Hearthstone - /r/Hearthstone Discord Server | RIP Ragnaros Edition

/r/Hearthstone Discord Server | RIP Ragnaros Edition

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:30 PM PST

(Repost because last post is now archived)

Well Met!

We are happy to announce the /r/Hearthstone Discord Server! If you are looking to talk about the game, find new friends to play with or just hang out with like minded people, feel free to join us!

Also a big thing to point out is our registered users just passed 10,000 on the Discord server and we are partnered with Discord in order to give you guys a bunch of extra features and better quality voice channels!

If you would like to join us, please download and install the free Discord Client and then click on this link. Mobile and Tablet Clients are also available.

Let the GamesMemes Begin!

~/r/Hearthstone moderation team.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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New card: Warlock Legendary

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:02 AM PDT

New Legendary Minion - Prince Taldaram - HearthPwn Exclusive Frozen Throne Card Reveal

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:00 AM PDT

New Card Reveal:Weapon 4 Mana , 2/2

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:15 AM PDT

pic (chinese)

pic (english confirmed by Hearthpwn)

From chinese reddit (Baidu Tieba )

Warrior weapon card

Blood Razor (thanks to /u/czhihong )

BattlecryDeathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.

Source url:http://weibo.com/u/5621586771?referflag=1005055014&is_hot=1#1500989129241 (chinese twitter sina weibo)

Feel free to comment.

submitted by /u/rodroll
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Team 5... if you insist on trying to force "discard", start printing cards that say "can't be discarded"

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:19 AM PDT

that's it

submitted by /u/severus_stark
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Calling it now, Warlock will get a card that shuffles back discarded cards into his deck

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:18 AM PDT

Either as an aura on a minion or a spell for a turn, pretty sure this is going to happen.

submitted by /u/asscrit
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New Card Reveal: 3 Mana , 2/3

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:02 PM PDT

NGA ( the most famous Chinese HS forum ) reveals 3 Mana 2/3

PIC (chinese)

PIC (english)

Plague Scientist

Combo: Give a friendly minion Poisonous (thanks to /u/iBleeedOrange )

source url :http://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=12099352

Feel free to comment.

submitted by /u/rodroll
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StrifeCro taking a break from streaming Hearthstone

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:11 AM PDT

A Quite Shocking Correlation in Minion Cards

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:11 AM PDT

In a break from bawling my eyes out for the sad pace of card releases, let's examine the effects of shirts/chestplates/weird bandoleer things on minions in the current standard cycle. I will update this for when all KotFT cards are released next century, and see if Blizz has continued with these trends. These results may be shocking so those with weak hearts should excuse themselves.

There is a statistically significant relationship between whether a minion is wearing a shirt and its mana cost. Not slightly significant of a small change, but a very high significance value representing an average cost reduction of clothed minions by 0.66 mana. This is a clear sign of discrimination in the Hearthstone universe, telling young minions that just because they have a shirt on, they are on average worth 0.66 mana less, even though they make up 48.5% of minions.

Mean/Std. Dev./Max/Min/Number

Shirt- 3.79 / 1.82 / 10 / 1 / 263

No Shirt- 4.45 / 2.85 / 25 / 0 / 279

We also see this minion discrimination in the rarity of clothed minions. Minions with shirts are given away for free at a higher rate and less commonly are assigned Epic and Legendary rarity.

Free- 53.33% Common- 48.19% Rare- 52.71% Epic- 43.28% Legendary- 44.09%

Other findings

• Minions wearing shirts have on average a slightly higher attack : health ratio, 0.863 : 0.826. Some may call that "insignificant" or "a tiny amount" and they're aren't wrong

• Minions wearing shirts have a minutely higher value of stats per mana cost (2.244 : 2.232). This is can be attributed to the average mana cost being lower for clothed minions and lower mana cost minions having proportionally higher stat lines for their mana cost. As well as just being meaningless because it's a difference of 0.012.

• Unclothed minions have more wide-ranging mana costs, with having the only 0 mana cost minion (Wisp) and the giants. Also, the largest minions are disproportionately shirtless, with only 1 of the 15 minions costing 10+ mana, and 3 of the 31 minions costing 9+ mana wearing shirts

Brode, how can you stand for this discrimination when young minions thought they could trust in the impartial judgement of a small indie company?

Shirterino Kripperino does not stand for this and neither should Brode or any of you good Redditors #EqualMana4EqualMinionz

submitted by /u/Derstheballa
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New card revealed on Stream

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:01 PM PDT


Shaman Weapon
3 mana 1/3
Name: Icebreaker (unconfirmed)
Text: Destroy all Frozen minions damaged by this weapon.

