Guild Wars 2 - What it looks like when you are fighting against a thief in PvP

What it looks like when you are fighting against a thief in PvP

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:57 AM PDT

[SPOILER] How I'd react to all of this as the commander

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 02:40 PM PDT

The new patch is out guys!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:26 PM PDT

Guild Wars 2 Forum - PvP - NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:07 PM PDT

[Help] BGDM looking for successor

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:54 PM PDT

Hi guys,

I've given it a lot of thought recently and have decided that come the expansion I probably won't be supporting BGDM for windows any longer.


There main reason is due to me playing much less than before (basically just WvW roaming once in a blue moon), you might say l lost my "mojo" for the game.

I also won't deny that another part to the reason is the community's reaction to myself and BGDM, perhaps it's a vocal minority and perhaps I'm half to blame for it (since the gear check fiasco) but I have recently become "enemy of the state" when it comes to GW2, I get so much heat one would think I was stealing people's food, the latest and greatest was me being thrown into the mix of the "AT PVP Scandal" having not even played a single PVP match since S5 and this is just one example...

Apparently now BGDM has also turned into a hack tool, able to see through walls, fly and cheat and what not (100% false btw).

I do have a thick skin and the negative reactions don't usually get to me and there are also a lot of grateful and kind people but as I said above it's mainly due to me not being as excited about the game as I once was and ATM I'm not even sure if I'm gonna buy the expansion.

Do you want to develop BGDM?

BGDM still has a loyal user base of about 15k active users (that are seen within at least a week's period) and I wouldn't want to leave you guys hanging hence I'm looking for a worthy successor willing to take responsibility on the project with all that it entails.

What's required:

  • C/C++

  • x64 Assembly

  • Reverse engineering experience

  • A little bit of Unix (for the server)

  • Willingness to support users

  • Wilingness to pay for server hosting

Sorry if this sounds harsh but if you're not sure if you have what it takes, you probably don't have it... I will know within the first 5 minutes of conversation if you're not the right person for the job.

If you do think you have what's it takes and is also willing to take the responsibility contact me on discord (or here) Bhagawan#6593 and we can discuss next steps.

From my end I'm willing to train/help the successor until you can stand on your own two feet and also continue hosting the BGDM server until we can gradually move all the users to a new server, it doesn't have to happen all at once.

What about the Mac client?

Since I'm 99% sure nobody out there wants to take on themselves the Mac client as well I will be keeping this to myself as a pet project and will continue limited support of the Mac client.


If a worthy successor is found I'm also willing to go open source but I will not go open source just for the sake of it without any "owner", you can all see the abandoned state of gw2dps and gw2hacklib and that's not my intention for BGDM, without a proper owner who will support the users and release timely updates I will not go open source.


I have invested a lot of effort in BGDM, it is a staple of quality and stability (during it's tenure it only crashed once in a game update in a change I wasn't expecting) and I'm pretty sure I helped anyone who ever needed help and accommodated most feature requests given the scope of BGDM.

I have provided timely updates (usually within 1-2 hours tops of game patches) and paid for server hosting whether the donations covered the hosting costs or not.

Regardless of what you think of me or my attitude I promise you I only had the best for the game in front of me which sometimes didn't align with ANet or the community, that's just way I do things.

Regardless if you think Arc is better or what not (Arc is a great product no doubt) BGDM is still being used and loved by a lot of users.

So, if you don't want to see BGDM continue (under new management) by all means downvote this post and most likely BGDM will end it's life comes the expansion, personally I like having more options and BGDM is another option in the limited market that is GW2 DPS meters (moreso since GW2 helper went private).


Looking for someone to carry the torch, if you are a really good programmer and think you have what it takes, contact me.

submitted by /u/Bhagawan69
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[Data-Mining] Render of new headgear

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:59 AM PDT

Hello everybody,

Here's a quick render of new headgear from Tuesday's patch. It has 4 dye channels.


submitted by /u/that_shaman
[link] [comments]

I drew more hair and stuff. Hope you like!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 08:40 AM PDT

[mild Spoilers] The new map is exactly what I waited for since HOT

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:44 PM PDT

It's hard to explain, but one of my biggest complain about HOT was that all maps were "enemy territory", just like everything they added since the release of the game.

