Elder Scrolls Online - When my AD friend texted me this morning about the non CP campaign saying "We've lost Cyrodil!"

When my AD friend texted me this morning about the non CP campaign saying "We've lost Cyrodil!"

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:35 AM PDT

[Media] This weekend in a nutshell

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 09:54 AM PDT

Just healed my first dungeon

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:52 AM PDT

Just healed my first dungeon with an all sub-champ pug on Elden Hollow 2 with only one death. I've been kind of nervous about moving to healing from dps on my magplar, and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I keep mutagen, combat prayer, and extended ritual up at all times, use healing springs for burst, or honor the dead when things get really hairy. I have 5x SPC and 5x Worm cult with 2x willpower jewelry. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could be a better healer?

submitted by /u/F_N_DB
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Thank you ZOS for the free thrones, i guess...

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:36 AM PDT

Thinking About Playing Elder Scrolls Online (PC)

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:14 AM PDT

Hey Guys,

So I'm looking to try out a new mmo, and was wondering if you guys could help me out in making my decision.

I'm assuming that since it is an elder scrolls game that questing and exploring the word in ESO is probably amazing, but I was wondering about how the other aspects of the game are. For example the crafting system or jobs, in game economy, and character skill trees.

A big part of mmos for me is the community and pvp and group content (raids or dungeons). Pretty much I want to play the game with other players.

From what I've read in articles is that this plays more like a single player game than an mmo, but I'd rather hear what its like from actual players rather than some game review article.

I will be playing on PC in NA if that makes any difference. Thank you everyone!

submitted by /u/bigcat5591
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[PC] Is a pvp Warden werewolf healer possible? Is a pvp werewolf healer even possible?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:28 PM PDT

After playing through Morrowind with my Warden, I'm convinced that zos nailed their hybrid potential, even if they lack in the DPS. Max level, CP 226.

I like to do off-meta builds in MMOs and am less concerned with min/maxing core class strengths like most builds do. I played warden intending it to be my new main since I love support roles. I was wondering if it was possible to do a werewolf-themed healer for Cyrodil? I have searched through the forums and builds on other websites and I only get people saying warden is underpowered at everything besides tanking.

I am currently running a 5 med Shacklebreaker 2 med Seducer along with Seducer lightning staff and 1h/s as a hybrid stam mag "druid" build (some aoe dps, mostly aoe buffs). I know I'm currently ineffective in Cyrodil, which sucks. But the idea of a werewolf healer entices me. I am thinking since there's no downsides to being one, the boost to stam based builds can't hurt.

I have maxed crafting and have time left on my sub, so obtaining armor isn't a problem. I am not interested in pve, just pvp effectiveness. I don't want to do the math and get a build only for the core concept, despite how absurd it sounds, to be completely ineffective...

submitted by /u/kingsirdrmr
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On how High Rock is depicted in ESO (warning, long post!)

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:43 PM PDT

Abig issue I have with the world, as depicted by The Elder Scrolls Online is the handling of High Rock. The area has such rich history and lore that could have been used as a source to draw upon, but seems largely neglected, resulting in a slew of fantastic opportunities missed.

The first problem is the homogeneity of the region, politically and culturally. Lorewise, Daggerfall could be arguably defined by its intrigues, internal politicking and internecine warfare. Many people cite the Orc's participation in the Daggerfall Covenant governed by Breton Wayrest as huglely unlikely, but given how politically antagonistic the whole region has been, it would be just as unlikely, if not moreso, for Wayrest to side with Daggerfall or Sentinel. FWIW, I do not agree that the seemingly unlikely alliances should not occur at all, just that when they do, that the rich potential for story and world-building be not neglected. As many fans of the series' lore will know, Daggerfall and Wayrest had traditionally been very different entities. Yes, they were both Breton, so they shared ethnic and cultural roots, but their outlooks were supposed by the series' lore to be quite different. Daggerfall was founded by Nord colonists and ruled for a long time by nearby Direnni settlement. Wayrest was founded by the Bretons themselves in a later time. Perhaps this difference in outlook and history was a central element in the characteristic internal bickering and internecine strife so typical of High Rock, or perhaps it was something in the racial makeup of the Bretons themselves, but one thing is for sure, it was a defining feature of High Rock political identity, and exemplified by the antagonismt between Wayrest and Daggerfall.

Yet despite this difference in culture and history, the architecture across the entire province, as depicted in ESO, is identical. Being teleported between one or the other, with no other reference point, you would not be able to tell which one you were in because they look exactly the same. There is no hint at political tension, past or present between them at all - they are culturally and politically identical. Given the rich depth of world-building the series is celebrated for, typically with each city (whilst possessing certain unifying cultural elements) telling its own story (architecturally, culturally or historically) this uniformity of architecture and culture was a disappointing missed opportunity for intriguing story-telling or contribution to the lore, going forward.

