Learn Dota 2 - Refresher orb and linkens special

Refresher orb and linkens special

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:40 PM PDT

I learned something I thought I'd share with you all. If you have refresher and linkens, manually casting linkens on yourself before and after using refresher orb gives you spell shield for two spells instead of one. You have to manually use it before and after though, if you cast linkens on yourself before but not after it will still only block one spell.

If you're wondering how I found this out...I was playing invoker and had refresher+linkens and was wondering if there was a way to get double spell shield, and then I checked in practice lobby and self-casting before and after linkens was the answer.

submitted by /u/Wakawakayukayuka
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"What is spell checking" - Advanced trick on abusing range indicators

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:24 AM PDT

How could I have improved my item build?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:18 PM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3342156873 I was playing bloodseeker, at some points of the game I was dying extremely fast and thought I needed something like a heart? or even hood.

submitted by /u/m4skulin
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I stopped playing dota because I was frustrated with being stuck at 1.8k. I want to get back into the game again; what's the best way to improve?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:17 PM PDT

Brewmaster lvl 25 talents and other tips in general.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:41 PM PDT

I was wondering if the brewlings inherit the +140 attack speed talent if Brew himself had picked it. I know they retain all the auras Brew has, but was not sure about how this works.

Plus, anybody know a decent, up-to-date guide for Brew? Getting tired of my usual heros and Brew seemed like a fun hero that will probably come back to the meta.

submitted by /u/dezdichado
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Most Basic Patch Interpretation

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:21 PM PDT

Hey it's me the boy that whined about being a bad support. Anyways, I've sticked to the role and have been improving lately but this isn't about that. What does this patch favor the most? All I know is when heroes own lanes, they snowball to god knows where. I think that's why this patch favors roamers, lane dominance can actually make or break a game. But sometimes, I have matches that would take a complete 180 after a teamfight where were atleast 10-20K behind. What is the right way to approach this patch? Playing as a support (5), you're either on par with your roamer entering the mid game or you're so far behind while he's so ahead and he can almost man fight cores. I've been playing AOE heroes lately just to get some teamfight control that could transition into a push since convincing people to push for no reason is hard.

submitted by /u/xMatteyoLITA
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Help request with hero pool compilation

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:33 PM PDT

Hey guys, I'm new to Dota, with just under 150 total games since I think December 2016 (on/off but recently more on than off). I'm not even level 20 yet for ranked dota so my mmr is non existent.

My profile if interested: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/275083228

I'd like to ask you on what (good team fighting) heroes you guys found success in when you were just starting out. I would prefer to avoid heroes like cm and lion, because my positioning is largely 0 (I'd probably do worse than those 2 games Day9 had with cm), and most of my games already have supports but not efficient nukers/carries.

From my profile you can see I largely play either SB/Weaver but...

SB: I play well early game. However, late game I feel as useful as a punctured condom. Late game Team fights go bad for me due to tanky heroes/linkens/bkb etc. I usually charge->right click some bashes->ulti. After this, I feel like my contribution in the team fight has concluded and Sven proceeds to put his ass into my ass hole a short while later.

Weaver: The opposite. I feel a bit more useful late game, but early game I'm like a knife wielding dumbass in a gunfight. If my early game goes to shit ( like when I get triplaned at solo safe lane ), then I get my linkens like 40min in. Also, I usually get my desolate very late and weaver being so item dependent it sucks ass. I don't mind an item dependent hero, but damn weaver is so squishy without bkb/linkens and damage isn't high enough without deso.

Also, I feel these 2 heroes are very role specific in the sense they are amazing solo gankers but can't kill easily in team fights (maybe weaver less so but still limited team fighting especially when other team doesn't have squishy supports in the back line I can easily kill).

