Learn Dota 2 - How do I put talents in the build creator?

How do I put talents in the build creator?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:47 AM PDT

I'm trying to make my own warlock build but the build creator doesn't let me save the skill build because I don't see talents and can't insert talents

submitted by /u/thesammanila
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Looking for advice on playing support better (4.6k)

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 04:18 PM PDT

Transitioned to support not too long ago and I still have the same problem now as I did to begin with which is that i find it hard to get ahead in the laning stage. I'm mostly playing pos 5 but I'm finding it hard to hit consistent lvl 6 timings and getting items coming out of the laning stage which can be quite detrimental to my team some games. Looking for advice mostly on how to play the lane and manage zoning/pulling/warding ect and especially on how to get off to a good start when playing pos 5. Honestly mostly looking for advice from people higher mmr than me (naturally) but if you think you have something that might be useful to me or other people then please share. Thanks in advance :)


submitted by /u/Mapex_
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Can u check my tryhard game? :3

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:19 PM PDT

Yo folks, I got myself in a 10 loses streak. epic. technically two streaks of 5 but the lone victory in the log I had little impact anyway.

So yesterday I didn't played at all, instead I watched all my games (it rly helps lol) and practice lanning offline vs bots, restarting the game every 10m.

Today my first game was absolutely literally 200% tryhard 2017. And the game was going my way up to 40m, after that a Slark that was abysmally behind catched up and I started dying.

We won the game but I lost control of it, so I would like to hear what you kawaii peeps think of the game by the 40m mark. :3 PS i'm Luna, princess of the night

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3303637548 Match ID 3303637548

submitted by /u/Dsiak
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Someone help me understand from a Carry perspective lane control vs when to lane push

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:21 AM PDT

I'm currently 4k and I can keep a lane equilibrium perfectly, my problem is even when I don't want to keep a lane equilibrium to push a tower, I still keep it unintentionally because I keep denying creeps.

What I don't understand is why should I ever want to push a lane since I lose the equilibrium and send free farm to the offlaner, yes I gain a few neutral creeps but he gains just as much, If I keep it controlled, he has nothing but the 2-3 jungle camps, while I still have decent farm (65-70 creeps @10min)

My question is when should I control a lane and when or why should a lane be pushed especially early game (15<)?

submitted by /u/a1pop
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What should a support do when carrys are taking all the farm mid game ,almost nothing to do and trying to get kills by engaging an enemy will defin get you killed?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:28 PM PDT


submitted by /u/qeyqey
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Invoker Talents

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:57 PM PDT

I have seen so many games, the invoker gets the talents at the last 4 levels, is this something that is good?

submitted by /u/Transporter444
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Why do normal matchmaking matched me up with noobs?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:46 PM PDT

I'm 2k right now, but the other players are usually below level 10 profile badges.

submitted by /u/IkhlasNG
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How to play vs PA+KOTL lane?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:49 AM PDT

I had this game today. I played as Luna safe-lane carry which turned out to be not so safe because of constant Illuminate + Dagger spam. I have been spending ALL of my money on tangos and salve but still managed to die a couple times when courier was busy. As a result at 15 mins I had Aquila and brown boots and PA had Desolator. From that point it only got worse because I couldn't farm safely anywhere and PA's team snowballed very hard.

So the question is, what could I do differently in this game (especially in lane) to win (or at least survive) it? I know Luna wasn't best pick in this situation and AA isn't very good lane support (even though he tried to do his best to help me). But given pick we had, what could we do?

submitted by /u/Kumagor0
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Can anyone point me to some replays of an Antimage laning against an aggro dual-lane?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:36 AM PDT

Having a lot of trouble with the laning stage on AM at the moment in potato tier (1k), thanks to the omnipresent super-aggressive dual lanes.

Normally I'd look at high-MMR player replays and see what they do, but high-MMR AM replays are almost always trilanes. Even stuff like Rebirth Of Legend's AM guides (around 4k, iirc) are assuming a trilane.

Hence, I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some replays of higher-MMR AMs dealing with hyper-aggressive dual lanes, in a dual lane, to see how they do it? Obviously it'll be a rough lane for the AM, but there's "17 minute BF rough lane" and there's "22 minute BF rough lane", and I'm hoping to figure out how to have the first, not the second.

