Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan's justification for the Roadhog nerf was that one shot kills were bad. Doomfist can one-hit kill 18 of the 25 heroes.

Jeff Kaplan's justification for the Roadhog nerf was that one shot kills were bad. Doomfist can one-hit kill 18 of the 25 heroes.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:52 AM PDT

I do not think Doomfist is OP. I do not think Hanzo is OP. I do not think one hit kills are bad. For (what I hope is) the final time, this thread is about the inconsistency with Jeff implying that one-shot combos are bad and then leaving several others in the game. If Blizzard thinks OHKs are bad, then they should take issue with all of them. Roadhog's nerf being about his one-shot kill makes no sense.

The reason they gave for nerfing Roadhog isn't good. That's what this thread is about. This thread is about the double standard of allowing other frustrating one-hit kills but nerfing Roadhog into the ground and using the OHK as the reason.

EDIT 4: Putting ^this^ straight at the top since everybody is ignoring it. I'm a little flabbergasted that despite every attempt in the OP of this thread to make that abundantly clear, I am getting literally thousands of responses in my inbox explaining that Doomfist is not OP and that Hanzo is not OP and that I'm an idiot because I think those heroes are OP. Heavens.

EDIT 5: Also yes, I know Roadhog is a tank and Doomfist is not (well over 1,000 comments repeating that to me). Again, not relevant to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that there are several characters left in the game with frustrating one-shot kills/combos, and only Roadhog's was removed. And spoilers: Roadhog is now a completely useless hero because they didn't give him anything to make up for it.

Players think that every change we make to hero has the intent of buffing or nerfing that hero. Changes to heroes are usually made to make the game better. That's what we were trying to do with Roadhog. Our goal wasn't a nerf – our intent wasn't a nerf. Our intent was to try to remove a behavior that had become "not ok" with our player base – the one-shot combo.


For proof of what heroes he can one-shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CbSUIlySac

Also as u/DarwinMoss points out, Hanzo can still OHK 21.5 heroes (.5 being zero suit D.Va!) from a distance with no risk to himself. To everybody saying that "risk" is the reason Roadhog was nerfed, Hanzo can scatter from a safe distance for easy one-shot kills.

EDIT 2: Fellas, the point of this post is not that Roadhog was flawless before or that Doomfist is bad. I am not against Doomfist having a one-shot kill or combo. I do not think Doomfist is OP. I am not against one-hit kills. My point is that when the entire justification for nerfing Roadhog into complete and utter uselessness is "one shot kills are bad" and then a month or two later you debut a hero built on the back of one-shot kills and combos (that heals himself when he uses his abilities), that is not a truthful reason for the nerf.

This is not about Doomfist specifically. This is about Jeff's reasoning for nerfing Roadhog into the ground clearly being false.

EDIT 3: Moving ^this^ to the top since everybody thinks I hate Doomfist or think one-hit kills are bad (spoilers: I don't).

I find it highly strange that the motivation of nerfing Roadhog was that the one-shot combo had become not okay with the players, and it wasn't how they wanted the game to play, only for them to turn around and immediately introduce a hero that is built on his ability to OHK high-priority targets through barriers. It's true that they need to be relatively close to a wall, but that is an extremely common occurence on most maps do to the inherent amount of walls and cover. A Doomfist player who minds his positioning can usually find the right angle to hit their target in such a way that they will hit the wall and be killed immediately.

Furthermore, the heroes who Doomfist cannot one-shot kill are the same heroes that Roadhog couldn't one-shot (with the exception of Bastion).

Where is the consistency? Are one shot kills okay? Are they not something they want in the game? Do they only want Doomfist to be able to do it?

I find it far more likely that, as many people have come to guess, that Roadhog countered Doomfist too hard so they nerfed him into the ground to make way.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Hog's utility was picking. Every hero has an intended utility, and since day one Roadhog's has been high-priority picking. He has never been effective as an actual tank (much like Winston, who is a great hero but not great at actual tanking), and is notorious for his lack of defense turning him into a walking ult battery. Roadhog went from one of the best heroes in the game to completely useless because they took away his utility without actually making him good at anything else. I can respect it if they want to make Roadhog into more of an actual tank and didn't like his dependency on picks, but they can't remove his only selling point without replacing it with something equally good because they say that one hit kills are bad, and then immediately debut a character who uses one hit kills and would be immediately invalidated by Roadhog.

submitted by /u/_Robbie
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This new highlight system really helps capture those amazing plays

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:20 AM PDT

Doomfist refuses to be booped.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:45 AM PDT

I photoshoped the only skin I really want for Doomfist.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

the Doomfist skin we all want [OC]

