League of Legends - Free Talk Friday - July 21st

Free Talk Friday - July 21st

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Heyo everyone! It's about that time - Free Talk Friday is back once again! Hope y'all have had a good week!

LCS is on 7.14 this week, and we've seen some interesting picks (no spoilers!) with Lethality users abound. I can't wait to see how things shake up, especially since playoffs are so close! What do you think is gonna pop up? My money's on full Lethality MF/Jhin Duskblading their way back into botlane!

What about you guys and gals? Anythin special you're looking forward to, or just hoping for a break from the tedium of the weekdays? This is the spot to talk! And I'll let y'all get right to that; you know how it goes! Play nice, chitchat and have a good weekend, yo!!

submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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PerkZ: “In scrims, Zven rewards me with a candy if I gank bot.”

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:00 AM PDT

Pentakill is back and the headbanging starts now

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:08 AM PDT

Throwback to when Krepo helped a kid with leukemia get his biggest wish visiting the EULCS

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:20 AM PDT

If someone walks next to you while you're dead as singed it triggers your passive and makes you unable to undo your purchase

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:00 AM PDT

Pirean returns to Phoenix1 as Ryu asks for a break

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:14 PM PDT

What if there was a chatroom with the people in your ranked division league?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:41 AM PDT

You know that whole league with a list of names of players that you probably don't care about? What if you could chat with them? It'd be a cool way for people to potentially find duo's, talk among each other, or even meet new friends.

The current system allows people to look in the divisions and to view the player's profile or add them. That's hardly a good way for people to interact outside of the game. I honestly don't know what the point of the leagues is right now at its current state. I don't know about you guys, but I don't give a crap about how well other people do or who their top 5 main champs are. I guess it'd matter in higher elo since you're more likely to be placed against those players. In lower elo, there are so many players that, chances are, you may never even play with the people in the same league as you. With a chat room like this, people can actually interact with each other before they judge others by how good or bad they play in game.

Just a thought I had while studying. What are your guy's thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/archiever2
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friend (blitz) in silver tells me his teams hold him back and that they can't close out his games. this is what i see when i spectate

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

Did you buy the rune pages in the hopes that you will be refunded someday?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:04 AM PDT

Seriously. Ask yourself this question.

Maybe ask yourself this: Would you rather keep the current rune system and continue to use your "money's" worth?


Accept the new change since it in the end, the bottom line here is RIOT is making improvements to the system.

How long have we been asking for them to make this change? They're making this change for the better, for US! Now that it's here, you guys are all crying and basically demanding for Riot to give your money back.

If I was Marc Merrill, I'd be like: "fvck dis shit. let's just take it all back and let this system as it is. bunch of self-entitled assholes."

Sorry if I come off as ranting but I CAN'T EVEN with this subreddit anymore.

submitted by /u/vinnsymon
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All LOL Champion's names run through google translate several times.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:14 AM PDT