From your suggestions I will compile a hero pool of 3-5 heroes that I will grind for the next month. I would be very grateful for your help and I will shout you out when I beat Miracle to 20k Mmr.

submitted by /u/Cyber_Error
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When/where to plant early sentry wards.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:17 PM PDT

When I play support i often start with a sentry in case I need to deward early, but especially if I expect an invis hero in my lane like riki, bh, clinkz or weaver. My question is when i am against these invis heroes should i place the sentry immediately at equilibrium? Or should i plant it when we have kill potential? Other factors? Also, i tend to put my sentries in the tree line to give me an advantage if the offlane tried to deward my sentry, but should I be optimising the positioning instead for vision?

submitted by /u/papaspil
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I guess no one plays on the US Server...

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

How do I beat PL

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:03 PM PDT

And no, not shut him down early. This is sub 1k mmr. I did a search and there was just a bunch of, "he's in the dumpster" talk. That's not the case down here. OP as hell. Who can I 1v1 him with? Sorry rant.

submitted by /u/terriblefakename
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Is there a meta in this game? I'm coming from league and I'm learning most of the stuff in this game but who goes where? I know of roamers and junglers but what about offlane & safelane?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 08:52 PM PDT

Appreciate the help guys thanks

submitted by /u/ItzRobot
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Lone Druid Tips?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:07 PM PDT

I have played only one game with the druid and his buddy and I like him a lot, so I would like some tips on where to farm and the order of items

submitted by /u/Jonerr
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What are people's thoughts on Windranger this patch?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:07 AM PDT

I've been playing a fair bit of WR this patch and i am enjoying playing her a lot. Having played her in basically all roles with varying success what do you guys feel is best overall for her? For me i think playing a utility role, ideally as a pos 4 (YapzOr style) and aiming for the amazing shackles on 2 heroes

submitted by /u/4761_TM87
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Is it possible to take damage twice from Puck's Illusory Orb ?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:45 AM PDT

(Maybe a Silly Question) Can Gyro Play Position 4/5 Support?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT

So, the title covers it pretty well, but I've been curious: Can you play Gyro as a support now?

He's always had a bizarre looking kit, at least to me, that mixes heavy spell damage, a stun, and a team fight ulti with a strong right-click self-buff. If he doesn't work as a support, why? If I scale missile and barrage levels 1 - 5, will I have lane impact? Is his late game just not strong enough to justify his pick over Shadow Shaman/Rubick/Dazzle/etc.?

submitted by /u/Wubbledee
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How to stack ancients as TA on dire

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:28 AM PDT

In all high-level games the supports are always the ones stacking..and while i used to stack them almost religiously when i used to spam TA..now after a break i can't seem to find any time windows between creep waves anymore (especially vs lina, storm and the like) so it's either miss like 3-4 creeps or miss the stack..how do you guys do it?

EDIT: i meant "especially on dire" not only on dire

submitted by /u/coolramez
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Who does Visage counter and who counters Visage?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:45 AM PDT

This are the heroes that i think that Visage counters, also feel free to correct me if i mess something up. Also this is from my own experience with Visage in 1k MMR.

