True Dota 2 - How to use smokes effectively?

How to use smokes effectively?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:14 AM PDT

2.7k here, how should I be utilizing smokes? I feel like when we end up smoking as a team, we get maybe a pickoff or two on the enemy team, maybe even on a core, but I feel like it rarely amounts to any objective or changes the landscape of the game. Are there any questions I should be asking myself regarding lanes, our cores' farm, their cores, etc before popping a smoke? What is the primary purpose/utility of them? Any advice would be great, thanks!

submitted by /u/Urzuz
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What heroes would benefit from move speed and manaregen

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:55 AM PDT

I found out that euls stack, both the regen and move speed, so I'm curious if any heroes would benefit from stacking 2 or 3. Considering how cheap it is (7.5k gold) for +120 movespeed and +450% regen.
I used it on techies for a base defence (actually I bought 6 because I couldnt go to secret shop) but other than that, is there any normal heroes it could work on?

submitted by /u/windupcrow
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Safelane carries to run with Meepo mid

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:55 AM PDT

I've played a few games recently where our midlaner has picked Meepo, but have often found myself a bit lost when picking a safelaner that accompanies it well. I figure, given how much farm/ exp Meepo takes up, that it can't be a carry that relies on those two that much, so maybe some less traditional safe lane picks are more optimal? I've had moderate success with safelane LC, as she's a strong laner, which frees up the supports to stack and help protect the Meepo. Are there any other common picks that complement the hero well?

submitted by /u/Eclectic-Boogaloo
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How do you play mid Rubick?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:44 AM PDT

Title. I'm more interested in the item build and skill build of running a Rubick mid, but all information is welcome and appreciated.

submitted by /u/iapetusbob
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Low level offlane

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Hey everyone. I am about 1k party, unranked solo. I almost hit about 1000 hours in game and decided it is probably time to start doing my solo placement now that I am getting more comfortable. My question is, in the lower level games that I play in I usually end up playing offlane to avoid infighting in the team. I usually end up playing someone like Nyx due to the mana dependent picks I see and his inherent regen and disables. The enemy safe laners tend to push the creep wave to our tower or are generally just bad at keeping the lane static. In this instance would it be more advantageous to pick an offlaner who can do more with the farm that that gives? Say maybe a Clinkz or WR who can then turn and push towers with the essentially free items and levels that they are given, or would it be better to stick with the traditional offlaners to not develop bad habits and expect this to happen in higher level games?

submitted by /u/vilyan01
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how can i get out of 1k?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 11:10 AM PDT

i calibrated at 1k realized how awful it was and never touched it for 2 years im 3.5k party now. i know 3.5k is pretty shitty but its way shittier to tell everyone ur 1k solo. how can i leave this dreadful place?

ive tried a lot of things but at the end it seems that it all comes down to whether or not u have the less retarded team.

what particularly bothers me is that there is too wide a range of skill. it usually ranges from mongloid-level to around 3k-level, not to mention the smurf/boosters that appear every now and then.

are there any survivors that have tips for me to escape?

submitted by /u/niggerees
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Any way to set all hotkeys to be unit specific?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:10 AM PDT

There is a box in the hotkeys menu that says it does this, but it only makes the powers hotkeys unit specific. I want to be able to change the entire hotkey layout per hero. Mostly for the sake of micromanagement heroes.

I am trying to get used to arc warden, and I feel I need more keys than any other hero i play for micro.

submitted by /u/ataraxic89
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Is PL actually OP?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:27 PM PDT

Ive been playing a ton of games with PL, and ive won games against ES and Sven, even when they are in the same game. This hero is ridiculous! 30 agi on a 4 sec cd that only has a 2 sec cd? OP Gap closer on a 4 sec cd?

let me know your guy's opinions

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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looking for suggestions for autocast hotkeys

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 11:45 AM PDT

I'm a dirty WASD player, and so I use a few weird key combos for various things. my reg skills are QERT, and then the two extra skills (invoker, etc) are alt-Q and alt-E. So, I cannot use those for the autocast function. Admittedly, I almost never use it, but it is nice in those rare instances like when I am using an orb walker or something.

Ideally, I was hoping that I could use the windows key as a secondary alt key, but it does not work that way. I could set one of them to the windows key, but not win-Q, etc. Anyway, anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance for the help!

submitted by /u/shawnsterp
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What could I've done better to win this game?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:11 AM PDT

Pretty straight forward, I tried my best in this game, farmed more than anyone, got a good KDA but still didnt manage to win. What do you guys think I should've done to win?

submitted by /u/saverino
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Gyro Aghs builds

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:56 PM PDT

Just need some ideas for aghs builds on gyro. Ive had great success with aquila, phase, morbid, mael, aghs, satanic, mkb, mjoll. Then whatever works. Late game should look like: BoTs, Mjoll, Satanic, Aghs, Mkb, and (Skadi/Butter/Divine/Daed). I once tried veil to replace aquila, it delays the aghs and other important items to put gyro online. But it works similar to the Ember veil build, stats are nice and gyro naturally has high magic burst. You can later sell this for right click items. So what could I do to make this build better?

submitted by /u/I_fap_to_Winston
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Luna: Can't Split Push. Garbage Carry?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:01 PM PDT

For some reason, whenever I play this hero, at no point in the game can I split push with this hero unless all the enemies are showing.

This hero is so fragile and has no escape or mobility that until you get your manta, you are relegated to farming safely and not dying. You have no power to really split push early unless a teamfight is going on on another side of the map. You cannot fight until you get BKB.

Furthermore, you're entirely reliant on your aura boosting your supports' damage to kick the offlaner out of lane. You yourself are more focused on farm and ocassionally harassing once you have lvl 2 beam. Furthermore, your range is so bad that melee offlaners can contest you like Bristle.

Unlike a Juggernaut who can threaten the offlaner at 6, Luna is a little too fragile to do that and she is reliant on getting 5 beams out on the enemy and hopefully the creeps do not tank them. Therefore, the conditions are very specific for a solo kill whereas Jug can spin to clear the wave and harass the enemy before going for the Omnislash.

Your only redeeming quality is that you farm fast but that is reliant on you not dying. Therefore, you are relegated to mostly jungle creeps and not pushing past the river for about 20 minutes until you get your MoM + Manta. Your only goal is to not die for 20 min and to get back into the game between 20-30 min.

Therefore, this hero appears to be situationally good and not relevant in lower pubs where everyone picks a farming core. Yet she has a 52.94% winrate at 3k and 50% winrate at 5k.

What is the reasoning?

submitted by /u/Allison_Yates
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