League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

Previous threads

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

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Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

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If you wish to talk about LoL in real time with other people, check out our IRC channel. Full info here --- Webchat here.

Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Just had an ARAM where our own Minions attacked us

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:11 AM PDT

I think riot has a new game mode ARAF (All Random All Fcked). Our own Minions attacked us and didn't give us Vision of the enemy. The enemies couldn't attack our inhib and nexus turrets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN_duulQxwQ&feature=youtu.be

submitted by /u/Tegkeez
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Team Liquid to bring in midlaner Mickey.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:12 AM PDT

Taliyah STILL has not been in the free champion rotation for over 400 days since her release.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:34 AM PDT

Here is a post by /u/DanielZKlein on /r/TaliyahMains a few months back, explaining there was a mix-up and she will be inserted into the rotation going forward.

According to championrotation.net, Taliyah was scheduled to be in the free rotation for the week of May 8, 2017. However, this was the week Xayah and Rakan were first free, and they took the places of Soraka and Taliyah in the rotation. Thus, Taliyah has not been free-to-play since June 14, 2016, a whopping 405 days.

submitted by /u/49falkon
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Urgot Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Mordekaiser can make a Jhin's ghost have 5924 AD, for up to 19358 damage in one hit (Lots of math inside)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:48 AM PDT

Hey everyone! I decided to do some record-setting math on Mordekaiser again, this time to set an AD record that cannot be topped off by any other champion.
Mordekaiser's ultimate allows him to get the ghost of an enemy champion, but... he also kinda tweaks the stats of the ghost, who receives 30% of Mordekaiser's bonus health, but also 100% of Mordekaiser's bonus AD!

This post contains three parts: The highest AD Jhin's ghost can reach (or, the highest AD anything can reach), the amount of damage it will do on the blue buff, and the amount of damage it can do an a champion.

Edit: Some modifications here, as some people suggested some other things, and as I also messed up a part of the calculations. The maximum damage will be slightly higher!

Here are our teams:

Blue team:

Mordekaiser - Janna - Nunu - Lulu - Nidalee

Red team:

Jhin - Mordekaiser - Amumu - Corki - Lulu or Vladimir (Vladimir for the damage against the Sentinel, Lulu for the damage against a champion).

The blue team will obviously have a Nashor's buff, three Infernal Drakes and one Elder Drake. Here are the builds!

Blue team:

Mordekaiser: Six Bloodthirsters (or whichever other items give 80 AD, you've got some choice), elixir of Wrath, full runes of scaling AD, 18/12/0 masteries with Natural Talent, Bounty Hunter, Battering Blows for the Sentinel and Piercing Thoughts for the champion, Fervor of Battle and Merciless.

Janna: Mejai's Soulstealer, Seraph's Embrace, four Rabadons, elixir of Sorcery, full runes of scaling AP, Natural Talent and Expose Weakness.

Lulu: Anything.

Nunu: Cinderhulk and five Warmogs.

Nidalee: Ardent Censer, Abyssal Mask, Wit's End and anything.

And for the red team:

Lulu: Same as Janna's build: Mejai's Soulstealer, Seraph's Embrace, four Rabadons, elixir of Sorcery, full runes of scaling AP and Natural Talent.

Vladimir: Anything.

Mordekaiser: Cinderhulk, four Warmogs, Gorgoyle Stoneplate, elixir of Iron, Stoneborn Pact in masteries, and for the runes: scaling health in reds and blues, and percent max health in yellows and quints.

Amumu: Anything.

Jhin: We'll calculate that later.

Corki: Anything.  

Let's see how much AD that gives Mordekaiser!

First of all, Janna's AP.

(83 (Runes) + 15 (Masteries) + 145 (Mejai) + 4 x 120 (4 Rabadons) + 80 + 0.03 x (1498 + 1000 + 200) (Seraph's) + 40 (Baron) + 50 (Elixir)) x 1.71 = 1666 This means that her shield will give a total of 201 AD.

And now, how much AD will Mordekaiser have?

(146 (base AD) + 480 (Bloodthirsters) + 51.75 (Runes) + 10 (Masteries) + 40 (Baron) + 30 (Elixir) + 201 (Eye of the Storm) + 64 (Fervor)) x 1.36 = 1391 AD, including 1245 bonus AD.