  • All squishy supports (Countered);
  • All very late game carries (Both): He can finish the game before they get enough farm, but if he doesn't he will probably lose;
  • All illusion heroes (Counters): Visage is a single-target hero, so he gets destroyed by illusion heroes;
  • Alchemist (Countered): Visage can burst down a 6-slotted Alchemist while he is 3 slotted, laning against him can be a bit difficult because of Acid Spray bypassing the passive (it doesn't take over 50 damage per tick) but Visage is able to kill Alchemist at level 6 even with his ultimate activated if Visage has Medallion of Courage;
  • Anti-Mage (Both): If Anti-Mage builds a Battlefurry, a Heart of Tarrasque and a Manta Style he is able to kill Visage and his familiars very quickly, but if he doesn't have those items Visage can burst him down very easily with a Rod of Atos (he needs a Manta to dispel it);
  • Axe (Counters): Visage gets countered by Axe because of his entire skill set, an Axe with a blademail is able to kill Level 3 Visage familiars with one call, other than that the Taunt disable makes Visage useless when his familiars are dead. Axe's Battle Hunger goes trough his passive and also, and if Visage is on very low HP, Axe is able to kill him with his ultimate ignoring the charges;
  • Bloodseeker (Countered): Similarly to Alchemist, Visage can burst down a 6-slotted Bloodseeker while he is 3 slotted, laning against him is very easy, because if he turns on Bloodthirst he and goes in for a last hit he is dead;
  • Bounty Hunter (Countered): Bounty Hunter has low HP and he does no damage to Visage, if Visage has dust there is nothing he can do;
  • Bristleback (Counters): Bristleback can kill familiars even when he is not trying and Visage has a hard time killing him because of that, and the Quill stacks can become scary. Bristleback has good amount of periodical over 50 damage that removes all charges and because of that he can kill Visage very easily;
  • Disruptor (Both): Thunder Strike removes Gravekeeper's cloak charges, but Visage can burst Dirsruptor down very easily;
  • Doom (Counters): Doom's ultimate destroys Visage;
  • Dragon Knight (Counters): Dragon Knight can kill Visage in the late game, and because of his high regeneration Visage cannot kill Dragon Knight very easily;
  • Drow Ranger (Countered): If Visage gets too close, Drow Ranger is dead;
  • Gyrocopter (Counters): He oneshots familiars and removes Gravekeeper's Cloak charges;
  • Huskar (Counters): If Huskar is in the midlane with Visage, Huskar will be able to kill Visage pre-level 6 and mess up his entire game;
  • Invoker (Countered): Visage can always burst down Invoker from 6:00 to 40:00, and if Invoker doesn't build a Shiva's Guard, and Visage builds BKB, Visage can burst Invoker down without any risk of dying;
  • Lina (Countered): See Invoker, i only lost a game to a Lina with an Assault + Linken's Sphere + Daedalus (match id: 3271963800);
  • Lycan (Counters): Has multiple sources of damage and has a lot of regen;
  • Medusa (Counters): She can kill familiars without trying, the Mana Shield can protect her from the burst and also outcarries Visage by a lot;
  • Meepo (Both): If Visage uses Rod of Atos on one Meepo (when he tries to Poof away) and bursts him down quick enough he can't do anything because he is dead, but if he doesn't he is dead because of Meepo's Poof and the right-click hurt;
  • Monkey King (Both): If Monkey King is outleveled or if he tries to run away from Visage, he will die very easily, but if Monkey King has a brain and stays to fight Visage he will kill Visage because of the life steal;
  • Morphling (Counters): Visage cannot kill Morphling, unless Morphling is an idiot;
  • Nature's Prophet (Countered): He cannot run away from Visage because of his stun and the familiars can fly over the trees to kill him;
  • Night Stalker (Counters): At night he can just run away from Visage;
  • Nyx Assassin (Countered): Visage can burst Nyx Assassin down instantly when he tries to gank Visage;
  • Omni-Knight (Counters): Can kill familiars with his heal, and because of the Degen Aura, Visage cannot escape him, and HE HAS A FUCKING HEAL;
  • Puck (Countered): If Visage uses Rod of Atos on Puck, he is dead;
  • Pudge (Countered): The Hook does no damage to Visage, and if he is in the same lane against Visage he won't be able to get any farm because if he comes close enough he will die or take a lot of damage;
  • Queen of Pain (Countered): See Puck, and if she is retarded enough to blink at you, she cannot blink out because she will be dead;
  • Razor (Counters): Razor can steal all his right-click damage (like he needs it) and use it against him to kill him;
  • Riki (Countered): See Bounty Hunter;
  • Shadow Fiend (Countered): See Pudge, and replace Hook with Raze;
  • Slark (Countered): Visage can burst Slark down before he does anything;
  • Spirit Breaker (Countered): If he ganks Visage he just gives a free kill to him, and the Nether Strike animation gives some time for Visage to recharge his passive;
  • Storm Spirit (Countered): See Puck;
  • Sven (Counters): He kills familiars instantly, and if he has enough attack speed he can kill Visage instantly;
  • Techies (Countered): He can tank some bombs and Techies will suicide for nothing. Also when chasing an enemy tank a bomb to get the nuke ready;
  • Templar Assassin (Counters): Visage has a very hard time killing her, and also she can hit him trough Creeps removing Gravekeeper's cloak charges;
  • Terrorblade (Countered): Triple-stun his illusions and they will die, then burst him two times by re-summoning the familiars;
  • Tinker (Countered): See Invoker;
  • Tiny (Counters): The stun removes all the Gravekeeper's cloak charges and takes most of the damage, enough said;
  • Troll Warlord (Counters): Usually builds Silver Edge and bursts Visage down;
  • Tusk (Countered): His ultimate does no damage to Visage, and the familiars go above the Ice;
  • Underlord (Counters): Has a lot of AoE damage that kills the familiars and removes the Gravkeeper's cloak charges;
  • Undying (Counters): He steals all of Visage's HP and the Zombies are a pain in the ass to deal with;
  • Viper (Counters): Viper slows down Visage by a lot and does periodical damage with the poison that goes trough the Gravekeeper's cloak charges (i am not sure how i got over 80% winrate against Viper with Visage, probably his team sucked and my team carried me or he was a noob);
  • Wind Ranger (Counters): She does not take any physical damage form Visage because of her escape ability;
submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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Joe many last hits should you have at 10 min as a support?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:20 AM PDT

