Pokémon GO - [Screenshot] The real world and PoGo matched up when i walked out of work today.

[Screenshot] The real world and PoGo matched up when i walked out of work today.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:08 AM PDT

Has anyone seen a Pidgey with higher CP in the wild?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:50 AM PDT

The time when Eevee's rage went past the limit.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:30 AM PDT

Catching a legendary is hard, and that's a good thing. The legendary catch rate is a slot machine game mechanic, and that's not a good thing. (reposted here after getting upvoted on /r/TheSilphRoad and then removed by mods)

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:46 AM PDT

I originally posted this here where it was upvoted and generated a lot of good discussion before the mods of /r/TheSilphRoad decided to remove it. I've cleaned it up a bit and reflected some of the comments in this version.

Catching legendaries should be hard. They should feel special.

Getting together 10 people to beat a legendary is hard, but reasonable. I wouldn't be opposed to if they made it even harder, such that everyone needs to be on point and choose the right attackers to be able to win. That would be based on skill and determination. That would be fair.

What is not fair, and is not reasonable, is a slot machine game mechanic. Ordinarily, having a chance of a Pokemon running away adds an element of danger and suspense to the game. It walks the borderline of acceptable randomness that doesn't feel terrible as a game mechanic.

Change the odds a bit to having Pokemon that you feel will most likely run away and if you get lucky you might hit the jackpot and catch it is a garbage game mechanic. It feels unsatisfying for the player, since whether they catch it or not, they never felt like they were in control. You throw a perfect curved golden raspberry excellent, and the objective odds are that it is overwhelmingly likely to escape. It feels absolutely terrible because you played a perfect game and lost because of RNG. People can argue that if you aggregate a lot of terrible odds together, then after a huge number of throws you're likely to catch one - there's something that resembles, and that's a slot machine.

Worse, the carrot dangled just out of reach is designed to hook you in and open your wallet. You've got one week to catch your team legendary, and for the average player, chances are you can't do it with just the raid passes you get for free. The timer is running, and look, there's another snowball's chance to catch the legendary but you already used your daily pass, but you can buy an additional one for a small fee.

This type of game design is predatory, and awful. After sticking with this game through thick and thin over the past year, for the first time legendary raids are making me want to quit. I don't like the feeling when gambling, and Pokemon Go is making me feel exactly like that.

submitted by /u/valuequest
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Perfect Gym for the Babies

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:20 PM PDT


We have a great location for the baby Pokemon gym in Terre Haute, IN. We've tried a few times but someone would always toss in a Snorlax.

submitted by /u/Smitty30
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Looking for a Leftfielder for My T-Ball Team, Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:36 AM PDT

Here is the Squad as it stands now.


Let me know if anyone knows of any that can fill in.

submitted by /u/ajd121
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[Humor] I don't know if this has been done already, but here's one for the rest of us.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:50 AM PDT

Where's Spark?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:43 AM PDT

Interesting fact about Stonewall Jackson

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:02 PM PDT

After 9 Months of Incubation My Wife is Hatching an Egg Today!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:50 AM PDT

[Photo] this group showed up for an articuno around the corner from my house! i didn't catch it but this was my first raid with a group this big. thanks to all of them for making it happen!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:04 PM PDT

First raid. First ball thrown. 2% left on phone. Perfect IVs.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:29 PM PDT

[Idea] Skip Evolution Animation after you've already evolved that pokemon

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:03 AM PDT

I think this would be a great help for mass evolutions to not be so time consuming.

I think after evolving a pokemon once, later evolution animations should show you a little "X" on the screen and let you decide wether you want to see the animation or want to skip it.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Draenorxy
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[Vent] Annoyed that Raids end at 8

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:05 AM PDT

I'm just annoyed that raids end at 8. I don't think curfew here starts until 10, maybe midnight. Most of the people that I see out are adults. And a lot of us have jobs that we can't leave to go catch pokemon.

So I just needed to vent that raids don't go on until like, midnight or something. Even just 10 would be nice.

Oh well.

Edit: I looked it up and curfew starts at 11 in my city. On weekends it's extended to 1 AM for ages 15-17.

submitted by /u/Gingerfix
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How to introduce the Masterball

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:27 AM PDT

We should have to build the Masterball ourselves. Have it be split into 3 pieces, Top Shell, Bottom Shell and Hinge. You can get a Masterball piece as a raid reward. Once you get 3 unique pieces you assemble it yourself and can use it at your own disgression wether it be a Legendary Bird or 2700cp Dragonite.

Edit- I am really liking the ideas tossed around in this post, hopefully Niantic will take notes.

submitted by /u/scotsman1552
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I always think I'm seeing an Unown spawn, only to find out it's just the light on the side of Gyms.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:52 PM PDT

The lights that are on the sides of gyms makes me think there is a Unown that has spawned when I happen to be zoomed in and seeing the gym at the right angle. I'm ashamed to admit how many times I've gotten excited thinking I would finally be able to catch an Unown.

