Learn Dota 2 - Safe lane carry rarely seems to outfarm the midlaner these days

Safe lane carry rarely seems to outfarm the midlaner these days

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:26 PM PDT

I still refer to the safe lane carry as the hard carry or the pos 1 carry out of tradition.

Since 7.06, I'd be lying to claim that the safe lane carry is getting the most farm in most of my games. The midlaner is nearly always the GPM leader @10, @20, @30 even @40 mins in most games I play. And they're often leading their team in experience by way more than 2 levels. With Meepo or SF or Lone Druid it's more like 4 or 5 levels difference.

  1. Are other people experiencing this? I don't watch the pro circuit much and in general I prefer to analyze my own games and those in my own (amateur) bracket. Is it this way in pro matches?

  2. Do people actually like this type of meta? I used to think one of main differences between the midlane and safe lane carries was in timing. Midlane tends to be earlier, safe lane tends to be later. It doesn't seem this way any more, or at least it feels like the midlaner's prime time has been extended by the extra creep and the deny mechanics. And I mean extended by like 10-15 minutes or more.

In pub games in particular, I think this might have made the game less enjoyable for a lot of people because the narcissistic sociopaths who declare "mid or feed" now tend to control the outcome of the game a bit more. Most of my games in the last 2 weeks have actually been good (I've climbed MMR) but I wonder if I asked people with closer to a 50% win rate during this time, if they had encountered more "selfish midaner" syndrome since 7.06.

submitted by /u/Chunks77
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How do you play roam when every enemy is tanky/has escapes?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:58 PM PDT


This match I was playing as Tusk and excepting for silencer (who was with sven so he had good escape anyways) everyone was either too tanky to gank properly or had amazing escapes. The whole game I felt useless. What can you do in this scenario?

submitted by /u/420AssMagician
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Some questions about Offlane Legion Commander

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:04 AM PDT

Im currently spamming LC in the offlane and Im completely in love with it.

The questions I have with it are:

1 Starting items

Is PMS, Tangos still good starting build as of 7.06. I have always started with Tangos, Salve, Stout, Mango and gg branch after 7.06 because of the Shrine changes.

2 First three skill points:

Level up and harass with MoC or OO first?. Is the 2-0-1 build better or 1-1-1?

3 Max MoC or PtA after maxing Overwhelming odds?

4 Armlet vs Desolator? I love the attack speed and turn potential with armlet but Desolator can take Towers/ Roshan faster and improve your team's damage.

5 When should you sell Blademail? This is hard to decide because of how good it is at all stages of the game even when you're not in a dual.

6 How do you play around saving heroes?

Right now i believe the hardest counters to LC are dazzle, WW, Bane, SD ect. These heroes can stop you from getting early Dual damage and prevent you from Dualing their most important hero late game. Is there an item or play style that can solve this?

submitted by /u/calummillar
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battlefury often on safelane cores at 2.5kmmr?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:47 PM PDT

i know most people say that battlefury on PA, Jugg, and other situational BF heros is usually bad. My experience getitng out of this trench (since i began playing core instead of support in party with higher mmr friends) I have gained 600mmr, but im finding that its way too often that even if I dominate the game, people at this mmr so often dont know how to end the game or are so selfish they wont end the game (refusing to help you rosh, and not playing around the highest networth hero on the team, but rather playing around their own dumb decision making, if you try to change what they do, you get reported for comm abuse) and at the end of the day, being as huge as possible at after 40 minutes is the most important factor??

Normally when I end up with battlefury I feel like I just win because people at that MMR dont farm well, and they also stop farming well when the game is even or they are winning, which means that even if my team doesnt run away snowballing, I can split push more effectively by far and I can also make sure I farm huge into the late game even if i end up with 4 brainless oafs which unfortunately is too often

Am I wrong to think I should be going battlefury more often at this MMR?

submitted by /u/negativory
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Changes to opendota's trends page

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:01 PM PDT

Opendota recently released some great changes to how they calculate, graph your trends.

Till recently it used to be a global cumulative mean, which didn't really show any usable short term information. Last release it was changed to be a moving mean over a 20 game window so short term performance changes are easy to spot and work on.

For example, I recently started climbing in ranked when I managed to die fewer times, raising my advantage and GPM, which I'm able to contrast really well.

Here's a sample link showing death counter trend:


submitted by /u/aspoonlikenoother
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How could i have done better?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:04 PM PDT

Match ID:3223490149 im luna

submitted by /u/Pinoy_Here
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How is Kunkka mid these days? Or as a carry/offlaner?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:33 AM PDT

I used to play a lot of Kunkka back when I first started playing Dota in 2014, then I stopped playing, and just started recently playing again. I haven't touched Kunkka at all since I started again, but he was once my favorite hero. I used to play him mid. Though it seems every time I see him played these days it's as a support, is he still decent as a core?

My Dotabuff

submitted by /u/fullweeb
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5K Scrub here looking to improve my mid lane

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:26 AM PDT

I'm mostly a support player and would like to improve my mid lane, any tips/tricks I should practice and how to practice?

