Learn Dota 2 - PSA: You can lose the game for your team by jungling in 7.06

PSA: You can lose the game for your team by jungling in 7.06

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:52 AM PDT

Esp in 7.06, what really matters is pushing out lanes.

You get gold by last hitting lane creeps.

If you're taking medium camps while the other team is shoving lanes into your team's towers... your lack of map presence will lose your team the game.

This is 100% related to the Blitz video, which is 100% true, "Good Farm vs Bad Farm."


If I can get you to stop living in the jungle, and not only defend your team's towers, but also push to the other guy's towers... I might be able to stop you from throwing games of dota.

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Reposting DanCatPro (5k Meepo spammer)'s guide due to him deleting his guide for Meepo!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:01 AM PDT

Hi all, I figured this can be nice towards all aspiring Meepo players that want a legit effective build that works (TortedeLini's build also works but he's not a Meepo spammer and thus didn't go in depth with the builds and certain situational items ;-; Sorry Torte senpai)

A star (*) means to check out the individual sections to see what items are worth buying there according to the game flow. For instance, in a build, Starting Items means to check the starting items section to use one of the five possible starting builds DanCatPro suggested.

There are three solid builds for Meepo as of 7.06, and all three builds can be applied in game depending on the situation.

Meepo should go mid as it allows him to truly get fast levels to get more clones and increase his pushing and nuking power. Meepo can also go safe lane, roam or jungle but safe lane slows down the level progression of Meepo compared to in mid lane thus his power spike comes a lot later on, roaming is situational back then but it doesn't work now. There are better heroes for that. Jungling can work when you decide to retreat to the Jungle after laning or if you cleared a creep way and would like to take on a hard camp. Jungle Meepo should never be the main way of farming as once again, there are better heroes for that.

Starting items vary depending on the enemy heroes you're going against. It is highly suggested to get a PMS against ranged cores in mid for instance but for certain melee heroes or short range mid laners that don't rely on right clicks such as Zeus, other builds can be adapted.

1) (Shared) Tangos/Salve + Iron Talon

2) (Shared) Tangos/Salve + PMS

3) (Shared) Tangos/Salve + Stout + Quelling

4) (Shared) Tangos + Salve + Boots rush, if tangos aren't brought, get 2 gg branches instead

5) Tangos + Salve + 2 gg branches into bottle rush

Bottle can be a good thing in mid depending on how often you are able to get runes and/or if you're spamming poof often. The issue with bottle is that it slows down item progression, and the regen can be received through cuddling shrines (selfishly) or going back to base, leaving a clone or prime Meepo to sap exp and get last hits. I get bottle if I'm doing the fighting build, otherwise I skip bottle. DanCatPro buys bottle rarely.

Now onto the core items and builds.

1st build AKA most common build, I call it the fighting build. Commonly used by Abed and suggested by TortedeLini as well as other Meepo players, this is the standard build and aims for Meepo to be unstoppable and immortal due to him being unkillable as a result of his item choices and insane ganking power. This build should be done before 30 mins, the more early the better. After 30 mins, this build starts to fall off and other extension items are brought to sustain his ganking power.

Starting items* > (Situational Bottle) > Treads > DL > Blink > (Situational 2nd DL) > Ultimate Orb > Hex > (Aegis if Rosh is not dead) > E-Blade > Sell Treads for BoTs > Extension items*

Meepo can start fighting Roshan if he has reached level 15 (and got the lifesteal talent) AND if he has either 1 DL and 1 Ultimate Orb or 2 DLs. Roshan should be fought whenever possible to make pushing highground easier.

2nd build AKA sieging and ratting build. This build was came up by one of DanCatPro's best friends, another 4-5k Meepo spammer (Will update with his name once DanCatPro responds), and is used to great success when climbing MMR. This build revolves around ratting and sieging and teleporting around the map early on to create psychological confusion and pressure since one may never know when Meepo may come up and start ratting a tower. Kind of like NP but comes online much faster and bolsters insane DPS, but lacks initiation and a proper disable.

Starting items (Boots rush build is highly suggested) > BoTs > DL > DL > (Aegis at level 15 ASAP) > E-Blade > (Situational Manta) > Stack E-Blades/situational Skadi/situational Diffusal

This build is best used against low MMR games where there are little wards and when the enemy has little map awareness/doesn't carry a tp scroll around. It is also viable against people who counterpick Meepo, especially if your team picks first as there's bound to be someone who counterpicks you, and this sieging build allows them to constantly be on pressure due to you ratting around.

