Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | July 24 - July 30

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | July 24 - July 30

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

If you believe something is out of place here please report it!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Blizzard, can you please lower the gold prices for older heroes?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:44 AM PDT

There is really no reason why Xul and Probius are 10K in the shop when acquiring that 10K takes a hell of a long time and a hero or two are being released while you are still trying to get that 10K for older heroes.

Edit: I appreciate everyone's input. I understand that two heroes go on sale every week but, even though, you still have to use gems to buy them. How about a gold sale? Maybe not 50% off but maybe make a 10K hero 7K or a 7K hero 4K, etc.

submitted by /u/trizzo0309
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I think Blizzard needs to rethink their approach to this guys problem

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:52 AM PDT

I am fairly sure he has some beef with HotS in general. How do I know?

Call it a hunch.

About a month ago, someone posted about a Leoric suiciding like stupid. Someone was nice enough to tell me who the subject of the complaint was (might have gotten them in trouble in fact), so I bookmarked them, just to be save. And because I'm a curious sort.

I wanted to know what would happen to him. Answer: Not enough. It seems he was banned for about 2 weeks, came back for a match QM and a few Unrankeds, before returning to throw half a dozen ranked matches a few days later.

Unfortunately, I can not tell you who it is, because of the rules and witchhunting and whatnot. That's not the point though. The point is, that Blizzard should really step up their penalty system. There is no valid reason to let this guy back into ranked just because he had a few weeks to "cool off". It's obvious that this is not a matter of someone having a fit and acting out on it. This has system and intention.

Frankly, and I know this might seem harsh, when someone is intentionally sabotaging HL and can be proven to have done so on more than X occasions, he should be banned from participating for the rest of the season. This is an extreme example, but it should also apply to people who post "GG, afk in base" at the third minute and just stick around trying to avoid being kicked for inactivity. Too much of HL has this vile kind of toxicity, and it needs to be dealt with.

submitted by /u/Skeram
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Brightwing's Blink Heal should let her pass through allies for a moment

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:36 AM PDT

Theres been so many times that I have Blink Healed an ally and got in their way and potentially body blocked them in a hallway. It would be kinda nice if she could pass through allies for like 1 second when she casts it. Just a thought

submitted by /u/Duff-McWhalen
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Very Angry Frog - The Butcher

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:02 AM PDT

How to Steal a Boss (Parody of The Fray)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:03 PM PDT

Next time please make a event quest

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:11 AM PDT

I didn't win anything from Suns out, Guns out, but that's alright, it's good to know that the player base is large enough that playing everyday doesn't warrant you anything.

I do have a bone to pick, there is no indication if we have put in our entry for the day, does 00:00 -> 23:59 count as a day? or is it the time when the quest refresh? is it very hard to put an event quest so we know we have done it for the day?

please, next time make it clear for us please.

submitted by /u/Tyran11
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We need custom cursors!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:34 PM PDT

There is so much different variants of cursors we can have... Standart cursor is boring! It can be created very simply!

Special Cursors, Hands, Gauntlets, Tentacles, Weapon-styled (like a sword mb), Cursors from SC and etc...

submitted by /u/AnWarLord
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11 (Somewhat) Advanced Zeratul Tips

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:17 AM PDT

Hello! I have 1.3K games on Zera. Here are my tips for other Zeratul mains in the making

0. Set up camera hotspots in the centre of each lane so you can view them instantly with the press of a button when accessing which lane to gank.

You can change the command to do this using the hotkeys tab!

1. When possible, approach your target from the top of the screen

Vorpal blade teleports you BELOW the person you last auto attacked. Approaching from above allows you to dodge skill shots more effectively as you will end up behind them, thus leaving the skillshot's path/AoE

2. Go through a target's abilities in your head before you gank/move in to 1v1 them.

E.g. If a target has two ways to create a distance between you and them e.g. falstad has gust and barrel roll, you must use blink or seeker to follow the short gap creator or you won't be able to stick to them when they use the large gap creator. If they have a skillshot hard CC dodging this should be the focus of your attention, if another enemy is near or missing, you should try to dodge it with vorpal or seeker (if not engaging from bottom) so that you can blink away to safety

3. Burst damage for cookie cutter combo at each talent tier

Lvl1, Lvl4 (w-aa-q-aa); 707, 913; Lvl7,10,13,16 (w-w-aa-q-aa); 1027, 1157, 1300, 1801: Lvl20 (w-w-aa-q-rewind-q-w-w-a); 3919.

Or as a percentage of vallas HP

1: 53% 4-15: 61% 16: 76% 20: 140%

As you can see zeratuls powerspikes are at 4, 16 and 20 in terms of his burst damage, the most powerful spike being at 20 with rewind.

4. The vast majority of Zeratul's teamfight power is held in his ultimate.

Your void prison is generally worth more than your, or a teammate's, life, except in the very late game where death timers are long. VP should only really be used, between levels 10 and 16 at least, to aid your team in winning an objective or preventing multiple deaths/enemy escapes.

5. Seeker the in dark TENDS (currently buggy) to teleport you such that zeratul still face the same way after teleporting. So if you want to end up behind you opponent you should face away from them, if you want to end up on the side of your opponent closest to you, you should face towards them. For large heroes this is completely bugged, for small to medium heroes you teleport somewhat inside of them then get pushed out and have more choice about which direction to leave them if you click fast enough after activating seeker.

6. Minions are worth far more than kills in the early game, denying your enemy minions is more important than killing enemy heroes. To do this, prioritize killing enemy solo laners/chunking them so they must recall back to base and lose a minion wave. Chunking an enemy in a solo laner is generally worth more xp than killing an enemy in a trio lane. If you succeed in killing/chunking an enemy solo laner, the enemy team will usually send someone from mid to soak the wave; you should try to delay them using your singularity spike slow, body blocks, and dismounts to deny them as much xp as possible.