Credit to /r/czhihong

Edit: Looks like Devs have confirmed its name "Ice Breaker"
Official Card Art: http://imgur.com/a/76GKD

submitted by /u/AkariSilverpaw
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Blizzard is not stupid and are not out of ideas

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:54 AM PDT

I don't understand how so many people think they know what's great for the game because they've spent an hour thinking about it. Did you know their developers spend 8+ hours and 5 days a week thinking about the game?

They do all kinds of alpha, beta and even potential patches to the game all the time and test it internally. Do you honestly think they've never thought about "discover a card in your hand and discard it" ?

Do you honestly think they didn't try replacements for blade flurry?

The current state of the game is intentional, it's not accidental. They aren't printing more silverback patriarchs here, they're printing interesting cards and we haven't seen the rest of the set. Reddit is so unbelievably wrong about cards each expansion mostly because they didn't try it yet in a world where all the other cards are around to support it. Blizzard does test everything they can to make sure it's a good mechanic. Maybe they're not always 100% right but they do a damn good job of trying

Not only are the developers seasoned veterans, legend players and professionals, but they're obviously passionate about making games or else they wouldn't have fought to get a job at blizzard at all.

submitted by /u/MrGryphian
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Card Reveal Idea: Curious Glimmeroot Edition

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:46 AM PDT

I have an idea for what could be an interesting idea for a card reveal. One or two of them could be done in the style of Curious Glimmeroot, where either Blizzard or a streamer reveal three versions of the same card, all slightly different, and the community then spends a day or two discussing which is the real version of the card, before finding out a few hours or a day later. Would be good on days with only one or two card reveals.

submitted by /u/gammalantern
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Revealing just ONE rare card after almost 20 days since announcement just killed my hype.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:19 PM PDT

I mean, c'mon.

Edit 1: I'm from EU btw.

Edit 2: WOW guys, front page! Actually I'm sad of all this and reading of people who treat me like a crying baby just because I'm disappointed it's just unfair. I'm not blaming blizzard about how they want to reveal cards, I'm blaming them for not announce anything about it. I mean, they could just say "ok, our reveal steam will be at X, until then you're gonna see X cards." And it would have been fine. But for EU players like me, this lack of communication is just frustrating. I don't care if tomorrow im gonna wake up with 50 new cards revealed, I just want to know if it's gonna happen, so I can wait in peace. Sorry for bad english, it's not my first language, hope you understand:) And sorry for the way the post Is formatted, im from mobile and don't know how to do it -.-

submitted by /u/Crash_t18
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Remember when hearthstone announced League of Explorers, then released it a week later? I wish Blizzard did that more often.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:27 PM PDT

This slow drip is such a buzzkill.

submitted by /u/ZedanFlume
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Card reveal information

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:32 PM PDT

Greetings reddit!

I'm Tesdey, an assiduous Brazilian streamer and arena player, and given that you're hungry for information on new cards, I'll let you know that on the 25th at 3:00 pm (PDT) I'll be revealing a new card on channel twitch.tv/canalstart

The stream will be in my native language (PT-BR), I will do my best to get any questions in English, but I am not exactly fluent in the language.

Cya, hue and sorry for my bad englisggez

submitted by /u/Tesdey
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What's the difference between Poker and Hearthstone?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:07 PM PDT

In Poker the cards are eventually revealed

submitted by /u/Teh_Freshman
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Scheduled maintenance on NA starts in 3 hours

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:02 AM PDT

  • Scheduled maintenance starts at 0700 PDT, ~3 hours from this post, and is expected to last until 1000 PDT: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/topic/20758265911

  • If you're on mobile and would like to play arena/f2p on other regions during this period, you need to log-out to change your region before the maintenance starts. Once maintenance has begun, there is essentially no way to change your region (though some have said that uninstalling -> re-installing works for them). If you're on PC and experiencing log-in problems as well, you need to change the region that you're tied to by clicking on the Battlenet icon at the top left of the client.

  • This is particularly relevant today since the super cool and generous Ahune and his benefactor are giving out packs and free arena runs, which apply to every server!

  • If it wasn't clear, your progress and cards are separate on different servers (as it's always been), so it's essentially like starting over if you've never logged on to Asia/EU before. However, some find it fun to just play extra arenas here and there or play ranked without caring about winning, and to (somewhat) go through the new player experience. Also, for giveaways like this one and the upcoming expansion free packs, you get to open a few more packs for kicks.