3rd build AKA pre 7.00 build. While this build isn't as popular or even viable at all after 7.00 came out, it is still viable if you're snowballing ahead due to enemy heroes being constantly out of position or just in a lower skill level. BoTs and Aghs should be ideally brought before 15-20 mins for this to have maximum effect. In a way, this build melds into the 1st and 2nd build but with an additional Meepo in exchange for less stats.

Starting items (Boots rush build is once again highly suggested) > Treads/BoTs > Aghs > DL > (Aegis whenever possible as soon as you reach level 15) > Blink > Hex > E-Blade > Extension Items

Or alternatively, stack E-Blades after 1st DL just like the sieging build. The choice is up to you.

Boots choice!

The typical and most popular pair of boots goes to Power Treads since 7.00 started, due to Aghs not required for stats to distribute amongst all Meepos. PMS also rose into popularity as a result too because of the +6 agility. However, BoTs can work as an early game rush if used skillfully or with a specific purpose (such as ratting and clearing creep waves in multiple lanes instead of ganking heroes actively). It is also the natural upgrade to Treads towards mid-late game when core items has been brought. Tranquils used to be popular when roaming Meepo was a thing back then, but me and DanCatPro disliked it due to how often we farm creeps and the hp regen from tranquils isn't needed as much due to items such as bottle and BoTs existing, and shrines. Phase is situational and can be brought for the damage, otherwise it's not recommended due to the lack of stats. Arcanes and Greaves is just shit due to the clones unable to use the active component of it.

In short, Treads > BoTs > Tranquils > Greaves > Phase > Arcanes.

Situational items!

Ring of Aquila: This used to be the old SEA build pre-7.00, where players would start to buy 1-3 Aquilas to stack after getting BoTs and Aghs for cheap stats as DL didn't exist back then. Nowadays, even if DL exists, Aquila is still viable for stacking due to it giving 6 more agility and intelligence in exchange for 6 less strength at a similiar cost. The slot efficiency however is still its major weakness.

2+ Dragon Lances: Getting multiple DLs can be situationally useful due to the cost efficient stats and easy build up, however, it doesn't build into anything particularly useful (Pike isn't the best item to stack for Meepo) and it isn't slot efficient in the long run. However, in a jiffy, stacking two DLs can be fine, especially when you die quite a bit as Meepo due to counters.

Hurricane Pike: The natural upgrade to DL, it gives a nice push effect that can be used to position yourself better combined with Blink, and can be used to save a clone or prime from dying or to safely teleport out. However, for its limited use, paying an additional 2725 gold just to get 3 more strength, 8 more agility and 10 more intelligence plus the push effect just isn't practical. Again, depends on the game flow.

Drums of Endurance: Oh jeez, I remember back when this item gave +9 stats across the board and it was really good on Meepo due to the attack speed aura as well. Nowadays, while it is useful for sieging quickly and getting away, the stats given are simply inferior to DL, and the only time its better than DL is when the active is used on attacking something such as a building.

Stacking Ultimate Orbs: Now, you may ask, why stack Ultimate Orbs when DL costs less and has an easier build up? The answer is the amount of items it can build into. Hex is core on fighting Meepo and Skadi is an all around defensive item that gives loads of hp and ehp and a slowing effect while Manta can be used as a form of initiation. Some pro players (think it was w33?) stack Ultimate Orbs instead of DLs, but normally DL is the better choice since it's much more forgiving than Ultimate Orb in terms of build up.

Heart of Tarrasque: On paper this seems great, solving all of Meepo's health issues plus it gives a lot of health regen to prime, which can be useful in sieging. However, this item is only situationally great towards heavy magic lineups, as it provides no damage at all, the raw hp bonus isn't applied to clones, and the hp regen can be solved by teleporting back to base with BoTs. I dislike this item and usually Skadi is the superior choice due to it giving armor as well from the +25 agility.

Aghanim's Scepter: Before 7.00, this is core due to it giving 100% stat share across all clones as well. However, ever since 7.00 came out, this no longer applies to Meepo, and thus he gets stats shared across all clones regardless of having aghs or not. As a result, this item has became highly situational due to buying stat items being much better than having another squishy Meepo for 4.2k gold. In certain situations it can be worth it, such as when you have no counters in the enemy team against you and having 5 Meepos can increase you farm further more by splitting up and hoarding both jungles and all three lanes. Or alternatively, a nice Alch comes by and gifts you an Aghs, which is always nice as it doesn't consume a slot.

