Diablo - Best. Necro. Weapon. EVER!!!

Best. Necro. Weapon. EVER!!!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Found this gem the other night! Couldn't be more happy to be playing the necromancer right now!!!


submitted by /u/_Saythe_
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Who would win?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:34 PM PDT

Running through some rifts in the Cathedral tile set and this comes to mind... http://i.imgur.com/ZXvrWsi.jpg

submitted by /u/01100101110111
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Jesseth the Necromancer and Severus Snape

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:16 PM PDT

I just noticed that the flavor text for Jesseth Skullshield says:

"Your defenses must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the enemies you face."

This is a Harry Potter reference, because that is almost a direct quote from Snape in The Half Blood Prince, when he is talking about the dark arts:

"Your defenses must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo."

I dig all the pop culture references scattered throughout the game, and it was neat to find an HP quote in there!

submitted by /u/Xenowrath
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Am I an idiot or Challenge Rift 5 absolutely awful?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 04:42 PM PDT

There's hardly any synergy to the build.

submitted by /u/Lukeweizer
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Hey mods, how about you start inviting the PoE evangelicals to stop preaching here?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:36 AM PDT

Move them to their own forum, some of us are tired of their shit. If they hate D3 so much leave. It's spam and not D3 related.

submitted by /u/Marius_de_Romanus
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Got killed by moratorium

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:43 PM PDT

http://imgur.com/a/YWHQP After 20 hours I got killed by the dot of moratorium without even activating the cheat death passive. Found a post from 2014 talking about moratorium bugging the cheat death passives with tests on pvp and everything, there is even a reply from a blizzard cm saying " we intent to adress this in a hotfix" . Well the hotfix never came, and I found out about this the hard way. The post: https://goo.gl/p9WN4u . (Excuse the poor English)

submitted by /u/Nacho_Morfeo
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Need a little help with my wife's son's build

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:10 PM PDT

Hey there, I don't play this game very much anymore but my wife's son absolutely adores it. He's been stuck at grift 30 for quite a while and I was hoping someone could help me out with his build! https://i.imgur.com/steeS8e.png - build https://i.imgur.com/STXMxiO.png - weapon 1 https://i.imgur.com/15Bpycb.png - weapon 2 Now I'm not sure if he's supposed to take strength on a monk character, he's developmentally disabled so he might have just gotten confused, but isn't dexterity for monks?

submitted by /u/pleasefuckoffreddit
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Is there a lore reason that in D2, its Trang' Oul's Avatar, but in D3, its Trag' Oul?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:41 AM PDT

Anyone know why the N dropped?

submitted by /u/Bdills24
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Why can't the rift guardian spawn right next to you?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:31 PM PDT

I was so close to finally completing this week's challenge rift and the rift guardian spawns half way across the entire rift. I only had about 30 seconds left when it spawned so it's unlikely I would have killed it in time but still.


submitted by /u/Ilikegreenpens
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Necromancer - Can we have all 7 command skeletons spawn at the same time please ?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:41 AM PDT


Yesterday I died, a lot. I am too undergeared to do T13 atm, T10 is easy but not there yet for T13. So I died "a few times" finishing a rift.

This is when I started to hate the necro (with Rathma-Jesseth) respawn mechanic :

  • Die because dumb and gear

  • Respawn

  • No damage reduction 4-p stack

  • Skel spawn one by one

  • Command skel with 3-4 active (almost sure the remaining one don't follow properly the command if they spawn after the initial one and before a recast)

  • Die because of not enough stacks, but life-saving passive procs

  • Lose whole army

  • You are the only remaining target, no skelf to protect you, no skel to freeze attacker

  • All mobs switch to you

  • Die for good because there aren't enough skel to protect you and get damafe reduction stacks up.

To help a bit in this situation, can we have at least the first batch of skel spawn all at the same time ? Or maybe make command skel force spawn all 7, maybe on manual cast not on Jesseth auto-cast.

