Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:00 AM PDT







submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Becoming a Destiny 2 Clan

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:33 AM PDT


Much has been said about the vital role that Clans will play in Destiny 2. The special teams that are bound to the player experience will serve as the backbone of a new community. Clans will continue to unite like-minded players around common goals, turning new allies into old friends. As we embark on this new campaign together, Clans will also guide every player (even those lone wolves) to victory over the most powerful enemies of the Guardians.

The last time we talked about Clans, we forecast some crucial steps to be taken by their Founders. In the Beta, new Clan features were notably absent because our original Destiny Clans were built on tech that goes back more than a decade. The Clan and Guided Games features in Destiny 2 required us to rework some of the underlying architecture, but we will make sure the history of your beloved communities is preserved in the process.

Starting today, we've begun to update with this new functionality. Founding members of Clans are being called to action. It's time to rally your troops and begin planning the migration to a new title.

To summarize again, in its current state, your Destiny Clan has been based on a Group. To benefit from the new features that Destiny 2 Clans will enjoy, the Founder of each Group will need to convert to the new Clan structure. When Destiny 2 launches, these Clans will find in-game features to manage their roster. Every member of a Destiny 2 Clan will earn rewards based on the activities of their teammates. Guided Games will enable Clans to welcome reinforcements into their Fireteams to tackle endgame activities. You'll also find a whole suite of Clan management tools on and the Destiny mobile application.

Destiny Player Support has created a full suite of documentation for how this will work. Give it a read and begin the process of preparing your Clan for the new adventures that await. Today begins a maintenance window that will last for just under one month.

If the needs of your Group are less tactical, you can leave things as they stand today and maintain a more social emphasis that can serve a larger audience. Clans, after all, are capped at 100 members, sworn to watch each other's backs!

Here are some dates you should be tracking:

  • July 26: Clan Management functionality goes live on

  • August 23: Deadline to choose between Group or Clan

  • September 6: Console Launch of Destiny 2

It must be said one more time that, if your Clan spans many Groups unified by an Alliance, this evolution will break some of those bonds. Our team is well aware of the communities this will effect. We're already thinking about how we can serve those larger entities in the future. For now, we want to provide a better experience in the game for every Clan.

We'll talk more about Clan progression, Guided Games, and the rest of the social feature sets closer to launch. For today, there is one question to ask yourself: Does the Group that you founded want to be a Clan in Destiny 2?

If you're not a member of a Clan, now is a great time to start shopping for one. If you're the type of player who marches to the beat of your own drum, starting a Clan will become a much better experience August 23 on

This #Help documentation is your finest source of information. Investigate your options and read the questions we've answered in advance. Report to the #Help forum if you have other questions. As Clan leaders, you'll be a very important person in the Destiny 2 community. Today, you can take your first step toward that world.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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IGN First - Creating an Exotic

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:54 AM PDT

Video: Creating the Coldheart Exotic Trace Rifle

Upcoming Reveals:

July 5th - Exploring the new social space The Farm
July 6th - Bungie's Vision for Destiny 2
July 7th - Our first impressions
July 10th - PVP Reveal
July 11th - Developing the Story of Destiny 2
July 12th - A closer look at the Sentinel Titan
July 13th - PVP Reveal
July 14th - The Sounds of Destiny 2
July 18th - Destiny 2 Beta Live!
July 19th - A Closer Look at Combatants
July 20th - Peripherals
July 21s - Localisation
July 24th - A Destination Explored
July 25th - PVP Reveal
July 26th - Creating an Exotic
July 28th - Ask Bungie Anything!


submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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We're getting Coldheart with the pre-order

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT

Edit: imgur link. sorry about that.

Edit 2: confirmation from Australian PS Store thanks /u/Lachlan_4567

Edit 3: weapon trailer and confirmation that all pre-orders get it from DTG Twitter

Edit 4: IGN Video

Edit 5: Per comments Coldheart can also be attained though gameplay starting 12/05/17

Final Edit: To clarify availability:

Coldheart available starting 09.06.17 on consoles and 10.24.17 on PC. Coldheart can be attained by pre-order of digital or physical editions of Destiny 2 or by purchase of the Digital Deluxe, Limited, or Collector's Editions. Coldheart can also be attained through gameplay starting on 12.05.17

submitted by /u/meatInYourTeeth
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To me, D2 beta felt like classic Halo.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:25 AM PDT

With the slower TTK, focus on Primary gunplay, and 4v4, the Destiny 2 beta felt like classic Halo to me (Halo CE - Halo 3). I played the ever loving CRAP out of the first 3 Halo games. They were my life for a good 6-7 years.