Name- Translate Result
Aatrox- Atrox
Ahri- acre
Akali- Akalie
Alistar- Alistar
Amumu- CCA
Anivia- Annie
Annie- Anna
Ashe- Linden
Aurelion Sol- Aurelian edition
Azir- Assir
Bard- bird
Blitzcrank- Blue Camp
Brand- Prize
Braum- Bram
Caitlyn- Caitlyn
Camille- Camille
Cassiopeia- Casidia
Cho'Gath- Additional
Corki- cheerful
Darius- Darius
Diana- Diana
Dr. Mundo- monkey
Draven- man
Ekko- service
Elise- Alice
Evelynn- Evelyn
Ezreal- Ezio
Fiddlesticks- Hilde Seimos
Fiora- fair
Fizz- train
Galio- gallium
Gangplank- child
Garen- gallon
Gnar- Bad
Gragas- Greece
Graves- Traverse
Hecarim- Heclim
Heimerdinger- Gary Digger
Illaoi- IRA OE
Irelia- pruning
Ivern- Ivan
Janna- Through
Jarvan IV- World IV
Jax- jack
Jayce- suggest
Jhin- government ordinance
Jinx- fall
Kalista- Calista
Karma- link
Karthus- Under
Kassadin- Casades
Katarina- Catalonia
Kayle- tomorrow
Kayne- for
Kennen- canon
Kha'Zix- Khazax
Kindred- Kin
Kled- right
Kog'Maw- Cogmov
LeBlanc- White
Lee Sin- The
Leona- Cancer lion
Lissandra- repeat
Lucian- Lucien
Lulu- Lulu
Lux- Luxury
Malphite- stride
Malzahar- Malaz
Maokai- Velika
Master Yi- Captain G.
Miss Fortune- fall
Mordekaiser- Rotor crusher
Morgana- Prema
Nami- name
Nasus- you
Nautilus- Nautilus
Nidalee- good
Nocturne- night
Nunu- Nunu
Olaf- Olav
Orianna- N Orijen
Pantheon- Pantheon
Poppy- poppy
Quinn- queen
Rakan- Polish
Rammus- quarter
Rek'Sai- Abandoned
Renekton- Gutenby
Rengar- brick
Riven- That
Rumble- Part type
Ryze- turn
Sejuani- Visayan
Shaco- Saco
Shen- Shane
Shyvana- scarf
Singed- Sun
Sion- When we are
Sivir- polite
Skarner- Schiller
Sona- sound
Soraka- Magic
Swain- legislation
Syndra- Cintiile
Tahm Kench- · Time frame
Taliyah- From
Talon- heel
Taric- Tarikin
Teemo- side
Thresh- Drawing
Tristana- Tristan
Trundle- Toledo
Tryndamere- Trinidad and Tobago
Twisted Fate- Fat touch
Twitch- tic
Udyr- Ududel
Urgot- Urgut
Varus- Barrus
Vayne- Weian
Veigar- Vega
Vel'Koz- Wolco
Vi- you
Viktor- Victory
Vladimir- Vladimir
Volibear- Voltaire
Warwick- Warrick
Wukong- The Kukuma
Xayah- I
Xerath- Geras
Xin Zhao- New Joe
Yasuo- security
Yorick- Yorick
Zac- Czech Republic
Zed- G.
Ziggs- head
Zilean- Gillian
Zyra- Jilla

submitted by /u/zipZongo
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Ninjas in Pyjamas vs. Splyce / 2017 EU LCS Summer - Week 7 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Ninjas in Pyjamas 0-2 Splyce

NiP | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
SPY | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: Splyce in 30m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
NiP leblanc gragas kalista jhin jax 47.3k 4 1 None
SPY chogath elise zac khazix reksai 60.2k 17 9 O1 B2
NiP 4-17-11 vs 17-4-42 SPY
Profit jarvan iv 3 1-3-2 TOP 4-2-8 4 camille Wunder
Shook lee sin 3 2-5-1 JNG 2-2-11 1 sejuani Trashy
Nagne taliyah 2 1-4-2 MID 7-0-2 2 syndra Sencux
HeaQ caitlyn 1 0-4-3 ADC 3-0-10 3 varus Kobbe
sprattel thresh 2 0-1-3 SUP 1-0-11 1 braum Mikyx


Winner: Splyce in 33m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SPY taliyah tahmkench kogmaw kalista tristana 65.5k 20 9 O1 I2 B3 C4
NiP elise caitlyn zac varus 50.2k 4 2 None
SPY 20-4-42 vs 4-20-9 NiP
Wunder chogath 1 5-1-6 TOP 2-3-1 4 gnar Profit
Trashy khazix 3 5-1-4 JNG 0-5-2 1 gragas Shook
Sencux syndra 2 7-1-4 MID 1-3-2 2 orianna Nagne
Kobbe jhin 3 2-1-13 ADC 1-4-1 3 xayah HeaQ
Mikyx braum 2 1-0-15 SUP 0-5-3 1 thresh sprattel

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us
If you're interested in helping out with making threads, click here to send a message to /u/linkux18.

submitted by /u/Pellinski
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Misfits vs. Mysterious Monkeys / EU LCS 2017 Summer - Week 7 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:43 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Misfits 2-0 Mysterious Monkeys

MSF | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
MM | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook


Winner: Misfits in 31m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MSF RekSai Caitlyn LeBlanc Taliyah Katarina 62.7k 21 8 C1 B2 O3
MM Elise ChoGath Zac Thresh Camille 49.9k 11 2 None
MSF 21-11-59 vs 11-21-17 MM
Alphari JarvanIV 3 1-3-12 TOP 3-2-2 2 Jayce Kikis
Maxlore Maokai 2 2-1-13 JNG 0-5-6 1 Gragas Amazing
PowerOfEvil Syndra 2 9-3-6 MID 4-4-2 3 Vladimir CozQ
Hans Sama Kalista 1 8-1-9 ADC 4-5-2 4 Tristana Yuuki60
IgNar Rakan 3 1-3-19 SUP 0-5-5 1 Braum Dreams


Winner: Misfits in 31m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MSF RekSai LeBlanc Caitlyn ChoGath Jayce 64.7k 26 9 O1 B2 O3
MM Elise Kalista Thresh Rakan TahmKench 50.3k 7 3 None
MSF 26-7-71 vs 7-26-16 MM
Alphari JarvanIV 3 5-2-12 TOP 1-3-1 4 Renekton Kikis
Maxlore Zac 1 4-1-14 JNG 1-3-5 3 Sejuani Amazing
PowerOfEvil Orianna 2 9-1-15 MID 1-7-2 2 Syndra CozQ
Hans Sama Varus 2 6-3-14 ADC 3-6-2 1 Xayah Yuuki60
IgNar Alistar 3 2-0-16 SUP 1-7-6 1 Braum Dreams

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us
If you're interested in helping out with making threads, click here to send a message to /u/linkux18.

submitted by /u/epicxkidzorz
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TSM Academy Recruitment

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:05 PM PDT

When is the next IP chroma sale?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:09 AM PDT

Last one was in march-april, so is it every 6 months or is it scheduled in another way?

Have we heard anything from Riot about it?

And this time it´s the chromas on all base skins, which I missed last time so I'm really looking forward to it. So don't want to miss it again


submitted by /u/fittpassword
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NBA Star, Jared Jeffries Becomes President of Echo Fox

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:54 AM PDT

Hello NYC dudes and gals! TOMORROW (July 22) I'm hosting a LoL-only LAN party in a skyscraper next to One World Trade Center for our community! RP Prizing, Whole Foods catering, coffee, and Red Bull included! We're bringing the LoL scene together for some fun! :) (ft. SF LAN on 7/29!)

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

Hi /r/LeagueofLegends!

Thank you for reading & your support!! Here's the highlights! If you are in San Francisco I also have a special event for you to check out - scroll to the bottom!

  • Hype event: We've been doing this since 2014 and want to bring it back as a monthly occurrence for the NYC LoL community! We filmed an epic hype video to show what it's like. Our last League LAN had 95 people!

  • Meet the scene Immerse yourself in the NYC gaming community at our LANs: the friendliest and most inclusive gaming community. We will match you with others to make balance teams - no need to worry about who to play with.

  • Premium venue & catering: Hosted at Verizon HQ with Whole Foods & Red Bull catering included. Just check out our Virtual Tour of the space and photo album from the last LAN.

  • We match you with teammates You can come solo (75%+ of attendees do) or bring up to 2 friends onto a pre-made team. We will fill your team with other attendees such that all teams are as balanced as possible. We make it easy to bring the community together for some good times!

  • Seven hours of gaming to meet League players! The LAN event is seven hours from 10:30am start until 5:30pm!

  • New Sponsor - Haste Haste reduces lag, packet loss and jitter when gaming. They're debuting a 14-day free trial and I'd sincerely appreciate you checking them out if you want to support our LANs.

  • As is tradition, I will do my best to reply to any & every comment. So AMA!

How the LAN works

The LAN starts at 10:30AM on Saturday - its a Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) event - hosted at Verizon's HQ. Come with a squad of two or three - or come solo! We will be filling your team with other attendees to create balanced teams.

We're structuring it as a round robin tournament, but it is really about hanging out and meeting the Community!

You can sign up here.


  • Are the Red Bulls to drink or just for the commercials? Yes.

  • What do I need to bring? Our event is BYOC, so we need you to bring your computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, headset or any other peripherals. We recommend you use a rolling suitcase. In the future, we would like to have spare PCs / monitors for use. We do not have any available for rent or use.

  • Is there a minimum age? No. All are welcome.

  • Where can I find parking? For parking: This is a screenshot of what I think is the best option distance & cost-wise. Check out this website and you can do your own searching, too.

  • How do I win Riot Points? You must RSVP / register on League Of Legends community events website before the event ends. Best to just get that out of the way and do it now!


