Destiny - IGN First - PVP Reveal

IGN First - PVP Reveal

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:55 AM PDT

EDIT: Link to the full Article to see the mode explained

PVP Reveal YT Video

Upcoming Reveals:

July 5th - Exploring the new social space The Farm
July 6th - Bungie's Vision for Destiny 2
July 7th - Our first impressions
July 10th - PVP Reveal
July 11th - Developing the Story of Destiny 2
July 12th - A closer look at the Sentinel Titan
July 13th - PVP Reveal
July 14th - The Sounds of Destiny 2
July 18th - Destiny 2 Beta Live!
July 19th - A Closer Look at Combatants
July 20th - Peripherals
July 21s - Localisation
July 24th - A Destination Explored
July 25th - PVP Reveal
July 26th - Creating an Exotic
July 28th - Ask Bungie Anything!


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Clan Migration for D2 is delayed to tomorrow.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:22 AM PDT

EDIT: Deej's Comment on the matter:

Hey, fellow Overlords! Clan housekeeping has been postponed one day, due to the extension of the Destiny 2 Beta. Tomorrow, I'll have more details on the blog, including a full suite of support documentation prepared by the kick-ass Player Support Specialist who linked me to this thread. Go test!

submitted by /u/BenFromBritain
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I'm a day 1 Destiny 2 Beta player. This is my proudest achievement in the game.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:24 AM PDT

Just a heads up that there won't be any .gifvs, from me, today.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 02:39 AM PDT

It's my Birthday(!) so i'm taking the day off.
I'll make sure to catch up with everything when i come back. :)

Feel free to treat me like u/NorseFenrir for the day.


I really don't think this post deserves Gold but thank you!

Quote that came alongside it:

If you want to see if a pearl is real, drop it in vinegar. If it dissolves, it's real. - /r/shittyadvice

Edit: 'Did you know' that came alongside the second Gold:

reddit was technically started in Medford, MA, but spent its formative first year in Somerville, MA before moving to San Francisco.

submitted by /u/Mblim771_Kyle
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Confirmed Nerf... already

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:43 AM PDT

"I was surprised by the turbine, because there's only one [blade] in the shipping game," Smith said. "We've removed [the second blade] in the shipping game." He added with a laugh, "I died a couple times, too."

Am I the only person who was NOT confused about this part of this mission? and did not struggle?

When I got to that part. I sat there and was actually shooting them spinning blades for probably 2 minutes before finding what to ACTUALLY shoot. lol... but still.... this wasn't that tough of a mechanic right?

Just thought this was funny they actually "nerfed" the turbine to ONE blade. Slow Clap

Edit - This is a silly change that i don't think anyone minds... Its just worth a chuckle. This isn't meant to be a stab at the game.

Also - they made this change BEFORE we played it. This post is satirical in nature.

#neverforget #RIPturbines #allturbinesmatter

submitted by /u/mmason1331
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Those who enjoy the Beta simply haven't been posting about it

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:41 AM PDT

"The people that have been enjoying the beta and/or the soundtrack haven't been posting, like myself.

I took one look at the cesspool of negativity this sub has become and decided not to bother."

Such a wonderful comment by u/Squadz that I just had to post.

I LOVE the beta, of course there are a few things that could change but I understand that a lot of it might already be changed because this is an old build used for testing.

This sub has been very toxic about the beta that it has actually deterred those who love it from posting about it simply because it isn't worth the time or effort just to have almost every comment crapping all over their opinion and the beta itself. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the civilized discussion is just gone.

TLDR: To much negativity is reigning supreme.