This new map, while there obviously enemies and it's nowhere fully reclaimed, feels like a map where people actually live. There are many NPCs there and they talk to you about their lives. I just missed that so hard. The feeling of being somewhere that is not just a random place filled to the brim with enemies.

That doesn't mean that these kind of maps are generally bad, but I think it's important to have some variation.

I wanna thank everybody on the LS team for their amazing work!

submitted by /u/shady_Salesman
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New online advertisement for the expac announcement

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 12:40 PM PDT

[CnD] The Chronomancer: Skill Priority Lists and Guide for dealing up to 18k DpS!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:24 PM PDT

The Skill Priority Lists for the Chronomancer are here! And along with them, a guide and comparison between builds to minmax your Chrono DpS, because - believe me - it's worth it!


WAHOOOOOO!!! Ù©(ง●á´¥●)ง

You may remember me from my Engineer Skill Priority Lists post I've released a while ago. As a dedicated Engineer and Mesmer main, it always was "on the table" to also create a Skill Priority List for the Chronomancer. However it took way longer than expected, because this time I've been recording and counting frames to exactly determine the cast time of each and every skill. I also did quite the math behind the usage of sigils, runes, foods, skills, traits and the Continuum Split. This post is mainly about the usage of the Chronomancer in Raids. There's a lot of information in it, but I assure you, it's good stuff for every Chronomancer main out there and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask, I will respond! I think the community can make good use of all this. Finally, it's done and here I am again to share my results with you! :3

Skill Priority Lists / DpS Comparison:

Current Meta: Domi / Insp Chronomancer

This is the current meta build for every raid boss where you want to share distortion.

Current Meta: Illu / Insp Chronomancer

This is the current meta build for every other raid boss.

CnD Minmax: Domi / Illu Chronomancer

This build is not viable against most raid bosses. However against those where it is, boy you'll gonna be surprised! >:3

Multiple Builds DpS Comparison

More about this one later.

What am I looking at?

A complete skill priority list with all relevant abilities the Mesmer has to offer.

Top left:

The unbuffed and realistically buffed stats (including infusions), as well as all the realistic modifiers you'll have in Raids. For Scholar Runes (if used, more about this later) an 80% and for Glyph of Empowerment) a 40% uptime is considered realistic. There is also information about how much damage each condition will deal per second (buffed). Torment damage is against a not moving target.

Bottom left:

All the skills sorted by weapon or skill type. Also visible here are the tooltip power damage, the buffed power and condition damage as well as the cast time and base cooldown of a skill.

Top middle:

The estimated DpS this build will be dealing under good circumstances while keeping up 1 iSwordsman and 2 iAvengers. With a focus instead of a sword offhand (iWarden), naturally this number will be lower. The Continuum Split cooldown is also visible here including the maximum of 6s spent inside the rift.

Top right:

A lot of information about all the phantasms the Mesmer is currently able to summon. "Cooldown" stands for the cooldown the phantasm has before it attacks again. The numbers take traits and buffs into consideration. This part alone is very interesting for every Mesmer. (Mabye you should swap to staff while fighting a boss in a zerg in open world for a change :P)

Bottom right:

All skills sorted by DpiSCT (Damage per invested Second Cast Time, check out the key for more info) in descending order. This is the actual Skill Priority List.

All skills the builds are able to use (or are using for the meta lists), are marked with colors in the priority list:

  • Blue: 25k DpiSCT or more

  • Green: 20-25k DpiSCT

  • Yellow: 15-20k DpiSCT

  • Orange: 10-15k DpiSCT

  • Red: less than 10k DpiSCT

  • Grey: no damage

  • Purple: Trait or Sigil

Let's shake up the meta builds - food for thought:

The current meta builds can be greatly improved in terms of damage and functionality. There are quite a lot of ignored traits, forgotten skills, never used gear and solid facts that I want to bring closer to all the Chronomancer players out there.