Entry $30** online. Buy your ticket online - we have room for 16 teams. (You can sign up here.)


Social Media Links


We're likely set on volunteers for this coming event, but we would like to set up weekly scrims / in-houses for the NYC scene. Please let me know if you want to help out with organizing our scrims or at a future event by reaching out to me at chris@fambase.com.

Sponsors & About the Ticket Price

** We don't want to be charging $30 per person and are working out a way to reduce the cost or gain sponsorship. Hopefully, we can get Verizon to lessen / reduce the venue fees or have other sponsors help fund these awesome events. The rent by itself is over $1,200, FYI.

For this event we are partnering with the following amazing NYC-based start-ups:

Other Upcoming League LAN Events

  • (San Francsico) Aether United SF Open - July 29th My bud Justin Z. is throwing a sweet LAN tournament at the Razer store in San Francisco's Westfield Mall. This is NOT a BYOC event AND ITS FREE. Yall better turn out for this. ;) Learn more & register for the SF event here.

Want to set up your own events near you? Reach out to my email, chris@fambase.com. I'll give you all the tips to set up an event - maybe we can even co-promote it next time to involve even more of this awesome community!

submitted by /u/StopTheVok
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When you try to be a hero

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:47 AM PDT

Progamer MakNooN Coming soon...

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:02 AM PDT

Do you know MakNooN?

MakNooN is Former Professional gamer and co-founder of Najin e-mFire team. (one of the very first professional League of Legends Korean team.)

He was once the strongest Top laner.

But, He vanished into thin air a few years ago and could no longer see him on the professional stage...

But, Recently heard the news came to that MakNooN is going to challenge the professional stage again.(Source : News from his game broadcast manager)

MakNooN's main champion is ILLAOI.

He is the master of illaoi. In short, His illaoi play is Incredible indeed. He played the illaoi thousands of times... There's no match for him in illaoi... I want to see his illaoi play on the professional stage.

If you are doubt of his abilities, try watching the next Mad Movie.

MakNooN ILLAOI Mad Movie : https://youtu.be/ZkX3O9vnL_M

MakNooN ILLAOI English stream : https://youtu.be/fJFvZ5IxXNg

Expect Pro gamer MakNooN !

submitted by /u/Korean-HiTech
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Swain's upcoming relaunch means that League of Legends can finally continue its greatest story

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:48 AM PDT

Little drawing of Nami Urf for a Friend ~

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:06 AM PDT

Hii ! In my free time, I decided to draw a little thing for a friend, who mains Nami ! C: Urf Nami is her favorite skin so... http://ourka.deviantart.com/art/Under-the-sea-Nami-693887480

I drew Nami with this skin o/ It's not my best drawing but I like the drawing C: (And the background C: ) Enjoy o/

submitted by /u/Orka09
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My Dryad Soraka Cosplay

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:27 AM PDT

I haven't been cosplaying long so I am super proud of my Dryad Soraka. I've also done Hextech Janna and have some cool stuff in the works I think XD. If you're interested I post progress pics on my Facebook and Insta ;)

submitted by /u/XxMabxX
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Every bush not warded has an enemy Schrodinger's Champion not visible on map.

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:46 AM PDT

Think about it. Every bush you dont have any vision of may or may not have an enemy champion you have no information about. I wonder if we can use Schrodinger's equations to solve vision problems in League of Legends and calculate the probability of a specific champion being in a bush.

submitted by /u/The_Light_Within_NA
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Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 21 7.16 balance, Spectator visual effects clean up, bit on Runes

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:11 AM PDT

Do you sense a change in skill level between silver and gold?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:32 AM PDT

I always hear people saying there is 0 change from silver to gold.

In my first gold game ever, around level 6, our bot lane got ganked and this happened.

-Our jungler counter ganks same lane.

-I TP bot

-Irelia also TP bot

-Their Taliyah immediately ults bot

-Our Ziggs ults bot while trying to catch up

I my many games in Silver, I never seen players react like this and I never seen a full blown 5v5 so early in a game that wasn't an invade.

submitted by /u/mannyg2199
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CLG: Off The Record | Episode 3 - CLG Junglers & Blast Cones

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:42 AM PDT

Prediction: FNC, G2, H2K will represent the EU LCS at Worlds

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 07:20 AM PDT

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