Learn Dota 2 - What is with Zeus nowadays ?

What is with Zeus nowadays ?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 05:07 PM PDT

I have played a great deal of DoTA 2, but I had to stop due to work/ computer crash back in March. I came back today and decided to check up on dotabuff to see what the trends were looking like. Zeus's winrate has jumped to top of the pack and I'm utterly confused at how this happened. Did I miss some change to Zeus or an item that caused this?

submitted by /u/friendlyboat
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Picking Counters

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 10:32 AM PDT

I'm at 650 MMR with 270 Hours, I only main heroes because I have no idea how to counter pick. I also use pre-builds and never build whats needed to counter. I simple dont know how to counter and what I should build or what hero to choose. What's the best way to remember counters without going on Google all the time while im in lobby. How can I get confortable not strictly following builds, It's killing my game but I dont know what to get at what time.

submitted by /u/Urosdj11
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Hardlane: how to (and brewmaster tips if you have)

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Hi ! I'm an old player (late 2013) but I had to stop the game for nearly 2 years for my studdies, which I have failed, and now I'm coming back because what the hell.

I've started to play again in early 2017, with the 7.00 which I fell in love with at first sight. I used to play clockwerk a lot back in 2013/2014 and I still do but it got popular and people started to understand how counter it and I needed to relearn how to hardlane and widen my Hero Pool.

That's why I went for Brewmaster, i love him, he's super fun and can really interfere with a carry's farm, I know how the 3 spirit's spells work, to tornado, stun, rekt illusion and stuff but if you have more advanced tricks, i'll take it !

But to the main stuff, how do you win the suicide lane now ? Is there a 3rd hero I should add to my roaster ? (I wanted to go Clinkz but my friends just tell me it's shit and they're probably right)

Last, do you know of a youtube channel or free website that gives these kind of advises, like a good version of gameleap ? Thank you ! (quick note: I'm 3.1K solo MMR if you were wondering)

TLDR: Give me advanced Brewmaster tricks and Hardlane tricks, please.

submitted by /u/itsfeykro
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How to not feed (as Shadow Fiend)?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT

I'm a 0k player trying to learn Shadow Fiend. I have a high death count around 5-20 death per match but in this match I died every time a fight broke out. Literally. I activated Black King Bar to avoid dying and it didn't help. I couldn't fight. I don't understand. Help! [Link]

submitted by /u/staredeath
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Tips and tricks with Midas.

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 07:13 PM PDT

I was watching BSJ's stream and someone in chat said that BSJ should midas the small creep rather than the big one because he was almost max lvl. (He was playing Arc Warden) What does he mean + What other hidden tricks are there with midas?

submitted by /u/LordBorde
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How do you play support visage?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 06:34 PM PDT

I have been playing visage in mid and offlane recently with great success, however as a support I suck horribly. I feel like I am useless in the early game. I mean, this hero has a mediocre slow that scales with levels, a nuke on a low cooldown that depends on the damage received, which is not good in the early game, since when you gank in a 2v1 scenario the enemy can just run away. He also has a passive that is good for a core but for a support in the early game is useless. His ulti is super good as a long aoe stun, however it doesn't offer much in terms of damage before at least a medallion, that might be difficult to get pre min 10 as a support. I am sure I am doing something wrong. What is your skillbuild and itembuild, including starting items as a position 4 visage?

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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Where can i find the purge guide?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 08:41 AM PDT

Im pretty much downloading dota2 right now and want to learn the game and alot of people recommend the purge guide to start out but the website seems to be down. Is there anything else i should read if its not available?

submitted by /u/NovaMoon
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Any theoretical thoughts on role selection (generally and for specific games)?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 06:21 PM PDT

I want to leave this mostly open-ended so others can learn. First and foremost it seems like picking what the team needs is the best way to play, but there are often going to be games where enough players have this philosophy that you need to have a preference, and many more games where there's little enough communication that you just have to pick a hero blind to others' preferences. Supposing I don't think I'm sumail, and that I acknowledge strengths and weaknesses of mine in every role, how should I go about deciding what I choose in general (and what roles I tell my team I prefer at the start to get communication going), and what role to choose in specific unclear-what-we-need games?