7. If you must fight without your ultimate, it is generally a good idea to trade your HP/life for that of a member of the enemy's backline, ideally the enemies sustained damage dealer or support.

The enemies burst damage dealer will probably have already used their cooldowns by the time the enemy has used enough cc to make it safe for you to engage. Even if you don't kill them, the damage is usually enough to make them position passively enough to severely limit their damage output, or force the healer to use their most important cooldown on them allowing your team to focus down another target.

8. Void prison is the most versatile ultimate the entire game, and probably the best one if used to its upmost potential, and the worst in the game if used poorly

It can be used as

a. Engage

b. Disengage

c. An interrupt (e.g. uther about to divine shield the ulting malthael in the middle of your team? Not anymore! Nazeebo channeling ulty and reking your entire team? You can stop the damage by using VP)

d. Isolation (e.g. VP into gust will blow away everyone but those in the VP)

e. AoE zhonyas hourglass (i.e. making aliies completely invulnerable but unable to move or use abilities for a duration). It is crucial to know that VP only effects animate objects and mercenary camp capture points. AoE and projectiles are unaffected meaning that they will continue in the background will your team is invulnerable. Very useful if your team is about to be hit by a 3 or more man apocalypse, moshpit (assuming they all on same side), pyroblast, flamestrike, being zoned by tyraels holy ground, or any of a whole plethora of different bad situations your team can find themselves in

f. Zoning tool. Fun fact: VP lasts 5 seconds, most channels only last 3-4 seconds including the dragon knight. So if the enemy team has only a single hero mid you can channel the dragon knight if you VP them while in blink range of the point. If the enemy team move as 5 via a single route to a tribute on cursed hollow, you can VP the path they are moving though and secure your team the tribute.

g. Much much more!

9. A good Zeratul is a patient Zeratul.

It is OK to wait in a bush for a minute waiting on the enemy solo laner to overextend slightly or use some of their abilities before you engage. By doing so you are generally more likely to get the kill, and will lose less hit points as you need to tank less hero damage and tower shots and can thus gank another lane sooner/ go to the objective with more HP. Remember that so long as you don't show on the map, every other lane must assume that you are camping their lane and waiting for them to make a mistake, this has value as they may play more passively and miss out on XP/harass to play around a gank which isn't actually coming. The second you show elsewhere on the map this advantage is lost.

10. Damage doesn't kill zeratul. CC and bad execution kills zeratul.

His combos are so fast and he so mobile that it is implausible for them to kill you fast enough in the middle of the chaos of a teamfight without landing some sort of disable on you if you have blink up. Wait for a target to move out of positon, or wait for the enemy tank/support to use their cc before you combo. If you're planning to blink over a wall to disengage, you should use your combo on the enemy most capable of chasing you. If you use your combo to chunk KT then blink over a wall, falstad can barrel roll over and kill you because your sustained damage is far lesser than his. If you combo the falstad however, he cannot barrel roll over the wall because he will be too low in hp and will die to your autoattacks alone.

11. Bettering your map awareness is the easiest way to improve as a Zeratul.

Enemy squishy solo in a sidelane? Predict their rotation and wait in a bush on their path to objective. Kill them and you win your team that objective. Falstad about to fly gust your team into a keep or dehaka about to burrow for the flank? Hitch a ride with vorpal and VP him to save your team and secure the kill. As there is no enemy HP indicators in the upper part of the UI, you must click on each lane and access each to know who is low and where is best to gank.

I AM WELCOME TO DISAGREEMENT OR CONTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. Got any other tips to share? Please feel free to do so in the comments!

submitted by /u/saltyjohn1
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HoTS Senior Game Designer thinks that SAMURO's talents have a lot of issues and AA build outperforms everything.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:48 PM PDT

Why do Immortals deal no damage to each other ?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:07 AM PDT

They're clearly firing projectiles at each other in Battlefield of Eternity.

How come they don't take even a single point of damage? Not even one.

It doesn't feel right :l

submitted by /u/AlbertWesk3r
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Reporting System should be the devs' top priority

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Just sharing my opinion, feel free to disagree.

The most important enhancement that the developers should focus on is the flawed reporting system in place. This is the same reporting system that the HotS team previously boasted their advanced algorithm, yet family-friendly players like Grubby and Kendrick were silenced by the sheer quantity of troll reports, with no evidence to verify the justification of the silence.

Adversely, trolls who feed intentionally with 15+ deaths per game are, as I'm typing this, still free to terrorize others in games. I am literally currently watching a member of the team dying intentionally, while boasting about how he is never banned for it.

I obviously can't speak to how the algorithm or system works behind the scenes, but from a player's perspective, the only 'punishment' I can see being enforced is a silence at most, likely for toxic chat. I cannot see if a player that recently fed or AFK'd was ever punished, and the assumption is that they are not because I see them repeating their actions in subsequent games. Seeing this makes others feel like reporting a player for non-participation/feeding is a moot action.

It's been said before that the priority was to 'punish' those who abuse the game, not 'notifying' the person who reported them. I sincerely disagree with this. As an example, Instagram has a very active reporting system that notifies reporting users that action was taken once the report was verified. This entices me to proactively report those who I feel are in violation of the terms of use. In HotS, the opposite is true, in that I don't feel like my reports will result in any action, therefore I don't bother reporting.

For those concerned about users who spam/abuse the reporting system, I hear you, and agree that there should be a measured approach on how to deal with this. One of the options is to 'devalue' the reports of users who submit a large number of false reports, or result in a temporary restriction from reporting for multiple offenses.

