Super Smash Bros - GOML 2017 | Canadian National | Feat. Isai, Mariguas, Revan, Kort, Hungrybox, Leffen, SFAT, Lynx, DKbill, San, Kalvar, Larry Lurr, ANTi, Fatality, Delco and many more!

GOML 2017 | Canadian National | Feat. Isai, Mariguas, Revan, Kort, Hungrybox, Leffen, SFAT, Lynx, DKbill, San, Kalvar, Larry Lurr, ANTi, Fatality, Delco and many more!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:44 AM PDT

GOML 2017 // July 28th - 30th // Ontario, Canada

Join Canadian Smash history once again for the North's most hype national tournament July 28th-30th featuring: Leffen, Isai, Hungrybox, Westballz, Shroomed, The Moon, ANTi, Mr.R, Fatality, Mr.E, Larry Lurr, The Z, Kort & many more!





Streaming Information

  • Stream Schedule: Link


Event Schedule


All Times Eastern (EDT)

Friday, July 28th

  • 06:00PM | Melee & Wii U Regional Crew Battle


Saturday, July 29th

  • 10:00AM | All Smash Pools

  • 01:00PM | Smash Brawl Top 12

  • 06:00PM | Melee Doubles & Wii U Doubles Top 16

  • 06:00PM | Smash 64 Top 32 to Top 8


Sunday, July 30th

  • 10:00AM | Wii U Singles Pools

  • 10:00AM | Smash 64 Top 8

  • 01:00PM | Melee Singles

  • 01:00PM | Wii U Top 32

  • 01:00PM | Smash 64 Doubles

  • 03:00PM | Melee Top 32

  • 04:00PM | Wii U Top 8

  • 07:00PM | Melee Top 8

Other Information | Twitter | Rewards Shop

submitted by /u/coffeeb1ack
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Daily Discussion Thread 07/28/17

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:11 AM PDT

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Eikelmann's mom is in the hospital. He was hoping for some kind messages.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Eikelmann is one of the nicest smashers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. People shit on him ALL THE TIME because of his set against Bizzaroflame and I think it would be nice to show him how much the smash community cares about him.

submitted by /u/Deadlymonkey
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Rudolph is streaming right now on Twitch!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:45 AM PDT

I don't know when he started but at the time of this post (11:45 am EST) he is online.

Here is a link to his stream:

He also seems to be planning to do an AMA on his channel on Sunday as well!

Edit: Stream is over now.

submitted by /u/Voltik
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Hey so not that anyone necessarily cares I just won my first local tournament for Melee after going to them for like 2 years now so yea I'm just really happy right now :D

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:08 PM PDT

Some of the most iconic in-game moments of Super Smash Bros. Melee

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:40 PM PDT

This person successfully predicted Armada's solo peach run 11 months ago

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:29 AM PDT

[Theorizing] Brawl Snake in Smash 4's engine

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:23 PM PDT

Yesterday, /u/C-14er asked the simple question of how good Snake would be in Smash 4's meta, assuming no changes to his stats or frame data. It's probably been asked before, but after working on an answer for a bit, I decided to make a full post about it. I was a Snake main in Brawl, and I miss him quite a bit, so I had a very fun time trying to picture what it'd be like to have him in this engine. It wouldn't be balanced AT ALL, but that's what makes this little thought experiment kind of funny.

So let's assume we just transfer Snake into Smash 4. Frame data stays the same, hitboxes, weight, fall speed, specials, it's all the same, only the engine is different. What would it be like?


The first thing you'd notice would probably be just how absurdly good all his normals are. Honestly, they'd be some of the absolute best in the game, easily.

Snake's normals were already kind of stupid in Brawl, having speed, power and range, and being pretty safe; but they would be ABSURD in Smash 4's engine, given the shieldstun patch. Using Kurogane Hammer's calculator, we can do the math and see that most of Snake's grounded moves would indeed be very safe. Given the range, shieldgrabs wouldn't be an option unless used way up close, so oftentimes, punishing Snake's tilts would be straight up impossible. With their disjointed hitboxes and damage, they'd also eat through most moves like no other... It's hard to compare, but eyeballing it, I think Snake's Uptilt might have more range than Marth's Fsmash in S4. It's close, either way. And that's Uptilt, Ftilt has even more range, AND it does extra shield damage... People tend to only know about Uptilt, but really all of Snake's hitboxes were ridiculous, even moreso than Ryu's, by a significant margin. See this video for reference.