Extension items!

Scythe of Vyse: All around disabling item for Meepo that grants him enough mana to boot and Hex is great for setting up kills or disabling core targets that can pose immediate threat to Meepo. It lacks in stats for its cost but the disable is great and it is brought often along with Blink to properly initiate on lone heroes. A must for fighting Meepo.

Ethereal Blade(s): Now, notice I added the S behind "Blade", because it is very cost efficient to stack E-Blades towards late game. E-Blade is effectively the Daedalus/Butterfly for Meepo, and stacking them is often the way to go at late game due to its damage and attack speed as well. The active is a welcoming nuke which deals a lot of damage, disables auto attackers like Sven who can wipe you out in seconds, and amplifies your poof damage to unholy amounts.

Eye of Skadi: The ultimate tank up item (behind Heart), it gives stats across the board and a slowing effect which cripples most right clicking carries. The issue is that often when you are able to buy this item, the game is either stalling on for extremely long, or you just got enough gold after smashing the last mid tower before the ancient on the enemy team. Regardless, if you get it, it's an incredible item to have and makes you tanky.

Diffusal Blade: The little brother of Ethereal Blade, it gives cost efficient agility and a purge which can be used to pop linkens for your Hex and E-Blade blasts to get through or purge strong buffs from enemy heroes, such as warcry from Sven (That's -20 armor and a minor slow). The downside is that it doesn't give strength and overall less agility than E-Blade, but still strong against certain lineups. Another advantage is that it can be brought without the need of going to the secret shop and is 1k gold cheaper, so it can be nice if you're defending your base and going to the secret shop will result in your death.

Manta Style: An item that has a very high skill cap to use due to the need of controlling another two units but when used correctly, can be a very safe way of initiation, scouting, catching lone heroes from afar without dangering yourself, and the self purge can be useful when dealing with slows and other nasty debuffs. Poof can be used on the illusions, which serves as a (risky) form of escape or initation since it forces the enemy to take down the illusions first otherwise they might risk getting jumped by actual Meepos. The illusions can be used to farm camps since geostrike works on illusions as well, check roshan pit, check highground when there is no wards to see, etc. The stats are also welcome for Meepo, the buildup isn't that bad (Yasha gives decent stats as well) and illusions can add onto the DPS when at teamfights in the form of geostrike. Illusions can also be used to bait ultimates such as Lasso and Winter's Curse! Overall a high skill utility item.

Experimental items/Extremely Situational Items:

Assault Curiass: The only time you are getting this is when you are against Elder Titan which destroys all your armor with Natural Order. Otherwise Ethereal Blade is superior.

Bloodthorn: This item gives less stats than Vyse, but gives attack speed and a lot of damage to prime Meepo which balances out the stats. The active, as of now, is the only way which Meepo and his clones can gain True Strike and score crits against an enemy. The cost can be an issue however especially when it's rushed in the same manner as Hex. On the other hand, the build up is less punishing.

Silver Edge: This item can be used as an alternative to Blink for initiation, though it is easily countered with dust and sentry wards. The stats are welcoming to Meepo and his clones, and the Break effect can be devastating against heroes like Sven (if you haven't noticed already, yes I hate the bastard) and Bristle who rely on their passives to do damage and tank up. 50% damage reduction is also effective against heroes that can do lots of damage!

To be edited since I'm writing this remembering only the useful bits in his guide before it was deleted :/

submitted by /u/PrimalWinter322
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came back to dota, what's the deal with Earthshaker ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:16 PM PDT

I quit dota back around early 2015, the meta was really different back then but I remember Earthshaker to be a solid hero, most of the time deemed too slow because he is often roaming while having the pressure to build a Blink pre-20 minutes.
Now after coming back and play a few games and watch alot of streams, i see him played alot in mid and most surprisingly off-lane, and he dominates his matchup aswell. What happened to Earthshaker and why he's so strong/popular ?

submitted by /u/xxotic
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PSA: 95% of the time, the only person who should be using the chicken before its upgraded is the mid laner

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:45 PM PDT

Ferrying out that circlet to the side lane at 2 minutes is actually game losing for the mid lane.

Having a quick bottle/boots/null/wand etc is very important in closely contested matchups.

Even once the chicken is upgraded, you should check if your mid has their boots and bottle before using.

submitted by /u/SillyRabbit2121
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When to A click?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:57 PM PDT

So I'm a 3000 MMR player trying to get better at smaller details of the game such as tread switching and A clicking.

