Learn Dota 2 - How not to let losing streaks get to you OR Toxicity is infectious

How not to let losing streaks get to you OR Toxicity is infectious

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:31 PM PDT

tl;dr: Didn't take my own advice and flamed back people who flamed me. Ended up flaming other people in other games and tilting. Toxicity is infectious.

I lost 12 out of my last 15 matches. I was pretty mad for some of these but by keeping a positive mental attitude, I don't let these small things get to me. Another thing that helps is analyzing each game. Note: These games are in reverse chronological order. Game 1 is my most recent game, game 2 is the game before that, game 3 was before game 2, and so on.

  1. Nobody bought courier or wards so I sold my stout shield to pay for them. Our lone support hero flamed me from the very beginning for giving up first blood. The enemy Abaddon skilled Curse of Avernus first which caught me by surprise and prevented me from running away (if he had Apothic Shield at level 1 I would've been able to run away safely). I instantly muted our support player and only saw after going to DotaBuff that he was flaming me the entire game.

    Furthermore, we had a full time jungler who jungled for over 20 minutes. I had to yell at him on mic to wake up and help our midlaner and our support and me in a team fight which he ignored to jungle just one screen away.

    He would then proceed to steal every single tome in the game. I don't know if he was scripting or spamming the F5 key but he stole all three XP tomes even though he was our highest level hero and had a Hand of Midas.

    We really had no chance with a toxic support and an AFK jungler. I did the best that I could, and I should not worry too much about this.

    Ending: Aron rages for a few minutes, calms down, then types this post. He then decides to take a break from DotA 2 to reset his morale. :)

  2. I noticed that I had premuted our hard carry. I did not say anything about this ingame. We dominated most of the game until the end, when our hard carry started YOLOing over and over again into the enemy team. At that point the rest of the team were calling him out in voice chat, and I told them that I had played with him before and that I knew that he was a glory hog who ends up feeding by diving the enemy team. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to tilt him and the rest of the team.

    After the match, I told the other three players, just report him if you want, and then let it go. Don't let players like that ruin your day. The entire team did so and moved on.

    Ending: Aron managed to calm his tilted team down. They still lost but hey, spreading PMA is a good thing.

  3. We actually won this. It was a horrible stomp in our favor. A very unsatisfying match that ended in less than 23 minutes. A win is a win. I was feeling bad and normally I wouldn't have found this satisfying, but I am on a losing streak.

    The important thing to remember is that everyone has bad games every now and then. It was just my opponents' turn.

    Ending: The enemy team has the same chance of getting bad or toxic players as your team. Focus on doing your job and you'll do fine.

  4. Hard carry had connection issues and was lagging the entire early game. He gave up first blood due to lag. I skilled Penitence to try and help in what I assumed would be a team fight but lag made his hero just sit there and die. Since I skilled Penitence, I needed to get to level 2 quickly so I'd be able to start mind controlling creeps.

    However, our Pudge kept leeching my XP in the jungle and even blocked a few jungle camps by walking on top of the spawn boxes while following me around. I lost it and yelled at him on mic to GTFO. I did not reach level 2 until after four minutes. At this point I was on tilt but tried to calm myself down. It worked for a while.

    Unfortunately, our hard carry and our offlaner started flaming our Invoker for not hitting his Sun Strikes. He told them, in an angry voice, that he was out of mana and he told them beforehand. They went on tilt after dying several times and now it was my turn to be the voice of reason. I told Invoker to just ignore them and play, and that he was doing okay.

    (It's possible that I caused this chain reaction tilt to occur. I was very angry at Pudge for the entire early game and I made it known to my team.)

    While I did get myself and Invoker to calm down, the other three were on full tilt and there was nothing else we could do. We threw a game where we managed to come back and dominate the other team, all because three players focused too much on their teammates' mistakes.

    Ending: Tried to tell Invoker that he was doing fine the whole game, but he had already left the post-game chat. Tried to post a message on his profile but it wasn't open for comments. Hopefully he got what I was saying to him the whole game ("You're doing fine, man, just focus and we can win.")

  5. This was the most frustrating game I had played in 2017. Our team absolutely dominated the entire game until our Bloodseeker and our Enigma started getting cocky. They'd keep diving and feeding comeback gold. They also mocked me throughout the game in voice chat for having a "bad game" (I was 0-15 at one point, with an end score of 9-17). I wasn't using my mic at the time but I turned it on and yelled at them to stop diving and feeding. I should've just muted them but I let them get to me and tilt me.

    Fortunately, our Viper and our Phoenix were the twin voices of reason and talked me down from just attack-moving down mid. I figured that if these two were just going to keep Leeroying into the enemy, why not just do the same and end the game sooner?

