Diablo - Mods can we PLEASE get rid of the rule against mentioning banned software

Mods can we PLEASE get rid of the rule against mentioning banned software

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:49 PM PDT

I mean in particular "google maps" aka "TH" or whatever other allusions we have to resort to, though I think the rule should be lifted for mentions of any program.

This constantly creates confusion and stifles discussion. See for example this thread where no one can even answer the OP's question. Or see this useful thread on r/diablo3 which doesn't have our stupid rule.

And all of these downsides come with no advantage. Everyone in the high end community is already well aware of TH. And anyone who really wants to cheat is going to figure it out whether we give them the name or not. We're not accomplishing anything here. Hell maybe if the community could talk about it more blizzard would be incentivized to fix what allows the program to maphack.

I'm not saying we should let the subreddit turn into a resource for cheaters, just let us name and discuss them explicitly. The culture here is already so soundly against cheats that I don't think there's any reason to worry about that. And by all means keep banning links to sites that host cheats.

submitted by /u/freet0
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What is "TH"?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:19 AM PDT

Had a bad experience playing GR's today.


Just for context, i haven't played since season 3. I play support Monk, but due to shortage of support barbarian i geared one yesterday. Was pushing up to GR96 with a couple of friends. Really enjoying the class and play style.


Today i join a 95 speed group. we do a couple of runs and suddenly i get asked "Barb, do you have TH?"

I ask what they mean by TH and get "..."

They all leave the game without giving me an answer and start looking for a replacement.


So i made this post to ask what is "TH"? (and to vent some frustration over shitty elitist players)


Heres my profile! Any feedback apriciated.


TLDR: What is TH?!


Ninja edit: I'm looking for a belt with 6 seconds

submitted by /u/newdiablothrowaway
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Inarius LazyStorm | TXIII/GR60-70 Speedfarming

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:49 AM PDT

Please can we get a Simulacrum countdown

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 01:14 PM PDT

Currently the only way to know if its on or if there is time left is to hover over your essence pool to see if its doubled (if using Reservoirs rune)

We need a countdown or glowing icon or something so we know when its on.

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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Endgame Campaign Mode [idea]

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Just me, or do Necro skills not cast when used periodically?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:47 AM PDT

I've always used a DH as my main, which means constantly using Vengeance.

Now that I've basically become a Necro whore, I noticed some skills don't pop the first time I press my key for the skill.

Example: I could be holding down shift while using Multishot on DH, and press my hot key for Vengeance and it works 110% of the time, always.

However on Necro, I'll go to cast Bone Armor.... and nothing happens. Even happens with Command Skeletons/Mages at times. With/Without holding down shift. Some times I'll find myself pressing the key several times for some of the skills before it finally pops.

It's not my keyboard, as I only have this issue on Necro.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Edit: I've got it as a bug report on the Blizzard forums if anyone cares to chime in on there to draw some attention to it

submitted by /u/natemoone
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This was so beautiful I had to screenshot it

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:33 AM PDT

Holy crap, whats with this queue time?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:24 PM PDT

Issue with authentication servers … again

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:25 PM PDT

Blue Forum Post: Why Challenge Rifts Have Been So Strange

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:27 PM PDT

Necromancer Pet Mechanics Primer

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:35 AM PDT

Finally had a lucky start to a season!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 09:03 AM PDT

Usually get off to a slow start, but first scythe upgraded was an ancient Jesseth's, and then got Jesseth's shield in 150 shards.


submitted by /u/koticgood
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition free on Xbox One until 7/31 with Xbox Live Gold

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 02:54 AM PDT

As a console player, are builds and guides for the PC version useful?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:18 PM PDT

I recently got the game for PS4 but most of the guides and stuff on YouTube seems to be for the PC version. Are they still useful for me or is the game balanced differently for consoles?

submitted by /u/valeriere
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So I just got Diablo 3 yesterday. How long do seasons typically last?

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 10:08 PM PDT

Cause I'm still trying to reach level 50 with my Demon Hunter (I didn't start until like 2 am yesterday, due to the update on my slow internet, and I originally started as a sorcerer... that was a bit overkill)

I just want to make sure I have enough time to learn wtf in doing and complete all the stuff to get the armour set.

And I wish I knew where the hell to find the stuff for the cube.

And could find a keystone or three.

submitted by /u/Hymental
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The thing that annoys me most as a old player who came back is the Travelers Pledge set...

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:41 AM PDT

Does not seem like there is a lot of diversity for Ammy/Ring slot, which kinda sucks as your only real endgame option is TP Set + CoE.

I played Crusader/Necro up to GR81/72 respecitvely and tried to experiment with other rings, but not really finding much better than CoE/TP set.

Is this just the state of the meta or am I missing something?

submitted by /u/YouBeWrongBro
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Question regarding Tal/Vyr build...

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 11:32 AM PDT

So I recently got re-addicted to Diablo since the release of the Necromancer. It was also the first time that I really started to push for high Torment levels. So my first experience was pretty positive when I tried a Bone Storm build which got me to T13 fairly easily.

Then season 11 rolled around and I was stoked to try it out especially with the Tal Rasha set as a reward so off I went. Well, I've followed the Tal/Vyr top build from Icy Veins and I have all the pieces except for the cubed In-Geom...that's literally all I'm missing.

I have no issues up to T10 but it get's ugly after that. I understand about keeping a full stack of Tal Elements but the main problem I'm having is taking way too much damage and running out of arcane energy. Not to mention at T13 I'm not able to take down an elite pack even in Archon form with a full stack. Sure, paragon levels would help (I'm currently 238) but I doubt that would make such a huge difference. I keep watching videos and trying to put my finger on what must be the obvious what the heck reason I can't progress. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/Hawkeye75
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[S11] Rank 1 HC EU Necromancer - Tier 96 Solo (13:54)

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:37 AM PDT

Terrible Latency

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 07:39 PM PDT

When seasons started my latency was fine, but now I cant really play hardcore because the latency is constantly spiking everywhere, up to almost 1000 at times. I've tried the d.n.s. flush, reinstalling, updating network drivers, to no avail. None of my other games are having this issue, is it really just the Diablo servers being bad? I'm in Denver, CO so US Servers.

submitted by /u/WillhelmElric
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Red shield transmog

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 03:43 PM PDT

Any suggestions for nice red shield for transmog? Ive recently unlocked the red wings for necro, transmogged whole gear into Targul but im running in Rathma set. So im using set weapon / shield. Ive found fitting weapon for transmog but shield is pain...

submitted by /u/Valkyxer
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Gear progression

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 06:04 PM PDT

So I'm currently stuck at GR 70 on my hammerdin and I have no clue how to keep progressing my gear. This is the farthest I've ever gotten into a season. Any tips would be awesome. Thanks!

Edit: Heres my armory. https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Nick-18500/hero/92462096

submitted by /u/Kcold787
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Diablo 3 Not Responding

Posted: 27 Jul 2017 05:53 PM PDT

Hey everyone, I've been having this problem on and off on my laptop since purchase (acer, win10, i7, 1070):

I will open Diablo 3 and it will go into the not responding state after a minute or two, no matter how many times I open and close it. I know this issue has been posted on the forums and here, but I have not been able to find a solution.

There will be periods where I am able to play all day without it crashing, however I am unable to identify what I am doing/not doing when it does not crash. I have tried switching between 32 and 64 bit and also reinstalling. Drivers and software are up to date.

If anyone has solved this issue I would appreciate some help! Thank you!

submitted by /u/jpb33
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