Learn Dota 2 - This Week I Learned:_________________________

This Week I Learned:_________________________

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 06:43 AM PDT

It's been a long time since I have seen a TWIL by /u/Pressthepig. I hope you don't mind that I start a new one :D

Every game we play we should be learning something; mechanics, tricks, spell interactions, counters, synergies, etc. In this thread share some of the info that you've picked up during the past week! Make sure to upvote someones tip if you learned from it.

Last TWIL's most useful tip - /u/Chunks77 - 17 points

You can shift-blink away if you die with Aegis, and no man, woman or bear will be able to stun you in time.

Link to last thread


submitted by /u/hawes0me
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BSJ coaching D2Bowie for the carry role, might turn into a series

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:46 AM PDT

Don't flame your own team when you're all losing (badly)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:46 PM PDT

I just did this and it made me 5x more tilted. I had no reason to say anything negative -- everyone lost, including me. I wanna win games but flaming helps nothing. Bad games happen for a myriad of reasons. Just go next. Or take a break. Or whatever.

Keep breathing.

Sorry team.

submitted by /u/wuweidota400
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How do I stop feeding as much when offlaning?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:03 PM PDT

Hey guys! Been a while since I posted here. Lately I've been stuck at 4.5-4.6 for a while, and I think I am finally on the right track once again. My main role at the moment is offlane because I just found enjoying myself there far more as opposed to playing carry, and also I feel like I am naturally better at it (for example if I pick a carry I rarely play I just feed, whereas if I pick an offlaner I rarely play I still do pretty well).

So after some struggle and working on my play, I've finally narrowed my main problems down. 1) I feed way too much in a lot of my games and 2) I don't get enough farm. I have a feeling that these problems might be connected but honestly I have a pretty good idea of how to improve the farming aspect. The dying though... I just can't stop it man! Generally I try to play aggressively because I know that's what high mmr players do when offlaning and I've found that just passively sitting back isn't really helping you win the game. But I'm having lots of trouble balancing this. Like sometimes I want to go for kills and sometimes I want to stay back, but I'm not exactly sure when and why a lot of the time. A lot of the time it's kinda obvious (for example you're laning vs huskar and bane, at this point you just have to accept that unless the wave is under your tower you aren't getting anything out of it and should just jungle in the meantime) but what I'm struggling with is situations where you have to make these split second decisions, like "right now I want to hit this guy a bunch, ok I should back now". I just can't read these situations right now. My last game for example I was offlane necro vs cm+jugg, I felt like I could've done amazingly well there and absolutely dominated the lane, yet I died a bunch unnecessairly and it all snowballed into a really shitty game. And the most frustrating thing is, I'm not entirely sure on how to prevent these deaths from happening.

Perhaps I'm missing something? Is this a thing that just comes to you naturally as you play more and more of the role (bear in mind I'm not that seasoned of an offlaner, dotabuff shows I have about 200 core offlane games, but it's probably more than that so let's say 300 for the sake of argument) and learn what to do in specific matchups?

Would love to hear what advice you guys can give me, especially fellow offlaners (any and all advice is welcome though!)

submitted by /u/goodwarrior12345
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Was told I look/sound like Beastmaster. Help me understand this hero.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:35 AM PDT

So I have a few excellent reasons to play this hero, including:

  • I have a beard and no shirt

  • I have a low gravelly voice

  • Being able to refer to "Beast masturbator" in chat

Also, people in garbage tier never see him and don't know what he does, so you surprise a lot of people, kind of like a decent Visage or Batrider or something.

After a few games, I think i kind of get the idea of the hero, which is (correct me if I'm wrong): Rotate between lane and jungle depending on how hard the lane is; surprise a few people with ganks when you reach level 6; push lanes out with low risk when you get your Necrobook and attack towers if no one contests; lock down the biggest problem enemy in teamfights and slow whichever others you can.

A few things I need some help understanding, though:

  • Best use of the hawk in the early game? I had been setting it to patrol the enemy jungle or rune spots for possible targets, but then it just gets killed. Lately I've been using it more as an early-warning ward against likely gank locations. When it gains invisiblity, parking it at Roshan or some other key place is much easier.

  • What to do if a fight breaks out and your ult isn't available? Feels like you mostly can either stand at the back and get a few dinks in with summons and axes, or get too close and die.

  • How to deal with Linken's Sphere late game on an enemy carry so as not to waste your ult. Ideally your team has some communication, but not at this level, so ...? I've been trying to use the ranged Necrobook guy's Q ability for this purpose, but only with mixed success.

  • I understand that he's not for every game, but have no idea which are the situations you want to avoid picking him into. Seems like he's pretty good against melee-heavy lineups because of the boar slow, but that's about as far as I've gotten.