    Also, a bit of schadenfreude... I checked the Enigma players' profile and he has lost more games than I have in the same amount of time. He played about 10 games since this game, while I only played four games since this one (with #1 above being the fourth game after this). He is on a massive losing streak playing full-time junglers and his attitude (pointing out people's mistakes) probably doesn't help with team morale. I shouldn't be happy about this but I am.

    Ending: I was mad. Really, really mad. This game tilted me until #1 above, and I'm still feeling the anger and frustration from this game. I played games 1 to 4 on tilt. I will confess that I actually did a lot of what our BS and Enigma did in games #1 to #4 (flaming the team, pointing out teammates' mistakes). Basically, toxicity is infectious which is why keeping a positive mental attitude is important.

  6. This one was interesting. I actually wasn't raging at any point, just mildly annoyed. One of our players highlighted Faceless Void during the entire drafting phase. We drafted based around Faceless Void. When it was his turn, he picked Ursa at the last second, with no warning given. Our draft was fucked but the rest of the team stayed calm.

    We then managed to dominate most of the game but our hard carry Ursa started YOLOing into the enemy. When he wasn't YOLOing, he'd TP to a faraway part of the map to farm. He did this several times instead of ending the game and getting megacreeps.

    He might've been on a quest, or maybe he just wanted to finish an item. Regardless, he raged at the team for "feeding." I called him out in voice chat: "Don't blame us, we could've ended this 15 minutes ago if you weren't so damned greedy. Don't blame our supports for dying when they try to save you. For the rest of you, you did fine. Ursa, this is 100% your fault."

    Ending: In retrospect, I probably should've been more diplomatic, but as I mentioned above, toxicity is infectious. This is almost like game 2 where our hard carry chain feeds and blames the team who gets wiped trying to save him.

  7. Our team did well during the first half (seeing a pattern here) until our Broodmother tilts and starts flaming the team for having a bad draft. I call him out for this by telling him, "Hey man, you were the last pick. We already had two stealth heroes and a Chen, and then you last pick Broodmother. What the hell did you think would happen? You're not even microing your spiderlings. Don't blame your fucking team."

    Ending: You probably noticed that as we go into the past, the less prone to tilt and toxicity I was. This is not a coincidence. As I mentioned multiple times already, toxicity is infectious. In this game, we had one player blame the team. I maintain my composure but call him out on it. Regardless, the act of responding to the flame made me more prone to flaming my team in the future.

I'm going to stop with seven games into the past because the rest is just going to be repeats of these games, except with different players and heroes. I started off not muting flamers on my team, then moved on to defending the victims of flaming, then calling out the flamers for their bullshit, then finally flaming my own team. End result is losing 12 out of the last 15 games.

submitted by /u/AronTimes
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Why did miracle go for aoe def blast in planet odd v liquid game 1?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 02:46 PM PDT

How does that help him more than the tornado cooldown reduce?;

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Finally when I start getting a little bit confident in my play

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:37 PM PDT

I go on another losing streak, this game is so rough

submitted by /u/Midnight017
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How can I improve my core play? (1k mmr)

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:34 PM PDT

https://www.opendota.com/matches/3330377050/ - Cockwerk loss https://www.opendota.com/matches/3311919003 - Legion commander win https://www.opendota.com/matches/3311919003 - Clinkz loss

Hello, it's me again. I've enjoyed a 60% winrate recently after dropping down 200 MMR over a couple weeks by chasing losses, as I rise back up to what seems to be my approximate level.

I chose two losses and a win as while I played poorly for all three, I feel they represent a more or less average game at my current personal skill level.

The postgame stats showed most of what I needed to know for the Clock game: I didn't hit creeps enough to get the items I needed on time, and I made several shitty initiations that on top of an outdraft were enough to seal the coffin. The racist chat from minute 0 on Huskar's part didn't help either.

The LC game, I was able to get the snowball rolling and despite my best efforts to throw the game by blinking in solo, I was able to stack up enough duel damage to a-click down mid for the GG. I feel I itemized rather poorly, with soul ring prior to boots very nearly losing me the lane.

The clinkz loss was a SCIENTISTS BAFFLED level throw, where in the final fight I decided to attempt to baserace 4 heroes without a deso, in what was a fairly close match prior to that.

Having calibrated a little bit above my current solo mmr for TI, I've decided to take a break until the group stages to practice my mechanics against unfair bots, because I feel that CS is behind most of the matches that I end up losing. My most successful heroes are all supports with the exception of WK, and I'm hoping someone here can take a look at some of my play and tell me what I most urgently need to improve on in order to gitgud.


