League of Legends - After months of painful work and lots of coffee, it's finally done. Welcome to mood.gg, the site that plays a custom playlist for every single champion in the game depending on the champs theme, personality, and play style.

After months of painful work and lots of coffee, it's finally done. Welcome to mood.gg, the site that plays a custom playlist for every single champion in the game depending on the champs theme, personality, and play style.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:28 AM PDT

Hi guys, Farza here (creator/programmer of the site). If you end up liking the site, check out my Twitch stream where I'll be raising money to keep the site's servers alive. I'm a broke college kid so everything will help! You can find the link on the front page of the site.

Ever wonder what kind of music your favorite champion listens to? Welcome to:


What is it?

Mood.gg plays custom playlists for a champion according to a champion's theme, personality, and play style. I always listen to music when playing League and thought it'd be cool to listen to music where it would truly make me "feel" like the champion I was playing.

You can even download Mood.gg Desktop and control the site using keyboard commands while in game. Read more about that below!

Mood.gg already has custom playlists for every single champion in the game. These are the Main Playlists and me and some friends worked on them for weeks to make every single one amazing. Go ahead and search for your favorite champ and check out its Main Playlist!

Every champion also has a Voting Playlist where you can vote on songs submitted for that champ submitted by other people. If a song gets enough votes than it is automatically added to the Main Playlist.

Still don't get it? Here are some examples!

I think every playlist is really awesome. But some are really fkin cool. Here's a couple of my favorites!

Ivern - Ivern is one of the most relaxing and positive champs in the game. Enjoy his cheerful playlist as you stroll around the Rift.

Graves - Graves's playlist is that of a roughed, hardened, cigar smoking, buffed up, hard-core, shotgun wielding, BAD ASS.

Jhin - Jhin is a disturbing, meticulous, psychopathic killer and while his actions are horrifying he still considers himself an artist and a man of class. His playlist combines all these things and is… creepy.

Yasuo - Unlike the people that play him, Yasuo has a certain calmness about him and his playlist reflects this solitude and focus.

Blitzcrank - BEEP BOOP BOP.

Jinx - Psycho. That is all.

Teemo - Every single song that was troll, meme-y, or just plain old bad, was put in this playlist. Hope all you filthy Teemo mains enjoy :)

These are just my favorites go check the other 130 playlists to!

What is Mood.gg Desktop?

You don't have to download anything to use the actual website. But, I wanted to make the experience of playing League and using mood.gg was as seamless as possible so…

I made Mood.gg Desktop (link to download on website) which allows you to control the music on mood.gg while in game using keyboard shortcuts. This means your game is never disrupted and you never have to minimize the game to change songs or change the volume. For example, if you want to forward to the next song while in game just press Shift + B at the same time . You can even customize these keys to be whatever you want.

How did you pick these songs????

I made a site called LeagueMood about 6 months ago with the help of two Reddit users named tylertoon2 and aihonen. These two made the original 40 playlists that got LeagueMood going. Be sure to check both of them out on Spotify here and here. I started working with them to create playlists for every champ, but we quickly saw that it would take forever. Instead, I released LeagueMood with 40 champs and allowed people to submit songs for other champs as well.

I got 11,000 thousands requests.

So me, and two of my buddies went through all 11,000 songs, which took weeks, and carefully made a playlist for every champ. I then spent a lot of time programming features like a voting system, a favoriting system, and a desktop app.

If you guys have any other questions, feel free to ask! Hope you all enjoy the site.


submitted by /u/Farzaa
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Final / 2017 Rift Rivals - LCK-LPL-LMS Playoffs / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:58 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL


SSG | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Facebook
EDG | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter


Winner: EDward Gaming in 45m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SSG elise galio leblanc karma rumble 77.5k 7 4 I2
EDG zac caitlyn varus camille kennen 87.1k 20 10 M1 M3 B4 M5 E6
SSG 7-20-15 vs 20-7-57 EDG
CuVee renekton 3 3-6-4 TOP 3-3-14 3 kled Mouse
Ambition gragas 2 0-4-3 JNG 4-1-11 1 reksai Clearlove
Crown orianna 3 0-3-3 MID 5-0-10 4 taliyah Scout
Ruler ashe 1 3-5-2 ADC 6-1-8 1 kalista Zet
CoreJJ braum 2 1-2-3 SUP 2-2-14 2 rakan Meiko