Edit: Front Page! But my mom is salty about the Beta so Hi Dad! /s

submitted by /u/DeVinchENigma
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All of this talk about the beta and I haven't seen one post about how beautiful the soundtrack is.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:47 AM PDT

The main menu's music brings me right back to Halo 1's beautiful feels.

submitted by /u/techcp2014
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Anybody else like the fact that when perks on guns proc that they glow?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:38 AM PDT

I noticed while playing the D2 beta when I got a kill and reloaded with the nightshade that it glows when kill clip is active. I think that is a neat little feature that way you dont have to rely on looking at the bottom left hand of the screen. You now know when a perk is proc-ed and its more in your FoV. How do you guys feel about that?

submitted by /u/Embraced_V0ID
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Why not let hunters use their third ability whenever, without reloading mag, similar to melee?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:24 AM PDT

You can melee attack whenever you want, but without a charge up, you'll just do a basic attack with no effects. Why not let the hunter dodge be usable at any time (With an internal cooldown to prevent dodge spamming), but the only time it reloads the mag/melee is if you have a charge.

submitted by /u/TheSkullmasher
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World's Fastest Nightfall in 2:28!

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:55 AM PDT

Not me, but.... Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ

submitted by /u/Raging_Goon
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When the numbers are juust right

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:24 AM PDT

There's something oddly satisfying about it.

Still on my way to 5615 Grimoire, but at least I now have a good looking T12 set with the right perks.

submitted by /u/Hal0ez-
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Reminder: Today is the scheduled day for clan leaders to migrate clans to Destiny 2.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Big Edit: Bungie help just tweeted. Destiny 2's extended testing has postponed the clan migration start date by 1 day.

Clan migration will be available starting tomorrow, July 26th, 2017. Set your reminders!

Here's the This Week At Bungie that goes over the details.

But long story short, at some point today, group leaders should see an option on their clans to migrate over to a Destiny 2 clan before the floodgates open for fresh D2 clans to be created, and potentially snag old clan names. (Intentional or otherwise.)

Edit: Big detail: You will have 1 month to migrate your clans.

Here's the main snippet from

Starting on July 25, 2017, Clan leaders should visit their base of operations on and decide if they want to convert their Group to a Destiny 2 Clan. Clan Founders will be able to transfer their title and permissions to another member who will be a more faithful leader for future adventures. If you have bigger plans for the existing Group that hosts your Clan, you can leave it as is and explore your own community purpose outside of the game. This housekeeping period will last for one month. After that time, new Clan creation functionality will go live on to support Destiny 2. Stay tuned for more information on that deadline!

These Clans will retain their basic structure. To sustain the intimate family feel that makes for good tactical chatter, membership will remain capped at 100 members. Each Destiny 2 account will be able to join one Clan on each platform.

As of posting, I saw no option for the migration, but Bungie seems to usually flip their switches at 10 AM Pacific time, which means we have a little over 2 hours before, as an educated guess, we'll see that functionality go live. Though if I see any formal announcement I'll edit that info into this post.

Edit: Whoops! Mixed up my AM with PM.

submitted by /u/ChrisDAnimation
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I hope D2 brings endgame content up and not replace it instead.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 08:07 AM PDT

From vanilla onward with the introduction to DLC's the new endgame activities or raids would become the new norm and the previous raid or endgame activity became pointless. VOG to Crota to Kings Fall to Wraith of the Machine.

It wasn't until the end of y3 that they brought all the raids up to par together. Hopefully they learned from that and will do the same going forward.

Edit: Doesn't** in title instead of not.

submitted by /u/AkAmpZ
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Destiny 2 Subclass Builder

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Made a little interactive tool for setting up your subclass builds and then being able to share them on social media. It has the full subclasses as they were in the Beta.

submitted by /u/lowlidev
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Destiny 2 Subclass Wallpapers

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:24 AM PDT

Alright Guardians, you asked for them and here they are the Subclass Wallpapers.

And just like last time, enjoy!

submitted by /u/Darthfuel
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My favourite part of the Beta was wandering around Nessus

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:16 AM PDT

The strike was fun, definitely felt like the best parts of Destiny 1 strikes put together. The crucible was a slower but more skill and team based version of Destiny 1's crucible.