Here comes the fun part: calculating the AD that the ghost of Jhin will have! Jhin gets a bonus 1245 AD, added to his base of 121, for a total of 1366 AD before taking his items or passive in account. It's pretty decent, if you ask me.

TLDR of Jhin's passive: The part of the passive that we care about, here, is the fact that Jhin's AD is multiplied by a factor that gets raised by Jhin's attack speed, critical chance and level.

  • Level: +40% AD at level 18,

  • Crit: +0.4% AD per point in crit chance,

  • AS: +0.25% AD per point in attack speed.

Jhin's AD under these conditions can be expressed by a function (named f) of three variables: x, the AD Jhin gets from his items; y, the crit from his items, and z, the AS from his items.

Jhin also starts with some bonus attack speed thanks to his dedicated supports: 45% (Lulu) + 35% (Censer) + 50% (Nunu + Visionary) + 60% (Nidalee) = 190%.

Let us now calculate!

f(x,y,z) = (1366 + x) *(1.40 + 0,004b + 0,0025c + 0,0025*(45 + 35 + 50 + 60))
f(x,y,z) = 1366*1.40 + 1.40x + 1366 * 0.004y + 0.004 xy + 1366*0.0025z + 0.0025xz + 0.0025*190*1366 + 0.0025*190*x
f(x,y,z) = 1912.4 + 648.85 + 1.4x + 4.75x + 0.004xy + 0.0025xz + 5.464y + 3.415z

Conclusion: f(x,y,z) = (0.004y + 0.0025z + 6.15)*x + 5.464y + 3.415z + 2561.25

For good measure, we differentiate that to have an idea of which stat will give Jhin the most AD.

df/dx = 0.004y + 0.0025z + 6.15
df/dy = 0.004x + 5.464
df/dz = 0.0025x + 3.415

So, basically, AD looks best, crit isn't too shabby either, and AS is as sub-optimal as it gets.

You have five options for your items.

1) Infinity Edge: Increases x by 70 and y by 20.
2) Phantom Dancer: Increases y by 30 and z by 45. 3) Bloodthirster: Increases x by 80. 4) Trinity Force: Increases x by 25 and z by 40. 5) Blade of the Ruined King: Increases x by 40 and z by 25.

We'll try three combinations, granted that Jhin's crit chance cannot exceed 100%, whereas his attack speed is uncapped.

A) 5 IE + Botrk -> x = 390 / y = 100 / z = 25.
Result: f(390, 100, 25) = 5738

B) 2 IE + 2 Phantom Dancers + 2 Bloodthirsters -> x = 300 / y = 100 / z = 90
Result: f(300, 100, 90) = 5447.5

C) 5 IE + Bloodthirster -> x = 430 / y = 100 / z = 0
Result: f(430, 100, 0) = 5924.15

The ghost of a Jhin can have up to 5924.15 AD!

Note: Due to a bug, Jhin's ghost cannot gain Guinsoo stacks. Otherwise, Guinsoo's would give 53 AD and 73% AS. Let's craft a build D based on those values:
D) 5 IE + Stacked Guinsoo's: x = 403 / y = 100 / z = 73
Result: f(403, 100, 73) = 6070.14. Of course, the Mordekaiser bugs couldn't not get in the way of such a thing.


How much damage would that deal on a max level, 1 hp Blue Buff?

Jhin's fourth shot deals additional damage equal to 25% of the target's missing health, and the Sentinel happens to have 3675 hit points. Also, his crit multiplier is reduced by 25% due to another of the endless-but-certainly-dividable-by-four parts of his passive.

The blue buff has -30 magic resist. It's been chosen over the red buff, due to the ghosts dealing magic damage instead of physical. Mordekaiser having the Bounty Hunter mastery, a 1.05 multiplier has to be added into this, Amumu applies his passive to the blue buff, and Vladimir ults it.

Which means that here's the damage that he would deal!