Winner: Team WE in 32m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
WE kalista elise caitlyn fiora taliyah 64.3k 22 11 I2 B4 M5
SKT zac thresh kled lulu tahmkench 53k 8 4 I1 I3
WE 22-8-57 vs 8-22-19 SKT
957 jarvan iv 3 4-1-11 TOP 3-7-3 3 jax Huni
Condi reksai 2 5-1-8 JNG 1-3-4 1 lee sin Peanut
xiye galio 1 5-1-12 MID 1-6-2 4 cassiopeia Faker
Mystic kogmaw 2 6-3-11 ADC 2-3-6 1 ashe Bang
Zero braum 3 2-2-15 SUP 1-3-4 2 karma Wolf


Winner: KT Rolster in 34m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KTR kogmaw kled galio renekton leblanc 70.2k 17 11 O2 M3 B4 M5
OMG kalista thresh caitlyn jayce camille 54.1k 5 2 O1
KTR 17-5-57 vs 5-17-14 OMG
Smeb jarvan iv 3 3-1-11 TOP 2-4-1 4 shen xiyang
Score zac 1 1-1-15 JNG 0-3-3 2 reksai Juekou
PawN corki 3 8-0-6 MID 2-3-2 3 taliyah icon
Deft ashe 2 3-0-12 ADC 0-4-4 1 xayah S1mlz
Mata zyra 2 2-3-13 SUP 1-3-4 1 rakan Five


Winner: Royal Never Give Up in 55m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
RNG kalista galio reksai jax renekton 102.3k 13 11 I4 E7 B8 E9
MVP zac thresh lee sin jarvan iv kled 86.2k 14 3 O1 I2 B3 I5 B6
RNG 13-14-37 vs 14-13-43 MVP
Letme camille 3 3-3-5 TOP 1-5-11 4 poppy ADD
Mlxg gragas 2 0-7-11 JNG 5-3-8 1 elise Beyond
xiaohu corki 2 6-1-5 MID 2-2-8 3 syndra Ian
y4 caitlyn 1 4-1-6 ADC 5-1-6 2 ashe MaHa
ming karma 3 0-2-10 SUP 1-2-10 1 rakan Max

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

This thread was created using lightbinding | Contact us
If you're interested in helping out with making threads, Click Here to send a message to /u/linkux18

submitted by /u/TDaotje
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Yellowpete, xPeke, Cyanide & Lamia will participate in Return of the Legends tournament in Shanghai

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

How are the 151 Generation I Pokemon doing in League of Legends today?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:20 AM PDT

A few years ago, a post was made showing how the Gen I 151 Pokemon were doing. Today, I am giving you all an update. Which Pokemon are triumphing on the rift? Which are struggling or have grown old and retired? Which are still training hard to reach level 30? So many questions! Find out below!