But Nessus! It was so different from the areas in Destiny 1, in terms of aesthetics, spacing and architecture. Being able to explore and discover new areas, and uncovering each and every alcove and secret nook and cranny is one of the best parts of the Destiny franchise. Even years after launch, there are still places in the original game I've never seen and stumble across during patrol.

After a few hours running around Nessus in the Beta I have no doubt that one of my favourite parts of the franchise is alive and well, Bungie sure know how to build worlds that feel real and alive. I am more excited than ever about the new game after playing the beta despite how small a section of Nessus we were able to explore.

And now I'm even more excited after hearing more details about Adventures, World Quests, Flashpoints, and Lost Sectors, even if they end up all being glorified patrol beacons then it's still going to be a blast!

Tl;dr the beta sure wasn't great if you were expecting a demo like the beta for Destiny 1, but it was all the confirmation I needed to see that Bungie is on the right track.

submitted by /u/Telepanda
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Bungie needs to introduce legitimate punishments for quitting.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:27 AM PDT

I'm sure I'm not alone here. It's become common knowledge that one guy quitting a match effectively cost you the game, ESPECIALLY in Countdown. And yet, if people sense that their team will lose, they immediately quit out in the first round. Their punishment for ruining an entire game by holding down triangle for 3 seconds? Nothing. And then it proceeds to count as a loss on your records for that game even though there was nothing you could do to help it.

This trend will continue, and boil down to the point where winning a game equals a person on the other team quitting, if nothing is done.

The solution is fairly simple. If you quit, you get a 30-minute lockout from all activities. This would also happen if you quit a strike. (Within the first 15 minutes, because sometimes it's truly hopeless) It's a basic fix that will prevent quitters from dashing at the slightest hint of loss, and it doesn't cause long term punishments for people who really do have to be somewhere.

Of course, this is a discussion. My opinion is not be-all-end-all and other suggestions are equally valid. Regardless, it's not a question of whether it not it needs to be done, but how to go about it.

TL;DR - Crucible games are being consistently ruined by quitters and some kind of punishment needs to be introduced to stop it.

Clarification that this would only affect "Quit to orbit" people and only with a short activity lockout.

submitted by /u/Ultimagara
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Nessus sounds like mike tyson was trying to say nexus and it didnt go well.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 12:32 PM PDT

mike: hai gaiz anyone wanna play the nessus strike.

friend: you mean nexus?

mike: ya das what i said nessus

friend: nexus

mike: nessus

friend: neck-sus

mike: knocks friend out ill solo it bish

submitted by /u/BeardofZeus27
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I made Destiny Ghost Keycaps

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:29 AM PDT

Anyone else hoping for an 8v8 BTB mode in D2?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 10:04 PM PDT

Body text is really the same as title.

I know we have 4v4 mode, and that's nice, I kinda like the Global Offensive feel of Countdown, but is anyone else hoping we see an 8v8 mode at some point, classic Big Team Battle style?

Supporting arguments for Destiny 8v8:

  • Tanks
  • Long rifles
  • Glaring historical lack of CTF mode
submitted by /u/daeimos
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After a full week of the beta, the IGN video today about Nessus was great.

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 08:04 PM PDT

I'm a day 1 player. This is the first shooter I have truly played and I love it. I LOVE this game. I have put WAY too many hours into this game perfecting my Titan Skating, grinding weapons, getting to the lighthouse, but I have enjoyed it all, and I am super excited for D2.

But I've had some serious gripes about the beta, overall I am still excited. This beta has shown me that this game is still very much a work in progress.

PvP seems really well balanced and other then a few outlying guns, most have very distinct feels and a comparative time-to-kill at their appropriate ranges. However, the cocktail of MUCH lower recovery, longer TTK, smaller maps and respawns still being so short, this PvP is just.... not as fun. It just seems that as soon as you win a gun fight, someone comes right around the corner and paints your helmet in lead. But it is much more balanced than D1 ever was, and with a fireteam can be fun. Soloplay will probably suffer the most as far as enjoyment however. I think with some bigger maps, and maybe a second or two longer on respawns it could be a lot of fun, but we will see on release.

