Heroes of the Storm - Garrosh Spotlight

Garrosh Spotlight

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:05 PM PDT

Garrosh full talents and abilities revealed!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:36 PM PDT

Balance Updates Notes - July 26, 2017

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:37 AM PDT

We want non-hero announcers such as The Innkeeper, Donny Vermillion, etc.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:51 AM PDT

I would also like to see the starcraft/warcraft series' announcers in the game, such as the Adjutant.

Here are some quotes that I can think of for Donny:

Breaking news: The boss was just slain by the red team. I want to ask; who was the real beast?

Blue team hero slain. Of course, Take a closer shot!

edit: Okay guys, don't focus on the non hero part, currently we only have announcers that are ingame, and thats why I used "non hero" in that sentence. Its not like Adjutant as an announcer means no Adjutant as a hero. I hope you know what I mean and have a nice day.

submitted by /u/dltkddnjs
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Garrosh is the first Hero that has talents that buff optional active talents at earlier tier. Kinda interesting!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:30 PM PDT

He can choose the active Body check at 1 and then there is a talent that 7 that lowers the cooldown and adds a healing debuff!

submitted by /u/SalvanusHOTS
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Western Clash and Eastern Clash will be played on today's balance patch with Stukov enabled

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:07 PM PDT

Day[9]'s take on Toxicity

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:25 PM PDT

Garrosh now up on Battle.net

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:23 PM PDT

Valeera's still bugged this patch, been 4 patches and almost 2 months.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:36 PM PDT

Hi, Valeera's Vanish (D) gets canceled randomly after having used it too quick after an action (auto, Q, W...) leaving her trait on cd without having been revealed or used an opener. She also continues to get shot by towers after using Vanish and Smokebomb. These bugs have been in the game since Malth patch (Malth PTR patch to be correct) and affected her gameplay on a regular basis (since it's half of her basic kit). Hopefully they get fixed soon.

submitted by /u/1stFeeder
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How many months we will we have to wait before Blizzard fixes Li-Ming's orb?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:26 AM PDT

Seriously, it's been broken for a while now. It doesn't get bonus ability power in it's max range, making some talents and also talents from other players basically useless.

What are Blizzards priorities? This is pretty big, there are people out there picking her in HL with orb build.

This kinda thing should be top priority.

EDIT: I feel powerful

submitted by /u/KeynesNeverSaidThat
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Am I an idiot for usually taking Lamb to Slaughter?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:46 PM PDT

I'm a very average player, Silver level and totally fine with it. Big fan of Butcher, he's one of my better heroes and I really like playing as him.

I usually take Lamb for the ult, I really like being able to just isolate a player and easily wipe them, usually focusing on heroes that can get away or just generally cause a lot of spell damage. Furnace is great and all, but for me it can sometime be tricky to hit more than one person, and if I hit one, I'd rather chain them down.

Played QM earlier, and had a very tense game. We won in the end, but it came down to the wire. I didn't carry and I didn't drag us down, pretty good teamwork and a fun match overall.

After the match, someone on my team messaged me and told me to essentially dine on his genitalia for my next meal because I took lamb instead of furnace. No other info given and then, of course, he immediately blocked me so I couldn't respond.

So to all you much better players than me, am I wrong? Keep in mind my skill level and I mostly play QM with friends in the same range. Is furnace really that much better and, if so, any tips how to maximize it?

Thanks HOTS community, see you in the Nexus!

submitted by /u/MrBanana6261
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Armor Indicator in game. REJOICE!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:03 PM PDT

As seen here on Greymane. https://imgur.com/a/C0SLE Looks pretty good hopefully it is different colors or something depending on armor type.

Don't want my post to get deleted so I'm adding more text. See you in the nexus.

submitted by /u/secret3332
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Garrosh is now up on HeroesHearth Hero and Builder Pages

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:01 PM PDT

Ok, I love this game, now how do I get better? (An informative guide to general improvement)

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:15 AM PDT

Hey everyone,

I've come across a ton of great posts in this sub, but one thing that I've noticed the HotS community lacks are sources for general improvement. Questions that I've seen seem to fly under the radar keep the player base seperated by monumental skill gaps and knowledge of truly important niche/situational information.

I hope this post, coming from a versatile master level player and 16 year competative moba veteran, in addition to the comments that follow from other experienced players, can help remedy that.

So here is some knowledge that will help guide advancement for players of almost any level, and help others advance within the nexus.

1 - What the heck am I supposed to be doing right now??

One of the most important questions a person can have the answer to in any game is what is the right move right now. Within the nexus, we have a number of variables that come into play to adjust the proper action by each player, such as:

  • Experience and talent teirs.

  • Objective timers and control.

  • Hero specificity.

  • Neutral camp control.

  • Lane pressure and creep waves.

  • Location of heroes on either team (including death timers).

  • Risk vs. Reward.

The list goes on and on, but the key point is that specific knowledge goes a long way to improve those decisions that make or break games.

So how does one learn these things? The easy answer is through time, practice, and situational experience. But, there's more to it than that...