While the lands of the other factions in ESO have suffered the same problems (the apparent primacy of Indoril architecture throughout the Morrowind mainland being the most oft-cited example), this is being remedied a great deal going forward with the additon of new content for Argnonians, Redguards and Dunmer, in particular, and in all honesty, its being executed to spectacular effect. The variety and contribution the developers are adding to the series with the newer content is really amazing and very well done. However, High Rock is long since now completed, and there seems to be no prospect for equal love for this region.

Of the more provincial zones of High Rock, the production has mixed results. I think Rivenspire has been done very well - it has both its own tone, whilst maintaining its undeniably Breton identity, and the main zone-story arc explores very deeply the internal historical conflict, and gives you the opportunity to directly interact with the contemporary consequences of these political dramas. While again, the architecture is disappointingly uniform, the handling of this zone was otherwise an example of what they might have been able to do with the others.

Conversely, the more eastern provinces lack a sense of independent history or idenity. These regions have traditionally been characterized by their distance and aloofness from typical Breton High culture and politics, and defined more by their common existence within the Western Reach. However the development of Wrothgar seemed to demand 'orc saturation' so that we got the picture that this zone was 'about orcs', while Bangkorai seems to lack any sort of independent culture or identity at all, being once again cutlurally and architecturally identical to the Homogenous 'Breton High Rock'. The Reachmen feature in both zones, and while staying true to their roots they have no true architecture of their own, they are assigned homogenous Breton ruins, which are identical to Imperial fort ruins, which have also been appropriated by the ancient and mysterious elven direnni (whose presence in the entire Western Reach, an historically defining element, can only be detected in the description of one loadscreen for one delve), and these are all essentially modern breton architecture. They might have also used nordic ruins that lore-wise exist in the region and lie testament to conflict with aggressive Western-reaching Nords which has traditionally been another important defining element of the region; one such structure does exists in Wrothgar, but its reasoning and story are awkwardly contrived where the lore offered more natural, compelling reason.

Frostbreak fortress, the closest the Western Reach gets to an epic Reachman stronghold has been placed where Orsinium would have made more sense to place, resulting in an awkwardly disjunct Reachman front and a new orcish colony unnecessarily distant from its historical territory. The placement is not beyond the realms of possibility, but reads as awkward when swapping their locations would have fit in a far less contrived way within the story the lore tells by reinforcing a lore-established (rather than lore-stretched) homeland for the orcs and erecting an epic Reachman stronghold which fits naturally within established lore while offering unabbrasive and compelling conotations for the Reachmen story of previous titles).

The final problem I want to mention is the weaknes of the maps. The interesting thing about the ESO fanbase is the fusion it represents between MMO players and TES fans, who are traditionally engaged primarily by the depth of world exploration the series offers. I still think the success of ESO is a demonstration that the two are absolutely compatible, when handled well. But in a series where the world is said to be the main character, lack of tools to understand the world, the geography, the connectivity is a huge oversight. I think that given the title has perhaps more limited capacity to innovate the lore, that a large part of the appeal of the game would be fan service and nostalgia (as evidenced by the demand for more Skyrim and Morrowind, and not meant in any derogatory sense whatsoever). So there is a market for seeing how our favourite places fit into the greater scheme of Tamriel. But the maps are terrible at this! They fit together poorly, seem to set out to deliberately obscure any effort to understand their setting, and, as frequently argued, are often just wrong. Given that the developers have put huge effort into making the actual zones fit together well (with retrospective addition of functioning gates, amongst other things), this can't be part of their plan, and seriously needs a reworking.

I have posted these thoughts not to contribute damning hate and nerdrage, but more because I really love the series, and think that ESO has contributed a lot of really great stuff to the franchise. I also just want to know what other people think of these thoughts. I'm posting this on r/TESLORE and r/ESO because I think it might be interesting to see how much of a contrast there might be in terms of attention and opinion it might bring from each.

submitted by /u/GreatSmokeJustFUCKMe
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Character damage

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:24 AM PDT

Ok so I have a CP 111 DK and its abilities do less damage than a newer DK I made, For instance dizzying swing on the CP 111 does around 3k-6k and the lower level it does 7k-13k. Someone explain

submitted by /u/SaneGlobe418
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Don't say you're a dungeon Guild if all you wanna do is talk in chat

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Seriously every Guild I join that has a massive roster and says the do pledges and dungeons don't do anything. I'll ask for a group and no one ever responds. I'll join a new guild and it's the same. It's like people only want a Guild to chat.

I know there are the good ones out there, but I have yet to find them

submitted by /u/ChrischinLoois
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Yet Another Attempt at a Nightblade Sap Tank

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:59 PM PDT

Hello everyone! I've had fairly good success with this build in four-man content, so I thought I would share it for others and see if anyone has insight on how it might be improved.

First and firstmostly, I have no intent to take this into trials, as I don't think it would be viable whatsoever. That said, I've tanked about 60% of Veteran content with this thus far, and it has worked swimmingly.