Beyond that, I've been having a great time running around with a zoo full of animals and hitting people in the back with axes that I huck at them. I know there are some people here experienced with the hero, so anything you can tell me, I'm all ears.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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What happened to the 'what i learned this week' threads? Those used to be the bomb.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:38 AM PDT

Used to have like tons of comments of what people learned and stuff. I learned a few things from them, really easy way to share info. Do those still exist?

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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How to deal with Impossible Lanes in ~2k

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:37 AM PDT

I played this game last night:


I was playing slark and had WD as a support. We were against Bristle + Viper. Needless to say it felt impossible to lane against that dual lane. I asked Veno to see if he could come top, but he was just interested in farming and complained that I was taking up farm, and just abandoned the lane.

Later in the game I was able to get our team back in the game by getting pickoffs and ganking with my team. We still lost the game but that was a bad fight were our darkseer decided he'd rather split push than fight with us.

So mostly im interested in laning phase, what should I have done?

submitted by /u/firebatdg
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6k+ team streaming with communication

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:05 PM PDT

Gonna be streaming our games with our comms audible on stream for the next 2-3 hours. This is something I always looked for when I was newer to dota so i figured id post this here.

This is our pos 5's point of view.


submitted by /u/nadotasfinest
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I've started a series commentating a road from 1k to 6k on a fresh account, escaping the trench (mostly playing support)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:33 PM PDT

Hi guys, I originally posted about this idea here and the response was mostly positive, generally a mixture of "it won't help", smurfing's wrong, and mainly people who wanted to see the idea in theory (and maybe I can do it well enough for those people to like or not).

So obviously the basic idea is that I will be commentating the games as I progress in MMR and uploading the usable footage, attempting to improve the commentary and info as I go on.

I wanted to say for those that really disliked the idea or said it wouldn't be educational or useful, I have a second set of videos from this series in which plan to give advice directly from what I observed & learned to cater exactly to the issues that people face in these brackets. I'm working on a video with advise dedicated to 0-1000 mmr at the moment.

If you guys would like to check it out, here's the playlist.

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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Learning meepo

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:40 PM PDT

Iv been learning meepo (about 20 bot matches and 2 pubs) and have just won my first match has him. Could someone take a look at the dotabuff and give me some tips on improving maybe or general meepo tips :)

Heres the last game - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3334354937


submitted by /u/Lumb3rH4ck
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why do invokers build 2 nulls before midas now?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:23 PM PDT

im a 3.3k invoker and i just started playing again after a couple months off, what happened to aquila/raindrops? i tried nulls and i like my gank survivability/lane control but it didnt seem too different, is there situations where 2 nulls is worse than aquila/infused?

submitted by /u/xiaohaisdad
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Resources for playing new heroes

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:29 PM PDT

Is there a website or a collection of guides that explain the "tricks" to playing each hero? Not just build and skill order, but more like "use this ability in situation X, but don't use it in situation Y."

For example, I want to start playing nightstalker, but I've never ever played him before. All I know about him is that he is stronger at night, and that his ult makes it night for a long period of time. I heard somewhere once that one of the keys to playing nightstalker is to make the most out of that first night before you're ult and get as many kills as possible. That first night can make or break your hero. But I heard this ages ago and I have no idea if that still applies now.

I know some of the in game guides do this to some extent, but it's only a couple sentences and it's specific to the individual abilities. There isn't anything about the "tricks/twists" of a hero in a general sense, the closest thing I can find to that is a few dotafire guides, but most of those are from 2 or 3 years ago and so are massively out of date.

Is there another resource for finding this type of information?

submitted by /u/MustardFacial
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Anyone feel like its harder to win the game nowadays as Meepo?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:31 PM PDT

My win-rate dropped from 67% to 61% right after 7.06 hits, honestly, I have no idea why. The hero just seems... weaker than it used to be.

submitted by /u/skyfreeze113
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Thoughts on Undying?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:09 AM PDT

Hey, 2.4k noob here. I've always like Undying, but i usually shy away from playing because i didnt have great success the few times i played him. I was wondering if he could work as a pos 5 support (I'm usually the sole support of our team). If not what is the ideal position to play him? I'd also appreciate any tips you can give on how to play the hero better, builds, etc.

submitted by /u/Lightsleeper4453
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How to get better at dota :D

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:59 PM PDT

Hey guys, I am really struggling to get better at dota. I have a feeling that I am dominating most of the games, but still I lose like hell. Have been down from 3700 to 3400 at which i played for a couple of months and now i am down to 2700. I accept any advice on how to get better. Here is my dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/230892787

submitted by /u/Shisharkata18
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When should I initiate and counter-initiate? Also some Drow Ranger question

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:03 AM PDT

  1. When should I initiate? I have play a game of Warlock where my 3k friend tells me I should be the initiator instead of counter-initiator or follow-up like I used to. He reasons that the team doesnt have initiator & its high ground defense so I should initiate rather than waiting Chaos Knight use his ult and initiate by walking into them. I have been reading few past threads in this subreddit, most of the post just said I should make sure my team can follow up. Is there any others tips about this topic? When should I initiate or counter-initiate as both core or Solo Support? I think Warlock and Vengeful Spirit can be good initiator sometimes.