To make this personal, I feel that I am more talented an offlaner than any other role (note that I say "more;" I have very little talent generally), and my stats seem to reflect that. I have about as much fun on roaming support and offlane, and find that these two roles (esp. support) are almost always available so if I just have two each of babysitters, hard carries, and mid heroes, I'll do fine in any game. But recently I've had many games where I have a choice between 3 and 4, and I can't decide whether I should push to play more offlane games, or support games. I win enough in each of these, but often get frustrated when my team can't 4v2 after I spend ten minutes occupying their support, or can't carry me when I create ridiculous amounts of space roaming (both of these events are rare enough, and if I play better in either role I could win most of those games, but that doesn't assuage the frustration).


submitted by /u/Wulibo
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Would anyone here be interested in a mid-4k semi educational offlane/carry stream?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 03:41 PM PDT

I'm asking this because I've recently started streaming (I've been meaning to do it for several years now and I finally got the opportunity to do it relatively recently) and it's pretty fun, only issue is I don't have any viewers lol. But I don't want to be the guy who just spams his content to a community with no regard to the community's wishes, and frankly I just don't feel very comfortable self-advertising here, or anywhere, so I want to ask if there's any demand for it. I've been in this community for quite a while and I want to give something back to the very people that helped me get out of 1k, but only if they don't have a problem with me doing it of course.

So, what I'm planning on doing is to stream me playing (mostly offlane, sometimes carry. I support when everything else is taken) and explaining the decisions I make. Obviously I won't be able to explain every little thing because that would take too much concentration away from me and make my play worse, but from the test streams that I've done I am able to talk a decent amount. I personally feel like I could provide some insight into my thought process and what you need to be focusing on to improve your own game, but I am only 4.5k right now so I'm not entirely sure if anyone would want to watch me. Also, again, I feel really uncomfortable with self-promotion.

I play at various times throughout the day, my timezone is UTC +3 right now, not quite sure how that would translate to more generic time zones, especially because I have no schedule what so ever. Most of the time there's no music because I've found it detracts from my playing ability most of the time and even makes me get really angry/tilted sometimes (dunno why), but I might play some tunes when I feel like it, would not happen very frequently though. During breaks you'll get some tracks from my personal playlist for sure though!

The stream quality is 720p, right now I stream at 3200 video birtate with ~256 audio bitrate, 30 fps, stream looks pretty good on twitch's end but it might sometimes drop frames because I stream through my phone's 4g connection (don't worry it's totally unlimited) and that thing's really unstable sometimes for no apparent reason. If that's too high for some I can knock it down a bit no problem, pretty much anything above 2k bitrate should look decent at 720p30 I think.

Some of my stream's special features would also include PMA with occasionally getting annoyed at teammates or myself (honestly, who doesn't do it!), a reasonably wide offlane hero pool, picking WK carry into every mana burn hero imaginable (except Kotl fuck that guy) when I'm forced to pos1 and refusing to get myself a bkb, running around like a headless chicken when supporting, decent microphone quality, Russian to English translations (sometimes), bad jokes and baffling chronospheres. If that sounds in any way interesting then first of all, it's probably much better on paper than it is in reality, and second of all, please say so in the comments so I know if I should actually post my stream here. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/goodwarrior12345
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How to deal with Viper on Laning Stage?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 01:06 AM PDT

Viper keeps ruining the laning phase for me. This is why I always insta-ban him. (Invoker before Vipers start appearing)

Even if Im support, Mid, Offlane. I really cant handle a Viper on my lane.

submitted by /u/Gen_Bloodhorn
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How could I have done better as the Death Prophet here?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 02:06 PM PDT

We started the game off poorly and were pretty far behind in terms of gold and exp about 15-20 minutes into the game. However, we were able to constantly repel their high ground sieges and slowly fought our way back into the game. However, it wasn't enough and we lost eventually. I would like to know if I could have done anything differently/better.

I would appreciate any kind of feedback (itemization, strategy, farming efficiency etc.)

Match ID: 3344272099

submitted by /u/yourmomisreallynice
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Help as Warlock, please - items, positioning

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 06:24 AM PDT

Recently started playing Warlock while banning Antimage. So far I've been winning more games, but most of them were stomps (although I was the one who had high impact as well).

Usually I go offlane (people don't really zone out, also he is a good lane support, so dual offlane doesn't bother me if the teammate has a carry potential), while building Null talisman+ Tango ----> Midas ----> Arcane Boots. Occasionally wards when I get a huge amount of gold (like with Golem when there is nowhere to push).