  • Other options include /r/outside, /r/books or /r/movies. I think /r/outside is not a bad choice after yesterday for a few of us...

  • Mildy interesting fact: This is the 5th NA maintenance this year (Currently Week 30).

  • I'll post a couple of fresh Chinese memes to tide everyone over later.

  • Also, this is the likely known card reveal schedule for the next 24 hours or so. The assumption is that this post is correct (I understand that there may be last minute changes):

Brazilian reveal: 2200 UTC, 11h from this post.

Korean reveal: 26 Jul 0100 UTC, 14h from this post.

Chinese reveal: 26 Jul ~0400 UTC, 17h from this post.

Korean reveal 2: 26 Jul 1000 UTC, 23h from this post.

Lothar reveal: 26 Jul 1400 UTC, 27h from this post.

There's also an unconfirmed Tempostorm / Reynad+Eloise? reveal at ~1300 UTC later, 2h from this post. It really depends on how good they are with time zones. Gaara says 3pm CET, so if he means CEST the timing above^ will be correct. Eloise said on Weibo this morning the reveal is "tomorrow" but it's still the same day in China :P I assume she means the US day though.

They may also be talking about different cards.

Edit: Looks like they were talking about different cards, the Gaara reveal has been confirmed for 1300 UTC.

Edit2: Wasn't Gaara's card: https://reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6pfyvu/new_card_warlock_legendary/

I would also be (a little) surprised if we don't see a blog post (~2 cards) at 1700 UTC, 6h from this post.

submitted by /u/czhihong
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I heard someone say that Ticking Abomination is the only card in this expansion

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:45 PM PDT

So I had the idea to put his face on the other cards that was revealed so far. http://imgur.com/a/OuZ70

Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold! I didn't think it would get this popular. Maybe I'll put this guy's face on all of the cards in the expansion...

Edit 2: I think I'm set on trying to make Abominations of the Ticking Throne a full edit. Just to show you that I'm gonna try to do it, I bring this: http://imgur.com/a/rVf9C

submitted by /u/XeroChance0
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More cards were planned to be revealed today, but there were "issues".

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:50 PM PDT

Plague Scientist revealed in NGA forums

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:15 PM PDT

When enemy hand is too full, show the discarded card on the history panel

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:49 PM PDT

Title says it all. I think it the history panel on the left should show what card the enemy needed to discard when its hand was too full.

submitted by /u/-vozER
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"ARTHAS" 07.31.2017

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:58 AM PDT

CM Aratil explains tonight's inconveniences and confirms two more reveals for tonight!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:33 PM PDT

I heard you like Ticking Abominations. So I stitched it together with existing cards.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:31 PM PDT

What happens when you use polymerization with Ticking Abomination and Lord Jaraxxus?

Well... http://imgur.com/a/pv3r2

Edit: The post is back, thanks mods!

Edit 2: Here are the Full Art versions http://imgur.com/a/PHU9R

submitted by /u/NotJaraxxus
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[Meta] Mods are deleting Ticking Abomination posts. Why are they being deleted when they don't violate rules and they're all we have?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:44 PM PDT

Here are some examples of posts that were on the front page and weren't deleted in the past week:


Literally just the text "Don't remember the last time I've seen this subreddit's frontpage without multiple clips from him. I can't really grasp why he's so popular."


Literally just the one line joke "The ice age is going to kill the dinosaurs"

Here's another post they didn't delete:


It's literally just a screenshot of an opened pack with two of the same legendary. How many of these types of posts have we had? Hundreds, thousands? Yet this doesn't qualify as low-effort content, apparently.

Meanwhile, posts like this https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6pbxx2/i_heard_you_like_ticking_abominations_so_i/

that were upvoted are deleted.

What rule does that break that the others don't?

Seems like mods are just deleting posts that they personally don't like and having inconsistent enforcement.

Why not let the users pick the content they want instead of trying to suit tailor this subreddit to your own personal tastes or have consistent rules, mods?

edit: Here's a graveyard for all the posts that the mods have been killing:





These are posts that people like and give the people joy in dark times. Why do you remove them when you don't remove other similar posts?

submitted by /u/hororo
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I feel that /r/hearthstonecirclejerk should get to reveal a card.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:42 PM PDT

And it has to be a common, vanilla minion that we all get for free.

f2p btw.

submitted by /u/brianbezn
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