-hypocube, former Dunning/Kruger-ite

submitted by /u/-LVP-
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Diffusal blade AM?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:55 AM PDT

Yesterday miracle went diffusal blade on anti-mage in a pro game. How does that work? does the drain do anything or is it just for cheap agility?

submitted by /u/SBFms
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Clockwerk Force Staff

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 01:19 PM PDT

I remember a few patches ago Clock was considered trash and ridiculed because a single item rendered him useless. What has changed? His lvl 25 talent is great but that shouldn't matter too much. Force Staff also got buffed.

submitted by /u/WilliamZappa
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Learning from low-tier games

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:57 PM PDT

Alright so I've been stuck in the 1.9k-2k range for the past two weeks, before that I went on a double down winning spree going from my calibration 1742 all the way to 2013. The past two weeks has been me winning and losing my way around the 1.9-2k range.

As I review these games, I look for mistakes. Mostly when I see myself die I say things like "Oh it was horrible positioning in this fight", or "I got ganked because I had no vision of the jungle, and Bloodseeker had a Shadow Blade." But then I know that if I was really good enough to be ~2.5k-3k then I wouldn't run into these problems and would just stomp the game.

Sometimes even the mistakes include things I cannot fix. Things like "My team was constantly fighting while I tried to finish my item, feeding the enemy heroes. When I finally got farmed, I'm three levels behind the other guy", or (as a squishy glass cannon) "No one wanted to frontline, so I get immediately jumped and I die; all our DPS is gone."

In terms of my supporting, things like the above happen, but to my teammates. Bottom line is: How can I be like the people in higher MMRs, given my scenario? I am fully aware I am lacking in last hits, farming efficiency, positioning as a core, and that as a support I lack space creating, and impact in general. However is games within the 2k tier going to solve these? I'm only at 840 hours, so is it going to get better over time? Or how should I improve myself to be that 3k+ player who has good games regardless of his team?

Hopefully I didn't sound like an arrogant guy, any advice in general is appreciated! :D


submitted by /u/csnetro
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Early game Luna build?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:48 PM PDT

Lately I've been playing a lot of Luna, since she fits my 5-stack's playstyle quite nicely. Lategame buys for her seem pretty intuitive, but I'm not sure what to buy early game. I default to treads->aquila->MoM, and that gives me a ton of killing power until maybe 20-25 minutes. The problem that I've been feeling is that after that 25 minute mark, I feel useless for about 15 minutes. Manta gives me some additional power, BKB gives me some survivability, but it's not until Skadi that I feel like I'm really at another power spike. I also feel like I end up starved for slots, since I also need to carry TPs, dust, raindrops etc. Is there an early game build which can give me a more smooth power curve? I see some guides suggest HotD; what does that give me over MoM? Any other buys which might help?

Edit: Some opendota links




Wow, I didn't realize I've only played 4 games of this hero. The 4th is an unranked game where I was learning the hero, so I don't think it's worth posting.

submitted by /u/RoadKiehl
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Returning after 5 years..

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 12:15 PM PDT

Hi Reddit, i've decided to return to Dota 2 after 5 years. I've been away playing other MOBAs and MMOs and would like to get back into Dota 2. Would anybody be willing to give me some tips / tricks to get back in, and hey! if anybody wants to play a few games pm me!


submitted by /u/Matty__FTW
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My first domination

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:30 PM PDT

I've been playing Dota 2 for about six months now. I started by playing support to get a feel for the game.

This past week, I've been re-watching the "Day[9] Learns Dota" series of videos. I started trying to practice last hits, and to get better at other roles. Since Purge analyzed Day[9]'s games and item builds, I figured Viper was a good hero to practice for the mid lane.

Last night, I played my first game where I was dominating. In the laning stage (against Jakiro mid!) I had an early lead. I was concentrating on last hits, instead of harassing, and only using my Q to inflict damage. When Jakiro had low health, I started zoning him out - staying on his side of the river, while I was picking off and denying creeps with him out of XP range.

I even survived a couple of 2-on-1 gank attempts - actually killing the PA that jumped on me, and getting Jakiro low enough that he had to back. I went to shrine to take a bath, but then could continue farming after that.

I went 22/1/11 - I had a part in more than half of my team's 60 kills. I had 8k gold more than anyone else in the game.

