Skyrim - I put the office music over the thieves guild

I put the office music over the thieves guild

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 01:47 PM PDT

What's your biggest "wrong place at the wrong time" in Skyrim?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 12:49 AM PDT

For me it was an npc that had some unfortunate timing.

A dragon had just landed infront of me, and I was just thinking "Right, let's do this", drawing my sword and sprinting towards it when...

"Hey! Did you just see a man run past here?" as an NPC took my focus and forces me into dialogue just as the dragon lets loose fire breath towards me. The NPC didn't seem too worried about the dragon.

I proceeded to exit the dialogue, then killed the dragon and the npc.

The punchline though is when I also found a Dark Brotherhood corpse after the battle. Apparantly the Dark Brotherhood decided this was the best time to try assassinate me. Points for trying to do it during the chaotic events that happened, but I didn't even really notice killing him, so it didn't really work out like he thought...

submitted by /u/ThisIsABuff
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If you try to frame the dragonborn, youre gonna have a bad time

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 04:24 AM PDT

Best Screenshot I'll likely ever capture.

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 06:18 AM PDT

When your dunmer friends let you say N'wah

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 01:44 PM PDT

The Riften Massacre

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 06:40 PM PDT

I'm returning triumphantly from Golden Glow Estates, walking through town towards the secret guild entrance when a random thief passes through being chased by guards. The thief flees into the smithy, guards in tow, and I don't think about it as I head down to the cistern.

Well the guild went nuts, emptying out into the street weapons drawn, and they all dash toward the smithy. I'm curious now, and head into the smithy building as well.

What I entered can only be described as an orgy of blood and violence. Every active Riften Guard, and EVERY member of the thieves guild (save Mercer) was crammed into the small, two room building, just SLAUGHTERING each other. I managed to climb atop a crate or barrel and watched in horror as the combatants fell, guard and thief alike, until there were only 5 left standing. Vex, Delvin, Brynjolf, Tonilia, and Vekel (all protected NPCs) survived. They sheathed their weapons, and went back to the cistern, leaving me to sort and loot the bodies of 14 guards, as well as the bodies of Sapphire, Cynric, Vipir, Rune, Thrynn, and Dirge.

The cistern is empty and silent. I have never in my hundreds of hours playing Skyrim come across anything like this....have you?

submitted by /u/Zargoza
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Apparently this is the third result for 'river in forest wallpaper'

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:48 AM PDT

When the annoying kid won't stop talking to you

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 10:20 AM PDT

No! My Immersion!

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 01:32 PM PDT

This is how i see shopping because i play too much Skyrim

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 03:52 PM PDT

I saw this and just had to

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 03:35 AM PDT

Bruma in a nutshell

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:32 AM PDT

2000+ hours in Skyrim and I've never realised

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 07:05 PM PDT

...that I want to see Jon Battle-Born's ideal Skyrim where all would be obsessed with a poetry.

  • there bandits will approach you so they can deliberately disarm you with their last sonnets.

  • there Graybeards will teach Dragonborn new words of power. Instead of meaningless Fus Ro Dah it will be To be, or not to be: that is the question. Even sabrecats would fly flee ashamed.

  • and imperials put a band on Ulfric's mouth because he is nothing but a gifted poet who forced Emperor to kill himself for he could not bear Ulfric's talent.

Also I've never realised that Braith is Amren's daughter and she have a couple of interesting dialogs with Saffir.

submitted by /u/watade
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Solitude At Night

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 01:40 AM PDT

[Xbox One] Night in Skyrim

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 07:44 PM PDT

Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 08:07 AM PDT

Is Skooma the Elder Scrolls equivalent of Meth?

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 04:28 PM PDT

In all of my prior playthroughs, I never used any of the Skooma I found, I only sold them.

But I was running away from a Giant yesterday and had no Stamina potions left, so I used a Skooma instead, and it drained my Magicka (wisdom/intelligence) but gave me a huge stamina (energy) regen boost, and I was able to both outrun the Giant and down him with my bow from afar, despite the stamina cost.

The effect lasted for like an in-game hour or two. Before it ended, the screen blurred so hard I could barely see anything at all.

Since then I've been using it regularly in combat. Does anyone know of any areas that reliably drop Skooma, or any sellers?

submitted by /u/ItsBabySheep
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Skooma ballin'

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 02:07 AM PDT

Anyone wanting to level Alchemy fast - build Windstad Manor (hearthfire)

Posted: 07 Jul 2017 07:02 AM PDT

Apologies if this is already common knowledge but Salmon roe + Histcarp + Wheat makes a potion worth potentially thousands (depending on skill and perks), leveling alchemy rapidly, and all the resources are easily renewable at Windstad Manor.

Wheat can be grown in the garden extension. Histcarp and Salmon Roe require the fish hatchery extension only available at this homestead. Simple place one histcarp and one salmon roe for the fish to permanently spawn every few days, but to harvest roe you will need to shout at the salmon to kill them first (unrelenting force works). 6 of each item spawns every 1-3 days.

As a rerefence point my alchemy is at about 70 and one of these potions raises me almost a full level and worth ~4000 coins

submitted by /u/4d3d3d343
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Dawn's beauty

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 03:07 PM PDT

skyrim irl

Posted: 06 Jul 2017 12:20 PM PDT

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