Oh and his aerials would be really good as well, for the same reasons. In Brawl they mostly served as mixups, but with the added shieldstun, they'd be pretty safe as well, especially on cross-up, so Snake could use them much more freely. Also, SDIing out of Nair and Dair would be almost impossible since SDI is much weaker than it was in Brawl. Snake's aerials would have to be respected a lot, especially with how much damage and knockback they'd deal, and how long they last. In short, I think his normals alone would probably shut down a lot of characters. A Snake just pushing buttons would be a pain to deal with already, with how hard to punish and challenge everything would be, and how much damage you'd eat for messing up. And let's not mention how annoying it'd be online lol


The other thing you'd notice immediately I think, is how sluggish he is. Even for Brawl standards, a much slower game overall, Snake was calibrated to have one of the worst mobility, and it would show tenfold in Smash 4. Snake would have: the 52nd slowest run speed out of 59, 56th slowest walk speed, 59th slowest air acceleration (behind even Ryu!), 44th slowest air speed, and the slowest jumpsquat (9 FRAMES! That's worse than Bowser). While not that big a deal in Brawl, a much slower, defensive game, having such bad mobility in Smash 4's meta could be a big problem. His hurtbox is also huge, although having a very low crawl would help that somewhat, and make some matchups a bit easier. DACUS also helped alleviate this problem in Brawl, but of course it's been gone from Smash 4 ever since the 3DS days.


After a few games, you might come to another realization: Rage Snake is ridiculous. Snake was the third heaviest character in Brawl (heavier than Dedede!), and one of the hardest to kill in general. It's impossible to compare since we'd live much longer in Brawl thanks to DI being a big factor, but it was really common for Snake to live past 200%, even against characters with good killpower. I remember Ally would reach 230+ very often, even, due to his amazing DI. So while you can't expect Snake to live QUITE that long in Smash 4, he'd still qualify as a super heavy, with the same weight as Ganondorf (113), and falling quite a bit faster, meaning he'd live longer by a decent margin. So yeah, you'd have to deal with max rage Snake all the time, and that's quite a scary thought for sure, because...

Snake's killpower even back in Brawl was one of the best, having access to arguably the best killmove in the game (Uptilt), with pretty much every single other move in his kit being able to kill. Again, most people know about the Uptilt, but really everything Snake had would kill very well, even his jab! And it would be even more apparent in Smash 4, since the impact of staling has been greatly reduced. Snake mains would save a couple of moves and keep them fresh for the kill, but it wouldn't matter too much here, and you'd be at risk of dying to absolutely anything. Which leads us back to rage... Bowser, DK and maybe Ryu excluded, I think no character in the game would kill easier and with as much consistency as Snake. People complain about Mario's Upsmash or Diddy's Dtilt>Upsmash, but those would be jokes compared to Snake's raw tilts. A max rage Snake uptilt would kill Mario at 80%, for example, and again, that's a frame 6 move with disjointed range you can safely throw out in neutral. Ftilt had similar power, from what I remember, and would kill a good 10% earlier if you caught someone at the ledge. Same with Snake's Jab, which is frame 3, with disturbingly good knockback, and would actually kill even earlier than Ftilt at the ledge. All of Snake's other normals, as well as C4, could also score kills well below 100% with rage, in many cases.

Then there's Fsmash... A ridiculous combination of base knockback and knockback growth. While it wouldn't necessarily kill earlier than Ganon's or Bowser's from center stage and without rage... Near the ledge or with max rage, this thing would be silly. How silly? I think it might be able to kill Mario at 0% with max rage, if at the ledge on Final Destination. I'm not joking, that's what the calculator seems to indicate... And that's an UNCHARGED Fsmash. If you fully charge it at the ledge it'd kill at 0% even without rage. That's because this move has 100 base knockback. By comparison, Ganondorf's Fsmash has 35, and Bowser's has 25. These two do deal slightly more damage, and have better knockback growth, meaning they'll kill better than Snake's at higher percent, but when it comes to sending far even at low%, Snake's Fsmash EASILY trumps any other move. Luma's UpAir has 110 base knockback for example, but it only deals 4%, when Snake's (uncharged) Fsmash deals 22%. Damage dealt plays a big part in knockback calculation, so I'll let you imagine what a max rage Snake Fsmash near the ledge could do. Read a getup option, or get a 2 frame (very easy with that hitbox), and that's all folks. It might be more situational, but with how much safer it is, and how insanely early it could kill, I thought it was worth mentioning.