Pokedex No. Pokemon/Account Name Account Lvl Ranked Division
1 Bulbasaur 30 Gold II
2 Ivysaur 30 Unranked
3 Venusaur 30 Diamond I
4 Charmander 30 Gold II
5 Charmeleon 22 Unranked
6 Charizard 30 Unranked
7 Squirtle 30 Gold V
8 Wartortle 30 Unranked
9 Blastoise 30 Unranked
10 Caterpie 30 Unranked
11 Metapod 30 Gold II
12 Butterfree 30 Unranked
13 Weedle 30 Diamond V
14 Kakuna 30 Gold IV
15 Beedrill 30 Silver V
16 Pidgey 30 Unranked
17 Pidgeotto 30 Unranked
18 Pidgeot 30 Platinum IV
19 Rattata 30 Unranked
20 Raticate 30 Unranked
21 Spearow 30 Silver V
22 Fearow 12 Unranked
23 Ekans 30 Unranked
24 Arbok 30 Silver II
25 Pikachu 30 Unranked
26 Raichu 30 Unranked
27 Sandshrew 30 Unranked
28 Sandslash 30 Platinum IV
29 Nidoran 30 Silver II
30 Nidorina 30 Platinum V
31 Nidoqueen 30 Gold III
32 Nidoran 30 Silver II
33 Nidorino 26 Unranked
34 Nidoking 30 Unranked
35 Clefairy 20 Unranked
36 Clefable 17 Unranked
37 Vulpix 30 Unranked
38 Ninetales 30 Silver II
39 Jigglypuff 30 Unranked
40 Wigglytuff 30 Unranked
41 Zubat 30 Unranked
42 Golbat 30 Unranked
43 Oddish 30 Platinum III
44 Gloom 30 Gold IV
45 Vileplume 14 Unranked
46 Paras 30 Unranked
47 Parasect 30 Silver II
48 Venonat 30 Silver II
49 Venomoth 30 Unranked
50 Diglett 30 Platinum I
51 Dugtrio 30 Platinum V
52 Meowth 30 Silver V
53 Persian 30 Unranked
54 Psyduck 30 Silver II
55 Golduck 30 Unranked
56 Mankey 30 Platinum V
57 Primeape 30 Unranked
58 Growlithe 30 Unranked
59 Arcanine 30 Unranked
60 Poliwag 30 Unranked
61 Poliwhirl 30 Gold II
62 Poliwrath 30 Unranked
63 Abra 30 Platinum V
64 Kadabra 30 Silver III
65 Alakazam 25 Unranked
66 Machop 30 Diamond V
67 Machoke 3 Unranked
68 Machamp 30 Unranked
69 Bellsprout 30 Unranked
70 Weepinbell 30 Silver IV
71 Victreebel 30 Unranked
72 Tentacool 30 Diamond I
73 Tentacruel 30 Silver II
74 Geodude 11 Unranked
75 Graveler 1 Unranked
76 Golem 30 Diamond II
77 Ponyta 30 Silver IV
78 Rapidash 30 Unranked
79 Slowpoke 30 Unranked
80 Slowbro 30 Silver II
81 Magnemite 30 Unranked
82 Magneton 30 Silver III
83 Farfetchd 30 Unranked
84 Doduo 30 Unranked
85 Dodrio 30 Unranked
86 Seel 30 Diamond V
87 Dewgong 30 Unranked
88 Grimer 30 Unranked
89 Muk 30 Unranked
90 Shellder 30 Diamond V
91 Cloyster 30 Gold II
92 Gastly 30 Gold III
93 Haunter 30 Platinum IV
94 Gengar 30 Platinum I
95 Onix 30 Unranked
96 Drowzee 30 Unranked
97 Hypno 30 Unranked
98 Krabby 30 Unranked
99 Kingler 30 Gold II
100 Voltorb 30 Diamond IV
101 Electrode 30 Platinum IV
102 Exeggcute 30 Silver II
103 Exeggutor 30 Silver III
104 Cubone 30 Unranked
105 Marowak 30 Unranked
106 Hitmonlee 30 Silver III
107 Hitmonchan 30 Gold I
108 Lickitung 30 Gold I
109 Koffing 30 Gold V
110 Weezing 30 Unranked
111 Rhyhorn 30 Bronze III
112 Rhydon 30 Unranked
113 Chansey 30 Unranked
114 Tangela 30 Gold II
115 Kangaskhan 30 Gold V
116 Horsea 6 Unranked
117 Seadra 30 Gold V
118 Goldeen 30 Gold II
119 Seaking 30 Unranked
120 Staryu 30 Unranked
121 Starmie 30 Unranked
122 MrMime 30 Unranked
123 Scyther 30 Unranked
124 Jynx 30 Bronze II
125 Electabuzz 30 Unranked
126 Magmar 14 Unranked
127 Pinsir 30 Unranked
128 Tauros 30 Unranked
129 Magikarp 3 Unranked
130 Gyarados 30 Unranked
131 Lapras 30 Unranked
132 Ditto 30 Unranked
133 Eevee 30 Unranked
134 Vaporeon 30 Platinum II
135 Jolteon 30 Silver V
136 Flareon 30 Unranked
137 Porygon 30 Platinum IV
138 Omanyte 30 Unranked
139 Omastar 30 Unranked
140 Kabuto 30 Unranked
141 Kabutops 30 Gold V
142 Aerodactyl 30 Master
143 Snorlax 30 Unranked
144 Articuno 30 Diamond V
145 Zapdos 30 Unranked
146 Moltres 30 Diamond V
147 Dratini 30 Gold V
148 Dragonair 30 Unranked
149 Dragonite 30 Gold III
150 Mewtwo 30 Diamond V
151 Mew 30 Silver IV
submitted by /u/SummonerFizz
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Something about Urgot's new splash art

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:36 AM PDT

So as you may know, after Ekko's lore some speculated, that champions like Vi, Jinx and he were once a gang of friends roaming Zaun and that they all had a roman numeral associated to them.

Ekko is XII

Vi is well, VI

And Jinx is X

Now if we have a closer look on the new splash art, we can see this:


This guy has an IX tattoo. Is it a possibility, that these children work for/with Urgot? I mean he is a huge mechanical monstrosity, who grinds up his enemies, but he still seems to have a positive undertone, since he wants to overthrow the oppressive leaders of Zaun and Noxus.

What do you think? Is this a plausible theory or did I horribly misunderstand something?