Again, just my thoughts, sorry to beat a dead horse. Feel free to disagree or discuss below, but I'm very passionate about this game and when I see something taking away from the HotS community, I need to speak out about it.

submitted by /u/dvu008
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I have not won a single lootbox from sweepstake

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:13 AM PDT

After having played every day and won a game every day I have not won a single thing from the sweepstake.

Comment here your non winning complains and join me in this winless sadness.

submitted by /u/beldr
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We need a proper LfG tool.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:42 PM PDT

Switching chat channels to see other players is odd in itself, but not seeing which channel players belong to, or what game mode they are grouping for is really frustrating.

submitted by /u/Laser_Gunns
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Biggest compliment in HotS

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:02 AM PDT

I just wanted to share with you a nice experience I made in hots. Sometimes when I play a couple of matches in a row in HL, I was matched with or played against the same guys. Today I played a couple of matches as Alarak, my main, and played first a game with two guys together, then against them. In the third match I played again against them and what did I see: the other team banned Alarak. Now you could say that this was a coincidence but who bans Alarak anyway (especially on Gardens of Terror). For me, that was the biggest compliment, as I've seen players ban certain heroes because one of the enemy team was really good with that hero and I've always wanted to experience the same thing, as it shows that I did a good job. Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you, have a great day!

submitted by /u/YugoBetrugo17
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Thoughts on a support who drops health globes?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:55 AM PDT

So I was thinking with all the variety of supports we have, what would one that drops regen globes be like? I'd understand it'd be insanly OP if it's on a short cooldown, as you could complete quests quickly and stitches would be an insane tank them. But still it might change things, thoughts?

submitted by /u/lartin
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I just had my first legitimately competitive game of QM in ages and I wish there was a way for me to flag it as such.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:27 PM PDT

I have no idea what stars aligned for this to happen but both teams had solo tanks and healers, at least one primary ranged and melee damage dealer, and no groups. Composition was never really that big of a deal to me in the first place, but what really caught my eye was the fact that my teammates AND enemies were all playing well. Each side had only one player die over 5 times and there were tense back and forth team fights that were decided by the most minute decisions. This was so refreshing given the vast majority of matches have one obviously inferior team skill wise with the losing team having multiple players above 5 and sometimes even 10 deaths.

Anyways I have been sitting here just soaking in how good that match was before deciding to make the post. I am more than certain that the next time I hit that "Ready" button I am going to be thrown into the typical chaos again; wishing that there would ever be a day when all matches could bring together 10 equal players.

Edit - proofreading

submitted by /u/desemos
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Who's your carry hero?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:54 PM PDT

You're on a losing streak trying out heroes outside of your comfort zone, you've decided that the losing streak ends here, you pick up the hero you're most comfortable playing and feel good enough with to carry a team to victory, what hero do you choose and why?

For me it's Azmodan with a dunk build, constant scaling, ability to siege from a mile away and able to still soak exp during team fights/objectives without a problem, insanely hard to kill if you're positioned well just because of how much of a health pool that big tub of fuck has.

submitted by /u/JoshuaRAWR
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Showerthought: You can dodge a huge rift in the earth by burrowing underground

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:03 PM PDT

Literally unplayable blizz please fix

submitted by /u/cassavaftw
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Trap Talents, Dead Talents & Balance

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Something is going wrong when there are as many dead talents as there are. Does the balance team have too many channels to go through? Do they not believe in temporary or half measures? Do players just undervalue what's there? Recent comments by a Producer gave a lot of insight into these questions.

BlizzClaudio - Game Producer "What we don't like to do is tweak a hero a bunch of times when we know we're going to break ground on them for an update, we'd rather spend that effort making tweaks to other heroes. If we were to make those tweaks ahead of a rework it both is and isn't essentially throwing away work when we know we may change the hero significantly. We can do better with tweaks in general though, and I'm going to raise a discussion about our priorities to see what we could potentially improve with that aspect."

"I understand your desire for more changes. I think it is feasible to make more changes if we're willing to shift our priorities around some, but I don't think it'd be healthy to modify 50 heroes in an individual patch."

"Unfortunately we differ in philosophy on this one. I think this would create a lot of instability in the game, even just buffing under-used and under-picked talents. Players need a chance for the dust to settle."

"To just change just a number like Banshee HP is a pretty simple thing to do, but it requires validation time to ensure the change doesn't cause problems, or unintended fallout. Then it requires QA, and a patch to get created and deployed by our Live Ops team, which they're a very busy group as well. Changing a single thing on a single hero isn't something we do often, we usually like to take a look at a hero and buff/nerf several talents/stats at a time and playtest those changes. Maybe that is the wrong philosophy, but it is one that allows us control and proper assessment over what we're doing, so it has been working for us (in our eyes)."

If there has been an overriding flaw with gameplay for the past 3 years, it's a lack of viable talent options. There is no doubt that Reworks and new release have addressed and improved other aspects of game... but many reworks are trading one build for another, while adding an isolated tech tier and a flex talent or two. A new build can be more fun and flexible in draft then an old one, but still miss the strengths of a talent system.

Not having pick and play diversity hurts the game far more than a less than ideal solution. When you're being locked into a build that would otherwise still be there, it's hard to imagine an excuse for leaving talents untended. Significant reworks don't come around that often; the idea that you're "throwing work away" when a talent isn't preforming, can also be admitting that your work had no value in the first place... which is rarely the case.

I've tried to outline what some people call "trap" talents, the obvious skills that can never be viable. I've tried not to base this on pick rate; sometimes the best fallback talent or sub build, can stop an opposing player from considering their most optimal choices without you having to pick it. Other times, it's not the talent but the supporting structure or competition.

If everything that is strategically viable becomes statistically viable, the game would improve two fold. This isn't a list of talents that need to be as strong as, the strongest talent on their tier; or a list of talents that are too strong.