Here's an example

submitted by /u/Mattyd1986
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It would be nice to have an indication of an active raid group.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

Something that shows up on the gym of a group of trainers ready to battle and just waiting on more people. Some sort of beacon that shows there are actually going to be other people there so we stop wasting raid passes hoping for people to join us.

edit - another thought is don't actually use the raid pass until you start the battle, if you leave before the timer ends its still in tact.

submitted by /u/mmurray2k7
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Can we please have raid hatch timers back?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:35 AM PDT

The new system of a raid spawning out of thin air sucks. There's no warning to it, and it makes it difficult for people to organize themselves or plan their trips to tackle the harder stuff. The egg hatch timers were a useful guide to inform people to come to this location at this time.

Now, it's pretty much a crap shoot of randomly spotting a raid, going there and waiting 30min to an hour for people to slowly creep in (or not) before we get the opportunity to not catch that Lugia.

EDIT: It seems the general consensus for the anti-egg side is that they want to know immediately what the raid monster is, whereas the pro-egg side wants to have that natural meet up timer right as the egg hatches. So why not both, as pointed out by some users? Niantic, pls.

submitted by /u/CSlv
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These beautiful people helped me to a Lugia earlier today and is now trying to get a Ttar with me

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:14 PM PDT

[Complaint]As an Instinct player, the team bonuses for extra premier balls during Legendary raids are absolutely unfair to a completionist like me.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:44 PM PDT

I've been playing Pokemon since Red & Blue came out. I love all aspects of the game, including competitive battling. However, at heart, I truly love the motto "Gotta Catch 'Em All." I always complete my dex in every game, and even have a binder of TCG cards in dex order despite not playing TCG in the slightest.

Being a completionist, I was very excited to hear the empty legendary spots in my dex finally have a chance to be filled. Quite honestly, the catch rates don't even bother me. I think they should be low as a homage to the main games. However, unlike the main games, I can't just approach a battle with a bag full of balls and save before the battle. We only get so many premier balls.

This leads me to my main point. As an Instinct player, I find it extremely unfair that my team choice a year ago is now giving me a huge disadvantage for catching legendaries versus the other teams my town, which is heavily Mystic with some Valor. Any Instinct gyms are usually mine and last as long as the other teams don't notice them. Most of the gyms are controlled by Mystic, and most people showing up to raids are Mystic and Valor. Very rarely am I not the sole Instinct player. Thus, I'm usually attempting to catch Lugia and Articuno with 5-6 balls while my fellow raiders have double that due to team bonuses. I just gotta say: That really sucks, especially with this event ending soon. If you want to give bonus balls based on team, give an extra 3 to Mystic players for Articuno, 3 to Valor players for Moltres, and 3 to Instinct players for Zapdos. At least my team would be relevant for why I chose it in the first place then.

Sorry for the rant, thanks for reading. I should be thankful I even have a chance at catching a legendary at all compared to some of the players here who are unable to get a big enough group for a Legendary raid.

As per subreddit rules and in the interest of generating discussion anyway: How do you think team should factor into raids? Personally, I think they should just increase raid rewards based on teams, i.e. Golden Razz, TMs, etc. Much like spinning a gym pokestop works currently. I think bonus balls should be awarded based on personal damage dealt relative to other raiders, and maybe be based on your gym badge level? I would like to hear your ideas. I think team bonuses for premier balls have got to go.

EDIT/TL;DR: The base amount of premier balls should be the same across the board, with bonus balls given for personal achievements, while raid rewards such as golden razz berries should instead be boosted by team affiliation.

EDIT2: While this post personally reflects my experience as an Instinct player in a Mystic town, I am vouching for all players here. If you're a Mystic in an Instinct town, it's just as unfair that Instinct has a better chance at catching the raid boss than you. It should be: Catching bonuses come form personal achievements, reward bonuses come from team affiliation. Let's all have a base of 10 premier balls with a couple few extra based on personal damage dealt or gym badge level.

submitted by /u/SlothyPotato
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Spotted a real life Rare Candy during my walk today

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:32 AM PDT

In the upside-down [art]

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:28 PM PDT

Upcoming Meta

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 05:09 AM PDT

Pokefest coins are rolling out!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

I posted my weight loss story here a few months ago...and Niantic sent me an awesome letter and two POGO Plus watches for my mom and me!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:10 PM PDT

Here's my original weight loss story from December.

And here's the nice letter from Niantic with my Pokémon Go Plus!

I know everyone's having a hard time with Niantic since this past weekend, but I wanted to share this quick story about my respect towards the team. I've lost 85 pounds because of this game now, and the team was kind enough to send me these watches because of my story! If I can't be a master of actual Pokémon in my lifetime, Niantic sure did reward me enough to make a 10-year-old me freak out and feel like one. Hell, I cracked a dorky smile like a 10-year-old when I got this in the mail and read the letter, and so did my mom!

Thanks, Niantic. :)

submitted by /u/treyyates
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