Danger Time

Oh boy this trait - it's so insanely good, but people prefer to take Improved Alacrity instead. I'm not sure if this is because the average Chronomancer believes that Improved Alacrity is required to achieve perma Alacrity. If so, no, it is not required. I'm not sure if this is because the average Chronomancer believes that it affects your allies as well. If so, no, it only affects yourself. Improved Alacrity is only good in fights where you severely lack Alacrity. These fights are mainly Trio and Escort, but also Deimos (port / pull) and Vale Guardian (green field runner). Danger Time on the other hand is a flat out free 6.2-7.4% damage increase. This is due to the full berserker setup you run, rising your critical chance from 86.67% to solid 100%. You can even run some tank accessories with Cavalier stats (Toughness>Power=Ferocity) and still have 100% critical chance. If you are concerned about Slow, your shield phantasms, your Quickness well and your strongest elite skill all apply Slow. And remember that you are not the only Chronomancer in your party. The 4 iAvengers alone safely keep up perma Slow. Your main job is it to grant everyone permanently Alacrity. If you lack Alacrity with Danger Time, you now finally know that you are doing something wrong. You don't want to be this Chrono... :P

Time Warp

As the Chronomancer, you'll often ask yourself what Elite skill you should take. If you face an enemy where you very often need hard cc against huge defiance bars like (not only!) Slothasor or Samarog, you definitely will be going for the Moa. However what about the fights where cc only plays a minor role or can easily be handled by others? I see tons of Chronomancers take Gravity Well for "damage" in these cases. If you now check out the Minmax Spreadsheet, you see that this is a DpS gain of laughtable 150, or 300 if used during Continuum Split. Let's assume we are about to fight Sabetha. Instead of Gravity Well, you should be using the most power DpS increasing elite skill you have – the mighty Time Warp! This skill allows you to run way more offensive setups, such as the partially known Domi / Illu. But since Quickness only stacks up to a maximum of 5 times, you definitely don't want to stack both Time Warps on top of each other. One of the Chronomancers has to delay his Continuum Split, by performing one "small rotation" before entering the rift. Means – whenever you play with another Chrono and both of you use Time Warps, call if you are 1 (first rift) or 2 (delayed rift). I have videos about how to do this below. How much more offensive you can go depends on the encounter and on your Chrono buddy as well as the team's positioning.

Boon Duration

You are currently most likely running way too much Boon Duration. The meta builds are aiming for a solid 100% Boon Duration and the Signet of Inspiration trait to completely stuff your allies with Quickness. Don't get me wrong, your absolute top priority is to sustain 100% Quickness for your subgroup, once the boon has been applied. After that and only after that, you should focus on damage. Many Chrono players don't realize how much above those 100% they are, especially while using Time Warps. You might do some golem tests but do not realize that Tides of Time of both Chronos affect all 10 players. Try the same rota on the golem again but with another chrono just spamming Tides of Time in your face (with weapon swap and sigill), you'll be astonished how much Quickness this skill provides. Lemme give you an example: How much boon duration do you believe am I running with my guild when encountering Sabetha? The answer is 10% from utility food, 4% from a platinum doubloon in my exotic back item (lv78 +5 power infusion) and 33% from the Sigil of Concentration. That's a total of 47% instead of the "recommended" 100%. The result of this minmaxing? See the video link below and enjoy the dips! This said, there's currently no raid boss where you desperately need 100% boon duration. So you might aswell change you old ugly commander leggings and change them to berserkers. Funfact: it takes the commander leggings 67.235s to generate 1s of Quickness. Instead, the berserkers equal 250 more DpS.

Superior Rune of Leadership, Surging and the Scholar

I have to admit the legendary armor gave me lots of inventory space. I used to carry around 3 different berserker armor sets. We talked about Boon Duration and how overstacking it brings no joy. But what brings joy is DpS. So depending on the encounter you can aim for more or less Boon Duration. Ofc we use the Superior Sigil of Chronomancermusthave aswell as an exotic back item with a Platinum Doubloon in it. The most common set uses 6x the Superior Rune of Leadership, 20% duration food and 10% duration utility. Now that we have incinerated our commander leggings, we'll end up with 97% Boon Duration. The next stronger set is achieved by using 5x the Superior Rune of Surging and 1x a Platinum Doubloon. This leaves us with less trash stats and 86% Boon Duration. 6x the Superior Rune of Leadership with completely overpriced food leaves us with 77% Boon Duration. Regular food but 6x the Superior Rune of the Scholar and we are at 67% Boon Duration. And the max DpS is achieved by the same set but again with the completely overpriced food wich leaves us with the final 47% Boon Duration. At the top of this post there's a link to a Multiple Builds DpS Comparison. Ok now it's linked here again. You can quickly see how much DpS you gain by lowering your Boon Duration. If you don't want to use the utterly expensive Bountiful Sharpening Stones, use Cake instead and a higher tier setup. 87% Boon Duration is fine for any of the current raid bosses if you know what you're doing.