2- I just died... what's my response?

Possibly the most important piece of getting better at anything in life is the willingness and ability to honestly confront one's own mistakes. If player Joe shmo messes up in a game, that's on him, and you can know that he did... but what does spending the next five minutes telling him so do for you?? However, when you make a mistake, you have everything to gain from questioning yourself. Try this line of reasoning during your death timer.

  • Why did I just die?

  • Did I get caught out of position?

  • Was I lacking map awareness?

  • Did I miss a crucial skill that could have changed the outcome?

  • Did I fail to work with my team?

  • Did I expect my team to do something they didn't?

There are a number of other questions, but the key take away from each mistake you make (including other missteps that don't include a death), should be finding out WHY?

If you're repeatedly dying in team fights as a support, perhaps you're positioning poorly and expecting better peel than the quality of players you're playing with can offer. Instead of expecting them to magically improve, adjust your play accordingly.

If you notice that you die quite oftenin close fights where you miss key skill shots, your problem might be one of mechanical skill. Think about spending more time and effort focusing on landing skill shots, or waiting to use those skills until moments where successful casts are more likely.

If you find yourself getting caught by team ganks often, you might be over-extending without team support, or lacking general map awareness... so...

3- Using the minimap is not optional.

As a general rule of thumb, you should glance at your minimap every 3-8 seconds. It's one of your most important tools in the game, and in every moba I've played, from dota to dawngate, Lol or HotS, proper minimap usage is the most definitive impact on gaining solid mmr with almost no skill requirement. Proper usage of the minimap can tell you...

  • If your team is in a position to help you out and which ones are in a position to help a possible ganks target.

  • Which enemy heroes might be lurking in a bush, doing neutral camps, or rotating .

  • Which heroes are available for objective control.

  • Which lane is being pressured, or is open for the application of pressure.

  • Neutral camp availability.

In essence, everything one needs to know in order to decide "should I be here right now?" can be found from properly analyzing and combining the information from the minimap. With a little practice, some honest critique of one's own understanding, and an automatic check every 3-8 seconds (very similarly to checking ones mirrors while driving), a player can increase their awareness and effectiveness and reduce their number of deaths per game... which brings me to the last point of this general information post.

4 - Dying sucks. Stop doing it.

That's right! It seems simple and obvious right? Just don't die. But rather than just mention this, I'm going to try and demonstrate why around 99% of the time, dying is the absolute worst thing you can do for your team (at high levels of play this changes, but, knowing when a death is of appropriate value to your team is probably the most difficult thing to truly learn in this game, outside of raw mechanical skill).

In general, team experience gain is the most valuable thing in the game, followed by lane preasure, objective control, and structural advantage. If you watch any HGC, you'll notice that structures are great for pressure and map control that can help continue a team's dominance, but as long as the team who's behind on structures can keep in the experience race and remain on even talent teirs, there's always a chance for a gamebreaking teamfight. We all love teamfighting, but most of winning is about how well you play the macro game.

So here's the problem with dying....

  • It takes away a body to soak experience.

  • It gives the enemy team a possible 5v4 teamfight.

  • It takes away the support who's giving the assassin effectiveness or the warrior who's soaking dmg and ccing, either of which can cause death staggering (if this post goes well, I'll do another one on more specific topics like staggering deaths, drafting, role, and maximizing experience gain).

  • Especially on larger maps like Warhead or Garden, it opens up a section of the map to enemy team control.

  • It gives the enemy team superior objective control as well as neutrals.

  • It's boring. You came to play, nobody wants to sit there not doing it.

Whenever possible, don't die. 1 for 1s are a crap shoot on who gains the most out of it at almost all levels of play, and if you think your team is bad, you definitely don't want to be on the bench while they are running around without you. Diving is generally unnecessary, because you've clearly already won the pressure war. Survive and use the time the hero is backing to gain pressure, experience advantages, or to grab neutrals, rotate, and gain objective control or a gank.

This game is by far the most complex moba when it comes to situational information. You've gotta come into contact with these contextual situations and make a mental snapshot of it, and then add them to your "slide deck." The more of these slides you have, the more often you will find yourself with a proper response to unique scenarios.

That's it for this post. Please feel free to critique it and help me make better, more informative guides in the future. Also, add you're own insights on general play in the comments to build on the ideas.

Good luck in the nexus,

Your friendly neighboorhood Basshead.

submitted by /u/WorrDragon
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4 Horsemen Heroes Releases? (Theory on Releases)

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:39 PM PDT

So call me crazy but have we been getting the "4 horsemen of the apocalypse" as Hero releases?

Thus far we've had 3 bad guys, all of which have something in common with the horsemen. I was curious when they dropped Stukov right after Malthael but assumed I was a nut job. Now we've got 3 analogues to the horsemen with Garrosh coming out.

I dont know much about Blizzard lore so I can't fathom who the last one would be.