Since the time that I've started DOTA(now nearly 2 years) I've been using right click to attack creeps and heroes, I only ever used A click to deny creeps and eventually dabbled in the "right click to force attack ally" option to cut out a clicking entirely.

More recently I've come to realize that my decision to always right click has negatively impacted by game play for a very long time. I've more recently switched to A click as much as I can. This has helped me catch jukers more easily, this has helped me land more attacks on enemies and farms camps faster by attack moving(since its very hard to do that via right click).

However in certain cases a clicking has been very hard to do? For example when I play storm spirit its very hard to keep a clicking after every spell to use overload charges. I've also had certain other issues with it over time that I can't fully remember.

Therefore I wanted to ask is it a good practice to a click all the time or is it better to use a mixture of right click and a click? How do you guys blend the two together in your gameplay?

Back here again. Thanks for all the times you guys have helped me with learning DOTA before.

submitted by /u/SACHD
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BoT: when to buy?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:56 PM PDT

For typical carries like LS, PA, Sven or what have you.

submitted by /u/Irriz
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Confused as to how this game was won.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Hey all,

Had a game last night that was incredible. We came back from a 20k gold and EXP deficit to win and I'm not exactly sure what the turning point was and would like someone to provide their input so I can better evaluate myself under stressful circumstances such as these.

Summary: Enemy team ran Huskar/Naga strategy and ran over us early, at one point having a 20k NW advantage. Thanks to tinker, we were able to stave off illusion pushes from the Naga. Enemy team was unable to secure the final push and I'm not exactly sure how or why they weren't able to just outright win at 30 minutes.

What errors did the enemy team make, what game winning choices were made on team Dire? It's a long one, any help would be appreciated.


submitted by /u/ChiefBigBlockPontiac
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Not sure what went wrong

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:04 PM PDT


I was the void in this match. There were a few things I knew I shouldn't have done right after I did them (like walking directly into a ck ulti; hindsight is 20/20). But overall it felt like laning was going fine, until the lich and ck I was laning against suddenly showed up both higher level than me. Plus, I never felt that our team was that far behind until we were suddenly 15 kills and a few towers down. All in all, I can't actually see when and how things turned into such a blow out.

I'm just a 500 mmr scrub, so literally any tips people could give me would be super helpful. Thanks!

submitted by /u/mrangelking84
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Can someone analyze my match?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:59 PM PDT

I don't know if this is the right subreddit for asking this, but it would be awesome if I could get someone to analyze this

Match ID: 3330575267 DOTABUFF

~4.5k Average MMR , I played Vengeful Spirit (pos5) ~3.2k Player

submitted by /u/Pub_Stomp
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Is it considered okay to get Linkins before Euls on Puck?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:55 PM PDT

I haven't played Puck too much and I know very little about the Dota 2 meta so sorry if this is a silly question.

I've found getting Linkies after blink instead of Euls just makes me feel a little stronger. The extra stats + linkens ability feels like it gives me a lot better survivability than if I was to get a Euls.

submitted by /u/Fraz007
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Supports with good early kill potential?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:08 PM PDT

I'm very new (~30 games) and many of the unranked games at this level outside of smurfs are players who are not sure what to do when harassed, and also players who will tilt at first blood.

I've noticed if I can get a quick early kill with omniknight and my lane partner the team plays with a lot of confidence, but I'm looking for a hero who can put out a bit more damage and is still noob friendly. Thanks.

submitted by /u/packersmcmxcv
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Who are you favourite content creators/streamers with an educational bent?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Just getting into Dota2 (250 hours thus far) and I'm looking for decent content/streamers both for educational purposes and just for entertainment.

On Twitch I'm finding lots of "personality" streamers as well as some pros who sit playing saying nothing. Any recommendations?

As for YouTube, I've discovered Purge and Blitz but any other recommendations would be great.

I did a google for this but most of the answers were from a few years ago. The YouTube/Twitch landscape changes so rapidly I'm sure there's some new guys/gals who've come up since then.

submitted by /u/benwhoisahuman
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Counter meepo + support in lane?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:20 PM PDT

A couple of weeks ago I played against a meepo+venge safelane. I think I was axe? I always saw meepo as a lategame hero, but he dominated the lane so much once he hit three. It'd go missile -> net -> poof-> net -> poof whilst venge was attacking. It was enough to drop me to 0 from about 75% if I got a bit too confident. Is there a counter to meepo in lane, or do I just have to hang back?

submitted by /u/Whores_anus
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What did I do wrong here?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:28 PM PDT

Hey guys, I'm a 684 MMR scrub, probably shit at this game but I genuinely want to get better. I feel like I had the best ten minutes I could have in this particular game, but we still lost, actually we got stomped.