Continuum Split

Or short: The rotation is a lie. If you check the spreadsheets you'll notice that skills like Signet of Inspiration or Well of Eternity are DpS losses, while skills like Blurred Frenzy or Well of Calamity are strong DpS increases. There are also some neutral skills like Well of Action or Well of Recall. However you'll fit the most DpS increasing skills in your whole combat time by keeping the Continuum Splits short and entering them with Blurred Frenzy. Always enter Continuum Splits by the end of Blurred Frenzy! Doing that alone is already a DpS increase of 400! If you are running Time Warps, don't bother delaying Signet of Inspiration or Well of Action for Continuum Splits. They only extend it and delay other DpS increasing skills while Time Warps covers the Quickness anyway. That's another reason why this elite skill is so great. If you are not running it tho, you'll have to use these two skills in the rift to sustain your Quickness. Also try ot end your Continuum Splits with Tides of Time and quickly cast it twice, so you can catch it twice for the sweet 20s cooldown reduction. Tides of Time not only provides both subgroups with Quickness, it also deals massive amounts of damage and cc, as it hits up to 10 times against the largest enemies aka Samarog. Check out the spreadsheet to see it's damage output against different hitboxes.

Well of Calamity

Well of Calamity is a rather underrated skill that I've never seen being used by any other Chrono in raids so far (except my guild mates ofc). For most fights you'll be running a Focus wich leaves you with a damage weak phantasm, the iWarden. Again check out the sheets (top). The biggest rival of Well of Calamity is Well of Recall. Well of Recall has a longer cooldown, but applies lots of Alacrity. So people tend to use 2 iAvengers and 1 iWarden together with Well of Recall. However Well of Calamity deals more more damage than another iAvengers deals less damage than the iWarden. It's also important to mention that the Well of Recall provides 33% Alacrity uptime, while a single iAvengers (31.7%) with Well of Calamity (15.7%) provide 47.4% Alacrity. Did I mention that Well of Calamity is a DpS increase of 1000? No? It's a DpS increase of 1000! To finish this topic, I wouldn't suggest to run Well of Calamity everywhere where you run a focus. I'm currently using it only for a few fights such as Sabetha, Samarog (not CM!) or Xera (weakness is great for the adds!). I'm still testing Sloth. Be aware that it is not suited for fights where you run Domination as you need the 20% attack speed from Phantasmal Haste to improve your Alacrity aswell as you pick Domination for invuln share wich is also done by using the other phantasm wich leaves you with a 2-1 steup instead of 3-0. Also don't use it if you use a sword phantasm, as those are clearly stronger.

Demonstation / Rotation Videos:

[CnD] Minmax Chronomancer | 16.55k DpS | Mursaat Overseer

4:33 left on timer, todate I believe that's even a record? :P

[CnD] Minmax Chronomancer | 17.58k DpS | Sabetha the Saboteur

I messed up the beginning slightly. Forgot to summon my 3rd iAvengers and had a minor Alacrity downtime. I think I would have had the 18k if the ending wouldn't have been so unfortunate.

[CnD] Minmax Chronomancer | 15.20k DpS at 40%, 11.88k DpS at 0% | Matthias Gabrel

I've had runs where I was able to sustain the 14k til the end. However Matthias is rng and rngesus didn't smile upon me below 40%. Also I made mistakes. <:3


Name of the Skill (Whole Chain)

The name of a skill. If there is a chain, like hammer auto attack, the whole chain is used for further calculations.

Base Value

The tooltip power damage. Nothing you should worry about.