Death= Malthael Pestilence=Stukov and now War=Garrosh Who the hell would be famine?

submitted by /u/DaGhost
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EU B.net down?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:44 AM PDT

Been getting 'connection lost' message before finding matches. Now the client is stuck at authentication. My mates have the same problem. Any of you experiencing this? Any solutions?

submitted by /u/SyzygyTT
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Patch broke Johanna's slow on Punish (Q)

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:34 PM PDT


I don't usually play her, but today after the new patch came out I did to try to get her to level 10. Had problems during the match, then looked at the tooltip..

Punish now says "Decaying over 0 seconds" and it doesn't work in-game. Nothing gets slowed at all. Hopefully this gets fixed ASAP because it kind of breaks her.

submitted by /u/waltdanger87
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Overwatch moves to a "Verified" punishment system, when will Heroes follow suit?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:08 AM PDT


"Play nice; play fair" is one of Blizzard's core values. It's something we took to heart in creating Overwatch and remains a priority as we continue to support the game and our players. This not only applies to the new content we develop and the balance changes we make, but also to the features we add or improve upon over time.

We believe that our in-game reporting and player penalty system is one of our most important features, and it's something we want to invest in significantly over the next year. To this end, effective immediately, we will be issuing increased penalties to players in response to verified reports of bad behavior. In Overwatch, that means anything from abusive chat, harassment, in-game spam, match inactivity (being intentionally AFK), and griefing. If you see someone engaging in any of these types of behaviors, report them. Players in violation will be silenced, suspended, or even banned from the game as a result.

We know that making Overwatch a truly welcoming environment is an ongoing process, and this is only the first step. Over the next several months, we have plans to make additional improvements based on your feedback, including scaling competitive season bans, a notification system that will alert you when a player you've reported is actioned, and functionality that will allow us to more aggressively penalize players who attempt to abuse the in-game reporting tool.

We also remain committed to bringing a reporting system to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. As console players ourselves, we know it's been frustrating to not have this functionality on your platform. We are actively working on the feature and have many elements of undergoing internal testing right now. Our goal is to implement similar reporting options as are currently available on PC, and any improvements made to PC between now and when it's available.

Thank you for your vigilance, passion, and commitment to building a welcoming and enjoyable community and helping us make Overwatch the best game it can be."

When can we expect the same in heroes? I'd be 150% behind a more punishing system so long as it is verified incidents of toxic behavior. At the moment the false reporting and a punishment that offenders just ignore (because they don't play ranked, don't want to play ranked, silence essentially means nothing in terms of preventing future offenses.) just doesn't work. Streamers are getting silenced by false reports, there are still passive aggressive pinging, throwing toxic assholes all throughout Unranked and QM.

False reports should be punished by taking away peoples ability to report, similar to silence now. Verified acts of abuse, toxic behavior, throwing, trolling, etc should all be met with actual account suspensions. I guarantee the game will be a much better place in a year's time if you do this.

submitted by /u/Jonnehdk
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Can we get an official Chinajoy thread?

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 03:37 PM PDT

With the Chinajoy info coming, it would be cool to have a post where we can combine it all, as well as have a place for the people to build hype. We hardly know any info, so it would be nice to have a place for people to catch up as stuff is shown! :-)

edit Spelling because mobile device!

submitted by /u/Prince_Nipples
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This Roster is slowly coming true.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 01:52 AM PDT

Korean Heroes of the Storm teams lack motivation to compete, but Blizzard has a plan to change that

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Disappointed with the lack of Priest

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:33 AM PDT

Being a long time Blizzard fan and player, my chosen class has always been Priest. Ever since the first day World of Warcraft came out and i rolled my Blue Troll Priest, I have been smiting people ever since.

Whether holy or shadow i have enjoyed the versatility of the class, in hearthstone it was my first class to 500 wins.

With every other WoW class now represented in HOTS i'm very surprised to not find a priest anywhere among the ranks. There has also been absolutely no teasers or mentions of one in development.

For me Priest is one of the 'foundation' classes from Warcraft lore and absolutely deserves a place.

There are a lot of call outs for heroes to enter the Nexus, though in my opinion none are as vital to Warcraft lore and a highlight to the previous Warcraft games as much as Priest.

submitted by /u/Luksin
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Bakery on the Problem's with Rexxar

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:30 AM PDT

Garrosh mobility canceling ability

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:38 PM PDT

Everybody is guessing about what Garrosh's new mechanic is, Mok'Garash sounds great, but what if it's simpler. A basic warrior ability from wow that could work, Hamstring, could slow movement speed by ~20% AND cause movement abilities uncastable for ~2 seconds. Posting from my phone while on the toilet at work so excuse any typo's or improper grammar.

submitted by /u/I24ICarrot
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I just had a player throw the game before anyone even said anything; blizzard can something be done please

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 04:16 PM PDT


The lobby starts with the leoric complaining about how the game is only about meta and it doesn't matter about your skill, before anyone even said anything in the lobby. Even though our team tried our best, nothing could have been done other than to report him, but apparently this guy likes to do this in his free time; blizzard how can this go on? People like this should have their accounts banned completely, it ruins fun for everyone.

submitted by /u/hotsthrowerthrowaway
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