Destiny 1 was a blast, but at times I did not enjoy the major emphasis on power weapons and abilities. I understand why some people might want the game to feel more like D1. Some people want a game that feels like Destiny and not Halo. For me, however, I'm loving the feeling of Destiny 2. I can't wait for its release.

Edit: I am not saying that the D2 beta is exactly the same as classic Halo. I'm simply saying it reminds me of the gameplay from the classic Halo games.

I also know that D1 and D2 have things that classic Halo never had (supers, enhanced movement, etc.). I'm mainly talking about the TTK, gun-play, and slower movement.

Maybe that will clear up any confusion. 🙂

submitted by /u/Keithhaskins
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I drew a bunch of console Ghosts for a project I'm working on. Thought I'd share them here before finishing the whole thing!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Are we secretly Power Rangers?...

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:50 AM PDT

In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, this guy named Ivan Ooze (Ghaul) comes out of nowhere with a vengeance. He destroys the Rangers' Command Center (The Tower) and incapacitates Zordon (The Traveler) which robs the Rangers of their powers (our light). As they return to the Command Center, they find it destroyed and Zordon dying. (Same thing happened in the Homecoming mission when we returned to the Tower).

Now Zordon's assistant Alpha 5 (Ghost) sends the Rangers (Guardians) to distant planets to obtain their power back. This is essentially us going to Nessus, IO, and Titan to regain our light back. Not only do the Rangers get their power back, they get it back in a different form, animal spirit. We get our light back and get different super abilities (Dawnblade, Arcstrider and Sentinel).

Now they actually use these new abilities to go get the Great Power which they later use to defeat Ivan by sending him to space right into the path of a comet that destroys him. They eventually restore the Command Center and rescue Zordon.

How cool would it be to actually combine super abilities during the raid in order to defeat Ghaul? We would have to become a big MegaGuardian who has to use every super in a certain order in order to defeat him. 6 Power Rangers, 6 Guardians per raid, it just makes sense.

submitted by /u/HeyMcFlyyy
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Shame that this game was taken down. I really liked "Destiny 2 Beta" and hope the release a sequel soon.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:28 PM PDT

While "Destiny 2 Beta" is an odd name for a game, it didn't stop me from appreciating how good it was. I saw it on the store and decided to give it a try. It was fantastic. I think I glitched it since my character was max level. Maybe it was designed to be like that? Who knows. I loved playing the Crew Symbol and killing other players, and hearing Lord Shaq's funny lines haha. "Control the point!" A classic.

I'm questioning why it was only avaliable for a few days though, I mean it seems kind of silly to just make a game and release it for a few days then remove it, but whatever. Leave them begging for more I guess. Anyways please make "Destiny 2 beta 2"! And I'd like a backstory on the name "Destiny 2 Beta" haha. Hope you guys enjoyed it just as much as I did.

edit: im happy ppl agree with me!!!!11!! Bung hole better release a sequel on consoles too!!! I forgot to mention I enjoyed playing the "perverted fire" stroke!!! Lot's of drills!1!!

submitted by /u/ItsChrate
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Kill-Tracker Ghost video

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Did a quick Google search to see if I could find pictures of the shell after seeing it mentioned here, came across this video and thought y'all'd be interested.

submitted by /u/PositronicEnby
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Sniping as a Hunter will be EASIER in Destiny 2!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 02:31 AM PDT that they don't blink.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Images of the new pre-order bonuses spotted on Blizzard App

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 10:10 AM PDT

People that repeatedly quit games in PVP really need to be given a 10 minute cool down

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 04:32 PM PDT

So many games in Countdown, as soon as 1 team loses 2 rounds, someone rage quits.