Power Damage

The average power damage of a skill with realistic buffs.

Condition Damage

The condition damage of a skill with realistic buffs.

Total Damage

The average total damage of a skill with realistic buffs.

Cast Time

The time it takes when you start casting a skill, until you can continue with casting other skills. Includes aftercast.

<- incl. Quickness

The Cast Time while under the effect of Quickness. Quickness is a boon, granted by the Mesmer, which reduces your cast time by 33%.

(Note: some skills are not or less affected by quickness. The cast time is marked red for those skills in the spreadsheet.)


The time it takes when you start casting, until the skill is ready again. The Cooldown is the sum of the Cast Time and the Base Cooldown you can see on the left. Cooldowns start after a skill has been cast.

<- incl. Quickness

The Cooldown while under the effect of Quickness. Quickness is a boon, granted by the Mesmer, which reduces your cast time by 33%.

<- incl. Alacrity

The Cooldown while under the effect of Alacrity and Quickness. Alacrity is a buff, granted by the Chronomancer, which reduces your cooldown by 0.33 seconds per 1 second.

DpS over AA

The true "Damage per Second" you gain if you use the skill instead of your auto attack (AA), every time it's off cooldown.

<- incl. Quickness

The DpS over AA while under the effect of Quickness. Quickness is a boon, granted by the Mesmer, which reduces your cast time by 33%.

<- incl. Alacrity

The DpS over AA while under the effect of Alacrity and Quickness. Alacrity is a buff, granted by the Chronomancer, which reduces your cooldown by 0.33 seconds per 1 second.

Chrono Boost

The % damage boost a skill gains, if your Chronomancer grants you Quickness and Alacrity.


It stands for Damage per invested Second Cast Time and determines the priority of a skill or how strong a skill really is. This value shows how much damage you'd be dealing if the skill would have no cooldown. It is often mixed up with "Damage per Second" which is a completly different value.

For example, a skill which deals 5'000 damage and has 0.5s cast time has a DpiSCT of 10'000. If you have another skill with 20'000 damage output, but a cast time of 4s, it'd have a DpiSCT of 5'000 and makes it a worse skill to use. You'd be dealing more DpS with the first one (as long as we ignore the Cooldown / as long as you use other skills too, at least auto attacks, ofc).

<- incl. Quickness

The DpiSCT including Quickness shows the true strength of a skill. This is the most important value of them all and shows how mighty a skill really is. You should always priorize your skills according to this to achieve max final DpS.

Realistic buffs currently are: 25 stacks Might, Fury, Quickness and Alacrity, Strength and Discipline Banners, 80% Scholar and 40% Empowerment uptime, 5 stacks Grace of the Land, Spotter, Spirits and 8 unique and common conditions.

Well, that should be all! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you have any concerns or think something is off or wrong, please tell me right away, so I can correct it. It has been a lot of work and we all do mistakes! :3

And remember dear Chronomancer friends: More damage is only justified if you still sustain perma Quickness and Alacrity! Cheers!

I hope you like it! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


  • Madame Le Blanc (ign) | Xyonon.3987)
submitted by /u/Xyonon
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The most useless piece of information

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 01:16 PM PDT

The anamoly from the last boss of Shattered Observatory counts as a wurm. I got my Wurm killing achievement from 4 hours of trying to clear the boss (and failed miserably).

submitted by /u/duyh91
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I'm here to wave the wiki recruitment banner

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:28 PM PDT


So I'm here to talk to all of you about the wiki (yeah this again). With the new expansion being announced, now is a great time to get familiar with the wiki. When the new expansion hits, the regular wiki editors will quickly get swamped with all of the new content. This is where you can all come in and help. Any and all sizes of contributions help, whether it be the name of a new creature or a screenshot of what it looks like. To those scared to make a 'real' wiki edit, there is always the talk page. Adding a comment on the page's discussion/talk page is just as useful as making the actual edit yourself; someone will see the comment and do the desired edit. Note that the link to the talk page is usually above the article listed as Leave article feedbackor Discussion.

