Learn Dota 2 - Hello. I want to learn enough to watch, understand and enjoy The International

Hello. I want to learn enough to watch, understand and enjoy The International

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:09 PM PDT

I've never played Dota2 (or LoL). I have played maybe ~10 hours of Heroes of the Storm and get the general idea behind MOBAs. I am installing DOTA and want to learn enough to watch a bit of DOTA esports, especially The International.

I am going to read through the material in this sub, but wanted to state my intentions and invite the sub to throw some ideas at me.


submitted by /u/mothdna
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garbage at juggernaut

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:12 PM PDT

I always see people doing amazing with this hero and have relatively no problems outcarrying heroes in the midgame, but every time I attempt to play this badass I feed like a madman. I just can't deal with his terrible mana and need for items to do anything. How do I play this dude?! Just assume my teammate does not have a disable early because it's easier to work with the hardest scenario. What would I do in order to succeed?

Currently, my plan is to go Salve Tango, then stout for some defense so that I can take some little harass. I don't go PMS usually since there's a lot of items to buy early on him. Then, I go boots, into aquila, then phase boots. By this point it becomes hard to remain in lane because of the lack of HP regen. I've had this problem since battle fury left the meta and no one picks it up now, so I wanted to give the new build a try. Here's where I'm stuck. What do I buy first? Yasha is very promising as it gives me what I need, but no survivability. So to compensate I build Sange into it, and now I have S&Y. Then i say, hey, what's going to capitalize on my attack speed and provide my own disable? Basher. Now I feel like I can contest other carries. Usually then I would go blink so that I can make plays off my mobility and help me farm faster since I don't have a battle fury. After this I guess it depends on the situation, usually I upgrade basher and then build into a generic agility providing item such as Skadi if I need tank or butterfly, really depends. this isn't counting items such as MKB obviously where they are necessary. But I've realized I have little to no damage late game and I fall flat like a baby.

I believe my build and my playstyle is the problem, I tend to drift towards the jungle when I lose the lane and stay there until I get the S&Y, while trying to contribute to fights with Omnislash. if you guys really need my dotabuff it's here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/150913734

yeah I was tired today and maybe this was a one time thing but I definitely believe it's something wrong with what I'm doing as a whole. I had a ton more success with the battle fury build and I have absolutely no idea why people don't pick it up anymore. I feel inferior because everyone seems to pull off this new single target based fighting jugg and it makes me seem like an idiot with the hero. I guess it's because I love to farm and battle fury helps me. you guys have any idea how I should play this hero in the future? I have decided to spam him until I have mastered him so I can take him into ranked.

woaaaaah now THIS is a wall of text lmao

submitted by /u/Nuclenzyme666
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Treant Protector Question

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:21 PM PDT


I was wondering what the current skill build and item build for Treant was as prior to his natures guise being changed. I had a lot of success going arcane boots > mek > guardian greaves or aghs while focusing on maxing living armor but this was a pre 7.00.

submitted by /u/SpeedyMitto
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[D2Bowie] Things I learned with EG.Sumail's Nature's Prophet in 7.06| Midas is not a necessity (Great video)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:50 AM PDT

How do I split push properly?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:58 AM PDT

Recently i asked a few of my 4k friends, how did they get from 3k to 4k and they said split pushing, I know what split pushing is but I always seem to fail at it.

submitted by /u/16bitnoob
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How do I deal with a fed bristleback?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:32 PM PDT

How do you set up a hotkey to buy the item you have in quickbuy?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:03 AM PDT

I tried to bind a hotkey to "Purchase Sticky" but that would just buy a TP scroll everytime I pressed it.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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Showing Replays etc. - How?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:14 PM PDT

I see a lot of people posting their replays or asking for a quick watch of theirs etc.

I'm still really new to the game - but I have a dotabuff profile and I want very much to improve at the game and be able to be more of a part of discussions here. Is there a tutorial somewhere that I am missing etc?

submitted by /u/guttersnipe82
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Do you need a Battle Pass for the All-Hero Challenge?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:05 PM PDT

I can't tell from the in-game text if I do or do not need it. It does sound like it's a "quest."

My first hero is Lycan, and I figure it might get me closer to ranked matches if I can get one win...

submitted by /u/chayashida
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Earthshaker's build

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:29 AM PDT

As someone who wants to "main" the offlane (as much as it's possible, seems easier to get that than mid at least) and with pos 4/5 as secondary choices, it seems like I really should learn how to play Earthshaker.