EDIT: I noticed something else. If you look at the splash art from this page it's XI, but if you click on it, the wallpaper has IX. Maybe this guy really has some lore relation. (Thanks to /u/xCharSx for making me notice the discrepancy.)

submitted by /u/Nemin32
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C9 Ray Appreciation Thread

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 02:38 PM PDT


Really sorry to hear that Ray is going through this. Just wanted to send him some love and remind him that the whole League community is behind him! Depression is really hard, and this game has helped many people—including myself—make it through. Go Ray!

submitted by /u/gaybearswr4th
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Inven reactions to LPL vs LCK Rift Rivals

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Inven highlights the three most upvoted comments, I'll just translate those from the two articles about the Rift Rivals result, plus some of the more upvoted responses to those posts.

Updated LCK standings!

Faker: I don't think there's a region that can be considered a rival to LCK.

article: http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=181400&site=lol

1st: Well, MVP lost but they still did very well. Props.

2nd: self-explanatory

3rd: Two teams can swim back home.

No, don't come back yet, learn how to play LoL first.

My heart broke for MVP trying their hearts out.

What were you thinking invading into four members at level one? That's what you get for being cocky.

another article: http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=181398&site=lol

1st: Don't talk shit about MVP. SKT and Samsung threw their games with cocky pickbans and play, the pressure on them must have been tremendous to perform and they still played their hearts out.

Real. You could tell MVP was extremely concentrated and dedicated from the start.

SK blames pick/ban everytime they lose, lol. Cocky? What cocky, they just got outplayed.

It almost brought me to tears how much MVP was trying, they really did well. SK and Samsung aren't even real pros, sigh.

MVP played well, how could Samsung and SK lose....

They did get completely outplayed, but if you can't see how giving Kog'Maw and Galio and picking Ashe isn't cock, you should quit LoL.

Yeah, I can't imagine the pressure on MVP.

MVP have the real pro player mentality, SK and Samsung are the epitome of arrogance.

2nd: SKT and Samsung are really amazing.

3rd: MVP did really well. SKT and Samsung should be repenting, cocky bastards.

Some other highly upvoted comments:

LCK was expecting a 3:0, LPL was expecting to learn from the finals. Look at the difference in their attitudes... there's nothing to say after losing. At least KT won a game ;_;

Don't talk shit about MVP, imagine how much they wanted to win this game. Ashe was trying so hard.

Stop blaming pick/ban. They just got outplayed. Now stop running your mouth about how LCK is the strongest league in the world and hope that they can get back in form for Worlds.

Even if we won Worlds, it feels like our club lost. Losing Rift Rivals feels like we lost as a region/country, makes the loss even more frustrating.

You drafted for early game against a super hard scaling comp, why can't you end? Well, that's why they're 9th place and that's their level of play.

But even as the game went on and it seemed more and more in RNG's favor, they played well beyond what their 9th place standing would indicate.

Especially when they managed to repel a triple inhib push by winning a teamfight... I almost cried when I saw that.

But those fucking two teams before... I don't even want to call them teams, what were those two animals, pieces of luggage doing?

Did you think you could win just dicking around and go on a tour of Taiwan, trying out restraunts or something?

While MVP is playing their hearts out and trying so hard?

We had to hear so much shit after '15 MSI, you guys just reignited that flame. Take the blame, you fucktards. I don't even want to watch LCK for a while anymore.

Time to switch to KT as my carrier.

Do you not care anymore now that the new SK skins are filling up your bank account?

In terms of trying their best, LPL was so much better than LCK today.

It made me mad watching the first game. Cocky picks + shitty play + third rate, arrogant casting. By the second game, the casting shaped up but the play's the same, lol. Really disappointed in SKT, and Samsung can throw away their LCK finalist trophy and their claim as a top tier team. So much pressure on MVP and they performed, I hope they do well in their remaining games in Korea.

Maha played excellently, if you did that well vs. Corki Camille Caitlyn you played the game of your life. Good job.

MVP played well, if "those" shitheads didn't fuck it up...

In the main discussion threads, Faker's getting flamed a lot with some screenshots of him getting caught being thrown around.

By request, some excerpts of Faker flame:

His most recent comment on his pro player page:

If he's still human... if he's at least slightly sorry for his fans...

If he admits his own fault in this...

Wouldn't he come back tryharding in the summer?

Wow, faker played like a complete shitter today, lol. Why do you go to a international tournament and play like it's solo queue? Express some remorse.

Even if Blank came out, I don't think they could have won this, with Faker throwing so often. I don't think it's Peanut's fault that SKT lost.

A discussion thread that seems to be upvoted decently.


short summary of it:

Right now, the World's strongest league is the LPL. Of course, until Worlds happens. It is illogical to claim otherwise. It doesn't matter that they performed well in the past. Even if Barcelona broke records in the past, currently they're out in Ro8 in the Champions League and the greatest team right now is Real Madrid. There is no opinion, this is a fact.