I think the last big chunk of insanity from all this would be Snake's projectile game. I think the people that still call Smash 4 "slow" and "campy" just weren't around during Brawl. It's an aspect I didn't mind personally, but it's undeniable just how good projectiles were in this game, and how much they were nerfed for Smash 4. Falco's lasers were heavily nerfed, Olimar now only has 3 Pikmin (instead of 6), as well as less range on many moves, Diddy can only pull one banana and it disappears after two interactions... It really took a lot to get in against the campers of Brawl, which I guess speaks volume to how good Meta Knight really was. The dev team obviously put a lot of effort towards avoiding a similarly defensive meta in Smash 4, which is why Snake, one of the best campers in Brawl, would probably invalidate a large part of the cast with how potent his zoning would be.

It's true that Smash 4's faster cast could help a little in that regard, but at the end of the day, Snake would definitely be the best camper in the game by a long, long shot. The characters Snake could struggle with in Brawl all got hit pretty hard in Smash 4, after all. Like I mentioned above, Falco and Olimar can't possibly hope to outcamp Snake now, Pikachu and Dedede lost their chaingrabs (a big part of what made the MU difficult), Marth lost a ton of range, Ice Climbers don't exist anymore, and of course Meta Knight is very, very different now, and not as good. Some of the faster characters in Smash 4 might be able to overwhelm Snake and get in against him, but with his now even more amazing normals, that'd only be half the battle. Maybe even just one third of it, you have to find a way to kill him, after all.


When it comes to disadvantage state, edgeguarding could be an issue, however. Snake's recovery was always one of his weaknesses, but with the increased mobility of many characters, it'd be easier to go chase him offstage. No meteor canceling also means that breaking UpB's armor with a spike would most likely result in a kill almost every time. At least they fixed the grab release glitch, so that's one thing Snake wouldn't have to worry about anymore. In general Snake is gonna want to recover high though, which might be harder to cover now. Airdodges have a lot less lag in the air than they used to, so it might be easier for Snake to sneak between juggling attempts, especially with smart use of Breversing thrown into the mix. The shieldstun patch would also help when it comes to landing with aerials, especially since trading with Snake is a big no-no. Speaking of trading, Snake's grenade is frame 1, just like Duck Hunt's can, and would help him get out of many combos and setups just the same. It wasn't as big a deal in Brawl (tho it forced opponents to be frame perfect on some chaingrabs), but in a combo-heavy game like Smash 4, a frame 1 breaker can be a huge help. This one would kill, too, and much better than Duck Hunt's can.


Lastly, Snake's advantage state. This is the hardest part to hypothesize about, since for the most part, it's something you need to figure out by playing the character. Would Snake have any reliable combos? I'm not sure, his moves all send so far, after all. Uptilt might link into itself, landing UpAir might be a decent combo starter, but without proper testing, it's hard to say. Aside from the situational setups he already had with grenades and mines in Brawl, I doubt he'd be a very combo heavy character, but who knows. There's little chance he'd have any throw combo, but Dthrow's tech chase might still lead to interesting results, even without being able to get regrabs. Just reading the get-up and getting a tilt off of it would be huge in Smash 4, where 21% (that's how much a* single* fresh Ftilt would do lol) means more than it did in Brawl.

Snake's Ledge guarding would probably be a tough one to swallow for most characters, since covering multiple options at once is his forte. It was already really good in Brawl, but with the new ledge mechanics forcing options and removing ledge planking, it would be a different story. A Dsmash to cover a roll, a well timed Upsmash to cover jump and add a hitbox to the mix, a grenade, coupled with Snake's ridiculous hitboxes, some of them even able to hit below the ledge... Oh and let's not forget the classic ledge trump Bair, which would kill really early.