It should be like Overwatch where if you quit 1 or 2 games, nothing happens. But if you keep doing it within a short space of time then you're given a time out (overwatch its an XP Debuff)

This would mean people who have to quit for personal reasons wouldn't be punished and only people who keep rage quitting would.

*Edit please stop trying to justify quitting because you have a 'personal issue' to deal with.

In Overwatch you are not punished for quitting 1 or 2 games.

Only when you keep doing it in a short space of time. If after reading this, you are still against it then obviously you are the one who keeps rage quitting after getting 0 kills for several rounds.

*Edit 2 - the inactivity timer needs to also boot people faster and give them the same penalty

submitted by /u/Sno_Jon
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Virgo Conduit 1920x1080 Wallpaper

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:34 AM PDT

Took a nice screenshot in the Virgo Conduit last night before the BETA ended. Made it a nice wallpaper for any ones use :D


I should note, if anyone notices any weird distortions on the images, that's where I've edited out the D2 BETA HUD Elements, since the "HUD off" option didn't work.

submitted by /u/Uberwolf_
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I would rather have pre-order exclusives over year+ long PS exclusives any day.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:59 AM PDT

At least you have the option and the wait is only 3 months opposed to complete lock out for 1+ years.

submitted by /u/ARMERGENCY
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Destiny 2 Concept Art: Enceladus not Europa

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT

In the Destiny 2 concept art one of the images is of an icy moon I've heard many people say is Europa however it is actually Enceladus. If you look in the background you can see Saturn not Jupiter, Enceladus is a moon of Saturn while Europa is a moon of Jupiter. You can also compare the concept art with an artists impression of the surface of Enceladus from NASA to see a striking resemblance: Europa might still be in Destiny 2 though. If we look at early concept art we can see another ice moon, this time with Jupiter in the background. Also in the grimoire there is a reference to Jupiter in ghost fragment Exo 2: We are on the ice. This is elsewhere and elsewhen. There is a mighty aurora and it is reflected in the ice so I walk between two fires although the one below is cracked and full of corpses. I have and am a weapon.

Up in the sky there is a hole in Jupiter and it tears at me when I look at it. It tears at me. It is hungry. Maybe the hole is not in Jupiter but in me.

The grimoire describes an icy world from which you can see Jupiter, obviously Europa. It also references bodies and an aurora in the snow like the description and name of the new rare warlock chest plate, aurora snow 3.

submitted by /u/Yobo_57
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Theory: the first D2 DLC is dropping December 5th, 2017.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 12:22 PM PDT

TL;DR: time of year, day of week, and Coldheart's promo materials point to 12/5/17 as D2's first DLC release.

Yearly Timing

  • D1 launched on 9/9/14; The Dark Below arrived exactly 3 months later on 12/9/14.
  • D2 launches on 9/6/17; 12/5/17 is almost exactly 3 months later (1 day sooner).

Weekly Timing

  • 12/5/17 is a Tuesday.
  • D2's reset day was confirmed to be Tuesday.

Content Schedule

Every major Destiny content update has occurred on a Tuesday:

  • The Dark Below: Tuesday, December 9, 2014.
  • House of Wolves: Tuesday, May 19, 2015.
  • The Taken King: Tuesday, September 15, 2015.
  • Rise of Iron: Tuesday, September 20, 2016.
  • D2 Expansion #1: Tuesday, December 5th, 2017?

Exotic Release Pattern

While Iron Gjallarhorn set precedent for pre-order exclusive Exotics, Destiny DLCs have always brought new exotics alongside new story, strike, and raid content.

The promotional materials for Coldheart include a statement that says it will be:

"Available... to everyone after December 5th 2017."

I don't think it's a stretch to guess that Coldheart's exotic drop chance/quest unlocks for everyone when the next DLC arrives; therefore, Coldheart's global availability = DLC release date.

Whatcha think, DTG?

edit: added to the content update list (then removed some!)

submitted by /u/baronobeefdips
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Is it just me, or is everyone predicting what D2 will be like based on just the crucible and strike, and not on how amazing the first mission was?

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 07:54 PM PDT

It's like everyone forgot that there's also a campaign. If there is just 10-15 more hours of story with that same level of quality, D2 will easily be in the conversation for best game of the year.

submitted by /u/Jaggid1x
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With the D2 beta, I learned you can stop Hobgoblins from crouching.

