Overwatch - Zenyatta Darksouls ( by me )

Zenyatta Darksouls ( by me )

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:17 AM PDT

Geoff on possible Roadhog changes

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:55 AM PDT

Reporting & Penalty System Improvements

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Bikini Selfie - D.Va FanArt by Sakimichan

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:08 PM PDT

Roadhog and Sombra will someday do Sketch Comedy...

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:15 AM PDT

To change the meta, we need to start playing off-meta characters. Stop complaining, you have the option to play whatever character you want.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

This is the thing that Chro, a very good junkrat main mainly talked about in his recent video. This video he made talks about the current state of overwatch, the meta, how we can change the meta and about one-trick mains. He's a very hated person in the high-level overwatch scene, one reason for that being that he mains a cgharacter that's always been seen as off-meta and unviable. The video is really long, but it's REALLY interesting and gives some really fresh and unique perspectives to how overwatch works and why it is that way, and also goes into the mind of how one-tricks affect the game. I highly recommend you to go watch it. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TmKtov3W_Y&t=1290s

As a junkrat "one-trick-pony" he explains that at a certain point, skill in a hero trumps the hero pick. Every season Chro's gotten to grandmaster/top 500 by playing junkrat only. Now, we all have our opinions on wherther one-trick mains are a good or bad thing for how overwatch is played, but it is a fact that Chro has suceeded to get into those high levels of play every season, with a character that's always been seen as un-reliable and off-meta. This is not an opinion or a lucky case, it is a fact. It is a fact that at a certain point in the game, his skill with a specalized hero trumped the people only trying to play a certain hero because they were meta or a "better pick" on that map. At a certain point, the fact that he was great at junkrat got him to kill enemies who supposedly had "better picks" than him, just because he was more skilled with his hero than the enemy were with their hero. When you see pro level games, it's usally mirror matches with occacionaly one or two differences in their choice of heroes. Right now, that "meta" team would be for example lucio, zenyatta, dva, winston, genji and tracer. And that is because it's good. It works. It's how metas form - the pros play the same mirror matches and team comps until someone tries another team/strategy that works better than the last meta, and after that, the other pro teams catch on and start doing that same strategy instead. And the circle continoes. It's how metas work, and are formed.

Another thing Chro talked about is counters, and how tehre are no real counters. About how for example pharah is supposed to be a counter to junkrat, but the thing is, if that pharah isn't a good enough pharah to kill the junkrat, she won't be a counter to anything. You can really say that any hero counters the other as long as they're more skilled than the other player.. That's just how it works. There are many situations where people would encounter a situation that could be countered by a off-meta hero, but people won't do that strategy because it's not used by the pros, is risky, requires an off-meta character of simply is not a part of the meta. We have to understand that how the pro sceneis not how regular overwatch competetive works. A good dive comp actually requires a LOT of skill, communication and team-cooordination and a good, viable plan. Which to be honest, most people don't actually achieve when trying to play it in regular competetive. It's very hard to pull off, even in grandmaster level.

Stop complaining about the meta. Instead of complaining about how much you hate it, try to change it. No one is forcing you to play a hero, you can literally play whatever you want. Remember that these pros who created the metas tried the strategies for a long time before it actually payed off, and it all starts with an idea. Play the character you want and is good at, not a character because it's "meta." You have the power to change your games, use it.

submitted by /u/pawdiepie
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It's moments like these that leave a Sombra main tearing up. (EMP Graviton Blizzard)

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:23 AM PDT

11 months later, I finally noticed that the Tracer skin they showed off in the Summer Games 2016 was a duplicate.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:24 AM PDT

IT'S HIGH... nope.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:54 PM PDT

New Report System on the way

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:59 PM PDT

When you pull of a 4K, but hope it doesn't become POTG!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:40 AM PDT

I made a Sentai Reinhardt skin

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:28 AM PDT

Please change the color of Genji's dragon and aura to match the appropriate color of his costume.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:11 AM PDT

It kind of bothers me whenever I activate my ult while wearing my carbon fiber skin and a green dragon pops out. Like, wouldn't it be better if it the dragon was blue to match the color of my skin? Same thing goes for the aura (when you can see it). It's just something that's been on my mind.

submitted by /u/coreylee12
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Hanamura cheat used against my team last night on PS4 - Blizzard PLEASE fix!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:02 AM PDT

Today I found out the hard way that you can't jump while in Deadeye.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:07 PM PDT

When it's your job as Reinhardt to take out the enemy Widowmaker

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:28 AM PDT

A question to the community for a good friend who just passed.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:49 PM PDT

Recently a great friend of mine passed away way too soon in his life. He was an avid fan of Overwatch, he would get on everyday after work, and would spend many nights playing until the sun rose.