Some notes from my self-analysis:

  • This was the first game where I had 40 cs and 12 denies at the 10-minute mark. I know it's not great for "normal" players, but it's a personal best for me. I'm normally in the mid 30s.
  • Opponents in my games are usually in the 20s at the 10-minute mark.
  • I stopped blindly following the Torte de Lini Viper guide. I buy a Wraith Band, but I buy tangos instead of an iron branch and faerie fire.
  • Purge pointed out that you probably need more regen. I go boots, Ring of Aquila, headdress (or Helm of the Dominator), instead of going for a Magic Wand or straight to Dragon Lance. As a result, I didn't have to leave lane for almost the first 8 minutes of the game.
  • I locked the brown boots so they don't accidentally combine into Power Treads.
  • I shouldn't have purchased the BKB after getting the Manta Style. Butterfly or something else would have been a better purchase.
  • I had the most problems killing Lifestealer, especially when he turns red with Rage. My solution was to just leave until his ability wore off.
  • We probably could have ended the game earlier, but I don't know that my team was working as well together as we could have.

I'm hoping that some of this will help other people who are also just starting out.

A big thank you - both to /r/learndota2 and to Day[9] and Purge! Lurking on here has given me a lot more to think about as I play, and I think it's helped me understand the game better. I'm still a newb (185 hrs, 104 matches) but at least I feel like I understand some of what's going on now. :)

See you in battle!

About me:

  • Played StarCraft and StarCraft 2 - random low gold (bottom 50%)
  • Played a little League of Legends - unranked
  • Watched some of the Rektreational but had no idea what was going on
  • Watched the newcomer's stream for TI4 and TI5
  • Analyzed some of my games starting out as a support: game 1, games 2-5, game 6
submitted by /u/chayashida
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Help me improve please

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:26 AM PDT

I was the Weaver in this match, and we got completely wrecked by faceless void. I literally couldn't get near any of their towers. My last hits were also abysmal. Also troll constantly flaming me wasn't helping.

I felt like my team wasn't very good,and faceless void is a direct counter to weaver, but is there anything I could have done to win us the match?

This sub has been invaluable to me and any advice would be appreciated.

Dotabuff - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3329834667

submitted by /u/MisterSamua
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looking for mid partner in sea which are around 4k

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:33 AM PDT

My latest sniper game. What else should I improve upon?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

Sniper used to be my spam-pick back in the 2013 days. Looking back, I did extremely bad on those early games.


On my latest game, I did okay. While I've almost finished improving my positioning and farming, what else should I try to improve?

submitted by /u/axl2468
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Should every hero get a magic wand?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:51 AM PDT

Just curious. I mean, the charges can be life-saving but I'm not sure if I should spend money on a magic wand in every game. Can it be suitable to buy a wand or stick in all games?

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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what could we have done differently here

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 12:11 AM PDT

hi guys just lost a game where the other team had a ridiculous wombocombo team (silencer, spec, tide, enig, dusa). 4 huge ulties. when you're faced with such a team, what are some suggestions on winning? try to end the game early? completely stumped here, usually i can think of something to counter 1 or 2 heroes, but not 4.

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3328389785 - dotabuff of the match, i was mirana

submitted by /u/li-on1
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where can I find people who want to play the battle cup? Please help

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

Apologies if this is not the right place to ask, If it doesnt contribute to learning, but this is my favorite sub, If needed. Here is a question, Do you use strats when you play the battle cup, and if so what strats? And what do those strats accomplish?

submitted by /u/LzVirtue
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Is juggernaut viable in 7.06?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:52 AM PDT

I really haven't seen him in pubs even if he was used to be quite strong. Also what is the normal item progression?

submitted by /u/RedPho3niXFallschirm
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What items should I be buying more of as a support?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:27 AM PDT

I've been trying to improve my dota skills by trying to build more reactive depending on how the game is going. I tend to buy the same items over and over again however. Items such as force staff/glimmer cape are something that I really feel I should get more but generally don't. I've been buying more smokes of deceit when I know we will try to use them efficiently.

Side notes:

2k MMR, 1300ish games played. I don't play ranked often; in normal skill bracket however according to dotabuff.

I mostly play supports such as Lich, CM, Ogre, Necro (situationally).


https://www.dotabuff.com/players/112943083/items?date=6month&metric=used (Last 6 months)


https://www.dotabuff.com/players/112943083/heroes?date=6month&metric=played (Last 6 months)

I play with higher mmr friends quite frequently, and they usually ask me to get certain items if it's very good, like lotus orb/vlads and whatnot after I have some core items.

Items such as force staff, other utilities aside, I seem to not buy because I try to position myself well in fights, near the back or in fog.

Gem, Urn, seem to be two items that come to mind right away depending on the game. I'm much more likely to buy sentries than buy a gem for myself or a more survivable hero.

In addition, I've been liking to roam early game once I pick up levels two or three If my lane can sustain without me.

submitted by /u/Frost_Foxes
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