Heroes of the Storm - Chu8 On Flaming

Chu8 On Flaming

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:12 PM PDT

Angry Squeaking Frog - Abathur

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:54 AM PDT

Garrosh with Li-Ming's face

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:06 PM PDT

Adrenaline Rush (Raynor's E) Text .

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:16 PM PDT

So the current text on Raynor's trait is the following :

  • Adrenaline Rush (E)

  • Cooldown: 40 seconds

  • Automatically activates to heal for 457.6 (+4% per level) when you are below 30% Health.

Shouldn't it also specify that the Heal is actually a Heal over Time and the duration of said healing buff instead of just stating it as a flat out heal like Thrall's Frostwolf Presence ?

submitted by /u/Breezus-Christ
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the team should be able to see the fresh meat stacks

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:23 AM PDT

i think you should be able to see the stacks just like quest stacks

submitted by /u/solow89
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Official art with Garrosh

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:06 AM PDT

Interesting Stukov strat in Cursed Hollow ft. Bakery

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:24 PM PDT

Blackhearts Bay getting reworked

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:40 AM PDT

According to one of my friends who spoke to a developer for Heroes at Comic Con, Blackhearts bay will be getting a rework along with "tooling around on some of the old maps." He also mentioned that more starcraft might be put into new maps that are coming out.

Any speculation on how they may actually change Blackhearts? I'm all for the change because the current iteration definitely has some big flaws.

submitted by /u/James_Jet
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Tracer's talent "Get stuffed!" makes the enemy dash before pushing them

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Tracer isn't really a popular choice. Rarely do people manage to get her to level 20 and choose "Get stuffed!" talent and do their best to utilize the push it grants well. Buuuut here's the catch: https://youtu.be/yTYd9SND-OA

Rather than pushing the enemy away, the instant explosion first makes the enemy dash a short distance in the direction they were running and THEN push them away from Tracer. As a result they will often be sent flying into the direction they were running, regardless of Tracer's position. It is likely that the "Bullet spray" talent which makes the melee attack instant, grants increased range and AoE has something to do with this bug. Nevertheless, it does make Tracer gameplay significantly less reliable from level 20 onward.

Blizzard, can we have this fixed? I think it's fairly serious :/

I've tried it in sandbox mode - it occurs every time you try to get in the way of a fleeing enemy (so it's not a one time occurrence, it's easy to reproduce)

submitted by /u/Mavelovent
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Is Rexxar bugged?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

Sexy Rexxy was traditionally one of my favorite heroes to play. I didn't play him for an entire season after they changed Misha's controls. I was, admittedly, scared that I was going to dislike the new control scheme.

I started playing him the other day, and it actually felt pretty nice! ALT+D and bam that little bear is coming right back to ya at high speed. His new talents are also pretty sweet.

However, I noticed that sometimes when casting, "Misha, Charge," my favorite teddy bear would ignore me, and the move would go on cooldown. It wouldn't use the stacks of Dire Beast, but Misha would just look at Sexy Rexxy and continue to chew on whatever minions shoe she already had ahold of.

P.s. How juiced would a Sexy Rexxy skin be? He could have pink silk underwear, and throw dildos.

TL;DR Is Rexxar's W sometimes not making Misha charge?

Edit: Changed all instances of, "Rexxar," to, "Sexy Rexxy," and added a skin request.

submitted by /u/UnclePonch
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Trikslyr has a close call with a slap-athur

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:10 AM PDT

Li-Ming announcer

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:11 AM PDT

Like come on, Blizzard, why is this not a thing yet?


*Li-Ming voice* Front page, yes!

submitted by /u/RaduAlex1
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What if I don't want a serious banner?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:37 PM PDT

Can a girl get a pool-toy banner for suns out? A stack of fireworks for the new year? A nightlight to match Pajamathur?

I just want cool banners to match my cool skins. Q.Q

submitted by /u/ghoti023
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With Garrosh joining The Nexus soon, lets take a moment to appreciate Jaina as a character.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:20 AM PDT

This is mostly a bit of lore talk, which, I'm sure some of you will find interesting! With Garrosh, being a pivotal character in Jaina's character development I thought why not reflect on her character? How did Jaina go from the sweet loving kind of person to this bitter all hating person.

So here goes!

Born before the First War (Orcs invading Azeroth for the first time), Jaina was the youngest child of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, Lord of Kul Tiras, ally of Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Azeroth. Jaina was always interested with tales of the Guardian Aegwynn. When her magical talent was discovered she was sent to Dalaran, she badgered Antonidas into accepting her as an apprentice, eventually becoming one of the few female wizards in direct service to Dalaran. Under pressure by the expectations of her mentor, the heroic legacy she had to live up to, and the watchful eye of the citizenry of Lordaeron, Jaina struggled to keep her focus on her studies.