Thinking about poison mobs killing all skel at the same time because of bullshit 24 hits rule. There is a 90% damage reduction on Enforcer for a reason, maybe ?

submitted by /u/unitedbk
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This week's challenge rift is fucking shit.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:44 PM PDT

That is all. Venting. What fucking garbage.

submitted by /u/AGiantFuckingAsshole
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BloodMancer Group SpeedFarm Guide (GR 75-90+)

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:27 PM PDT

I was hoping for an Ancient Karlei's Point but got trolled by the game

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT

FYI: Blizz, I found another spot you forgot to update the Necro Portrait. The trade window.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 09:56 AM PDT

We know the trading window is kind of useless in D3, but I happened to click it and when trading between two necros, one was the new art and the other was the old.

I don't really care about it as its just an image, but like the title says, just FYI Blizz.

submitted by /u/Bdills24
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Runewords 2018 :: [ Final Suggestion ]

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Staff of Herding still useful?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:39 PM PDT

Is there any reason to have the Staff of Herding anymore? Anything to farm there? Last I remember was that rainbow blade and hamburger transmog. Just came back after a break sorry if this is a stupid question.

submitted by /u/Hertzagobeanja
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Bnet Connection Problems

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:43 PM PDT

Anyone else have been having bnet connection problems lately? I've noticed that since necro release its happening more often and tonight especially with team of 4x necros in a game.

Is it just me or is anyone else having this issue too?

submitted by /u/SQQQ
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Rank 1 NA and Rank 2 EU in the Wizard Challenge Rifts

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:30 PM PDT

First off, here are links to my clears:

NA R1 in 1:50.733 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpEPOAI1BVw EU R2 in 2:07.633 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc_rAGTos-g

The NA one was fairly straight forward. I think the biggest help was when I stopped using storm armor. This gave me control over when I procced the lightning meteor, which helped out a ton with the elites on the first floor. For example, it lets me burst down the back line of the first blue pack so that I can force the orbs to spawn from a closer enemy. Additionally, it is good to recognize when you can kill enemies with just a 3-4 stack + firewalkers debuff instead of having to stop and cast.

I really enjoyed the EU challenge rift though, since I think it makes it much more interesting when you have a movement/teleport skill. There were a lot of tight timings that were involved in my strategy with respect to archon usage and then the power pylon at the end. Originally I wasn't sure if I could kill the boss under power pylon while still making good time, and so I ended up with a fair number of runs at around 3:30 which involved finishing the boss off with archon. Shout out to Killersylt with the Rank 1, beating my time by ~0.3 seconds :P

If you have any questions, feel free to ask below. I do plan on at least doing the NA challenge rift each week, and will update my Youtube channel with my best run(s). Cheers!

submitted by /u/zen743
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The new 64-bit client lag after the patch.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:26 PM PDT

So. Anyone else got these weird freezes or what you would like to call them after the new patch with the necro? Might happen to other classes. That the process straight up call 0 for 3secs then go back to normal, hopefully. It happened after this patch.

submitted by /u/deatxx
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Damage on necklace/rings question!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:03 PM PDT

Not main stat, but say 100-200 damage. Is that good dps in this game? For example (100-200 damage + CHC + CHD) vs (main stat + CHC + CHD) ??

submitted by /u/supdubdup
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Necro corpse resource makes the class mechanics break down at higher torments.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT

The necro is very obviously broken class in higher torments. I don't mean broken like OP I mean the mechanics of the class stop working. It also makes a ton of skills useless. I'm referring to post 80 grift mostly. High/mid 70s seems to be where things start breaking down.

In higher torments trash mobs tend to die relatively at the same time due to big CDs or set/item empowered skills. Once they are grouped up. Most classes burn cds or resources to earn back those resources or cds by hitting the mobs. The necro has to kill the mob before it has to resource to kill the mob.... wait what...

The issue with Necro is it's resource for it's best skills are on the floor unable to travel to where the player needs them next. Or at the start there just are not any resources aka corpse, so you can't do much damage.