I know I'm making a mistake, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. Can someone way better than at this game than I just look at it and tell me what the fuck did I do wrong here?


submitted by /u/cakesarelies
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How can I beat Huskar?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:34 PM PDT

I played Viper mid this game. We had a dysfunctional team, but I think we managed okay. I actually had to buy the courier after the bounty rune, and go back to get it. :(

I did well in the laning stage vs. Windranger. I was 38/13 while she was 6/0 at the 10-minute mark. Huskar was trouncing our offlane, though. While he only had 8 last hits, he was already 8/3/0 at this point.

Duel 1: 16:57 Huskar was taking our top tower. I teleport in as soon as I get my treads set to agility (just got them). The tower dies as I warp in. He gets the jump on me and hits me with his ult. I kill him, but get killed in the aftermath.

  • I'm level 13 with Power Treads, Helm of the Dominator, and Ring of Aquila.
  • He was level 10 with 2 gauntlets of strength, an Armlet of Morrigian, and an iron branch.

I can't tell if this was a good engagement. Since we both died, he got way more gold than I did - I think because I was "unstoppable" and my kill-streak ended. I was 50 gold ahead before. Afterwards, he was 700 gold ahead (but we did lose a tower, so that was part of it).

Second duel: 19:24 2v1 gank. I took out a top tower. I had a teleport scroll in my backpack. Didn't think to pull it out and leave. Was a sitting duck. I used my ult on a Spectre illusion - oops. Didn't have it vs. Huskar. Might have made a difference.

  • Had a Helm of the Dominator, Power Treads, Ring of Aquila, Ogre Club, and Band of Elvenskin. (Had enough to finish the Dragon Lance, but didn't have it yet).
  • Huskar finished his Dragon Lance.

End of the game: * He had Satanic, Power Tread, Hurricane Pike, and Armlet of Morrigian. About to make a BKB. * I added Blade Mail and a Silver Edge.

I ganked with the Silver Edge active, and I think that was the edge. After that, I used my Blade Mail and just fought to the death. I just got a MKB, but it wasn't delivered yet. Should I have gotten something else instead? BKB to counter the life steal? (Does that even work?)

Anyway, after I went through the replay for this post, I realized a lot of my deaths were because I was feeling pretty invincible - I probably shouldn't have been solo in their jungle so much. There were a few times when having a TP ready would have saved me a lot. It looks like there's still lots to learn. :)

BTW, I recommend going through replays (even if you think you knew what happened). It helps a lot!

submitted by /u/chayashida
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I'm bad at Dota, what do I do?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:42 AM PDT

I've been playing Dota since the start of the year, after joining from LoL for reasons. Since then I've been picking up and learning different things about the game to get better, However, there a number of things which I still can't do no matter how hard I try, even with practice in private lobbies to improve myself:

  • Learning new heroes - I can play a few that suit each role, but I'm only decent at a few of them such as LC and Ursa. I want to learn Invoker currently, and have been memorising his spells and what spells to use during the game (e.g. going Alacrity and SS in the early game, switching to stuff like Forge Spirits when pushing, etc), but I still can't play him though.

  • I hate support, it's boring - I understand that roles need to be filled when going team v team, but after trying a number of different heroes in the supp role, I've decided that I hate it as I did when playing LoL (is there anything I can do about this?)

  • My friends have more experience than I do - when I joined from LoL, my friends had already played the game for a few years, so I get harassed by one of them when I do even the slightest thing wrong, e.g. builds, use of abilities etc, when I'm still learning. The other day they even told me that Weaver is 'easy as hell to use', even though I struggled with getting deso on him lol.

  • My farming is poor, no matter how much I practice it never gets better - this I'd say is my biggest problem atm. I've been advised to keep trying to hit creeps against the harder AI to come to grips with competitive laning, but by the time I get one creep, the AI already has like 6 or 7. I've been trying this for a while and it's just frustrating for me at this point. What should I do?

Sorry for the big post, I'm just after some help/advice as I want to get to the level of good that one of my friends managed to get to after going full tryhard haha.