But since today would be his birthday I was hoping to ask this great community to honor him in your games today. Weather it be a couple of seconds of no violence at the beginning of each match, dance parties, or just some sitting around.

As his passing was so recent it was still very hard to write this, but since its his birthday I had to.

Rest easy HippieQ....

submitted by /u/jedisurpriseparty
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Rise of the 5-Support Meta

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:52 PM PDT

Ilios: Ruins - tree nerf, wall buff

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:18 PM PDT

A Message to Players Near Eugene Oregon

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:58 PM PDT

Hello, today I'm writing this message as a call for help. Two days ago on the 23rd of July after watching Spider-Man with my younger sister I made a mistake and left my car unlocked. My car was broken into in the night and all of my belongings removed. I didn't really care about most of the stuff, but the one thing I really did care about was an Overwatch Mei dogtag style necklace hanging from my mirror. In February I lost an incredibly close friend and he gave the pendent to me shortly before passing away. I've treasured it since and it's been my memory of him. Now that it's been stolen I'm trying everything to find it and get it back. Here's where you all can help. If any of you happen to frequent thrift shops, own pawn shops, or just happen to be walking along the Willamette river and find it I beg of you to pick it up and contact me. I don't care about catching the car thief or my money or any of my other stuff I just want his last gift to me back. Thank you for reading this long ramble of stuff and I'm sorry mods if this doesn't fit under the rules, I thought that posting it here had a better chance than in other places since people could actually recognize it. It says Overwatch one side and Mei on the other with her head silhouette. Thanks Again, Pikafreak

submitted by /u/Pikafreak108
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"Please Move Behind the Barrier"

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:48 AM PDT

Don't chase kills or you will die an embarrassing death

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:28 AM PDT

100% Balanced

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 01:02 AM PDT

You could show this to a 5 year old and ask "Is there something wrong here?" and he'd answer correctly. https://gyazo.com/21509faaf72e72254485cef63c37d940

submitted by /u/TysonOW
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Let's not let this latest wave of negativity trickle down

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:21 AM PDT

I think I know exactly what is causing this negative vibe to trickle down from the streamers to this community. I started season 1 in what would be considered silver, had a season or 2 in gold, then the last two I have been consistently high platinum/low diamond. People on Reddit or just in general have been "burnt out" from griefers/trolls/leavers etc at the lower levels trying to climb. Eventually, a certain percentage of people like myself are naturally going to improve and rise in ranks season to season. This just might be the season where the learning curve has been conquered and these streamers who have only ever been in masters or above are only just beginning to experience the aches and pains all the rest of us have had to endure since game launch. Think about it--in the beginning, the most popular streamers would often recognize almost everyone they were placed with repeatedly. Nowadays they click on people's profiles and bitch because it's someone that spammed Ana in a season they thought that she was OP, or spammed D.Va before her nerf, and now it's "Mercy is too ez," so they discredit anyone that had to rise the ranks to their god-like level through a grind. Sometimes they even tilt or flame that specific player as though they don't belong.

Kudos to all those lower tier players that remain positive despite a stale meta, work around attack Torbs, and don't quit on the entire game because they have to deal with the same shit everyone else does. The r/overwatch front page, streamers, and pros alike have been acting like babies about this game lately. Oh, I'm sorry, you have to take a break for a little while to keep your sanity? Welcome to my life 3 seasons ago trying to break that gold to platinum threshold you never had to cross while you were getting tipped 100's of dollars a day. Give me a break!

TL;DR Don't let flaky pros, spoiled streamers, or a recent flood of rant posts convince you that the game has run its course and can't be fun or competitive any longer. FFS, a new character and possibly Summer Games will launch within the same week. Stale metas and toxicity have existed since launch. Rise above it all. Take a break if you must, but don't quit.

submitted by /u/polliwog117
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Sometimes you just need to reset your scope

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:41 AM PDT

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