This broken mechanic pigeon holes the class to a CD no resource needed based build. Like we are seeing push the leader boards.

In lower torments where any skill can kill a trash mob it isn't as apparent, however as you progress the resource break down becomes more and more evident.

I can only see this resolved by items over powering an ability so much it is OP, or needing to change how the corpse resource is managed.

submitted by /u/OmniBlock
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What D1 & D2 had that D3 doesn't and D4 should.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:38 PM PDT


Let me explain...

1. Grit in the form of Weapon Immersion

Masters in armed combat often say that the weapon is an extension of one's self. Each physical aspect of the weapon is to be understood, measured and experienced. In Diablo 1 & 2, you could feel the weight of the weapons you wielded. You could feel the crunch of the skeletal bones under the blunt force of your mallet as you fought your way through the ranks of hell in dark dungeons. In Diablo 3, there is no relationship between the physical attributes of a weapon and how it's used. Wizards can carry giant axes on their backs without using them once. Granted, it may be easier from a coding perspective to just make weapon types basically ubiquitous between classes, but unless the class uses the weapon in a realistic, connected way, it's just fluff and eventually players catch on to this fact.

2. Grit in the form of Unit Collision

While troll necromancers in the Arcane Sanctuary or in the Maggot Lair would cause frustration (or glee, depending on your perspective), the fact remains - in Diablo 1 & 2, unit collision created physical connectedness from the point of view of the player and what she / he saw on the screen. Without unit collision, devs can create scenarios and environments overflowing with units, creating such a screen clutter that often destroys the fun of precise gameplay. Sure, Diablo 3 has dangerous projectiles and spells to avoid, but the overall feels is "ghostly". I like to be blocked by other players and units! It forces me to find another path, which adds to the immersion.

3. Grit in the form of Environmental Hazards

Imagine this - A giant 1-ton, 20-foot cleaver comes crashing down directly on your character and he/she doesn't get dismembered or curshed to the ground, instead expect maybe a 5% loss of life and being thrown up into the air. In what world does this make sense? Diablo 3 has all sort of environmental hazard... except, they aren't actual hazards. This is yet another element which causes a disconnect between the player and the game.

4. Grit in the form of Less Grind, More Adventure

The final nail in the coffin the Diablo 3's lack of grit is its deference to grind over adventure. I have been disappointed by season gameplay as I have found that no one - zero - players actually play through the storyline. Instead of experiencing the game & story again with a fresh start and unpredictable allies, everyone jumps straightaway into rift grinding. No more rakanishu hunting. No more teaming up to muck through the Maggot Lair. And yet, Diablo 3 has many more opportunities for fun team adventures like this. The levels are beautiful, but players are more concerned getting through it as quickly as possible because of how the game progression has been coded. It's just designed to make players focus on rift grinding than actual story-driven adventure and admiration of the rich environments. T.T This was the final piece for me that made me realize that Diablo 3 has lost the magic of the franchise.


The importance of immersion in gaming cannot be understated. Sacrificing grit (a.k.a realism) for grind, ghostly units, unlimited scaling in rifts, evidenced by insanely high stats and numbers, and formulaic levels that offer no sense of adventure, has not been an improvement on the previous two installments. Diablo 3 has become a game of whether you can kill the rift guardian in seconds or milliseconds rather than a game of down-to-sanctuary adventures and battles. Think back to fighting Diablo in D2. Yep. That's gone in D3. Or, if it's there, the game is designed to steer virtually all players away of seeking such experiences. If Diablo 4 is able to combine the best elements of Diablo 3 with the realistic immersion of the previous two installments, I think it would be a grand success.

submitted by /u/craephon
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Quick Cube question about converting

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:24 PM PDT

Just wanted to ask if you convert an ancient set item to another piece, if it will hold its ancient quality. Have an ancient but don't really want to test it so I figured I'd ask.

submitted by /u/Sarram
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[-DB-] The 1 Hour Death Breath Challenge

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:26 AM PDT

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