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 07:29 AM PDT

I'm a day 1 D1 player and somehow I NEVER knew this. In the D2 beta, since enemies were taking more than one or two shots and as I was still getting used to aiming, I was shooting wildly at the Vex. I realized that shooting their red "eye" will turn them into that headless zombie running at you that you sometimes get in D1.

I never really payed attention to what caused that all this time. i was always so focused on the Vex's crit spot. I realized that you can stop the Hobgoblins from doing their little heat crouch if you just shoot their red eye first. I went back and tried it in D1 and it worked! I could have spent the last three years avoiding that pause in shooting Hobgoblins...

submitted by /u/MummyUnderYourBed
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This Weeks Nightfall is Probably the Most Fun You'll Have with Voidwalker

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 09:05 AM PDT

Void burn, daybreak, and small arms? This week's nightfall is set to be one of the best, especially if you like playing with Voidwalkers. Basically unlimited grenades, nova bomb spam, and taking the void primaries out for a spin is super exciting.

I feel like the weekly reset thread is lost in all the beta hype, but now that the beta is done, I wanted to make people aware of the goldmine of fun in this week's Nightfall.

submitted by /u/MoMisteries
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For Destiny 2, planets should have a total completion list for Adventures, Lost Sectors, and World Quests in the directory.

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 11:35 PM PDT

Since we now have an ingame directory, maybe we can get something similar to Assassin's Creed, WatchDogs, Saints Row, The Division, etc etc. I'd like to be able to see how many Patrol objectives we have completed on the planet. I didn't see anything in the IGN video that suggests anything like this, but it would be a fine QoL addition to the sequel.

This is assuming, of course, these things dissapear from the directory once completed.

Edit: Obligatory HI MOM!

Also, I was kind of clouded when making this post. I was going for something like 3/? lost Sectors or 6/? Adventures, with the total count appearing after they have all been found. Thanks u/Donosaur for filling the void in my head!

Adventures do not dissapear from the Directory. Hopefully they fill in the bubble.

submitted by /u/Kyega
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No one hit kills = more fun

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 10:02 PM PDT

I feel like, now that I'm not constantly facing an opposing barrage of enemy one shots, my overall performance has approved. My scores are better and I'm noticing I'm less angry when I die because it's an actual fight between myself and the opposing players, not me vs. storms of grenades, supers, shotguns and snipers. Anyone else feel this way or am I alone?

submitted by /u/BrEaD1402
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Ghaul Asks Where The Guardians Trained

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 05:50 PM PDT

The new Kill tracker ghost Trailer shows a new rocket launcher

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 11:35 AM PDT

Its gold and looks kind of the same shape as a Gjallarhorn

Have a look at the whole video here

Edit: at 0:15 is this a new PVP map or something we have seen already?

Edit 2: I'm definitely not suggesting it is a Gjallarhorn BTW, just the first thing I thought of when I saw the shape and colour.

submitted by /u/triggerXXI
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The Lootbox Problem: What Needs Changing in D2

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:43 AM PDT

TL;DR - I'm not opposed to another microtransaction store in D2, I just want the ability to grind for what that store offers. I am much more apt to pay for boxes if I don't feel forced into doing so.


Right now, the community seems to be in an "All feedback is valuable" mindset. Given that, its time to talk loot boxes again to make a record of how the community feels leading up to release.


I'll state my position clearly: I'm not opposed to microtransactions, I'm opposed to feeling forced into them. A common argument is that no one is forced into them since what they offer is either purely aesthetic or doesn't impact gameplay in any meaningful sense. The problem with this is that a main draw of this game is in fact its customization. At any given moment, you can choose how you approach a situation by changing any number of aspects of your load out. While how you look does not play a direct factor in these gameplay decisions (no matter how much hunters insist it), that mindset of total character control obviously bleeds over into both how you look and your options for social interaction.


The point where I feel forced to buy into boxes is when there is a hard cap on how many I can earn in a given week. This creates a few situations that cause me to be bitter with the system as a whole due to how it dictates my time with the game.