(5924.15 x 1.875 + 3674 x 0.25) x 1.05 x 1.1 x (2 - 1 / (1 - (- 0.75)) + 0.1) = 21232.40

That's lower than the title reads? Yep! Because one very important number is missing... the Ardent Censer, bringing its mighty 35 damage! (Or rather, was lower before I added another thing in the mix)

So the actual result ends up being 19302.18 + 35 x 1.05 x 1.1 x (2 - 1 / (1 - (- 0.75)) + 0.1) = 21294.19 damage dealt in one attack.

And result without bugs, with the stacked Guinsoo: (6070.14 x 1.875 + 3764 x 0.25 + 35) x 1.05 x 1.1 x (2 - 1 / (1 - (- 0.75)) + 0.1) = 21777.


And last part! How much damage can our Jhin deal on a champion, without any magic pen (save for the 7% in runes), and without involving any limitless stackings? (Yeah, go away Cho and Sion)

This is where the second Mordekaiser comes in. We're going to utilize the missing health component of Jhin's passive as much as possible. And guess which champion can have the highest health in the game? Mordekaiser again! By ulting a champion full of health - here, our Nunu.

We don't care about how much health Nunu has, the only thing that matters is his bonus health, which happens to be 4325 x 1.2 = 5190 (no runes, masteries or buffs). Mordekaiser will gain a quarter of this, aka 1297.5.

Additionally, Lulu has (98 + 145 + 4 x 120 + 50 + 80 + 2485 x 0,03) x 1,35 = 1252 AP (it's the highest a Lulu can get without drakes or Nash, because... they're taken by the blue team). Her ultimate will give 600 + 626 = 1226 health.

Which means that Mordekaiser will have (2013.24 + (800 x 4 + 325 + 183.96 + 300 + 1297.5 + 1226) x 1.2 x 1.14) x 2 = 21899.29 health, with 93.4 MR.

Before we calculate how much damage Jhin will do, I want to explain how this situation happens. First, Mordekaiser's team gets all of the buffs they need. Then everyone stares at each other in the river (could be anywhere else, but river -> liquid -> 4 -> Jhin). Red Mordekaiser goes low, and so does Nunu. Jhin attacks three times to charge his fourth shot, then dies to Blue Mordekaiser, giving him his ghost. Nunu buffs him with Blood Boil, before dying to the Red Mordekaiser. Red Mordekaiser gets ulted by his Lulu, then goes down to 1 hp (Mordekaiser is the champ who spends the most time at 1 hp anyway, due to his health costs and his shield). He activates his Stoneplate then moves away, so that he doubles his health but only gains 40 MR from the Stoneplate. Lulu and Nidalee buff Jhin's ghost while the Blood Boil is still active, Janna buffs Mordekaiser, someone attacks the Red Mordekaiser to apply the Expose Weakness, and finally Jhin fires.

And for the last time, here comes the math:
(5924.15 x 1.875 + 21898 x 0.25 + 35) x 1.1 x (1 + 0.05 + 0.03 + 0.03) / (1 + (0.934 - 0.25) x 0.93) = 12401.11 damage dealt on Mordekaiser with a single basic attack.


TLDR: A Jhin's ghost can have up to 5924 AD, up to 6070 without some bugs.

That means that he can deal up to 21294.19 damage in one attack against the blue buff, and up to 12401.11 against a champion with 93 MR while merely building full AD.

Edit: Made some edits after clearing out the fact that I was using the same formula for a positive and a negative magic resist, which doesn't work for some obvious reasons. Fortunately, that error is entirely made up for by the fact that we can actually reduce the Sentinel's resistance to -75, at which point it becomes exactly equivalent to -30 with my flawed way to calculate damage amplifications.

submitted by /u/Naerlyn
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Jhin vs. Cho'Gath drawing

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:16 AM PDT


EDIT: another version by /u/berzerKunt

Just a little drawing I decided to do while watching my region's (BR) championship since both Cho and Jhin are meta right now. I am by no means a professional but I really liked this one and some of my friends told me to share with you guys, so I hope you like it too.