Note: I'm not looking for general advice here. I'm specifically wanting to watch replays to see how other people do it. I may well ask for advice/share Dotabuff/etc another time, but right now I am very specifically looking for replays to learn from.

submitted by /u/cairmen
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Clockwerk Hook Stun timing

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:17 PM PDT

When clockwerk hooks somebody, do they get stunned the moment the hook itself makes impact, or when clockwerk catches up and hits them?

submitted by /u/shapplesauce
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Queued into 7k stack as a 4.5k, what did we need to do to make the game competitive?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:58 PM PDT

Obviously, they're better than us at everything. I played spectre and felt like I didn't make too many mistakes (missed some cs, got caught a couple times I shouldn't have) but even if I didn't make these mistakes I felt like the game would have been just as lost. It wasn't a total stomp (40 mins) but I'm not sure what I needed to do personally to make it a closer game.

Had a rough laning phase (Slar off, dual roam riki + tusk w/ sunstike), we lost the entire map and were stuck in our base, and eventually just lost after rosh and a high ground push.

What could I personally have done better to make the game more competitive? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


submitted by /u/JustWannaBeHappy27
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How To Deal With Illusion-Based Heroes?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:53 AM PDT


What are the best ways to counter/wreck heroes like PL or CK? I usually just buy Mjollnir if I happen to play a carry but other than that I rely on AoE spells if I play a caster. How to know which hero is real and which are just the clones without attacking them? In case of PL there's 40 of them and if I'm a single target hero, it seems impossible to hit the right one if there is no AoE to nuke the clones.

submitted by /u/Grigo_
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What to do as earth shaker before blink?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:33 PM PDT

Trying to pick up this hero as he's seen so much play in recent tournaments. I feel like I have his combo down and like playing heroes like axe,centaur, and slardar so the blink initiations feel good. But unlike those heroes, before blink earth shaker feels like useless. I get fissureing from the trees but really can't do anything after that... He also doesn't have a great way to farm... Any tips for help on early game earth shaker?

submitted by /u/Nwball
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any alternative to dota2.gamepedia? since it's not updated...any updated pure mechanics website

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:32 PM PDT

title says it all...in depth mechanics site would be amazing...gamepedia is great but the next update will most likely come out after TI7 with 1-2 months...

submitted by /u/Sanrut
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Pls help morphling players

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:12 PM PDT

Ive recently got into morphling and had a few questions.

First, how much agility should I put in at the start of the game?

Second, when is EB a good item, and what else can I build if it isn't?

Finally, is mid morph viable? (Is it as good or even better than safelane)


submitted by /u/timmoshu
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How many times do you think you should buy tangoes?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:29 PM PDT

Had a game as Slark vs a Sandking in lane. Tried my best to aggro to pull the creeps into a better position. However, I had my pms>iron talon but I bought 3 tangoes just for that laning stage. Should I consider just buying a salve next time instead of the tangoes or is it a little better to just have the tangoes.

Also, what is your opinion on RoA on Slark? The mana regen and damage seem nice, however, it also makes me think I'm wasting gold on what is basically 3/4 of a shadow amulet.

submitted by /u/ChrisWorstMedicEver
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How to get out of 2K

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:56 PM PDT

I have been playing dota 2 for almost four years.I calibrated at 1.4k as soon as I was able to play ranked. I've been stuck at 2-2.1k for a year now. I've tried spamming support but its only gotten me so far.

submitted by /u/Thetrashman17
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Vladimir on Phantom Assassin?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:41 AM PDT

I don't play Phantom Assassin often anymore, but recently I am getting back. However, with the 10% Lifesteal talent at level 15, I am thinking of discarding Vlad altogether. Basically, a Perseverance (Battlefury) and this talent are Vlad in a nutshell. I don't believe 25% lifesteal is good because the enemy will just juke or burst me down at that point, better just farm up Black King Bar instead. 15% more attack damage is not that great either, as Phantom Assassin does not tend to buy Agility items.