  • If you do no receive a reward valuable to you, there is an entire week of lead up to your next chance at it. It isn't fun when Ghost Ghost feels rarer than Mythoclast.
  • Event specific loot creates even more pressure to buy due to the time limit on items for that event.
  • You have no choice in how you earn boxes, forcing you to play certain activities. When the nightfall is a stale activity for me, I feel cheated out of a box when its Omnigul with trickle and arcburn.


Since it can never be avoided when loot boxes are the topic, lets look at Overwatch. The system for them is to award boxes either by filling your experience bar or by playing specifically marked events. This gives people a true choice since they get a chance at rewards just by playing the game in any way they choose. I've spent a fair amount of money on Overwatch boxes solely because I was able to grind event boxes on my schedule and maximize the rewards I could get on my own. I always felt like I had a measure of control, even if the RNG on the boxes themselves was low enough to account for that feeling.


I truly believe that the right way to do loot box microtransactions is to give the playerbase the ability to grind boxes. Make them a reward for enjoying the game and putting time into it rather than a means to funnel us into activities and direct us to the store. A night of raiding with no upgrades can still feel like a massive victory if the box you got midway through and waited to open has the ghost skin you've been hunting.


Thanks for reading, let me know what you all think.

submitted by /u/WarmindingMyBusiness
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Armsday Rolls, week 99 [2017-07-26]

Posted: 26 Jul 2017 06:40 AM PDT

Welcome to Armsday, week 99. This post is a compilation of all the weapon rolls. I want to hear what you think are the best choices, post in the comments. Here's a list of the available rolls this week. If you ordered ones I didn't please post the rolls in the comments and I'll add them.

Useful Links:

  • For further discussions on weapon rolls check out the Crucible Playbook weekly post

  • For a fantastic guide of all things Armsday related, check out this Armsday Guide by the one and only /u/kyt_kutcha Also, If you want to know what weapons are worth picking up from Armsday, check out the PvP Weapon Tiers section of the guide. And, as always, [Kyt's Weekly Dose of Vitamin B-44]( )

  • For the PvPers out there here's [NKCOUGAR'S PVP RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WEEK]( ) by /u/NKCougar

  • Here's a visual guide to the best rolls for PvP and PvE, Kyt_Kutcha's Armsday Guide in Pictures. This has been finely crafted by /u/uncleyosh

  • Here's a great document with Armsday suggestions on what weapons and rolls to look out for by /u/mulduvar2

  • Here's a Gunsmith Cheatsheet, for another take on PvP godrolls, put together by /u/bileguzzler

  • Be sure to check out for a list of this weeks rolls. Thanks to /u/dweezil22 for putting this together. To contribute your rolls first: install the chrome extension and then second: log in with your XBL/PSN ID. Also you can get reddit friendly text versions of the rolls by clicking the "copy for reddit" button. Rolls and test weapons are also available here.

  • For all your scope questions and comparisons, definitely check out This fantastic resource allows you to filter and search for scopes, has great screenshots of the scopes both zoomed and not, and links to extra information of topics like Aim Assist and Stat Values.

New to Armsday?

For those new to Armsday, here's the basics: Each week you can order a number of weapons from the gunsmith, equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3. You can rank up by doing the weekly weapon tests. On the Wednesday following your order, you get to choose from a number of rolls (combinations of perks) on each of the weapons you ordered. Again, this number is equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3 possible choices. If you choose not to turn in your weapon order for a roll, you can hold onto the order and you will get access to 3 new rolls every week (until you claim the weapon). The orders never expire but do take up inventory space, and do count towards your max number of orders. At any given time the max number of orders you can have in your inventory is 3 per character. Below are the rolls available to those who ordered these weapons last week.

Thanks for your continued support for what we do here every week,


For Sale This Week: These are the weapons that are available this week for order.