EDIT2: Many of you are asking for a coloured version of it, but I don't think I'd be able to pull out something nice from it, so, if any of you get interested on doing it, feel totally free to!

submitted by /u/caioxisd
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Jesiz: “We all kind of decided — and Rekkles also decided — that, yeah, he was going to play meta”

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:34 AM PDT

7.14 Tier Lists by League of Mentoring - Requesting Feedback for upcoming patches

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:28 AM PDT

Greetings, /r/leagueoflegends


For the past few weeks, we (League of Mentoring) have been working on both forming groups of highly ranked players, currently ranging from Diamond 3 all the way up to Challenger, to create Tier Lists for each and every upcoming patch - and working on developing a neat format of high-end graphics to present our tier lists in. While we are completely aware that Patch 7.15 will be released in a few days, we'd love to ask you for your feedback on the tier lists we have created. We accept any criticism - both positive and negative, as we'd like to make our tier lists as good as possible, and as appealing as possible. If you are looking for FAQ's or regarding our Tier List, please look towards the very bottom of the post.


Let it be duly noted that we have created tier lists for all roles, but due to the low quality on some of them (which was pointed out to us the other day) - we have decided to release no more than two tier lists, this time for AD Carry and Jungle - both of which went through their final update last night. For future patches, we will make sure to release all of the tier lists within 5-7 days of each new patch release, to assist you in a simple yet important way. For us to do so however, we'd like to ask you to provide us with feedback on our tier lists. We'd like to thank our Graphics Designer, Shad - for devouting countless hours into developing the design for our tier lists. In addition, we'd like to thank Rescuedlol for her assistance in the finishing touches of the design. Without further ado, here are the two final versions of our completed Tier Lists:



Last, we'd like to announce that we are currently looking for more people to help out with the tier lists - both Mentors ranked Diamond 3 and above, and Content Creators. We would also like to remind everyone that our League of Mentoring is the largest League of Legends-related Discord Server whose primary focus is to offer services within the educational aspect of the game, currently sitting at 5000+ members. We offer high quality mentoring and advice, free of charge, through VOD Reviews, Discussions and Live Chats - all of which are funneled through our Discord Server. Our mentors are held to high standards, one of them being a rank requirement for Diamond 3 and above. We are always looking for members - Students, Mentors and Staff Members all together - and we'd love for you to join.


Click here to join our Discord Server


Note - Educational questions about the tier list will be forwarded to the appropriate Mentors, and answered through this Reddit account - or their own.


Tier List FAQ - Live WIP (Work in Progress)

  • Q: Which factors did you take into account when composing your tier lists? A: We decided to put heavy value onto three main areas; Champion Strength, Champion Difficulty and how well a champion fares into common matchups in their ELO. For example, easier champions tend to rank much higher the lower you get on the ladder - which means Champion Difficulty holds a lot more weight in Bronze than it does in Platinum.

  • Q: What does the mastery symbol on some portraits mean? A: The Mastery symbol means the champion is mechanically intense, and requires a lot of time and effort from your end to play at the average level of your ELO.

  • Q: My champion with [insert percentage here] win rate is not on the list for my ELO, why? A: Most champions may function alright at best if you put proper time, thought and effort into making them work, but that does not necessarily mean they deserve a spot on the tier list. In addition, Win Rates are not very dynamic information sent your way, which means there are always more things to consider that you might not have thought of.

submitted by /u/leagueofmentoring
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The ranks each EU LCS Team is able to reach and their chances at Worlds qualification.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:34 AM PDT

Hi there!

I've done these kinds of list last year and i think some people would like to get a better overview over the EU LCS as we only have 3 weeks of games left before the ranks are set in stone. I usually had a lot of text in here but i'll try to keep it short for once!

Edit: It's a wall of text again, i'm sorry!

Group A


Possible Ranks: #1-#3 (Playoffs confirmed, chance for semis-bye)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs. (Which they are qualified for)

  • Scoring most Championship Points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports winning the split.
    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports placing 4th or lower.
    • Placing 3rd with G2 Esports placing 5th/6th or lower & Unicorns of Love placing 4th or lower.
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they are qualified for)

G2 Esports

Possible Ranks: #1-#4 (secured from relegation, chance for semis-bye & playoffs)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship Points by..:

    • Placing 2nd.
    • Placing 3rd with Unicorns of Love winning the split.
    • Placing 3rd with Unicorns of Love placing 3rd or lower.
    • Placing 4th with Unicorns winning the split & Fnatic placing 3rd or lower.
    • Placing 4th with Fnatic winning the split & Unicorns of Love placing 5th/6th or lower.
    • Placing 5th/6th with Unicorns of Love placing 5th/6th or lower, Fnatic placing 4th or lower & Misfits placing 3rd or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective places)
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they are qualified for)


Possible Ranks: #1-#4 (secured from relegation, chance for semis-bye & playoffs)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship Points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports placing 5th/6th or lower, Unicorns of Love placing 4th or lower & Fnatic placing 3rd or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective places)
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they qualify for in any case if they place 4th or higher in playoffs)


Possible Ranks: #2-#5 (chances for playoffs, secured spot & relegation)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship Points by..: *Placing 2nd with G2 Esports not qualifying for Playoffs, Unicorns of Love placing 5th/6th or lower & Fnatic/Misfits placing 4th or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective playces)

  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they qualify for in any case if they place 3rd or higher in playoffs)

Ninjas in Pyjamas

Possible Ranks: #4-#5 (chances for secured spot & relegation)

No possible ways of qualifying for Worlds.

Group B


Possible Ranks: #1-#4 (secured from relegation, chance for semis-bye & playoffs)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports not qualifying for Playoffs, Unicorns of Loves placing 5th/6th or lower & Fnatic placing 4th or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective places)
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they qualify for in any case if they place 3rd or higher in playoffs)

Unicorns of Love

Possible Ranks: #1-#4 (secured from relegation, chance for semis-bye & playoffs)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship points by..:

    • Placing 2nd.
    • Placing 3rd with G2 Esports winning the split and Fnatic placing 4th or lower.
    • Placing 3rd with Fnatic winning the split and G2 Esports placing 4th or lower.
    • Placing 4th with G2 Esports placing 5th/6th or lower, Fnatic placing 5th/6th or lower & Misfits placing 3rd or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective places)
  • Qualifying through the Reginoal Finals / Gauntlet (Which they are qualified for)


Possible Ranks: #1-#5 (chances for semis-bye, playoffs, secured spot & relegation)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports not qualifying for Playoffs, Unicorns of Loves placing 5th/6th or lower & Fnatic placing 4th or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in ther respective places)

Team Vitality

Possible Ranks: #1-#5 (chances for semis-bye, playoffs, secured spot & relegation)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports not qualifying for Playoffs, Unicorns of Love placing 5th/6th or lower & Fnatic/Misfits placing 4th or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective playces)
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they qualify for in any case if they place 3rd or higher in playoffs)

Mysterious Monkeys

Possible Ranks: #3-#5 (chances for playoffs, secured spot & relegation)

Possible ways of Worlds qualification:

  • Winning the split through Playoffs.

  • Scoring most Championship points by..:

    • Placing 2nd with G2 Esports not qualifying for Playoffs, Unicorns of Love placing 5th/6th or lower & Fnatic/Misfits placing 4th or lower. (Or any of them winning the split while the others stay in their respective playces)
  • Qualifying through the Regional Finals / Gauntlet (Which they qualify for in any case if they place 3rd or higher in playoffs)

submitted by /u/CaptainScoregasm
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Target Champions Only should be a toggle

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:14 AM PDT

There is an option in lol, which is frequently used while tower diving that is the Target Champions Only. It is defaulted to '. Currently you need to keep it pressed while performing your auto attacks and such.
My idea is that it would be a toggle. You press ' (or whatever you bind it to) and from that moment on, until you press it again, you can only target champions.
Would be really good :~)

submitted by /u/gus_skywalker
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Dong Huap: How Olleh Got Rank 1 as a Support Main

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:44 PM PDT

I really miss this romance in the EULCS

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:55 AM PDT

Gambit CIS score is 12-0 (2 games till playoffs) with their midlaner Kira (ex-ANX) playing 12 different champions

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 11:11 PM PDT

SKT T1 howling abyss 4v4 Match! Faker/Blank/Untara/Peanut vs Wolf/Bang/Sky/Huni

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Two months after getting permabanned, Consensual Clown hits rank 1 again

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 11:44 PM PDT


Two months ago, consensual clown hit rank 1 as a support/adc main. However, he was shortly permabanned on all of his accounts.