This is a list of the easiest work that has been left on the table; issues that shouldn't wait for complete a rework or a 100hrs of play testing. I've done my best not to address larger issues with any depth, and avoid anything that is remotely ambitious for a character that should see a rework in the next 4 months.

I have not posted changes for the following characters because I don't play them, or haven't played them enough recently to comment.

Abathur, Cho'gal , Chromie, Dva, Diablo, Dehaka, ET, gazlow, Gul'dan, illidan, Kerrigan, Lili, lucio, murky, nova, probius, Rexxar, Stukov, the butcher, thrall, Vikings, Tracer, Uther, Zera,

I'm closing in on 7k games so it's not a big list. I'll encourage people who can comment, to add. To deal with simplest issues most experienced players can identify.

Trap talents, Dead talents. 5600 words. Get out your talent calculator for Reference. https://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/alarak


T1 - Ruthless Momentum (passive) Improve both values by 5%

T2 - Show of force (passive) Could Increase the dmg again or increase the window to 4s

T2 - negatively charged (E) - makes T6 lightning barrage unviable Could increase the initial bonus or add a soft cap to the gain; 4% for the first 15 hits, 3% after the first 15 hits.

T3 - Hithered motion (W) Could increase the slow duration by 0.5 to 1s. Or change it to 40% decay over 2-2.5s, pending the impact of Cd reduction talents


T1 – "Regen master" (passive) Give half the reward at 15 globes. 250hp at 15, another 250hp at 30

T1 – "Resilient scarab" (trait) Could also increase scarab movement spd or add to scarab duration

T6 – "Beetle, Juiced" (trait) - makes strong beetle talents (T2/T3) difficult to pick

Could additionally increase the health of scarabs spawned when below 50% health, or expel 3-4 scarabs upon death


T1 – "Reactive parry" (W) If reactive parry is triggered during "twin Blades" dash, it gains duration of 1s

T2 – "Shield battery" (trait) Needs more love, either 10-15% recharge or 0.5s duration.

T5 – "Templar's Zeal" (Q) This isn't a bad talent but the lack of support for a sub build hurts it, in what is a very competitive tier. Improve T1 and T6 options to make it viable

T5 – "Phase Bulwark" (trait) Would (and did) function much better at T6 away from primary build talents, even if it means a 10% nerf.

T6 – "Plasma Burn" (trait) A key feature that could negate a lot of its awkward "sustain shield" dependency; Deals 100-120 dmg burst if the shield breaks. May do better when alternate builds and sub builds are viable; it being sustain could also require shield battery to be accessible. Phase bulwark is not doing the trick.

T6 – "Zealot charge" (W) A smart change to reactive parry which makes the "parry" part more literal, could help it in the short term. Provides some ability to get back to swap target, but is very weak at the tier. It could make a great quest reward in a bigger rework.


T3 – "Immortal coil" (Q) The self-healing portion should be converted to a flat increase, so it can receive bonus from T6 - embrace death.

T2 – "Icy talons" (E) The tempest mana cost is too high for a talent that relies on it to be up frequently, the only viable mana return is its competitor

T1 – "Eternal hunger" (D), T5 - Frost Strike (D), T6 - Frostmorne Feeds (D) This string is mechanically and statistically weak. But statistically is the immediate problem.

Reduce the cooldown of Frostmorne(D) by 2s and reduce the mana return by 5. (30 / 12 = 2.5) 2s = 5 mana. Icy talons mana cost may be able to keep up with T1 and T6 frostmorne.

What's that you say? "I don't want slightly more sustain dmg for 5 less mana in burst, I want icy talons to compete better on its own" Well then… reduce the base bonus dmg of Frostmorne(D) by 7, reduce the base cost of (E) by 1 or 2, reduce T2-Frozen waste mana reduction by 1 (85% pick rate) , take away a little mana return from T1-Eternal hunger and add in the 7 dmg that was lost in base.

This adds up…. to balance. If a month later people stop taking frozen wastes (which wouldn't happen), you reduce the hits from 150 to 125 and BOOM, call it a day or 1-2 weeks.


She has good talent diversity. Most talents that have low picks don't suffer from under tuned numbers, thou there may be some over tuned numbers in there.

Maybe "Resurrect" could knock back enemies, from spawn location

Maybe "Angelic flight" will be good in some distant meta.

Maybe "Repelling strike" can knock back 10% further.


The single best quality of life change would be Reduce Cost of "Summon Demon Warrior" (W) by 20 mana

T2 – "Army of hell" no longer reduces mana cost, instead increases duration by 12s and dmg by 25%

There are a lot of obvious weak talents, but I don't know if they add anything balanced or not.

Balances like T6 – "Demonic Smite" (D) Every 4.5s (from 7.5s) your general of hell blast a non-heroic target for 325 dmg (from 411), deals 25% less dmg to structures.

note: structure dmg is similar to old numbers, but it should clear waves faster

He doesn't need a full rework, but he is an easy target for a half rework. Most of his push talents lack functionality and interesting gameplay. The problems in his laser build can't be addressed with numbers. I think the best lesson from azmodan is the need for two different rework lists; one for full reworks and one for an isolated build strings.

I just so happen to have a rework for the laser build string

T1 – "Burning palm" (E) If your death beam channels for 4s, your basic attacks deal 40% additional Dmg during All shall burn's cooldown.

!hit 15 heroic targets with empowered basic attacks.
Reward: increases movement speed while channeling by an additional 20%, repeatable quest up to 40%.

note: 40% base + 40% bonus = same as old.

T3 – "Gluttony" (E) Beam heals azmodan for 25% of dmg dealt and reduces the mana cost to 12 (from 16).

T5 –" Infused power" (E) increases dmg growth maximum by 40% Every 1.5s spent channeling increases its range by 7%, up to 20%.