Then I look at Dotabuff and Vlad is still hugely popular despite the overwhelming decision to play 10% lifesteal talent. So what do you think about this? Why is this item still so appealing these days? This is overkill.

And why do people play 25 Agility instead of 2x daggers? People keep complaining about the daggers, and now there is a chance to throw 2.

submitted by /u/bibotot
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Confused about how abandoning/disconnecting works.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:12 AM PDT

I know that if someone abandons their items are sold and gold is divided between teammates. But if someone disconnects AFTER the game is safe to leave, they still keep their items and their gold isn't divided. Why does it work like that? It seems really unfair if someone from Radiant abandons, and after that someone from Dire DCs, effectively giving the other team a really big advantage.

submitted by /u/muzgmen
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Is it possible to win mid against visage?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:06 AM PDT

Seriously everytime I lane against this hero in 4.5k people are just rolling over me as soon as they hit 6. Everytime the same thing. Just attack with familiars and then nuke with W. Nothing I can do that comes in my mind. Please give me some tips. This was the game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3303150961 Cheers

submitted by /u/Culentriel
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Is Chaos Knight Viable? How To Play Him?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:57 AM PDT

He seems weak early and mid game but if the game goes so long he's not only tanky but his army of clones deals so much dmg, at least that's how I feel about him.

Is he a solid pick or only in some circumstances like expecting the game to go for 60 min+?

What about items? His clones benefit from his stats so I'd say it's better to build items that provide raw stats rather than damage. Is BKB viable? I'm afraid the enemies will instantly know which CK is the hero and right click him to the death. I've tried going for Armlet, Treads, Echo Sabre, Manta, AC and Enigma just wrecked me hard :(

submitted by /u/Grigo_
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Gyrocopter itemization in pubs

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:32 AM PDT

Gyrocopter has been one of my favourite heroes for a while now and while watching the TI qualifiers and other pro games I have noticed a lot of people building halberd into SnY into early butterfly and it makes me wonder what the ideal way to itemize would be in a regular pub games.

Usually I would get wraith band + tango start into bottle > brown boots> aquila then follow up with maelstrom>aghs>bkb if I expect to be farming a lot or expect to be disabled a lot during fights.

But now I am curious to try this more mid-game heavy approach by building stat heavy items and was thinking if my reasoning/timings are correct.

I imagine it roughly to go like this:

Start wraith band + tango > bottle > brown boots > RoA > phase boots > sange > halberd > yasha > finish butterfly by splitting halberd> bkb expecting to peak around 25-30 min

with bottle, phase, RoA, SnY, butterfly

Is the order of purchase roughly correct or should I also try to work in a mask of madness between SnY/butterfly in order to later split it up for finishing the butterfly and later satanic if i need regen.

Are there any other suggested item orders? Obviously disregarding raindrops/salves/casual cloaks.

How often is it worth delaying SnY in order to complete the earlier halberd for the disarm+evasion (obviously wouldnt do this against magic heavy teams etc)

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Jedi_Judas
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Little things in this game that could have changed the outcome

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:16 PM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3301890729 We are the dire, a 4 stack + one friend. The game was very even for the most part (they had slight advantage early, we had slight advantage mid game, they overall had better late game I suppose). One thing that you can see on the net worth graphs is that I (the OD) was less farmed than 3 heroes. Slark and invoker can all get farmed fast, but the timber is a bit surprising. I normally go midas on OD, but I felt it would've been too greedy for both warden and OD to get midas. They were 5 manning our towers with shaman wards so it was hard to farm early game. Later I felt like I farmed a lot but still was less farmed than their team.

Other than that, their treant bought 57 sentries just for our riki, so he was often picked off early due to the absurd number of sentries on the map. It was an even and enjoyable game but what could we have done to pull that advantage to us? Any other tips to any of the members of the dire would also be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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When do I jungle when I'm in lane?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 03:02 AM PDT

Title says it all but for further details, whenever I am in lane and my creeps keep pushing (I am bad at blocking but that's a different topic), I couldn't jungle effectively because 1) my creeps have died fast and now my enemy laner is pushing or 2) I am harrassed so bad when I jungle. Any tips?

submitted by /u/JTGalaxy
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