Despite his permaban, he created a new account and just reclaimed rank 1 again spamming mostly Sona and Sivir. Both of which have over a 66% win rate

OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=consensualclown1

submitted by /u/unfuze
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So no Pool Party for this year?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:21 AM PDT

Pentakill skins are most likely the next reveal, and Arcade, Star Guardian, an project skins are likely coming up. Doesn't seem like Pool Party will be happening this year.

submitted by /u/johnstarving
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Garen vs 10 Ashe Arrows

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:28 AM PDT

How poor CSAT results gave Samsung Galaxy their star toplaner CuVee: “I wanted to enter an ordinary company, have an ordinary career, lead an ordinary life, and die an ordinary death.”

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:06 PM PDT

With Microsoft putting out Microsoft Paint, draw your favourite champion in Paint.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:22 AM PDT

What if in champion select, there would be a recent picks section.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Sometimes when im deciding between like 3 champions, in the end i will panic cus theyre so far away from eachother. Maybe it would be useful if the last 5 champions u played recently would be on the top of all the champions in the champ select? share opinions.

submitted by /u/svalinnn
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Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Who had the most feared "pocket pick?"

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:39 AM PDT

Think rekkles' Kennen or Doublelift's Lucian. This question spans the entirety of esports history. I just started getting involved in the pro scene and I'm curious of non-meta picks that pros picked up and dominated with.

submitted by /u/kylekhamp
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If League of Legends champions actually played the game, what rank would they be?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 06:02 PM PDT

I was recently thinking to myself, what rank would the champions be if they themselves played the game. A lot went through my mind. Here are some of my assumptions.

Amumu has no friends, so I'm sure it would be no issue for him to grind 16 hours a day and make it to Master Tier. Crying that much on the keyboard may not be a good idea though.

Brand, Shyvana and Rumble all have potential to become good players but are hindered by their tendencies to flame, meaning they'd probably all be stuck in Bronze V, occasionally climbing higher, but falling back when they get into a flame war with allies. Annie would also Bronze V, but she's just an impressionable child - Maybe she'll stop flaming with time.

Gnar would probably be in Plat I, playing a solid game until his rage builds up and he can't contain his true self. With better management of his rage, he could definitely win those Diamond V promos.

Jax? Nobody likes a Jax... Most likely would be on the brink of demotion to Silver I saying things like: "Imagine if I had a real team" Also he only has 3 fingers, limiting his ability to use a keyboard.

Nunu and Willump would make a good duo queue, and could possibly make a real shot at maintaining Challenger. But most likely on their way they'd lose elo due to a decision to focus on their dancing career.

I feel like Nami would have the potential to get high diamond, due to her excellent wave control - but in all honestly, she - like Amumu - would probably short circuit her PC.

I feel like Rise could definitely ryze to the top... wait...

Tryndamere would be at a serious disadvantage due to his decision to only play with a mouse. He'd most likely be in Bronze I until he bought a Razer naga hex. He'd be prone to letting his rage build up like Gnar, but he'd never go on a tilt streak because as soon as he Queues he releases all of his rage.


submitted by /u/BITCHES_DIG_KARMA
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Kadir made his ranking of European junglers outside LCS. You can take a look.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:45 AM PDT

Kinda interesting rank, but I think you shouldn't take it too serious. I watch a lot of these national leagues and personally I would say Phrenic should be at least top 12-13. I also would put Kirei over Gilius, but it's really hard to say as PSG failed CS really hard. I'm not sure if putting RAT IRL on 6th spot this list is some kind of joke or so.

Here is link: https://twitter.com/xKadirlol/status/889234693337567232

Copied rank: "Ranking of EU Junglers outside LCS :)



3.SelfMadeMan (Denied me my PSG Spot at tryouts)



6.RAT IRL (This guy could've been legit if he stopped fcking around with egirls )





11.Go Bluerzor




15.Grossbil Skeanz



18.Don arts








3000+ Djoko (this guys doesn't deserve lcs btw i feel sorry for nukeduck/vander for having him as jgler)"

submitted by /u/wisakoy
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