An example of an interesting replacement for a push talents like

T2 – "Bound Minion" (D) General of hell gains 50 armor while azmodan is nearby. !earn 2500 xp while your general is nearby reward: General of hell gains 50% xp soak

note: soak is not bonus xp but the ability to earn.


Is in a very good place talent wise. Maybe a little bit of outer radius dmg for "Arcane flare" (Q) is all she needs to enable (Q) builds and Split pushing.

T5 – "Pixie boost" could also decay slower or from a higher %.


T1 - "true sight" needs to be much easier to complete

T2 – "plate of the whale" should increase max health reward to 15% (from 10%)

T3 – "war traveler" move Spd should build every 0.33s (from 0.5s)

Both T5 (Q) talents should increase lighting fury's range by 15%

T4 – "Valkyrie" could also be a bit quicker in cast or missile spd.


I think seasoned marksmen stacks are a bit problematic for few characters, he is one of them.

T6 – "after Burner" 60% spd decaying over 3s Added feature: If you take 3 basic attacks within 2s of using barrel roll, you will enter tailwind for 4s

Adds something that encourages aggression and can capitalize on the strength of "updraft" and "Flow rider", like its competitor "aerie gusts"


Nerfing his basic attack (or basic attack scaling) might be the best way to address his base power lv. He's not excluded from having bad talents but he is a beast. It's not the numbers that make him difficult to kill, he blows up fine; you don't want him to lose health, and it is already very difficult to build around deflect talents when they compete with Q & E talents.

"Dragon claw" especially suffers; I think its functionality/purpose needs to be balanced rather than pure numbers. If you take a little out of his basic attack, you might be able to put a little back in with dragon claw.

T1 - "Path finder" (this one probably isn't technically possible) also increased jump range by 25% when jumping over terrain (terrain clear distance)

The talent still has its place on a map like spider queen, but a little contribution towards its purpose would be good.

T2 – "Stake at the heart" Dmg 151(up 10%) over 2.5s (additional 0.5s)

T2 – "Dragon claw" Also reduces basic attack by 15%, but genji now throws a 4th dart.

T3 - "Augment Guard" Also increases the duration of deflect by 0.25s

T4 – "X-strike" reduce cooldown to 75s (from 80s) Also refreshes the cooldown of "Cyber agility"

T5 – "Double jump" Only increases the cooldown of the first charge. So if you have a charge in the bank, the cooldown won't be increased. This should improve the pick rate of T3 – "Cyber Shield"

T6 – "Steady blade" This talent should probably wait until it can be repurposed. You really want to be careful about his burst and final Cut already does the trick. Even with "Dragon blade" resets the math isn't behind this talent.


With the exception of go for the throat which was nerfed into the ground, he is balanced almost as well as he can be with the available structure)

The single best quality of life change would be to Move T5 - "Unfettered assault" to lv 7 and nerf the distance to 40%

Two unpickable worgen (Q) talents that when combined, have a less than average chance to compete with cocktail. This would also reinforce T1 "viciousness" As long as the distance gets nerfed, any combination of those two talents split between 4,7,13 is a better solution then what is presently there…. better as a sub talent then a dead one.

T2 - "Thick skin" (passive) Increases Worgen armor by 10 while above 50% health. Once below 50% health (while in worgen), the armor will not reset until your next shapeshift.

GM needs a greater talent shuffle for talents like, T3 -"Quicksilver Bullets" and T2 – "insatiable" to work

This could help reinforce talents like "Wizened duelist" and "Wolf Heart" Although well balanced

There are play style defining talents that don't leverage their mechanical strengths as well as they could. "eyes in the dark" with a 1s Darkflight/ Disengage Cd reduction, would be more interesting at lv 13 than any other utility talent. A lv 13 "Thick skin" with new mechanics could also be more impactful, diverse and interesting.


Her talents are mostly ok, she may need base kit improvements

"Water Ele" is strong at low leagues; a bit of move speed to micro would help higher lvs, also the ability to control it after dying.

T3 – "ice floes" Heroic targets now reduce the cooldown by 2s (instead of 1s). Just to give more cd guarantee in the team fight.


She's Relatively Balanced because of her wave clear and trait.

But her participation rate isn't ideal for what she does, who she counters and how she counters it. She has a lot of talents that overlap in function, which could be replaced by talents that support the more unique concepts already there. She's a character that could have an extremely healthy impact on the game. Not getting a character right or not creating a positive meta shift, is just as important as balance.

Here's a still relevant rework that addresses her design issues and maintains the base of her best aspects. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/20754835670#post-1

go ahead and break ground


Base Gravity Lapse (E) – reduce cost by 10 mana, and take 10 mana return out of the T2 – "nether wind"

T1 – "Fell Infusion" make it heal a bit more.

T3 – "sunfire enchantment" causes your next basic attack to deal 181 dmg (up 10%) over 2s (from 0s)

T6 – "Arcane Dynamo" increase the duration to 7.5s (from 5s)


T1 – "transcendence" while below 15-20% health, you heal yourself and the nearest ally.

T1 – "Insight" gain 0.5s reduction at 50 stacks, and another 0.5s reduction at 100 stacks. Half the reward when you hit half the stacks.

T2 – "spirit ally" increase totem health to 225 (from 150)

T3 – "Blazing fists" deadly reach also removes and prevents attack spd slow.

T6 – "Dashing Light" Increases healing received from breathe of heaven by 75% (from 50%) for 2s (from 3s)

T7 – "Peaceful repose" Divine palms cooldown is set to 5s if the hero does not die. If the hero does die they are restored with an additional 150(+4%) health and 150 mana.


His talent tree is a mess but viable. Most of the concepts needed to innovate already exist within the tree; it's just a matter of mashing up the right quest talents to compete with each other.