  1. Lyudmila-D (Häkke Pulse)
  2. Herja-D (Häkke Pulse)
  3. ARI-45 (Suros Auto)
  4. Gaheris-D (Häkke Hand Cannon)
  5. Kumakatok HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

Test Weapons: These are the test weapons for increasing your Gunsmith Rank, that are available this week

  1. Omolon Test HC1 (Hand Cannon) - precision
  2. Häkke Test-A (Pulse) - Crucible
  3. Häkke Test-A (Hand Cannon) - double kills
  4. Omolon Test RR1 (Sniper) - Fallen Captains
  5. Suros TSP-10 (Pulse) - Vex

Weapon Rolls: These are the rolls for all weapon orders. In Alphabetical Order

Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle)

  1. ATD Raptor / ATA Scout - Private Eye - Partial Refund - Explosive Rounds / Appended Magazine / Snapshot
  2. ATD Raptor / ATA Scout - Outlaw - Performance Bonus - Explosive Rounds / Appended Magazine / Snapshot
  3. ATD Raptor / ATA Scout - Rodeo - Guerilla Fighter - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Magazine / Armor Piercing Rounds

ARI-41 (Suros Auto)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Oiled Frame / Hammer Forged - Snapshot / Smallbore - Private Eye
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Casket Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock - Focused Fire
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Lightweight / Hand-laid Stock - Outlaw

ARI-45 (Auto Rifle)

  1. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SRO-37 - Hammer Forged / Appended Mag - Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel / Hidden Hand
  2. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Feather Mag - Speed Reload / Smallbore - Rangefinder
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 Perfect Balance / Appended Magazine - Snapshot / Hand-laid Stock - Partial Refund

Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. SD Thermal / GA Post - Hot Swap - Focused Fire - Single Point Sling / Smallbore / Fitted Stock
  2. LD Watchdog / SC Holo - Relentless Tracker - Rangefinder - High Caliber Rounds / Smallbore / Speed Reload
  3. LC Ranged / GA Post - Last Resort - Glass Half Full - High Caliber Rounds / Smallbore / Hand Loaded

Cocytus SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 / Signal MS5 - Rescue Mag - QuickDraw / Hand-laid Stock - Third Eye / Eye of the Storm
  2. Candle IS2 / Torch HS2 / Signal MS5 - Triple Tap - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel - Third Eye / Eye of the Storm
  3. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 / Signal MS4 - Rescue Mag - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock - Zen Moment / Danger Close

DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Hammer Forged - Rangefinder - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / High Caliber Rounds - Take a Knee - Single Point Sling / Smallbore
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Feather Mag / Perfect Balance - Counterbalance - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock

DIS-47 (Suros Scout)

  1. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Fitted Stock / Appended Magazine - Hidden Hand - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel
  2. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Fitted Stock / Casket Mag - Rangefinder - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel
  3. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame - Unflinching - Lightweight / Hand-Laid Stock

Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)

  1. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Outlaw - Hand-laid Stock / Lightweight - Battle Runner / Underdog
  2. Condor SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Outlaw - Casket Mag / Lightweight - Replenish / Last Resort
  3. Condor SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Performance Bonus - Rifled Barrel / Lightweight - Battle Runner / Underdog

Gaheris-D (hand cannon)

  1. FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Surrounded - Reactive Reload - Snapshot / High Caliber Rounds / Smallbore
  2. FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Crowd Control - Feeding Frenzy - Hand Loaded / Armor Piercing Rounds / Oiled Frame
  3. FastDraw IS / SureShot IS - Surrounded - Final Round - Hand Loaded / Armor Piercing Rounds / Smallbore

Herja-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. SC Holo / LB Assault - Headseeker - Unflitching - High Caliber Rounds / Hand Loaded / Injection Mold
  2. GA Post / LB Assault - Army of One - Zen Moment - Single Point Sling / Fitted Stock / Hand-laid Stock
  3. GB Iron / LB Assault - Danger Close - Feeding Frenzy - Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Hand-laid Stock

Jingukogo-D (Shotgun)
JLB-42 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. [Void] Warhead Verniers / Smart Drift Control / Countermass - Single Point Sling / Flared Magwell - Tracking - Javelin / Lightweight
  2. [Arc] Warhead Verniers / Smart Drift Control / Hard Launch - Single Point Sling / Speed Reload - Unflinching - Perfect Balance / Quickdraw
  3. [Arc] Aggressive Launch / Soft Launch / Hard Launch - Single Point Sling / Flared Magwell - Feeding Frenzy - Perfect Balance / Lightweight

JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. Linear Compensator / Warhead Verniers / Countermass - Speed Reload / Single Point Sling - Unflinching - Javelin / Lightweight
  2. Smart Drift Control / Warhead Verniers / Countermass - Flared Magwell / Heavy Payload - Tracking - Perfect Balance / Snapshot
  3. Linear Compensator / Confined Launch / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Single Point Sling - Who's Next? - Javelin / Quickdraw

Judith-D (Hand Cannon)

  1. Fastdraw / Sureshot - Surrounded - Feeding Frenzy - Hand Loaded / Explosive Rounds / Reinforced Barrel
  2. Fastdraw / Steadyhand - Hot Swap - Final Round - Hand Loaded / Explosive Rounds / Smallbore
  3. Fastdraw / Sureshot - Army of One - Rangefinder - Hand Loaded / Armor Piercing Rounds / Smallbore

Kumakatok HC4 (Hand Cannon)
Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. SD Thermal / GB Iron - Surrounded - Zen Moment - High Caliber Rounds / Reinforced Barrel / Fitted Stock
  2. SD Thermal / SC Holo - Glass Half Full - Rangefinder - Snapshot / Reinforced Barrel / Fitted Stock
  3. LC Ranged / GB Iron - Glass Half Full - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock / Fitted Stock

PDX-41 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Feather Mag / Fitted Stock - Secret Round - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock
  2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Icarus - Speed Reload / Hand-laid Stock
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Zen Moment - Lightweight / Smallbore

PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Fitted Stock - Private Eye - Lightweight / Smallbore
  2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-41 - Appended Magazine / Perfect Balance - Hip Fire - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Perfect Balance - Rodeo - Lightweight / Reinforced Barrel

Strongbow-D (Shotgun)

  1. [Arc] CQB Ballistics / Accurized Ballistics - Surrouned - Battle Runner - Lightweight / Hand Loaded / Rifled Barrel
  2. [Solar] Smooth Ballistics / Field Choke - Final Round - Battle Runner - Lightweight / Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame
  3. [Solar] CQB Ballistics / Aggressive Ballistics - Surrounded - Feeding Frenzy - Lightweight / Perfect Balance / Rifled Barrel

Tamar-D (Sniper Rifle)
Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion)

  1. Void - Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Grenadier - Hand-laid Stock / Enhanced Battery - Underdog / Exhumed
  2. Arc - Candle IS2 / Torch HS2 - Grenadier - Hand-laid Stock / Skip Rounds - Unflinching / Eye of the Storm
  3. Arc - Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Army of One - Oiled Frame / Skip Rounds - Underdog / Exhumed

Tuonela SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Torch HS2 / Candle IS2 / Signal MS5 - Triple Tap - Casket Mag / Snapshot - Zen Moment / Danger Close
  2. Flash HS4 / Spark IS6 / Signal MS5 - Triple Tap - Hand-laid Stock / Snapshot - Zen Moment / Surrounded
  3. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Signal MS5 - Icarus - Casket Mag / Extended Mag - Zen Moment / Surrounded

Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

  1. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Zen Moment - Reinforced Barrel / Single Point Sling - Firefly / Surrounded
  2. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Army of One - Injection Mold / Extended Mag - Outlaw / Surrounded
  3. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Zen Moment - Reinforced Barrel / Quickdraw - Firefly / Surrounded

Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Zarinaea-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. SC Holo / LB Assault - Last Resort - Rangefinder - High Caliber Rounds / Fitted Stock / Smallbore
  2. GA Post / SD Thermal - Surrounded - Glass Half Full - High Caliber Rounds / Speed Reload / Smallbore
  3. SC Holo / SD Thermal - Partial Refund - Rangefinder - High Caliber Rounds / Hand Loaded / Smallbore

Weapon Roll Template: click source at the bottom of post to see mark up formatting.

Weapon Name (weapon type)

  1. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3
  2. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3
  3. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

S = scope / barrel mod
C = column
P = perk

Thanks to these guardians sharing their data:







submitted by /u/wileykyoto
[link] [comments]

And thus, the weasel takes us all....

Posted: 25 Jul 2017 06:02 PM PDT

It was good while it lasted my friends, see you all in the main game!

submitted by /u/BoSolaris
[link] [comments]

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