Likewise, in the pro LoL scene, the current is what should be emphasized. Mentioning the "strongest team" which isn't the strongest team right now is nostalgia. No one's going to be claiming LCK as the strongest league for a while - no, no one should be making this claim after this event.

And then it goes on to say how he's a LCK fan, and how Rift Rivals is a small tournament but a serious one, and that if they lost to being "cocky" then it's an even greater shame than being worse at the game. And so on.

Reason why LCK lost: http://imgur.com/a/MNxRi

No matter how good his teams are, to this man they are always second.


Comparing SKT's tweet stating they lost vs. MVP's apologetic one.

Why is MVP one with the apology instead of SKT?

These bastards, your head should be on the floor apologizing and that still wouldn't be enough. Why is MVP, who tried their best, apologizing instead? Do you even have a conscience?

Do you not feel anything from watching MVP?


What really makes me mad is watching MVP play their hearts out.

tl:dr Main post compares pick/bans to a casual PC Bang tournament, praises MVP for trying their best while bashing SKT/SSG for only playing when there's something on the line for them (LCK/Worlds).

SK and Samsung dicked around thinking they'll win and got demolished, KT had to tryhard because of the two teams in front of them, and MVP played their best but their skill ceiling really showed through. Really unfortunate.

We wouldn't say anything if they tried their 100% like MVP and lost, they gave over Galio which hard carried Semis and 100% winrate Kog'Maw like cocky retards. And Faker thinking he's going to steal raptors* (?) in a solo mission. I'm so disappointed, do they just not give a shit because it's more of an event than a tournament or something? Really makes me not feel like cheering for LCK anymore.

MVP was god today. Honestly, the lategame scaling on the enemy team was so good and they pretty much lost once it got to that point, but we should thank MVP for trying so hard to find a win regardless in that situation.


Why is MVP the one apologizing?

Why isn't SKT or Samsung saying anything? Those bitches should be the first ones to open their mouth.

Where's SKT and Samsung? Are they on their way to borrow a (swimming) tube?


Comic mocking the statement "LCK will take this 3:0 easily", kind of like the Spongebob meme we have.

*not 100% sure on this one

Edit: added some more.

Edit2: added some posts from the popular posts section.

submitted by /u/Yogg_for_your_sprog
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Rift Rivals is great.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:52 AM PDT

I think the idea behind it worked wonderfully. Yearly tournament where "rival" regions fight each other. It paid off greatly I think.

Only thing I don't like is that, the way the format is now, losing during group means less because you're really fighting vs the teams from your region. Other than that it's awesome.

These rivalries are fuel for the scene and it's pretty awesome that LCK lost their rift rivals, them always winning makes it seem like there's nothing really at stake.

Looking forward to the next one.

submitted by /u/StSpider
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TL's Steve Arhancet: "... we will field a roster of the best players in the world."

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 08:50 AM PDT

My Jhin fan art

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:23 AM PDT

Riven vs Yasuo: An In-Depth Matchup Analysis [Video]

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:30 AM PDT

LMS Interviewer Yuniko: "I couldn't even talk properly while I was standing next to Faker."

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Syndra & Zed's Everyday Life (Zed x Syndra) ch. 57

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:14 AM PDT


Hello all, /u/homosexualwalrus and I are currently continuing the translations for the popular series Syndra & Zed's Everyday Life (or Zed X Syndra as its also know as), starting with chapter 57. (homosexualwalrus did the translations and I did the TS/Editing)

Here is the link to the author: http://www.battlecomics.co.kr/users/158578/page/items

Link to chapters 1 - 56 if you want to catch up: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yg4hcn0vzxlgh3p/BaB8gIBr_G

We are going to be uploading a chapter every 3 days to make it a little interesting aswell as to give us some breathing room, so be ready in 3 days!

Please enjoy!

submitted by /u/woahevil1
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FC Schalke 04 vs. Paris Saint-Germain / 2017 EU CS Summer - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 11:43 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

FC Schalke 04 2-0 Paris Saint-Germain

S04 | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Subreddit
PSG | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit

MATCH 1: S04 vs PSG

Winner: FC Schalke 04 in 32m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
S04 rumble elise jayce orianna leblanc 65.9k 19 11 B3
PSG twitch kogmaw galio fiora camille 53.1k 3 3 B1 C2 M4
S04 19-3-60 vs 3-19-4 PSG
SmittyJ jarvan iv 3 2-0-11 TOP 0-3-1 4 jax Satorius
Memento zac 1 4-1-12 JNG 2-6-0 1 gragas Kirei
Caedrel corki 3 9-0-9 MID 1-5-0 3 syndra Blanc
Upset ashe 2 2-1-14 ADC 0-2-1 1 caitlyn Nardeus
Norskeren thresh 2 2-1-14 SUP 0-3-2 2 braum Klaj