Because both Jaina and Prince Arthas were well known for their royal family, it was only a matter of time until they met. They remained friends for a long time, and eventually even got into a relationship, which after a while, Arthas wasn't so sure if he was ready for that. So he ended the relationship so Jaina could focus on her studies of magic and Arthas would focus on his kingdom. Jaina was hurt, but never fought about it, after a few years their love was growing again, but this was right at the beginning of the Scourge invasion. An invasion, that would change both their lives, forever.

As the Scourge grew larger in numbers Medivh, Guardian of Azeroth warned King Terenas Menethil and Antonidas, leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, about the threat and that their people should go west, to the forgotten lands of Kalimdor, both of them, dismissed this as nonsense. Jaina however, was intrigued, and Antonidas sent her to meet with Prince Arthas and investigate the plague at the village of Brill.

In the village they found a Necromancer, some undead, including an abomination, (pre-stitches), tainted grains with the seal of Andorhal, the primary distributor of grain throughout Lordaeron.

They chased the Necromancer who turned out to be Kel'thuzad and they fought bravely against an army of undead, which after defeating them, Arthas killed Kel'thuzad.

After seeing a village being turned into the undead, Arthas vowed to go to Stratholme, to end this. He wanted to purge the entire city, which he even asked Jaina & Uther to help him with. As Uther said this was not right, Uther, feeling these people didn't choose to be infected didn't deserve to be slaughtered like animals. Arthas claimed that an act of treason and dismissed him, even asking Jaina to help him to which she replied: 'I'm sorry Arthas, I can't watch you do this.'

After Arthas was done, she and Uther returned to Stratholme, in shock of what they saw: Thousands of dead of bodies, the city in flames, the once beautiful Stratholme, was now, a graveyard. Medivh appeared to her again, and urged to travel west to Kalimdor, Jaina realizing he's right, and prepared to for her journey to Kalimdor.

Just in time as well, because if she had stayed any longer, the thousands of people she took with her, would have fallen to the now, fully operational invasion of the scourge.

Jaina, now landed in Kalimdor, the Orcs, however, also were there, and believing they followed her to kill them, she fought them. When some battles happened, she came across Cairne and Thrall, ready to strike at them, Medivh appeared, now revealing his identity, and saying they should all ally to defeat the Burning Legion, reluctantly, Jaina agreed.

She then helped Thrall purify Grom Hellscream from the demonic taint to which after that, Grom killed Mannoroth, and saved his people even at the expense of his own life.

While the Orcs and Human were building camps in Ashenvale the Night Elf rangers lead by Tyrande Whisperwind attacked, Tyrande furious for them destroying the forests instantly thought they were enemies.

After being so close to falling apart all together, Thrall received a vision to a place he should go, Jaina followed him where they met up with Tyrande & Malfurion, again Medivh appeared and explained how the Orcs, Humans and Elves must work together, to save Mount Hyjal from the demon Archimonde.

They won the war, at great expense, the Night Elves lost their immortality, but Azeroth was saved, at least, for now.

After this battle, Jaina travelled to Dustwallow Marsh where she began construction of Theramore, unknown to her, her Father had come to the shores of Durotan, Rexxar, champion of The Horde demanded an explanation to which she had no idea of what was happening.

Jaina eventually found out her father come to visit, she pleaded that Rexxar, Thrall, The Horde were of no threat, but he wouldn't have none of it. Conflicted to her loyalty for her father, she realized that petty hatred and war were no better than the Legion and the Scourge, she helped Thrall and Rexxar assault Theramore, but then she left, unable to fight her own men, Thrall and Rexxar promised, they would keep the casualties to a minimum. Her last words to her father were 'Oh father, why didn't you listen'

After this some tension happened between Orc and Human shipping, but Thrall and Jaina remained friends and even signed a pact for their people to stay neutral and have mutual respect.

Now, we come to Wrath of the Lich King, where Jaina, has to kill her true love, because he too, fell, to the corruption of the Scourge. She found out, that all this time Arthas had kept her locket. The last piece of humanity of Arthas, his love for her, had endured, all these years.

In tears, Jaina tells us, how she felt the last bit of humanity in him, clinging to control the evil powers, May he at last find rest. But she does not know, Arthas did not find rest, but was instead, sent to hell..

Now we come to the part where I believe, the saddest thing happened, Jaina has lost so much, endured so much, and still thrived for peace, still believed in harmony between the two factions.

Garrosh made a mana bomb, and blew up Theramore.. killing thousands, Rhonin, saved her, Jaina saw all her friends obliterated, her apprentice, Kinndy, her corpse turned to ash when she tried to pick it up.. her friends Pained, Rhonin, Tervosh all dead. She urged for war and went as far as to throw the Blood Elves out of Dalaran.

This is where I'll stop the lore talk and give my opinion on Jaina, I think she's a very strong character, and strong people can endure a lot, but one day they've had enough. And for Jaina, that was when Garrosh bombed Theramore.

She even forgave the Horde when Garrosh was defeated and put on Trial. Saying 'Garrosh is not the Horde.'

