing around with picking up an early soul ring on heros that:

A) have spells they can spam to increase farm speed

B) build sustain from lifesteal items or have sustain abilities.

Seems like it could potentially be an underused item on:

  • Juggernaut

  • Ursa

  • CK

  • Slark

  • Troll

  • Bloodseeker

  • PA

Soul ring + mask of madness seems to be a decent alternative to building vlads for farm heavy games.

The downside is that you'll need to replace the soul ring eventually cause of item slot issues, and the extra mana has to allow you to recoup the 750 gold investment.

I'm mostly a support player so I haven't had time to collect much experimental evidence, but the few games I've tried it out felt good.


submitted by /u/madisonmay
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Why do people always get phase on gyro?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:57 PM PDT

It seems like treads would be really good. He doesn't need the ms and tread swapping would help him a lot with mana, and he'd benefit from the hp and atk speed

submitted by /u/Finnigami
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Why is legion always unvalued in pro matches?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:28 PM PDT

When she's picked, they never seem to care about making her strong at all. They just play her offline and use the ult as a disable, completely ignoring the massive damage she can acquire when the team is played around her. And the few times that I've actually seen them play her position one or two, it's worked incredibly and they've stomped the game. Why pick this hero but not use best spell for its best purpose?

submitted by /u/Finnigami
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What do you think are the implications of MMR drift?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:24 PM PDT

Check out the post I just made to that other subreddit here. In it, I explain a simulation I ran which shows us that most people are around 150 measured MMR away from their "real" MMR, and further point out that this means that there is a noticeable skill difference between best and worst player in most games.

Can you think of ways to abuse this fact? How should I play to avoid getting screwed over by having a very up-drifted player on my team against a very down-drifted player? Or is a total difference of 300 MMR between best and worst player in a game something to seriously worry about at any tier?

submitted by /u/Wulibo
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What is your go to item build on Zeus?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

I have recently taken a liking to Zeus, his high burst potential and his cool aghs makes the hero so enjoyable for me. I have stomped a couple of games with makeshift builds of 'the fuck do i need right now' mindset. Are there any reliable builds any of you zeus players fall back to when the game just feels like you need a bit of everything?

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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When to start Ranked?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:28 AM PDT

I've been playing for about a year now, and my friends tell me I shouldn't start playing ranked until later or after I get good, but I don't know when that is. So I've only been playing pub matches since I started. So when is a good time to start playing ranked? Or what kind of a sign would I need to see for me to start?

submitted by /u/Devilray44
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What are the best/most impactful position 4 heroes in your pub games this patch?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

Question about coaching services

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:44 PM PDT

Hello, I'm at 3.2k mmr right now, and of course i feel like i deserve to be at a better rating like everybody else. But well, i'm not, even though i'm getting better and slowly raising my mmr, often finding myself being the captain in my pubs, and having mostly a big impact in my matches, being either a support or a carry. i'm also constantly trying to improve myself, because i understand how i'm the one who should get better in order to improve my mmr.

My question would be what do you guys think about coaching websites (like PVGNA, Gameleap, etc). do they work? how would they help me get better? is it worth it?

submitted by /u/CristolPalace
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Why is 4k bracket so volatile and how do I get out of it?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:17 AM PDT

I have been stuck here for a few months, and the match quality sucks to be completely honest. Only about 50 - 60% of my games are actual games, the rest are either a griefer on one of the teams, or straight up dumb plays / builds. I have seen jungling sniper, boots > Moonshard WK, clinkz who has 0 building damage at the end of the game, etc. This makes the game feel really based on which team gets the anti-gamer. I hate it when I know that the only reason I won was cause the enemy was playing 4v6, sort of invalidates my MMR.

Some days I get a 'good' streak and have the griefers on the enemy team, which still sucks cause the game is ruined either way, and some days I feel like I have been cursed by GabeN himself. I literally just had a streak of having a Silencer go jungle 20 mins in cause 'gg team' and spam global so the enemy knows we dont have it, our mid zeus DC cause of a technical problem which he knew was going to happen before he queued, a toxic invoker which refuses to play with the team, a raging lion who AFKs 20 mins in, then a BB who straight up abandons.

Really, how do I get out of 4k when only half of the games do I get to actually play and better myself as a player? NA pubs are a joke.

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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Playing with toxic team mates always decrease my winrate

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:01 AM PDT

so, i'm a 4k player playing in 2k bracket, yeah i know it's cowardly, but i have no other choice since my main acc got low prio, i hate low prio since it idiotic so i play my second acc

in this match i was the juggernaut, intended to go safelane, then mirana told me to go mid, the thing is, they don't complain on how slow i farm in the first 10 mins since it's huskar, and yeah the positive feedback from my teammates give me courage to carry them on my back

while in this one i was the alch, the picks are typical idiotic 2k picks, no cc, no freaking early game potential while the radiant side could do almost anything early game-wise, I was ganked, dead, then blamed and flamed like hell, I lost my motivation to play and sit back in fountain, the reason behind the blame is so ridiculous, I mean, they lost their lane and blamed me?

my main point is, just keep the positive vibe in game, especially in solo queue, don't be a toxic, if someone died to a gank, u don't have to say "report LC noob" (well, yeah if the LC is jungler then he really is noob, so report him)

positive vibe will increase solo queue winrate like 25 to 30%

submitted by /u/Everless5
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