This means I don't rush aghas, because someone has to buy the wards, also cannot really rely on always being able to stand in backline (either i am bad, we have bad initiation, or enemy counterpicks), so bought GS and Cape.

My biggest problems are these:

1) dealing with something like Riki or Slark (haven't seen him much, but might later) and other counters that can target me (TA and simply any backstabbers) (I can send ID of the Lost games)

2) When upheaval is good in early game (I usually get a kill when binding enemy, focusing their tank with golem, which kills the lower enemies who run away) to secure a kill/escape. Maybe sparing skill points (0-4-0-1)?

3) How to always being able to help in a fight while not wasting missed farm (usually when ult is down and others play in such a way the fight is gonna break out)?

4) Where to cast upheaval? Up cliff (So enemy take the 3+ sec duration of max slow) or just when we need to retreat (so others have more time to escape, while risking my own death)?

Thanks for your answers!

submitted by /u/FerynaCZ
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I played sub optimally this game, but 1 person on my team constantly flamed me.

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 01:28 PM PDT

So I played this game https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3344289940 where I was doing great (For my standards) and had 60 cs at 10 minutes, which is above average for me. I was versus a meepo mid, and somehow, venge managed to find every fault (you didn't deny for shit, you let him jungle, you let him gank (even tho I called missing), etc.) and it was always me. Not the supports for not ganking him early, (although said venge ganked at about 5 minutes but I was always pushed under tower, so I couldn't ever followup). He was a monster and I told him there is only so much I could do. And of his points of saying how bad I am, only one of which I think was actually helpful (for me to use my scythe earlier than getting the kill but low enough that it leaves him low so we can finish him). I had lots of deaths for the match, because once meepo got BoTs, he would wait for ghost shroud then just poof, nearly insta killing me. Not to mention stalling and clicking me with net.

What could I have done differently to not die to meepo as much (only died once in lane, and that was an LS meepo bomb gank) later in the game? It felt hard to win even when we killed meepo because it gave kunkka space to go crits and rapier and nearly one shot us.

And just as a side note, venge flamed me a lot but it was rather amusing so I kept him unmuted for most of the game and just took it as a joke, and disruptor (who ironically enough was named black jesus) diffused a lot of situations with venge. Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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How to itemise on Shadow Fiend?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

There's SOO many viable items, I even see players getting solar crests and shivas or preferring the blink euls to the shadow blade!

I'm so utterly confused as to how to properly itemise this hero and I don't want to blindly follow guides so any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

P.S, if playing against a bloodseeker, should I skip shadowblade?

submitted by /u/VinuJ
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How to play support Windrunner

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 09:27 AM PDT

Windrunner is one of my favorite offlaners and sometimes mid. But I mostly play support and I was wondering how I can transition her to support. I was thinking that I grab tangoes, clarity, and 2 gg branches. Once I go into that I grab a rod of atos, glimmer, force staff, and possibly a veil if we are magic heavy. And based on the team, I would grab an urn. I also max stun first so we can lock down and zone in lane. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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Here are my best heroes, whats missing?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

So according to win rates of heroes I have played frequently, my best heroes are as follows. 1. PL - 82.4%, 2. Leshrac - 75% winrate, 3. Lich - 75%, 4. Nyx - 72.2%, 5. Abaddon - 66.7%, 6. Shadow Demon - 66.7%, 7. Venge - 63.6% 8. Silencer - 63.2%, 9. Spirit Breaker, 10. Jugg - 60.5%. What's missing from these heroes? The things that are missing will be what I'm uncomfortable with, and therefore show me what I need to improve at? If you could offer some heroes that would fill gaps please do!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Horrible Winter Wyvern game -- what went wrong?

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 11:34 PM PDT


At the start of the game, Lich told me to go 4th position, which I sort of agreed to. However, I wasn't sure how a 4th position WW is supposed to be played, so I decided to go for Aether Lens as my first core item (tell me if this was a huge mistake). I noticed that the enemy line up was really really high on armor.

My ally Juggernaut had a really really tough time at bottom and fed considerably, not that I'm blaming him, but we really had no good way of dealing damage. They were particularly tanky and I felt that Puck, Lich, and myself had no way of actually hitting them hard. We could just throw out a couple of spells and that was it. Doom also was a huge pain in the ass, cuz he would just ult someone and all of a sudden the fight became a 4v5 and we all had to retreat.