EDIT: here's my dotabuff page. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/154601530

submitted by /u/CirnoTokisaki
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Rate my roaming skills(pos 4)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:35 PM PDT

I got 3k without ever roaming in a game. But recently i decided to try it out because I rather play pos 4 than pos 5.Heroes that i usually play are riki, bounty hunter, pudge and sometimes mk.I still dont get used to the idea that non invisble heroes can be as good roamiing, thats why i prefer riki and bh.

So, I want some skilled players to rate my perfomance in this game(im bounty) which I think, represents very well my knowledege and skill as a roamer.There are definitly some mistakes there, one big example is not buying tps.But i still think i bought way too many wards(but i was the only support). Match:3332229992

submitted by /u/tiago1500
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1k MMR Coaching, Request by CrazySkills (Vengeful Spirit)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Hey guys. As usual heres the coaching video. Discussion open. https://youtu.be/LczNw5rlCH8

This game really felt super passive. I usually try and find a fight break down, usually the fight that swung gold graph but in this game there wasnt really a full teamfight at any of the big swings. There were a couple minor fights and small swings but the net worth was going in Dires direction even with one hero dead on their side.

I feel the radiant team were way too passive, maybe needed to farm agressively, maybe the supports pick up a smoke and go looking for one of those guys that are out farming them.

Found this one difficult to comment on with the lack of action but I wanted to show it because its not often i see such a steep gold loss without losing a fight.

submitted by /u/bigmonmulgrew
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Mid as a melee?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 09:37 PM PDT

I have little problem with my Lina/QOP/WR mid, but as soon as I dabble in DK/BS mid, I get smashed by those that outrange me, and I can't get anywhere near as many CS as they can, without getting right clicked to death.

What are general rules to follow when using a melee mid?

submitted by /u/Rick0r
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What time should Meepo go to the jungle because it is more efficient and safer than the lane?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:17 AM PDT

If it depends on level or items, what level/item? Edit: yes, i know Meepo is terrible at higher skill levels

submitted by /u/Jonerr
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Ember spirit: transition/role for lategame as magic nuker?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

2.4k. Been playing Ember mid magic nuker (bot, veil, blink).

Early game makes sense (kill their mid and punish dives in other lanes).

Mid game makes sense (push out all lanes, stay safe, and show up to fights). I usually get a maelstrom for extra wave clear.

Late game I get confused. I've been defaulting to Octarine for more presence, which I like. But by this point, my nuke damage seems irrelevant and I'm not sure whether I should be transitioning into more of a Sleight of Fist right clicker like pre-7.00.

Questions: how do you keep magic nuke Ember relevant in the lategame? Am I missing something dumb in my understanding of the early/mid game? Is magic nuke "the" build right now, or is battlefury ember still appropriate sometimes (and if so, when)?

As always, big thanks.

submitted by /u/hippydippypartytime
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How does broodmother's pathing work when she is invis by web ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Hi guys,

Could you explain me how does her pathing works while she is going around under web. Sometimes i can go through edges of the hills with no problem but sometimes even though I am invis those my hero cannot go through that hill. Can anybody explain the mechanics of this movement ? or give me any link to read it.

Also, in one of my most recent games, when winter wyvern used his artic blast on my all of spiderlings or DK used his Q on them, they lost their stacked formation and they become spreaded. So why do they act diffferenty when damage applies on them.

Thank you for your help,



submitted by /u/cavoli31
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What should I base my safelane pick around.

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:57 PM PDT

I know when picking an offlane it is best to counter the enemy safelane, but when drafting a safelaner what should you base your pick around.

submitted by /u/16bitnoob
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What could I have done better. This was a frustrating game...

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:43 AM PDT

Hi guys,

I need some advice here. What could I or my team have done to win this game. Were we fucked from the beginning with the draft? Were we lacking somewhere in game sense? Could I have itemized better (I was the Lifestealer) ? Any tips on what we could have done differently to win this game would be helpful. I just couldn't seem to close it.

Here is the dotabuff - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3330747318

submitted by /u/xcalibur1992
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Undying Mid. Any way to win with this?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:59 AM PDT

Lately I've been playing Undying mid. I've found that he will almost always win lane very hard and even if you get ganked you will usually survive, possibly even with a kill or two.

However the hero is bad at pushing towers and does fall off after 25-30 min, especially if the enemy team has disable. Even of you dominate you can't win the game with him.

Is there any way to make it viable?

submitted by /u/tPRoC
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