Something that would dramatically improve his play in the in term, would be to give him T2- "Harden bones" (E) at base; in exchange for max health, which would address his (W) talent Dominance.

T2- "Harden bones" could even become Armor bonus lasts for 2.5s after Wraith walk

Another Quality of life change would be for him give 75-85% normal XP on death. Either at Base, or as a 15 globe quest for T1 – "re-animation".

Li – Ming

T1 – "Aether Walker" (E) If li-ming hasn't taken dmg for 3.75 - 4s (from 5s).

LT morales

She needs to be on the short list for an overhaul. Here's a still relevant rework



Some of her talents are straight up useless and you'd be fine to get rid of them. Some talents have been problematic it the past and have earned their nerfs.

Give the wisp a little more move speed at base and take an equal amount from the dominant wisp talent at lv 4.

T3 – "Siphoning blossom" could probably compete at T5.

Remove (Q) talent at T5 – "pestering blossom" and increase the base (Q) range by 10-15%.

T1 – "blossoming swell" is still kinda weak but it may not matter with a slight edge for the Lv 16 (Q).


T5 – "tranquility" would be ok at a 90s cooldown (from 100s). It's weaker at high lvs, and lower ranks are prone to burning 100s ults when it's unnecessary.


Base - "Death Shroud" (E) – increase missile speed by 12-15%

T4 – "Last Rights" Quest: enemies killed within 1s of, or while under the effects of last rights reduce its cooldown

T6 – "Massacre" hitting 2 heroic targets also reduces the cooldown of Wraith strike by 1s


He has the worst talent pick rate of any hero in the game, with a tier dominance average 90+%. He has one build on hotslogs' list of popular builds. He also has accessibility issues, he should be on the short list for a rework.

Here's one that tries to address HL accessibility, while maintaining the dominate build https://us.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/20749766959#post-1


T1 – Remove "block" Third wind is stronger vs AA 95% of the time.

Move T3 - "Landing Momentum" to T1, reduce duration to 4s (from 5s)

T5 "thunder strike" hitting only one target also reduces the cooldown by 1.25s

In a perfect world he gets a Custom T5 -Spell shield and Burning rage.

T2 – "Thunder burn" dominates because T5 – "healing static" dominates. The other options at T2 are strong and purposeful.

T6 – "Dwarf Launch" is the definition of a trap talent and should get removed


T1 – "Pandemic" get 4th toad at 30 hits, get 5th toad at 40 hits

T3 – "Dead rush" uprooted zombies last an additional 0.5s

T5 – "Guardian toads" increase the duration to 2.25 - 2.5s (from 2s)

Balancing the first two Talents should increase the pick rate of; things of the deep, toads of hugeness, ring of poison and soul harvest


The place where rag's talent tree loses all of its diversity is at T3.

T3 - "Molten Power" (W) Every 2 heroic hits of your living meteor, grants 15% additional heroic dmg on your next meteor, up to 8 hits and maximum 60%

If the point is to reward good meteors, this will feel much more rewarding and consistent

For his (E) build to be unique and different from (Q), it needs to combine and expand on the support utility component. Currently it has too much overlap to even consider balance as a problem.

T3 – "Superheated" needs to work on allied targets. So that "Tempered Flame" can shield allied targets effectively.

If a simple change to "Superheated" is worrisome. Nerf the damage to bonus to 85%, and add the balance back into the lv 13 shield talent. Those two talents are interdependent, so it's ok to balance them that way. Whether you want to add dmg or shield bonus, it doesn't affect any other builds.

Raynor is #1 on the greater rework list. Enough said.



T1 – "electric Charge" Increases the radius of Lighting shield by 50% decaying to +25% over 1s.

T2 – "storm caller" when lighting shield is self-cast or cast on a totem, stormcaller's mana return is automatically granted.

T3 – "totemic Projection" move to T2

T5 – "earth living enchant" heal targets below 60% health (from 50%) over 6s (from 5s)

Reghar could use a minor rework to address T1 – "Lightning Bond" dominance. There are more interesting interactions that could happen between Shield and Totem, at a base level. But I don't think you can truly achieve those things with safety and certainty, without more attention. Attention that's likely not due for some time to come.


His talent tree design is the best in the game and he's a mechanical highlight. I think the current lesson to learn from Samuro, is that Unranked draft is a reasonable response to reasonable balance changes. If you can't figure out where the buck stops, samuro will stay a practice mode character.

Base – Increase health regen to 8 (from 3.58)

T1 – "way of the wind" reward comes at 10 hits (from 20)

T2 – "one with the wind" Increase armor to 70 (from 60)

T3 – "Crushing blows" critical strike deals an additional 30% (from 25%)

T5 – "illusion Master" active ability cooldown reduced to 5s (from 6s)

His (E) build needs more then a temporary solution, but you don't have to change much else; it's isolate on the T1 & T2 talents

Wild idea, Maybe the solution is to roll the best part of his T1 (unrevealable), in with a Harsh winds style quest.. and replace T6 Harsh winds.

Sgt hammer

Hammer needs a greater rework that defines "Siege mode" from her cruiser mode. The safe interim fix for this is…

Reduce her Artillery trait to 20% dmg (from 30%)

Remove T1 – "Advanced artillery" (taking 20% out of the standard build)

Base - "Siege mode" (E) causes Artillery trait to have double the effect (40% = the same as old).

Hammer has 15 armor While in "Cruiser mode". (Unsieged- reverse worgen armor)

She retains her Dmg in siege mode, gets more durable while un-sieged and gets a free utility tier at T1.

This is still a very safe and worthwhile solution; if you still feel the need to tune T1 talents.