  2. What do I do when my team initiator fucked-up during initiate while my teammates aren't ready or when my teammates dont follow-up because of other reasons? What should I do in this scenario? Maybe I can provide stun as Witch Doctor or Upheavel as Warlock and hope my team initiator can get out.

  3. My 5k friend suggests me making Drow Ranger as my go-to-safelane core. I am thinking of first picking Drow Ranger until I get some basic understanding of what I should do as safelane core (I didnt get much chance as most of the time I had to play Hard Support). I know about getting items like Bkb against magical type stuns, Linken against Single target spells, Silver Edge against passive skills, Mkb against Evasion, Manta for Dispel. But how do I know I need this item now, and that item can be delayed? How do I decide if I go for farming item like Maelstorm or MoM, fighting item like Shadow Blade or protection items like Hurricane Pike after Power Threads, Ring of Aquila & Dragon Lance?

  4. Regarding to the 3rd question, what should I do in laning phase if my team screw the draft after I first pick Drow Ranger and forcing me to solo laning? I have play several games as Safelane Babysitter against Solo Offlane Drow Ranger, I basically just repeat killing Drow Ranger with my carry everytime she tries to farm or get some exp.

submitted by /u/littlecuteboy
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Tips for playing roaming Riki?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:25 AM PDT

This past week was great as I finally hit 4k mmr after months of grinding. However, I did so by literally ONLY playing core heroes (either mid or safelane carry). Now that I've reached my goal of 4k, I feel ready to start exploring other roles. Although, I specialize in cores, I have decent knowledge of every hero in dota and have played every single hero before since I'm from the good old WC3 dota days.

One hero I'm starting to play is pos 4 roaming Riki. I'm pretty lost in the "roaming" aspect. As a carry player, I feel like I'm constantly wasting time by walking between lanes and looking for stuff to do and when I can't secure a kill, I feel like I've wasted a large amount of time.

Another specific question is, how do you snipe the courier from mid in the early game? Is there a time you should be waiting there? What's your usual early game path (go for rune-> go mid -> snipe courier, etc.)?

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/BoHorvat53
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Lina Help

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:28 AM PDT

How do i hit my LSA ? because I find it really hard to hit especially when I am the mid hero.

submitted by /u/kys2429
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Can some one please help me evaluate why we lost this Battle cup game.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:11 AM PDT

So I played the Battle cup yesterday in Tier 5 with some friends and we did really well I thought, even though we lost in the Final.

They obviously saw the strat we were using and insta banned our heroes., Me and my friends were talking and we feel that our play style had not changed in the last game, and we were still trying to play like the first two games, where we had massive vision advantage as well as the ability to punish peoples bad positioning. But other than our play style and our picks being banned I am not to sure where it went wrong, so any help would be great!

1st Game: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3329808639 2nd Game: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3329906695 3rd Game: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3330015376

I was the Disrup :)

submitted by /u/LzVirtue
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How the fuck did i lose the mid lane so terribly in this game?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:05 AM PDT

So i was playing as Visage against a Pudge in the middle lane.

Usually when i play against a Pudge i win the lane and i kill him a couple of times and the people who come to gank me, but this time i died two times and made the game harder for my allies.

We won the game at the end, but i didn't contribute almost anything for winning the game.

The match dotabuff is: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3333554978

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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As a support, If your safelane carry does not need you to pull the lane, is it wise to pull the lane any way?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:03 AM PDT

So basically I play with a friend who always moans at me when I pull the lane, when the lane is not pushed. I have already harased the offlane and stacked the small jungle camp by this point, so I can get a double pull off if needed. I tell him im doing it to deny XP as well as get some solo XP for myself, but he insist its not worth it. I know messing with creep equilibrium can be annoying for the cores, but the only bad thing I can see this doing is making my core go through his early regen, which I am happy to give him more off. Please let me know if Im doing the wrong thing!

submitted by /u/LzVirtue
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PMA: Improving your experience and skill, one match at a time.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:54 PM PDT

Hello fellow Dota 2 players,

I'm here with a message. (A message that got really long, sorry. If you have flamers and feeders galore it could be worth the read though). Do you hate queueing for a match with a 50% chance of getting in with all foreigners, or flamers, or the occasional feeder? Of course you do. Everyone does. Not only does it ruin the fun and experience, it impedes your skill and ability to improve at the game, as you're forced to play around people with poor coordination who give up all hope as soon as you lose an advantage.