I highly recommend you to take a look at making a few edits now when things are a bit slower and you can easily take your time. Don't be scared of making improper formatting or mistakes on the pages you edit, that's what the rest of the community is there to help with. I highly doubt there is a single frequent editor that hasn't made their own share of mistakes, I know I sure have a bunch.

No idea where to begin? Take a look at this AMAZING project called On Wiki of Gold, where you can find pages to work and and receive gold+gems for your contributions: Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/On Wiki of Gold

If you want some help with your first few edits, to get you started here are some useful pages (Note that they are somewhat massive walls of text, so feel free to only cherry pick the info you need at the time):

  • Help:Uploading images : An guide on how to properly take and upload screenshots. A quick note on the matter: general npc/location images are preferred to be in .jpg format, while icons should be in .png format. Get these from my new flashy website!
  • Guild Wars 2 Wiki:General formatting : General information on how to format articles.
  • Help:Ask a wiki question : A page to ask any Wiki related questions
  • Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Helpers : A list of self nominated GW2W helpers, if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask them.
  • Help: Editing : General information on how wiki formatting works.

A side note for any editors, the wiki is a place where multiple people will edit the same page, do not take it personally if your words are changed around or placed on a different page. If you disagree with a change that was made, do not enter into a 'revert-war' and instead make a comment on the talk page where the details can be ironed out by the community. (I for one very often have my sentences reworked because I can't make proper English sentences to save my life).

Tl;dr: Wiki is useful and always in need of help, come help make it better.

submitted by /u/Da_Anh
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Abaddon's Glider - Video

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:03 AM PDT

[TLNT] Invites you to the Festival of Lyss! Come watch Expansion 2's reveal in our Vabbi-Themed Guild Hall! (Screenshots incl!)

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 04:29 PM PDT

You're Invited!

Hello everyone! My guild has decked our hall with a Vabbian flare in honor of Lyssa and we would love to open our doors and experience the unveiling of the next expansion on Aug 1st with you all!

We will gather in our guild hall a half hour before Anet's stream beings (11:30 AM EST) and then again later an hour before reset (7:00 PM EST).

If you are interested in joining us, please send an ingame message to Maeve Mavolent or Anette Langmar. Additionally you can leave your ign here or in a private message to me and you will receive a guild invite to [TLNT] so that you can warp in.

Here's another album documenting myself and a friend traversing the hall in an exploratory pilgrimage.

We hope to see you this Tuesday! Bonus points for wearing your best Vabbian look!

submitted by /u/thechoach
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F100 Viirastra Solo | Elementalist

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 06:33 AM PDT

Go with your guts, play the class you wanna play

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:48 AM PDT

I've played Guild Wars 2 for maybe 1-2 years now and for a while I had my eye on Revenant.

I always refused to play Revenant because I heard the community say how the class got nerfed, is mediocre in every aspect and so on..

I finally decided to try this class and I'm having a blast - I just love the idea of switching between the different gods and some of the effects and attacks look so cool - I also LOVE to be able to change to different playstyles whenever I feel like it - This servers for the amount of flexibility I was looking for.

This is definitely my favorite class so far. I'm actually kind of addicted now and I'm loving it.

It took me way too long to actually try this class out and all of that only because I was told it's mediocre and not so fun to play.

I just wanted to share this because with this I wanna say:

Try what you wanna try and don't stop yourself from trying out things just because a guide says that it's not the wisest thing to do - Find your own playstyle and enjoy it!

In the end we're all (atleast most of us) just here to play for fun and not to be the best of the best - So what do you have to lose?

submitted by /u/shoobydoobydooda
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GW2 Cooking - There are no culinary applications for bloodstone dust!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 07:37 AM PDT

The Living World Portal Tome takes you to the incorrect location in Bitterfrost Frontier

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 05:03 AM PDT

This is minor annoyance but still something I think should be rectified. The individual Bitterfrost Frontier Portal Scroll still takes you to the correct waypoint (the central one, Sorrow's Eclipse Sanctuary, which is written on the scroll). The Living World Portal Tome takes you to the only other waypoint, Koda's Welcome, which is generally less convenient as it's farther from berries, most of the brazier events, and of course all of the vendors and bank at Bitterfrost.