T1 – "Ambush" deals 90% dmg (from 100%) to compensate for "Advanced artillery" being rolled in.

Move T5 – "Bullhead mines" to T1 and improve it slightly.

The middle mine knocks back and slows for and additional 15%.

Or additionally increases the middle mine's duration by 150%

Or if T3 -"Mine field" needs to be reinforced with synergy, which it kinda does.

Middle one knocks back, targets faster and causes remaining mines to deal 15% additional dmg.

Or if the middle mine hits a heroic target, it also reduces the cooldown of "spidermines" by 2s

To define her rework she needs more "Mode change features", like an out of combat spd buff for Cruiser mode; so her (Z) doesn't have to make up for all her flaws at once, and can instead provide more deliberate use and talent interactions.

Interesting Mode change features like

"Scatter Shot" (W) Cruiser mode

Deals 100(+4%) to enemies in an arc and shoves targets. Cooldown and mana is reduced by 40%

"Concussive shot" (W) siege mode

In an arc, Deals 100(+4%) and push enemies 75% further.


Her problems are play style and talent structure orientated. She should be high on the list for a rework.

Couldn't find a quick fix for the slam build; very few talents that don't feed into survival, can compete in a standard game. The more organized your team is, the more talent options you have.

Here is a rework that tries to heavily innovate on play style https://us.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/20753196195#post-1

A custom "Block" Talent at T1 might be the only worthwhile concession before a rework.

T7 – "anger management" also increases dmg bonus by 10%


The changes stitches needs are play style related. The talent structure that is there is balanced very well.


Her last rework was extremely successful; the talent tree is very well put together and worth balancing.

Starting with a slight the nerf

T2 -"lost souls" cooldown reduction to 1s from (1.25s), if shadow dagger spreads to all 5 heroes the cooldown is reduced by another 1s. (new = potential 6s with less guarantee vs old 6.25s)

  • should also help balance pick rate of T6 - "cold embrace"

T3 – "Possession" force an enemy minion to fight for sylvanas, causing them to fixate on nearby enemy heroes and deal 100% additional dmg.

T5 – "life Drain" Enemies return 33hp (from 37), heroes return 54 hp (from 37)

It's strong enough, but functionally dependent on a situation that rarely arises. The problem is "windrunner" can also be very strong in those same situations, and then extend its usefulness beyond lane or obj phase. So if the deciding factor to take life drain is ultimately defense vs offense, and not a map or mechanical advantage(in-lane fighting). Then having that barrier is only useful because it's a fun map mechanic. The idea is not to take it out of lane or shrine, but to slightly extend its usefulness past those phases. This becomes much easier to leverage with a nerf to T2 "Lost souls"

"Lost souls" pick rate doubles from silver (37%) to master (77%), and "life drain" almost halves (35% to 19%). The improvements to "Life drain" should keep "lost souls" pick rate up at lower lvs, while still being able to target higher skill brackets with a "lost souls" nerf.

T6 - "Remorseless" After using ability, Sylvana's next basic attack within 2s (from 3s) deals an additional 40% dmg. Can hold up to 3 charges, using a basic ability refreshes the duration for all charges. Simple mechanical aid that doesn't require you to force a slower pace.


T1 - "templar's will" reduce mana return to 6 (from 8)

T1 – "Psi-infusion" Quest first quest reward at 450 stacks (from 500), second Quest reward at 900 stacks (from 1000)

T2 – "khala's light" Armour lasts for 4s (from 3s)

T5 – "deep shift" im not saying this talent needs a change, but the higher up you go in rank the less it gets picked.. That's because the distance it covers is so far past what you need to be purposeful, it becomes arbitrary. The extra duration alone is usually enough to get back into position with standing team mates. A version that forgoes speed and grants 2s of stealth upon expiration might be more competitive at all lvs. By contributing more to your pocket control and maintaining the escape.


He has a few talents that can be saved by number adjustments. There are also slightly underpowered talents that have earned their nerfs; either because it may not have been the best gameplay direction, or they were inherently difficult to balance.

T1 – "Combat tactician" has new passive: increases tychus's mana pool by 100 (no scaling)

T2 – "Fully loaded – reduces cooldown by 4.5s (from 4s)

T2 – "Master assassin" Increases attack spd by 1.5% (from 1%) up to 15%. Reward is gained at 10 stacks instead of 15.

T3 – "concussion grenade" increase radius by 30% (from 25%)


Has one of the best kits in the game, but his tree makes him extremely predictable. His flexibility issues are beyond number tweaks, he is due for a rework. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/20754895688#post-1

T2 – "vigorous strike" increase healing to 30% (from 25%)

T4 – "Judgement" Dmg dealt to nearby enemies increased to 105 (from 78)


T1 – "ranger's mark" quest: every 25 basic attacks vs heroes, increases the duration by 0.5s (from 50 and 1s)

T3 – "Darnassian archery" The bonus lost feature makes it extremely awkward, detracting from fun and reliability. If it means not losing stacks on a miss-click, I'd rather see a 2.5s duration (and only dealing heroic damage)

T5 – "empower" if sentinel hits 4 targets, it also reduces the cooldown of your heroic by 8s

Valeera needs a rework.


T1 - "Caltrops" Increase slow to 30% (from 25%). Quest reward also reduces the cost of vault by 15.

T2 - "Creed of the hunter" 85 stacks to complete quest (from 100)

"Caltrops" and "creed of the hunter" should reinforce T3 – "Death dealer"

T7 - "death siphon" heals for 30% (from 25%)

T7 - "Storm of vengeance" Also reduces the mana cost by 25.


T5 – "Colossus smash (R3)" – doesn't need to lose health, this build is not common or over powered at any level.

Active: Fix/ improve the accuracy for targets that get out of range. Easy solution would be to decrease the casting range and increase the channel range. Or slightly increase the channel range.