Bar 1: Pierce Armor, Sap Essence, Merciless Resolve, Summon Shades, Siphoning Attacks, Veil of Blades

Bar 2: Inner Rage, Twisting Path, Impale, Swallow Soul, Absorb Magic, Soul Tether

Gear-wise I've got sword and board on both bars, with five-piece Shalks, Leeching, and two-piece Rkugamz.

The idea with it is to be a tank that doesn't really block all that often. I mostly weave light attacks to keep up buffs and dots, and otherwise just whack away with light attacks to keep generating ultimate, magicka, and health. I stay topped off most of the time and generally have little need for outside healing, and I'm able to consistently do decent(haven't tested, maybe around 10k?) dps.

Stat-wise I'm sitting around 34k health, 25k magicka, 15k stamina, 1800 spell damage, and 23k resistances, and I'm still farming perfect traits to fit my small pieces.


I'm considering switching Leeching to Rattlecage, as I think the extra damage would offset the extra healing and give me more dps. Would this work as I think it would?

I'm also thinking of going divines on small pieces instead of reinforced and switching my mundus to the Thief from the Mage. Would extra crit outdo extra magicka in a hybrid build?

submitted by /u/Naytah
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Solo Stamplar 6M Robust target dummy 40k DPS

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

Where can I get cool armor?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 08:39 PM PDT

Where can i get cool armor in elder scrolls online, without having to buy crowns and more gold? (i'm kinda a noob to the game)

submitted by /u/alpackee
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Can Templars be good damage dealers

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:10 PM PDT

I play a dark elf Templar and currently run Julianos and Magnus set, in dungeons I usually do dps but I'm constantly losing health and magicka, should I just run healer or is there a good build out there for a Templar damage dealer?

submitted by /u/Artentics
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How to maximize AP right now

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:56 AM PDT

So I see people posting AP earnings in the 100k+ range this weekend. I'm new to PvP and burned at least 4 hours running some scout missions and grouped up for an hour or so on some sieges, yet I only ended up with around 30k so far. I'll have a few hours today to take advantage of the Midyear Mayhem even and want to maximize my potential. What's the best way (stamblade under 50 campaign) to do it?

submitted by /u/Beast_Mastese
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Sneaking in the Redoran Kinhouse in Balmora

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 09:41 PM PDT

Has anyone else noticed that you can sneak and steal things right in front of the NPCs in this house and the whole time you remain hidden?

submitted by /u/Gunkspargle
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Current event

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:35 AM PDT

Hej guys,

Does anyone know which armorset is shown in the preview of the current event?


submitted by /u/Camaris-sa-Vinitta
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Tank Build

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:14 AM PDT

The last time I posted on here about a build I got Uber solid info. So thought I'd try again for a different class. Wanting to start a tank character. Hoping someone can post a link for the ultimate tank build as well as give me some info on best races and class for the build. I'm assuming Nord Dragonknight but I'm not 100% sure. Thanks!

submitted by /u/MRWOOTASTIC
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Magplar Vamp ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:06 AM PDT

PCNA - Got back into ESO after 12 months off and 400 hours of re rolling - finally settled on a main for now which is my Altmer Magplar.

I can do somewhat decent with it so far at level 45 - playing heaps of pvp for the event - I am useless ish but got all achievements and getting some kills finally.

I normally play dark assasin sort of characters - but the magplar just works for me - its a bit different with all the light and bright spells etc so...

Does this class and race work well with being a vampire ? PVP and PVE - I plan to do it all with this character so I can finally play some endgame content.

So far leaning towards a DPS with light heals for myself to keep alive and a little for others - Its not finished obviously but atm im levelling all my abilities to morph point for all class skills, destro, resto and dual wield becuase why not.

any advice or tips/feedback hit me up


submitted by /u/Sev3nbelow
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GreenManGaming sales

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:06 AM PDT

I see that I can buy Morrowind for 20€ there. Do you know how long will the summer sales be? Is GMG one of the approved reseller? What about Instant Gaming? The price is even better there

submitted by /u/sawada91
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Stamplar 2H/DW or 2H/Bow

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT


& what would be the skills that I should go for?

submitted by /u/imRussBuss
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Skills to help survive grinding Skyreach?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 11:00 PM PDT

I've recently been getting back into ESO and my friend and I are trying to get our characters strong enough to grind in Skyreach as a duo.

We can put out a pretty good amount of AOE damage but we are having a a hard time surviving for long.

He is playing a nightblade stam build and I am playing sorcer mana build, both around level 30 right now. We are both vampires and have bat swarm unlocked but still need to morph it. I'm thinking once that is morphed it will help quite a bit, but I'm wondering if there are any other specific skills or anything else we can do that would help keep us alive.

Thank you! :)

submitted by /u/NickyNice
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[XBOX] Midyear Mayhem has my Argonian fired up!

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 03:19 PM PDT

What's your main Race/Class?

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:02 PM PDT

I am trying to decide what Race my first character should be?

I wanted to make a Nord DK Stamina Dps but have heard from many people it's not a good idea lol. I want to run vet trials eventually. But now i am stuck on what to main?

submitted by /u/DalyBoi
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