So I've watched some high-MMR pubs and I've seen all three basic skills maxed first at some point, which is a bit confusing :
1) Enchant Totem, I guess this is mostly for a mid ES going for early domination ? All the ones that I saw got an incredible K/D score, but didn't necessarily win the game, perhaps in part because of overconfidence due to said K/D.
2) Offlaners and supports both seem to max either Fissure or Aftershock, and I guess my question is : which one is better, or when to go for which one ? My instinct would be to always go Fissure first because it feels like the "main" spell (and could lead to easier kills in lane), but I seem to see more Aftershocks actually. Because it helps with farming with Totem which is much cheaper mana-wise maybe ?

About talents : I guess everyone takes the free +250 mana at level 10, but the others ? The +50 damage doesn't work with totem but I'm unsure how much movespeed would help Shaker once he has his Dagger, at level 20 I think the echo damage should be better most of the time but without practice I'm not confident knowing what kind of advantages a longer fissure could bring in the lategame, and for the last one I think I'd mostly want to go for the cooldown reduction for more stuns, but I can see the interest of 600 health if you tend to die before you'd even get a chance to cast a second totem.

And a quick mention of item build : Brown boots + soulring and then straight to dagger ? (with situational/luxury items afterwards) I've seen quite a bit of Shadowblades on him, which feels weird because for years everyone always said to basically never get both. I'm not sure I really understand the point of the new Aghanim's upgrade, is it ever worth getting ? Maybe if someone keeps cancelling your blink and you can't shadowblade in because they're using sentries ?

Thanks for your insight :)

submitted by /u/Wendek
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Looking for the best (and most fun) way to learn new heroes while also maintaining my MMR.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:54 AM PDT

I posted this in /r/dota2, but this sub seems like it would have a more receptive audience. Apologies if that is not allowed.

2k shitter. I haven't played very many heroes so I'm always wondering if there's one I'd really love or whose kit would click with my preferred play style. Came up with a system that sounds like it could be fun, but since I don't know what I'm doing anyway, I'm worried I'm missing some obvious pitfall. The system I've devised is as follows:

Game 1 - Unranked: Random

Game 2 - Ranked: Draft-appropriate hero from the pool of five heroes I have the highest winrates with (5+ wins only).


Has anyone tried a similar system? Is there something I'm overlooking with this one?

For reference, the five heroes I have the highest winrates with (with at least five wins) are:

• Spirit Breaker • Silencer • Tiny • Slardar • Viper

Is there a common thread between those heroes that will help point me in the right direction? They aren't heroes I spam, either. The most matches I have on any one of them is 26.

submitted by /u/DeadKidDraco
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I became a statistic abomination

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:36 AM PDT

Has anybody here been trough periods where every lane you aren´t, gets crushed by a huge gap in 80% of solo games? Im going trough this for around 2 months.

Before that, i had a very good period where games were divided in mostly balanced games (safelane wins, mid get a few kills/deaths, offlaner dies a few times but get a bit of levels, most people have reasonable picks and do proper builds), and some fewer games where i would mostly win or lose no matter if playing well or not.

The only way to stop the mmr drop is to play for fun in unranked or compendium games, and no matter wich whole i play, the other 2 lanes get ridiculously crushed. I actually started to laugh about it and changed my name instructing enemy players to double their mmr against me to do some good for the community, sometimes my team thinks i will throw but then the game starts and my trilane gets soloed by a single necro or something like that (i play a lot of offlane), i try not to be toxic and its actually starting to amaze me how many times can i be in a team who gets 2-20 in the first 10-15 min of the game while always doing my function well.

Anyway, anybody has been there before?

Edited: Another interesting piece of info, is that i been winning a lot of party games, maybe in the same proportion i lose solo games.

submitted by /u/Vereador
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Is there a place where I can learn more about doto? [1k thread]

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:54 PM PDT

Hello! I am a 1k MMR scrub, who didnt play DotA before. I have been 1k for a long time, but I gotta say that I love this game, even though I am a CS pleyer)) Anyways, I feel like I suck at doto (no shit). Like, I have played alot of Doto against bots 2 years ago -unfair and hard- for a year; and still, I dont know what to do against harassers, for ex. Like, I started Doto now after 6 months of not playing. I am playing against bots rn (Ranked AI,unfair) and I have 100 LHs on Pudge @ 36 minutes. So, I suck. And when I watch streamers play (especially pros, Dendi and RTZ) I feel like I dont know anything about the game at all. I can improve my LHs, but I cant have wisdom on my own (no friends playink doto :< all of em pleyink lig of salt). Could you guys tell me a site, a YT channel, or a Reddit thread or sth which can help ones like me, who want to learn more bout doto?