T5 – "Twin blades" Twin blades is strong enough at a lower skill brackets. But higher rank players know, that when TB varian stops attacking he starts dying. So it has to be something skill orientated that addresses this issue specifically.

Giving him an unstoppable solves the problem but also adds another layer of utility that he doesn't need. Adding an active power that functions like a "reverse taunt", maybe able to remove some utility and present some draw backs.

Example: Cooldown 25s, range 2. Varian is forced to attack a target for a minimum of 0.75s up to 1.75s, but becomes unstoppable for the duration. If varian moves away from his target unstoppable is lost (cannot break Reverse taunt for the first 0.75s.)


Base "Skeleton warriors" Duration 14s (+3%), from 15s (+0%) Duration is 20s at lv 13, 22s at lv 16

T4 – "Poison nova" becomes uninterruptible like thrall's earthquake


First off she needs a 4th Lv 20 talent.

She might be the strongest early game character, certainly the strongest in lane. It gives her a distinct role but she's slightly too role heavy… I say only slightly because she should be role orientated, and the problem only exists because hydra gets focused down too quickly in the late game. If you don't have a comp that can snowball with early fort XP, her contribution is missed. Even on good maps it's very tough to plan for and rely on.

T6 - "Mutalisk" is so dominant because of her dependency to make it work in lane. It will always be the go to, but she currently doesn't have another option when the design clearly states she should.

You could shift the scaling up and base health down, but I think a new solution might be the best solution.

Hydra base health reduced to 445 (from 471), hydra gains 1 physical armor per level. Or 5 physical armor every 5 lvs.


usually has 3 good options at every tier for well versed players. But because of how comfort dependent her base kit is, the 4th talent often shines with lower rank and less experienced players. It's ok that she goes from 4 viable talents in each tier, to 3 as you skill up. But it's also worth noting that her win rate drops at lower leagues; 51% in the top half – 44% in the bottom half. So it's also ok to improve underperforming 4th talents, that attempt to make her resource model more friendly.

T1 – "maximum charge" globes grant 25 energy (from 20)

T3 – "take it to the limit" 45 energy (from 50)

T6 – "Born in battle" effect granted at 65 energy (from 75)

T6 – "plasma shock" also increases slows targets by 10% in the outer ring.

T7 "clear out" increases zone radius by 20% (from 15%)

"Demolitions" and "pin pinpoint" pick rate are unlikely to improve with "Plasma Shock", because of equally slight build improvements and the situational strengths of T1 and T3.

T1 – "together we are stronger " I don't know if there is an impactful way to support this talent without making "give me 20" more dominant. Maybe "give me 20" is due for a nerf; decreasing gains to 14 (from 15) max to 280 (from 300). would allow you to increase "together we are stronger "s cap to 35.


T1 - "Arcanite axes" increase ability power life threshold to 60% (from 50%). Or 12.5% at 75%. Then 25% at 50%.

T1 – "Bone Slicer" also increases grievous throw's ability dmg by 25% vs heroic targets

T2 – "trolls blood" also reduces mana cost by 25.

T3 - "wrong place wrong time" increase dmg to 155 (from 150)

T5 – "Forest medicine" no longer causes dismount

Putting the (E) sub build on equal footing with "let the killing begin" goes a long way in making the other T1s viable. With latest the "Guillotine" improvement, his (W) build may not need much more than this.

submitted by /u/Beargeist
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Imagine if Blizzard provided tools for us to make videos like these

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:18 AM PDT

When Stitches eats exploding D.va mech...

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:40 AM PDT

Here's how Tetcher and I celebrated Wukong Gaming's first victory ever on #HGC China

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:45 PM PDT

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Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:28 AM PDT

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Questions? Want to schedule your free coaching lessons for next Sunday?  


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edited because of some formatting issues.

submitted by /u/APwny
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ToastieRambles: Genji

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:47 PM PDT

Despite all the negative attention for Genji which would lead you to believe he's broken beyond all belief (he's not IMO, or only marginally). I want to elaborate on that a bit :)

What people in this forum seem to missunderstand is that when Genji wastes his W or E without getting a kill out of it, he's a sitting duck for 15 seconds. Compare it to a Jaina doing her full QEW combo, and missing both the Q and the W. Yes, you didn't get a kill - but Genji is effectively dead in this teamfight. A sitting duck. He's like a 5% health Illidan, unable to participate. And what you need to pay attention to is that Genji should never in a position to trade 1 v 1 with backliners - and this is the supports job (Uther, Malf and BWing all deal with Genji very well). Even Greymane is unable to do this due to the Dodge talent. This talent alone makes Genji thrive in the 1v1 with most heroes (and the other set of heroes, with fast AAs, struggle with Deflect).

Now, people like to refer to professional players' statements that Genji is overtuned. Note that this has nothing to do with 'limitless escapes' or 'protected' but with the fact that Genji guarantees 4 kills on a won teamfight, rather than getting 1 and forcing a retreat. It's the resets and insane chase. And none of that really affects us scrubs because we are simply not good or coordinated enough to do that consistently, and without suiciding. Genji has the resets of Li Ming, but without allowing the team to run away or disengage (Li Ming, despite her range and blink, can't chase people down).

Now, to suggest a change that I would actually like, is to increase the mana cost of his Shuriken by 5 (from 15 to 20) and remove the mana refund when getting resets with Swift Strike. This would all of a sudden put a real mana restriction on Genji (similar to what a resetting Ming has) and also limit how much damage he can cause on his own (like Kerrigan, there's a limited amount of damage you can cause before OOMing). Now, I know Mana costs is a whole another debate to get into, but lets keep it at this.

submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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Diamond 3 Boss Encounter

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:08 AM PDT

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