MATCH 2: PSG vs S04

Winner: FC Schalke 04 in 40m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
PSG twitch kogmaw galio syndra leblanc 71.7k 17 7 B1
S04 zac caitlyn elise rumble cassiopeia 73.6k 22 7 C2 B3
PSG 17-22-33 vs 22-17-53 S04
Satorius jayce 3 9-4-4 TOP 5-2-12 4 jarvan iv SmittyJ
Kirei gragas 1 1-5-6 JNG 7-3-7 1 reksai Memento
Blanc taliyah 3 6-5-5 MID 1-5-8 3 orianna Caedrel
Nardeus ashe 2 1-5-8 ADC 8-1-11 2 jhin Upset
Klaj braum 2 0-3-10 SUP 1-6-15 1 thresh Norskeren

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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If you're interested in helping out with making threads, Click Here to send a message to /u/linkux18

submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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Urgot has a dark and secret past: Head of Zaun Mafia, grudge against Vi, possible origins of Shotgun Knees in Caitlyn's lore, Caitlyn's C being Caitlyn's U as well as speculations of Viktor saving Urgot's life, making his ultimate drill and turning him into his first example of Glorious Evolution.

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

VI / Possible previous connections to Urgot?

Vi disappeared from Zaun during a time of great upheaval, a time when tensions between the two cities were at an all-time high. Rumors circulated between the gangs that she had been killed in a huge explosion in the heart of Zaun, but so too did stories that she'd struck out for distant lands. The truth finally came to light when Old Hungry's Scars, a vicious gang whose murder sprees had spread to Piltover, were finally brought down by the Sheriff of Piltover and her new ally... Vi.

First of all, let me say that I am sure Vi and Urgot being enemies is confirmed. She was the example they used for his reveal. Usually, Riot uses champions that are rivals to show off abilities in reveals. But why would Vi, of all people, be Urgot's rival/enemy? Why not Swain, which sold Urgot to slavery?

Vi, as we all know, has left Zaun as a criminal and became a Piltover officer. Now, that might not be that serious but a gang member that became a member of police? Stuff like that is one of the biggest DON'Ts of mafia/clans and you might as well be dead if you do stuff like that.

What I believe is that Urgot is head of "mafia" of Zaun where he has these clans working for him to take down chem barons and cause anarchy. Not to mention that he and his crew that tattoos him also have loads of tattoos themselves which can show the belonging in a gang of some sort. It is also worth to add that mafias are helpful in some countries such as Japan where Yakuza helps people during floods/tsunamis.

CAITLYN / Origin of Shotgun Knees?

"Your previous thefts were meaningless in themselves, but when I looked at them as part of a larger scheme, it seemed like you were gathering components to build a version of Vishlaa's Hexylene Caliver," said Caitlyn.

She knelt beside Devaki to place a hand on his rigid body.

"And as we all know, that weapon was outlawed as being too dangerous, wasn't it? No one in Piltover would dare touch that kind of banned hex, but someone, maybe in Noxus? They'd pay handsomely for that, I imagine.

When you google CALIVER you get this. It kind of looks like a shotgun, but bear with me. Caliver is a 16th century firearm, basically a handcannon that leaves smoke behind after it is ignited and takes a really long time to reload. Does that remind you of anything? That's right. Urgot's shotgun knees take a while to reload and they combust a flame forward much like an Arquebus does.

Shotgun knees = Hexylene Calivers? Not to mention that Caitlyn mentioned Noxus of all regions.

PS: I have one more thing to add about Caitlyn. You know about Caitlyn's C? Well.. what if it wasn't a C? What if it was a U for Urgot? U is just a C in a different direction. Food for thought..

VIKTOR / The man who rebuilt Urgot + Ultimate Drill?

Before anything, I want to mention that Viktor and Urgot have a really huge chance of being connected due to Battlecast skin line. In the past, it didn't make sense for Urgot to belong there because he was from Noxus and had no ties to Zaun and the only reason why Urgot looked like he fit was because his mess was his identity so why wouldn't a weird looking crab guy be a killer robot? Now, with his rework, Urgot being part of Battlecast skins makes WAY more sense to me because, if he was allied with Viktor, he would be a first example of Glorious Evolution because every other Battlecast skin is a void champion or nonhuman/ascended (Xerath). Urgot would be the FIRST hextech augmented "person" to become a full machine.

Urgot and Viktor might team up because they both want people of Zaun to be "happy" in their own ways.