So, if you can relate to that, follow these steps to improving your games. I'm only 2K MMR (just recalibrated and starting playing mostly ranked with TI ranked), but the players I have the pleasure of playing with are more like 3-4K players, with a little less mechanical skill. And it's rare, maybe 1/15 games to have a flamer. I calibrated at 1.6K two or three weeks ago and I'm climbing incredibly rapidly. But enough about me.

Check your behavior score. If you don't know how to do that, open the console and type "developer 1". Then type "dota_game_account_debug". (If that formatted weird, just type the words with underscores between them. I'm on mobile so I can't tell.) Look for the stat titled something like "player behavior score last report". This is on a rank of 0-10,000. The higher it is, the better. >7k is average most likely, >8k is pretty good, >9k means you're likely a rather civil and friendly person, or at least you get commended a lot and you don't get reported much. Last time I checked, I had 9245 I believe. If your score is >9k, you may not need this post. Just keep up the good work!

Your behavior score is not great. Uh oh. Here's how you can improve it.

First and foremost, never abandon games unless it's absolutely necessary. For some reason, I've heard this destroys the score.

Let's assume the worst. You have under 7k behavior score, so you're in the flamer pools. You queue up for a match. You act civil and helpful. You never, ever flame. If you have a problem with someone's play, word your question very carefully. Example: "Sniper armlet wtf" = bad. That'll make him angry and you'll get reported. "Sniper, interesting build. Can I ask why you picked up armlet?" = much better. He may still think you're being a butt, but likely he'll enjoy explaining his build and he'll be much more friendly towards you.

Now here's where PMA comes in to play. If you don't know, PMA stands for Positive Mental Attitude. Essentially, play with this mindset: you're playing Dota to have a good time. Whether you win or you lose, at the end of the day you did your best. When you're ahead, congratulate your teammates on good plays whenever they make them. "AWESOME black hole Enigma, that's game winning stuff" really makes everyone feel good. When you're behind, try to only give crucial helpful advice (people don't like being told what to do), and remind your team occasionally when things go wrong "it's ok, we're still in this." Make them overconfident. You're losing 27-8, they're looking for an opportunity to push your high ground. Tell your team "it's fine, they honestly can't even contest this." Can they? Maybe. But not if your whole team believes they can be stopped. You're allowed to tilt sometimes. It's ok to be frustrated if you made a stupid play. But it's not ok to let that anger out on your team, if you want to win, tell yourself you can do better and move on.

With that said, we can continue. If you're at a low behavior score, always mute players at the first sign of toxicity. Or anything that would ruin your experience (if you don't wanna play with people who can't speak English, mute them and save yourself the whining). Some people argue that muting even toxic players hurts the team and takes away communication. But you know what? If someone has to belittle another human to make themselves feel better, the negative emotions from that will hurt your play more than if they have to use pings and chat wheel.

Fill the roles your team needs. If you love playing cores and mids, do that. But if someone else wants mid and you both have it marked, ask nicely "is it ok if I mid please?" If they refuse, pick what's needed. Never pick anything you can't play well at all, but don't let your stubbornness lose your game because you wouldn't pick a support.

So basically, keep all this in mind and your behavior score will raise fairly quickly. Once it's high enough, you'll usually only ever get matched with other players that act like you do, and hopefully the mute button will rarely be required. Honestly, this is so hugely important and I guarantee your skill will increase so much faster if you can surround yourself with positive teammates.

Sorry if this got really long and kinda muddled, it's late at night and I'm on mobile. I hope this helped someone out there at least.

TLDR: be nice to people and Dota will be so much more fun for you.

submitted by /u/Xaithix
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Underleveled problem

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:27 AM PDT

So excluding the matches I've had against bots, I've been playing this game on casual match for around ~16 hours now, and apart from many other problem like the game being too slow (mainly because of League), the weird character turning animation (still can't timing it and often got caught and immediately got killed) etc, I found the underleveled to be a major problem.

For some reason after 25-30 mins into the game the rest of my team always 5-7 levels ahead of me, despite me always grouped up and fight in a teamfight. I've taken a liking to support like Silencer or Lion but that's just it, I feel useless during the mid to late game. I tried staying on the lane and get the experience from the minions but didn't help that much, jungle feels kinda tough since most characters I tried either can't clear it fast enough or just wasn't built for it. What do I do folks?

submitted by /u/Zack_VII
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What are good mid heroes that don't get countered to hard.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:13 AM PDT

Sometimes when I get to play some mid and get last pick, there is a problem that the enemy team has very last pick so every time I pick a certain mid hero they instantly go for something that hard counters the hero I'm playing, so cab someone give some heroes that don't get fucked hard because some counter.

submitted by /u/16bitnoob
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