TL,DR: Title

submitted by /u/0ni_LUL
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I won a stomp and i want to know what went so good for us and so terrible for them.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:18 AM PDT

As the title says, i won a stomp and also made a Rampage when i was playing as Visage and i really want to know what went so good for us and most importantly what went so terrible for them, because i would like to improve and prevent this for ever happening to me.

My ending score was: 25/1/10 with a net worth of 20310 and 8720 building damage + 34922 hero damage. The game was ~35 minutes because they had a Sniper and i got counter-picked by Bristleback, we would have ended earlier if we would have initiated properly.

Also i messed up a couple of times, but the biggest mess up was that initiated a 1 v 5 fight that i knew that i was going to lose and i lost an Aegis because of that.

The match id is: 3333046549 (https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3333046549 | https://www.opendota.com/matches/3333046549)

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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i never feel like i have any impact on the game

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:43 AM PDT

hey all

i calibrated a while back at 1.5K and although dota is a lot of fun i pretty much feel like the game would fundamentally go the same without me there, regardless of how well i do score wise or farm or whatever. if i get a lot of kills it's overwhelmingly getting the last hit on enemies that would die anyways in teamfights, i almost never get solo kills unless i happen to run into a CM jungling or something. i might get a tower early game but i find enemies will tp to defend t2 t3 etc so nothing gets taken down unless i'm with 2+ teammates which rarely happens since there is not much coordination in this rank. i've had this problem since 7.0 and i would really appreciate some advice on how to have a more meaningful impact on the game.

submitted by /u/VenserPW
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Wraith king MoM

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:20 AM PDT

Hi guys I saw something about this in truedota2 and gave it a try. I really like it because the DPS is just amazing and the move speed is super useful. You offer so much more in fights and tower pushing. My main real concern is there are too many good items now...

I feel like armlet is number 1 core no matter what, but then I need to choose blink or echo or MoM and it's kinda tricky as they all offer so much.

1 thing I tried is phase boots, armlet, MoM. Your normal attack speed is bad but MoM pretty much doubles your DPS and your ability to gap close is really strong, blink less necessary (still highly desired though)

I do not respect midas now that the xp got nerfed so much, my opinion is the DPS items literally give you more gold and xp simply by enabling you to farm and fight better.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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How did I do this game? Did I lose mid?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:11 AM PDT

Had this game earlier: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3335080952

I was the invoker.

I died as first blood to tinker about 2 minutes in the game. Eventually, tinker went to gank other lanes successfully. I just farmed on, attempting to help my teammates with sun strikes. Even if Dire got early advantage, we eventually had the advantage about mid game.

While I did not die that much and had an ok farm, I had felt like I did horrible dealing damage. I think that if Sven wasn't there, we would lose horribly.

What do you think? How did I do this game?

submitted by /u/axl2468
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Can someone tell me why people are so persistent during pick phase?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:30 AM PDT

Like if I called roamer in chat then all of a sudden people just pick heroes or choose to position themselves in such a way that I have to play something completely differently and im asking myself, why?

Why is it so difficult to play solo offlane and mid, with a roamer and duo safe lane? I mean it is basicly meta other than the tri safe lane or tri offlane. But for some reason people wanna go with the duo offlane/duo safe lane or a jungler and I cant even understand why people still wanna go jungle, I mean it got nerfed in 7.06 because gold and exp got lowered by 20%. So why can't you just play the meta as it is. Im honestly this close to going Captains Mode just to boss people around what to pick and where to go, because I cant take it anymore.

submitted by /u/BurnInOblivion
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Don't judge the hero because they were picked, let the player show you what they've got.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:05 AM PDT

Obviously you can tell by my flair, but I've been on a binge of techies, I'm never surprised when I'm immediately met with toxicity or animosity picking this hero, but it really just doesn't do anything to help, don't go shitting on a hero or a player right away for their position or hero chosen.

I had a game just yesterday when I locked in techies who I highlighted since ban phase and mentioned I was playing, instantly out chaos knight starts flaming that I'm just going to stall games, that my build is crap, and that me laning will lose us this game, it even got so bad he abandoned after I was 3/0 by 10 minutes because I assume his pride got hurt. While we ended up losing the game, and I'm not sure how much more likely our team would've been off with a toxic player like him, we lost him purely based off of my hero pick when I wasn't doing poorly, this gained nothing for his team, nothing for him, and nothing for the game.

So please please please, put your biases aside when going into a new game, don't judge based on the stats or because someone plays out of the meta, just play, have fun, and win.

Also as a side note, stop telling people how to build when they don't ask for advice, or insulting their build because you don't see a standard every game build. If they ask for a suggestion then give it to them, or politely suggest they build something and give them a reason why, it might already be on their mind.

submitted by /u/avatera32
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