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

Mei's Ice Wall is actually the gateway to Hell

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:35 AM PDT

Overwatch D.va Skin by Grigory Lebidko

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:52 AM PDT

In honour of Doomfist being released, here he is doing Tracer's dance for 10 seconds.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:35 AM PDT


Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:11 AM PDT

Reinhardt puta Soldier in jail

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:11 PM PDT

Wanted to try my hand at 3D modelling and rendering. Why not start with overwatch?!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:53 PM PDT

When your teammate won't group up

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:46 AM PDT

GenjiCat Ep. 13

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:45 AM PDT

finally landed a sleep dart on the tracer that had been hunting me, in the best possible way

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:15 AM PDT

Timing cannot be taught. Either you have it, or you don't.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT

Console players, switch the controls for Doomfist's primary/secondary fire. You won't be sorry.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:15 AM PDT

Doomfist main here.

Last night, I played my first Doomfist arcade game and immediately noticed how wacky it was to have his 'primary fire' (aka left shotgun hand) on the right trigger, and his 'secondary fire' (Doomfist's signature punch) on the left trigger.

Switching it to have the shotgun on the left trigger and his punch on the right trigger made the character feel WAY smoother to me.

I suggest my fellow console peasants give it a try. Happy fisting!

P.S. Don't use Doomfist's 'Painted' skin. That's my skin.

EDIT: as /u/MajesticMongoose pointed out, one thing you will need to keep in mind is that making this change to his controls will mean that when he uses his ultimate ability, you will need to press the Left trigger to confirm the Meteor Strike. Considering Doomfist is essentially absent from the fight while you aim and confirm the Meteor Strike, this quirk isn't a big deal to me, but it's worth noting.

DOOMEDIT: Yes, you can switch the controls for just Doomfist. Select Options, then Controls, then select 'All Heroes' in the top right and select Doomfist.

I was wondering why there was such outrage at my coming out as a Doomfist main... then I remembered I was on the internet!

submitted by /u/Eddaromir
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Reinhardt's charge no longer 'bumps' adjacent enemies, nerfing 50 damage & the ability to displace the enemy team

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:02 AM PDT

Comp for me in a nutshell

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:48 AM PDT

"I just lost... need to end my night on a win"

"I just won... I can't stop during a hot streak"

submitted by /u/a_blue_ducks
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Seismic Slam is the most awkward ability I've ever witnessed

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:13 AM PDT

I've never seen an ability in Overwatch that feels more awkward and broken. Was training with Doomfist last night for a few hours and I just stopped using the ability entirely. Nothing about it feels right.

I await your down votes.

submitted by /u/goostman
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Almost Booped Off

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT

My idea to change Scatter Arrow without nerfing Hanzo.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

A lot of people hate the way Hanzo's scatter arrow is used currently. I have an idea that would encourage Hanzos to use Scatter Arrow BECAUSE it scatters, instead of firing it at someone's feet to PREVENT it from scattering. My fix is to buff his scatter arrow so that each fragment does more damage, but make it so that each subsequent fragment on the same hero does reduced damage.

So right now Hanzo's scatter arrow makes 6 fragments and does a maximum of 75 damage per fragment (75/150/225/300/375/450). If you buff the damage per fragment to 90, but reduce the damage by 33% for every fragment on the same hero, your damage would look like (90/150/190/216/233/244). So your damage increases if you hit 1 fragment, stays the same if you hit 2 fragments and gets considerably lower for 3+ fragments.

This means it's better when:

  • You use it to hit multiple enemies

  • You use it to hit enemies escaping behind walls

  • You use it to hit mobile enemies

  • You use it to ensure that you don't miss a low health enemy

  • and it means that you can't use it to one-shot anyone 250 HP or higher (especially Zarya and Orisa).

This would buff Hanzo's long range strength, make him more reliable (which he desperately needs), and nerf the unintended use of scatter arrow while also making it better at the intended uses of scatter arrow.

So what do you guys think? Are there any pros or cons that I'm missing?

EDIT: I'm also not 100% committed to the numbers above, it was just a starting point. You could also start with 100 and reduce by 40% (100/160/196/212/225/233) or maybe even a reduce by a flat number.

EDIT 2: It could also be paired with another buff if it isn't big enough. Maybe a CD buff to scatter and/or Sonic or maybe a fire rate increase?

submitted by /u/onebigstud
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Thank you Zen, but I think our relationship has gone too far [Bug]

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:05 AM PDT

[Mystery Heroes] I'm not great with Tracer, but I'm happy with this Pulse Bomb.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

Playing in practice range while in queue

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:07 AM PDT

Wouldn't it be great if while you were in queue you could play practice range.

submitted by /u/blowtorches
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Satisfying McCree Sextuple

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:29 PM PDT

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