He threw himself into this great work with a vengeance. He used technological augmentations to help rebuild Zaunites injured in accidents, perfected breathing mechanisms, and worked tirelessly to reduce human inefficiency by decoupling physicality from emotion. His work saved hundreds of lives, yet seeking Viktor's help could be dangerous, as his solutions often brought unexpected consequences.

But if you were desperate, Viktor was the man you went to.

That last quote really makes me think of Urgot because he seems like a really severe case that only Viktor himself could fix. Do you think of any other person, except Viktor, that could fix a man that had half of his body cut off and lost his arm? Sure, Zaunites can do a little bit of help but no one could help, except Viktor, if the damage was extreme like it was for Urgot.

A leather gurney stained with blood, upon which lay a mechanized drill, sat in the center of the chamber.

Perhaps this is me reaching too far but how many drills are stained with blood? Most drills, in Zaun especially, are meant for mining rocks. So why is it that a drill of all things is being bloody? And not even that, it is in THE CENTER of a chamber, perhaps showing some importance. It isn't to the side or under something, no, Viktor was clearly working on it. My guess, unless it was just there for lulz, is that the drill is Urgot's drill which he uses during his ultimate.

"The Chem-Barons are feared because they project an air of dominance and often the threat of violence. If no one feared them, people would stand up to them. And then where would their power go?"


"Away. Exactly. Think of how many Chem-Barons exist compared to how many people live in Zaun. Fear is used by the powerful few to control the weak because they understand how fear works. If someone can manipulate your emotions, they can control you."

"I guess that makes sense. But I'm still afraid of them," said the boy.

"Of course you are. Patterns of fear are carved deep into your very flesh. Steel, however, has no such weakness."

Three things.

One, he mentions chem barons specifically. The boy in the lore could have mentioned anything else other than a chem baron. Kids at that age, even in Zaun, would be scared of more than specifically chem barons. So, why did he pick chem baron out of anything else like, say, dark or spiders or bullies like in the lore?

Secondly, "steel has no weakness of fear" makes me think that it hinted at Urgot because he is basically mostly machine at this point (no legs, only one arm left, other is a weapon, face covered with breathing stuff). If he has no flesh to fear of anyone then he can just go on a rampage against chem barons.

And finally, with Urgot being confirmed a chem baron slayer, the quote "If no one feared them, people would stand up to them" makes me think that Urgot is this Zaun saviour where he is basically just a terror for chem barons so that Zaunites could rebel against them + chem barons fearing Urgot as he already killed many of them. Basically showing Zaunites that they have someone which can stand up for them, which is why they're helping him in reveal: one guy making tattoos and other working on his knee.

If there are any more clues in the Piltover/Zaun lore that you find, please add it and discuss. :)

submitted by /u/LexaBinsr
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It would be pretty sweet if you could click active buff icons and have their remaining time written in chat

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:12 AM PDT

Talking about the little icons above the hud btw. Things like baron, elder, red/blue, elixirs, etc. Imo it'd be pretty helpful to be able to communicate these things to your teammates. For example, if you wanna stop pushing because baron buff is almost out, you can ping the remaining time to let your teammates know. Just an idea :D

submitted by /u/hey_its_griff
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Red Bulls vs. GIANTS! Gaming / / 2017 EU CS Summer - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 07:47 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Red Bulls 0-2 GIANTS! Gaming

RB | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook
GIA | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: GIANTS! Gaming in 37m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
RB gragas thresh caitlyn fiora gnar 61.4k 13 1 C3
GIA jayce zac galio shen kassadin 67.7k 9 8 O1 O2 I4 B5
RB 13-9-31 vs 9-13-25 GIA
Thal renekton 3 6-3-4 TOP 2-3-7 4 jarvan iv Ruin
Moojin lee sin 2 4-0-6 JNG 0-4-3 1 elise Gilius
MagiFelix lissandra 3 2-3-9 MID 5-1-1 3 leblanc Jiizuké
Sedrion varus 1 1-2-4 ADC 2-2-6 1 kalista Minitroupax
Kasing rakan 2 0-1-8 SUP 0-3-8 2 braum jactroll


Winner: GIANTS! Gaming in 31m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GIA jayce galio leblanc shen syndra 63.4k 9 10 C1 C2 B3 M4 B5
RB zac elise caitlyn fiora renekton 46.2k 6 0 None
GIA 9-6-16 vs 6-9-18 RB
Ruin gnar 3 4-0-2 TOP 0-3-1 3 jarvan iv Thal
Gilius gragas 1 1-2-3 JNG 1-1-4 1 khazix Moojin
Jiizuké orianna 3 3-1-4 MID 4-3-2 4 heimerdinger MagiFelix
Minitroupax kalista 2 1-1-3 ADC 0-1-6 2 ashe Sedrion
jactroll braum 2 0-2-4 SUP 1-1-5 1 thresh Kasing