Legion commander also had a hard time getting good duels off. On occasion Pudge would hook the dueled target away to safety, and she could duel either Spec or Doom since Tinker was blinking all over the place where we couldn't catch him, Pudge would be hanging back constantly, and when Spectre presses R we got screwed over very easily.

A couple of questions I have:

  • Was WW the best support pick here? If not, what other heroes would have been better? Also, what heroes in general would counter their lineup?

  • What should my item choices have been? Should I have gotten Glimmer first? Solar crest --> (enemies have high armor)?

  • What playstyle should be used to counter the enemy lineup? Given that Doom and Spectre have really high armor, Tinker can split push like cancer, etc?

submitted by /u/beakofrome
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1k MMR and trying to climb

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 08:51 AM PDT

I calibrated a while back (before 7.00) as soon as I hit level 13, I ranked at 866 and I'm floating around 1k now. Mostly when I play, I play in a 5 stack with generally better players but after having a break from dota for my studies I decided to try and climb MMR.

I play mostly offlane when in a stack but to help climb I've been trying to play more mid or position 1. Any advice on how to carry better would be massively appreciated or any advice in general on climbing up through this MMR.

This is a link to my dotabuff which might be useful to you

submitted by /u/Twinarosusrex
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Why it was so hard for us to win with those heroes

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 08:31 AM PDT

Hey guys I just did a round of dota. I think our team had much much better heroes, but still it was so hard for us to win this game. Actually we almost lost. Can some one with more experience probably analyze the game. match id : 3343613640

submitted by /u/Shisharkata18
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Whats the best item for Carries/Tanks against "x" Heroes.

Posted: 28 Jul 2017 10:57 PM PDT

I Always get confused with the item builds. Like when should i go evasion? when should i build armor? Or Crimson guard?

Or as a carry when should i go radiance on wk? and when should i get Maelstrom?

I just want to know how to deal with those types of damage/tankiness.

Note: im not talking about items like bkb or linkens.

submitted by /u/Jefflenious
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Downloading dota content?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 05:57 AM PDT

Hey Guys.

I have an 12 hours flight (with transit). Due to that, I would like to download some Dota matches to watch (offline). Is there anyway to download them? I live in Germany. So, I want something legal u know.

submitted by /u/Pir4t3x
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Best time to play?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 05:42 AM PDT

Hello guys,

I play sub 1k mmr and the last 3 games I played today were all full of "mid or feed", "let me lane or feed", "i afk now" people who started to hate each other before the game even started.

Since this rarely happened to me I wondered if it might be due to the time I played today. I find this very childish and could have spent my time better today. In your experience - are there times where the games tend to be played more seriously, even in this super low mmr? Not tryhard like, but just times where the majority of players are normal people? Or did I just had bad luck today?

Thank you guys!

submitted by /u/Maxoh24
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How to pick a suitable support for my team?

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 04:31 AM PDT

I plays a lots in 4-man stacks currently. In most scenario, my friends and I have assigned role (mine is Pos 5 Ward Bitch), sometimes we switched our role around to play something different.

May I know how should I pick a support? I am trying to get comfortable on few support heros (Venge, Disruptor, Oracle) that I dont play much to give a better flexibility in my hero pool for my 4-man stacks. This also allows me to learn and plays hero without the fear of getting flamed and reported.

I sometimes find my teams lacked of certain element in the team lineup like lacks of disable, initiator, teamfight aoe debuff or disable, pushing and counter-picking stuffs like Armor Granting (Lich) against Armor Reduction (Slardar) or Juggernaut Ult. On a few rare case (especially on solo queue), I might have a team line up that lacked on more than one of the elements I state earlier. When playing with stacks, my friends would discuss and cover the weakness of the draft. But in solo queue, its hard as my teammates doesn't know each other hero pool.

In solo queue, which element is more important and should be covered first?

submitted by /u/littlecuteboy
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how to farm more efficently with support like lion, rubick in 3k solo ranked

Posted: 29 Jul 2017 04:10 AM PDT

i finding hard to find time to dedicate to my farm when i play support beacause in solo ranked nobody waits you so i have to wast my team in rotation (50% useless) and tp ecc... so what is the most efficent way to farm and still dedicate enougf time to team?

submitted by /u/N4rwal
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