As to why she's suddenly so hateful to The Horde again, unbeknownst to them, the Horde had to retreat or be dead completely. So they think they were abandoned, and thus driving Jaina in a rage again.

Garrosh is a very important character in Jaina her story, one that may have ruined this beloved character forever, and I can't hate him enough, for how much he hurt her after everything she's endured.

So I hope you enjoyed this! Just a bit of lore considering Jaina! If you liked this and would like more do let me know and I'll see what I can bring up! :)

Thanks for reading, and do let me know what you think about Jaina's story, and when Garrosh releases, lets all kill him as Jaina!

Also: Here's a beautiful song from the P.O.V of Jaina and Arthas during his battle with The Lich King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1dEoc52F8g

submitted by /u/TheSammyKnight
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That feeling when you get to draft a shield the murky comp in solo ranked

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:23 PM PDT

http://imgur.com/a/lvNFr First two picked murky and aba so i said wth and grabbed tass. One of the most fun games I had in ranked in a while.

submitted by /u/UndeadAI
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Queued up as Genji for a QM, loaded in as Karazhim, and I don't even own Karazhim.

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:12 PM PDT

Anti Mobility Heroes

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:29 AM PDT

With an ever increasing roster of mobile heroes I thought it would be interesting to think of some potential counter abilities and the heroes that you would like to see with said ability.

While considering potential abilities for Maiev to differentiate her from Zeratul I came up with an ability I call shackle. How I envisioned it to work is that Maiev would chain herself to a target enemy and if they tried to move away from Maiev they would suffer a slow, moving out of the tether radius however would cause the chain to break and stun the target.

Another ability I would like to see is Bloodseekers ultimate from Dota, for those unaware of how it works you cast the ultimate on an enemy hero and they take damage if they move while the ability is on them, I'm not sure which hero this ability would fit on though.

What are your thought on some anti mobility abilities?

submitted by /u/neers1985
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How do you all play Zul'jin? Are you supposed to die a lot but get lots of kills for your team?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:35 PM PDT

Bought this hero last week, having a lot of fun with him but in nearly every match I'm always the one with the highest amount of death...and kills...and by far. Strange enough my winrate is QM while playing this hero have skyrocketed, lol. So I'm just wondering how are you all playing this hero? Am I supposed to die often? do you guys die often while playing this hero? I'm asking because just now, even though we won easily, I've been called a feeder yet I finished the match with 18 kills (everyone else had like 4-5 kills max on both team), 24 Assist and gulp 10 death with the highest hero damage (82k).

This seems to be trend when I play this hero, I die so much but I also get so much kills. Especially with his tazdingo ult where I can take out 1 or 2 enemy before dying which make the rest of the fight for my team much easier.

Is this how this hero supposed to be played? Go in, kill everything and die? lol

submitted by /u/spacehamburger
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Destination: Kiev

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:38 AM PDT

Should block be changed to seconds of physical armor rather than charges?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:12 AM PDT

I really feel like this is needed at this point, with fast attack characters extremely common and meta, its very rare that you are even allowed to take a block talent.

I have heard many people say "oh but why should heroes not exist to counter" and "thats why you should pick different talents", but it is ridiculous to me that auto attack heroes are countering an auto attack counter talent.

submitted by /u/Rexigon
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What Big Feature is Coming Next?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 05:00 AM PDT

Direct Link to the poll

Around BlizzCon 2016, we not only had a look back at the year in Heroes, we also got a very small glimpse at what's to come in 2017. A few of these features have now been implemented, along others that we didn't know about (e.g., in-game UI overhaul). So, the roadmap looks something like this:

  • ☑︎ Progression System 2.0
  • ☑︎ Reworked Haunted Mines
  • ☐ Hero Swaps (outside of Custom Games)
  • ☐ Voice Chat (inside Heroes, not just Blizzard Voice)
  • ☐ Party Finder Improvements
  • ☐ Clans

With the Western and Eastern Clashes coming up and HGC taking a break a week before and after, I get the suspicion that we're due for a big feature patch very soon. So the question is: what's coming next? What do you hope for most? What would you be most excited for? I've created a strawpoll with the above options but feel free to post other ideas in the comments.

submitted by /u/Kamikaze28
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Does anyone here pay attention to daily quests?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 09:04 PM PDT

I sure don't...

They just come and go and get completed without me noticing. Maybe they could be made a bit more exciting?

submitted by /u/cyclecube
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What non Blizzard property would you like to see as a cross over skin for heroes?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:51 PM PDT

Li-Ming as Freeza

Mario Luigi and Wario for TLV

Mojo from marvel for Azmodan

submitted by /u/Keypaw
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Getting ganked

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 10:57 AM PDT

Can please people understand that the solution to being ganked early in the game is not grouping (and therefore loosing soak), is playing safe on your lane and look at the mini map. 90% of the time you get ganked is your fault.

submitted by /u/Hyundi
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