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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Zig talks about MikeYeung, P1’s Rift Rivals performance and winning worlds

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:31 AM PDT

Dopa/Apdo is back in top 3 of korean ladder

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 06:09 AM PDT

I was stalking Dopa's op.gg ("Naist" on KR) and i noticed that his rank is fluctuating around the top 5 of the challenger ladder.Right now he is rank 2. How long is it going to take him to get to rank 1?Also if anyone has an idea on where he streams after he got banned from huya post it below :)

EXTRA:forgot to add that he has another account (Skewed)which was his main last season and is currently sitting around masters and another one (Skevvecl) which is his 100% win rate plat 5 account which has decayed to gold 1

submitted by /u/Bushid
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5 years of playing Lux for this moment

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Thankful for TSM's humble attitude

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:41 PM PDT

As someone that watched almost all of RR (EU vs. NA) I was appreciative/thankful for TSM's general humble attitude about winning and criticizing (except for the classic DL of course)

I'm an EU fan and everyone admits that all of EU (including players and casters) went all out on the trash talk even before the tournament and I can only imagine how much more of it there would be if EU had won, especially the last interviews.

In almost every interview I really liked the way they were never cocky and didn't say dumb shit like "we absolutely smashed EU (although they did)" or anything that could seem distasteful to some (*cough cough Exileh)

Also s/o to Mike "Mikeyeung" Yeung for the same attitude.

Note: I'm not taking saying that the trash talk was salty, I'm just appreciative of humility

submitted by /u/UpcomingPolarBear
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Bots in bot games

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:05 AM PDT

Has anyone recently played a bot game? that **** is infested with bots (on the player side)

My question qould be: Shall i report those accounts?

Im not sure if this is the right place to ask this cuz im seeing all the LCS posts here... im new to reddit so please show mercy

submitted by /u/LexFalk
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Wind And Rain vs. Origen / 2017 EU CS Summer - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 09:41 AM PDT


Official page | EsportsWikis | Live Discussion | /r/LoLeventVoDs/ | New to LoL

Wind And Rain 2-0 Origen

WAR | Wiki Page | Best.gg
OG | Wiki Page | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit


Winner: Wind And Rain in 33m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
WAR kassadin nidalee jax ashe varus 60.5k 9 10 I1 C2 B4 M5
OG zac caitlyn reksai syndra orianna 53.3k 2 3 M3
WAR 9-2-16 vs 2-9-6 OG
Jwaow shen 3 2-0-0 TOP 1-1-1 4 gangplank Dan Dan
Dan nunu 2 0-0-4 JNG 0-1-1 1 elise SevenArmy
Larssen corki 3 2-0-2 MID 1-1-1 2 cassiopeia Scarlet
Woolite twitch 2 4-1-5 ADC 0-3-1 3 kogmaw Neon
AoD thresh 1 1-1-5 SUP 0-3-2 1 braum IlluzjonistJ


Winner: Wind And Rain in 38m
MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
OG galio reksai leblanc nunu khazix 62.5k 7 3 M1
WAR nidalee kassadin caitlyn jax cassiopeia 75.2k 14 11 M2 M3 B4 B5 O6 B7 E8
OG 7-14-15 vs 14-7-34 WAR
Dan Dan kennen 3 1-4-2 TOP 5-0-6 2 shen Jwaow
SevenArmy elise 1 0-1-4 JNG 1-2-9 3 maokai Dan
Scarlet syndra 3 3-3-3 MID 5-1-3 4 corki Larssen
Neon xayah 2 3-3-2 ADC 3-3-7 1 twitch Woolite
IlluzjonistJ braum 2 0-3-4 SUP 0-1-9 1 thresh AoD

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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If you're interested in helping out with making threads, Click Here to send a message to /u/linkux18

submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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[Spoiler] Fun fact about all the Rift Rivals tournaments

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 10:59 AM PDT

None of the tournaments were won by the home team.

  • NA vs. EU, which took place in the EULCS studios, was won by NA
  • LCK vs. LPL vs. LMS, which took place in Taiwan, was won by LPL
  • LCL (CIS) vs. TCL (Turkey), which took place in Russia, was won by TCL
  • LLN (LA North) vs. CBLOL (Brazil) vs. CLS (LA South), which took place in Chile, was won by CBLOL
  • GPL (Southeast Asia) vs. LJL (Japan) vs. OPL (Oceania), which took place in Vietnam, was won by LJL
submitted by /u/MaxCoveri
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TSM Svenskeren on being one-trick Lee Sin: "I have to try hard in NA where opponents are tough"

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:01 PM PDT

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