There's a lot of unknown in all of this, so it's hard to say exactly how high Snake would be on the tier list. He could be the best, but maybe he wouldn't adapt so well to Smash 4's meta, it's difficult to say. I think it's pretty clear he'd be mad stupid in many aspects, and would most likely make a very large part of the cast unviable by himself, but we can never be so sure.

I personally think Fox might be a hard matchup, since he's good at zone breaking, and would juggle Snake for days. At least Fair footstool wouldn't break through UpB's armor, and it'd be hilarious to Fsmash a Fox sideB back to the ledge and kill him at like 10%. I can see Falcon and ZSS doing good too, if they can deal with Snake's crawl, as well as maybe Bayonetta, Corrin, and Pikachu. Maybe Sheik in theory, especially since she could edgeguard with Bouncing Fish for days, but rage alone might make the MU hell for her. Like, you'd have to play so perfectly it might be too difficult in practice.

What do you guys think? How good do you think this Snake would be? What matchups would he struggle with, if any? Would Ally win like every tournament? How fun would it be to read airdodges with Fair and spike people at 15%?

submitted by /u/Tetra-76
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Armada vs Ultima Scout $1000 MM?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:40 PM PDT

Sponsors pull out from Gamer Gauntlet cruise; company receives cease-and-desist from Royal Caribbean

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:19 PM PDT

Looks like we got something incoming on that cruise — and it's not pretty.

MoneyMatches, an online betting arena, pulled out, stating that the cruise "does not exist". They are promising a more detailed article shortly.

Mayday of Panda Global also mentions that Cruisecon/Gamer Gauntlet received a cease-and-desist letter from Royal Caribbean. In a reply asking "Fyre Festival all over again?", Mayday replied "Yeppp. At least people didn't arrive to the port this time to find out this isn't going to be the experience they paid for".

The other shoe looks like it's about to drop here.

submitted by /u/RaymieHumbert
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DaShizWiz Laser Combos Marth

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:08 PM PDT

What does "HMN" stand for on the Melee CSS?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:01 AM PDT

On the top left corner of the player boxes on the character select screen, it says "N/A" when there is no character and says "CPU" when its a CPU, but when a player is plugged in it says "HMN". Just curious as to what it could mean.

submitted by /u/HypeKnighttt
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[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary in 1:21:55 (Intense Difficulty)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:59 AM PDT

Two people one controller

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Me and a friend were wondering if we could enter a singles tournament, LTC, and both use one half of the controller. Has anyone tried this? We were going to get a really large sweater and both be inside of it.

submitted by /u/DylBoi
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Jeffrey Paul King, writer for elementary, shares the title for an upcoming episode with a smash reference

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:34 PM PDT

Armada - Sweden is my city

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:11 AM PDT

Mango Reviews Plup Vs Hbox at Dreamhack Atlanta

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:14 AM PDT

How Far is Plup From Becoming a God? (Plup Statistical Analysis)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:57 PM PDT

Top 5 New School Marth Mains in Melee

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:35 PM PDT

The Summer 2017 Southern Ontario PR

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:09 AM PDT

The God of Olympus - A ThundeRzReiGN DK Combo Video

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:43 PM PDT

Rudolph AMA on twitch with a translator!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:31 AM PDT

He's been doing an ama for a few minutes now:

Check him out! He's pretty funny lol

submitted by /u/ThatKawaiiGuy
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Brawl Minus 4.1 comes out on July 31st, get hype!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:49 PM PDT

Source: The official Brawl Minus discord.

Heavily implied to be a "glorified balance patch", so no new characters or stages, just a bunch of polish for existing content.

submitted by /u/TeamDogfight
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This Weekend in Melee: GOML and MASTer ft. Hungrybox, Leffen, SFAT, Westballz, Shroomed, Duck, Lucky, n0ne, Ice, HugS, MikeHaze, Crush, The Moon, Nintendude, Bladewise, MacD, Ryan Ford, Zain, Trif, Prince Abu and more

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:54 AM PDT

[SSB4] What makes Fox a top tier character?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:33 AM PDT

Legitimate question.  

His recovery just seems so exploitable and his reach really isn't that good, and he's quite difficult to use too. What makes him worthy of his top spot?

submitted by /u/the15thwolf
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5 Minutes of Zenyou Combos

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:25 PM PDT

The Moon vs Leffen but DJ Nintendo is commentating

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:46 PM PDT

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