It would be great if this is fixed considering how there are far less benefits to the current incorrect waypoint.

submitted by /u/Ihatelandlords
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Shattered Observatory CM and Boss 3 Mechanics.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 09:14 AM PDT

I'd like to open up a discussion here on Arkk's mechanics and why I think they need a closer look. I finally got my CM kill last night after some frustration, a handful of definitely bugs, and possibly bugs.

Let's start with a definitely bug while we're here:

  • Arkk fails to render on certain pulls until you relog.
  • The floor tiles will not fall on some pulls either because you have great DPS or they're buggy.

Now, let's discuss the more controversial side of this fight. Why does it seem that you are punished for exceeding or failing to meet exactly the right DPS that the testers had?

If your DPS is very good, you can end up getting anomalies during the bloom push phase, or even during the "must break Arkk" phase. Hell, it doesn't even have to be very good; it can be above average and you'll probably have issues. This seems very counter intuitive to every fight that has come before this. Arkk clearly "phases" at certain health intervals. I.E. most mechanics stop when dealing with the wipe mechanics. Ensolyss doesn't do anything else when the shield is up, or his rampage attack. Imagine if you had to do the Ensolyss orb phase, while waiting for his shield attack to finish. It's a similar concept here.

On the flipside, If your DPS is low, then your floor panels will start to fall at 40%, and there may be other issues I haven't seen such as anomalies cycling through again.

If this is intended, that's fine. My groups can adapt and overcome, but it's not exactly fun to "stop DPS" in a fight to make things easier.


submitted by /u/Barradin
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Dhuum's Reliquary / vestiges about him in Orr ?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:34 PM PDT

We know that Grenth overthrew Dhuum, who was the God of Death before him. We also know that Grenth was born in Tyria as a demigod, son of Dwayna and a human sculptor (most probably Malchor), and fully became a God after getting rid of Dhuum.

So Dhumm was one of the main gods at the beginning, when they set foot in Tyria.

Just like Orr has a lot of remnants about Abaddon that predate his war loss despite other gods trying to erase his memory before the Exile, why don't we have some very old stuff about Dhuum ?

Did Grenth victory over Dhumm predate the building of the reliquaries, the building of Arah, all statues, and even texts ? Or did the Gods manage to erase him a lot better than they did for Abaddon ?

It's weird that there is nothing even just mentioning his name somewhere in the ruins.

submitted by /u/Keorl
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I love everything about that NPC!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:56 PM PDT

The Mistlock Sanctuary contains an NPC called "Mistwalker Ilia". I want her hair and face for my own character (EDIT: I sound like a serial killer :D). But the best part? You can make a bet over 10 copper with her, whether or not you - the player - are real or just another construct in the mists.

Well, here's how it goes: The sylvari represents the initial encounter and the redhead the next day.

Maybe just a commentary on this being a video game, or whatever. Cute gimmick! But one questions remains:

Does she know "World on a Wire"?

submitted by /u/Kon-Vara
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Parables of the Gods and Risen Research | The Hidden Lore of Siren's Landing

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:07 AM PDT

ArenaNet Updated Dungeons

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:09 PM PDT

When I was doing my Dungeon Frequenter I stumbled across a few changes to the dungeons. Only one has screenshots to back it up.

  • Delilah, is a new mob found in Caudecus's Manor Path 1 basement when cleaning out the damaged golems Delilah

  • The bug allowing characters to teleport through the floor in Caudecus's Manor Path 2 to avoid the spike trap room appears to have been fixed

  • Three elite golems spawn while defending the Door-busting Laser Cannon in Crucible of Eternity Paths 2 and 3 the new one spawns by the door in which the players came in.

submitted by /u/Greelo434
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A request to ArenaNet regarding backpieces from Siren's Landing

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 03:45 AM PDT

The backpieces are amazingly animated. I must really congratulate the artists on these, they nailed it. The way they are animated screams: USE ME AS A GLIDER!

But nope, no gliders like that. It hurts me much because I dropped the limited glider from BL Chest and bought the Lyssa backpiece. Seeing it switch from one to another is not fun. All of the glider skins we got had to be acquired through the gem shop. Can we please get at least these backpacks as glider skins?

submitted by /u/Malyszeq
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