PvE has it's issues too, but we have already seen that most of those have been fixed on their current builds. Weapons are dealing more damage, enemies have less health, power ammo is dropping more and ability cooldowns are faster. We know all of these are coming, which is just great.

But the Beta has shown me two things that have me absolutely hyped for D2:

The Inverted Spire, and Homecoming.

Homecoming was AMAZING. If there are only 30 missions like that (7-10 per planet) in combination with a raid and a few strikes, I am already getting my money's worth and then some.

The inverted Spire is HUGE. HUGE! That strike is twice as large as any of the other strikes in Vanilla Destiny. The longest strike in VD was probably Valus McDickface, just in distance covered. This strike was so much bigger than that, has us going all OVER the place, and its fantastic! Having strikes like this, and Missions/quests like Homecoming, will make the PvE so much fun, but that isn't even all of it! There's a lot of negativity in this sub right now because of this Beta, but I think people need to just relax, and see what comes that first Tuesday of September.

Today IGN released another video of their coverage of D2, and it honestly got me more excited than the entire Beta. There is going to be SO much for us to do. There is going to be a main storyline we will have to complete, with parts on each planet, and what I assume to be some pretty epic shit going down with over 50 cutscenes involved. This video from IGN tells us that there are entire, fully fledged out questlines waiting for us on each planet AFTER that storyline is done! On top of that, we have lost sectors, strikes, the raid, weekly treasure hunts from Cayde, and probably way more stuff they aren't even telling us.

I am so fucking stoked for Destiny 2, and while I have my gripes about how this beta has turned out, I think Bungie will take care of us and really flesh out a game that we will all want to play. I can't wait to login that night and hop into a party with my buddies, and shoot some fucking aliens in the face!

Eyes up guardians! 43 days left and counting, see you there!

Edit: Obligatory "Oh hi there front page, how you doin?"

submitted by /u/Aerodim101
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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Failsafe's personality(ies), dialogue, and tone?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 03:43 AM PDT

Definitely one of my favorite characters already

submitted by /u/LittleShiro11
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My Favourite Shaxx Quote So Far

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 09:43 AM PDT

After a 10 kill streak with warlock: "Who said warlocks are better with books than guns? ..... It was me."

submitted by /u/booty257
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I know this probably isn't a big deal to most of you… but I just wanted to share that I'm finally at level 40!

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:53 PM PDT

First it was "wait for the reveal", then it was "wait for the beta", now it's "wait for the retail release" and soon it will be "just wait for the first dlc". This isn't new. A brief history of how this community deals with criticism of the game...

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:25 PM PDT

When am I allowed to start be critical of the things Bungie is showing us? There is always an excuse around here for why this game isn't living up to its full potential. Nobody seems to disagree on that fact, for what its worth, it's just that some people don't want you to actually talk about it. Not right now anyways, just wait for the next thing...

We saw this same pattern in D1... the D1 alpha/beta had people scratching their heads, everyone told us to just wait for Vanilla. Vanilla crashed and burned? Just wait for TDB, they said. Underwhelming as shit. No, wait for House of Wolves! That's the real one that will save everything. They're listening to us guys, they said so. Sigh...

I'm not saying D1 wasn't amazingly fun at times, I'm not saying I didn't play the hell out of it despite all my issues. I'm not even saying I won't do the same thing with D2. But the issues are the issues are the issues, and talking about them is the only way they will ever be addressed.

That's not to say you have to agree with every negative opinion posted here, or even that you shouldn't disagree with some of them. Half the posts complaining about the Beta are so ignorant and misguided, I don't blame people for being upset with them.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows out there either, and to ignore the issues or try to downvote or shout them down makes you a part of the problem as well. This isn't the Good Guys vs the Bad Guys, team light vs dark, we're all on the same team.. we all want this game to succeed.

submitted by /u/ryno21
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