How many last hits should you have as a support in a normal game if you dont steal farm from your carry?

submitted by /u/Terofin
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What to do against this tanky/late game line up?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:50 AM PDT

I played a game last night against a lineup that I am still trying to figure out how to counter. One of those games where I was just sitting around afterwards, wondering if there was anything we could do. Was hoping someone could provide insight. Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3340520384

I picked Skywrath Mage along with my friend picking Pudge. The idea here is that the combo of our abilities can burst down even the tankiest people, and ancient seal prevents escape abilities. The enemy teams picks were seemingly done to counter me specifically: Wraith King, Abaddon, and Anti-Mage, plus a Sand King to jump on me before I have time to cast spells.

We won our lane, pushed Antimage to the offlane and repeatedly killed Sand king and Abaddon. Then we roamed and got a few kills, and attempted to take towers.

At this point, Abaddon and Wraith King had hit 6, and Alchemist was just doing his farming thing. It was impossible for us to push because they would just show up, create teamfights, and extend them, and eventually we just started losing those fights through attrition. During this time, we'd be 5v4 while AntiMage was on the other side of the map split pushing.

I looked at the graphs after, and was surprised that the net worth graph was NEVER in our favour. I guess they just outfarmed us?

Was there nothing we could do in this game? Did we just have a poor draft comparatively? And if we did, whats the best way to draft against a lineup like this that is incredibly tanky, has good split push and good carry?

submitted by /u/Random_Gambit
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How to pick your heroes...

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:03 AM PDT

what do you look for when you're about to pick. I've been using dotapicker recently and haven't lost a game (sample size of 5 so not much), but it makes me think that i used to just suck at picking the right hero. I attribute this success to 2 things...

  1. Actually counter picking...
  2. I get to pick last and that usually means i'm playing support in my bracket (2.2k). Which also means that everyone gets to play what they want, and have someone that's committed to play support (all the supports in 2k seem to be people that play the core-support...no wards first item aghs).

So what are things that I should look for when picking a hero? What do you think makes more impact, the actual counterpicking or the fact that our team is well balanced.

submitted by /u/Nwball
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What do you do when ppl take your role, even though you called 1st?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:06 AM PDT

In 2-3 games in a row people have attempted to steal my role despite that I called and marked on the map which lane I would go to. The only thing I have managed to do is just go with the flow and pick another role but that doesn't feel like a solution to me because I don't want to keep on doing this everytime someone steals my role. So tell me, what do I do?

submitted by /u/BurnInOblivion
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Huksar level 25 talent

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:26 AM PDT

I am usually confused as huskar whether to go the +100 attack range or +500 life break range.

Usually, I opt for for attack range. In what cases, life break range could be useful.

submitted by /u/softycola
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What could i do differently to win this game as bs?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT

This is the game. I think the main problem was me sitting on the same items for most of the game and it would be nice if someone could take a look at the replay and see where could i farm in the late game.

submitted by /u/Tobix55
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