If anyone is willing to teach me 1v1 my discord is Shift#4057

submitted by /u/UnHoLyDotA2
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New player need help!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Hello! Let me start of with saying that this is my 3rd or 4th attempt at learning Dota2. I have about 100 hours but still no clue what is going on or how to play really. I really want to learn how to play the game but I receive little to no help from fellow players in my game and I want to know if anyone here would be willing to help/coach me. I have played LoL since 2013 and SMITE a little bit. I know the basics of MOBAS i mainly need help with strategy like when to leave lane, where to ward, how to help my team, ect. TLDR: Need someone to teach me some basic strategy PM ME PLS

submitted by /u/crawlmanjr
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Tips on improving offlane Bristleback?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:28 AM PDT

Hey all, I am trying to learn Bristleback as he seems to be an awesome offlaner but I fail miserably at the moment. I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me in analyzing what went wrong e.g. in these two games:



What I have seen from my own play (which is also maybe why I am in a current losing streak):

  • Farm more efficiently (obviously)
  • Maintain my mana pool and not overspam quill
  • Position myself better in teamfights and focus down one target so my spells stack
  • Reconsider picking Bristle in such an enemy line-up
  • Improve map awareness, e.g. trying to join and TP to more important team-fights

Thanks a lot :)

Edit: formatting

submitted by /u/Xeonus
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Abyssal on Troll = permastun?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Does it stack with his bash? I built it in a game for the lockdown but I'm not sure if they stack or it was just coincidence

submitted by /u/itsdahveed
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My unranked games used to go up to very high skill but are now normal?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:02 AM PDT

Looking at some of my games, it seemed that is as playing high skill unranked games 10-11 months ago, with a few very high skill games too. But now I'm mostly normal skilled. Does that mean i used to have around 3500-3700 unranked MMR and dropped all the way down to 3k unranked? (Since it's hidden MMR I'm basing it off the high skill and normal skill MMR requirements.

submitted by /u/DeathOnion
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How do I stop myself from getting so fucking mad when everyone on my team is quiet?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:52 PM PDT

Literally all game, no one is saying anything. And I'll be raging about it a bit, like "DO ANY OF YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? HELLO? CAN YOU EVEN SEE THIS???" and then 30 minutes into the match, someone will say "will you stop fucking whining"

And they have a point, I should probably try not to pay attention to it. But fuck, there are so many times where I want to get on mic and say "Venge swap this hero" or whatever, and I don't even know if they'll be able to understand or hear me. I think I would honestly prefer the usual flaming compared to the games where it's the Twilight Zone and no one says ANYTHING.

submitted by /u/-methane-
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How do I keep my mid-lane as versatile as possible with only 5 heroes?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:50 AM PDT

I currently know 2 mid heroes (Storm and TA). What 3 heroes should I learn that are very different from each other in terms of how they play and what their strengths are? (So basically I don't know if I worded this correctly but I want to be able to adjust to the situation as much as possible with only 5 heroes)

submitted by /u/StfuAndPlayDota
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Why is Zeus' winrate so high this patch?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:31 PM PDT


I don't get to play vs zeus much.. but nothings striking me as overpowered to be honest. Anyone got an explanation for the high winrate?

submitted by /u/VzFrooze
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How do u win lane vs viper as puck?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:15 PM PDT

I was in a game as puck, where no one would gank mid, and i was vs viper, and I just couldnt do anything except barely stay in xp range, what can i do as puck to be able to contest mid?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Need help with laning as Storm Spirit

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:00 AM PDT


I've started spamming Storm and feel quite OK-ish in the mid to late game but completely lost in the early game. Which often leads to me having to play catch up.

I often feel weak and unsure of how to play in the laning stage. This leads to me getting bullied out of the lane and resorting to the jungle. Does anyone have any tips/videos/replays for me to watch to better understand Storm's early game?

submitted by /u/Albiin
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Question about Battle cup

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:34 AM PDT

So it start in about 20 minute, do you have to register immediately or you can wait 2-3 hours and than join battlecup?

submitted by /u/Volvothings
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Can somebody explain actions per minute to me?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:00 AM PDT

I get the general idea that it is your clicks per minute, but why does this matter? Mine is always lower than my higher MMR friends, is there any ways to improve in this? What things should I be doing that I clearly aren't if my APM is sitting around 100? Help me!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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(Serious)Tell me what I am doing wrong

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:51 AM PDT

I've been playing Dota since 2012, and I've played unranked exclusively for 3 years. I have recently started playing ranked and I am having trouble getting out the 1K bracket.

I farm far better than anyone else in the matches, but despite that, I can't seem to be able to win matches.

Can somebody please criticise this bloodseeker match and tell me everything I'm doing wrong?


Thanks. :)

submitted by /u/Rogurzz
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Why is wraith king aghs not more popular?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:15 PM PDT

it gives everyone around him karthus's passive, and I think we all know how strong his passive is. Why is it that only less than 10% of the time (according to dotabuff), wraith king players want to give (potentially) the entire team karthus passive?

submitted by /u/wecl0me12
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Any jungle guides for 7.06?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:53 AM PDT

How do you jungle in this patch? There are no trees to cut down to minimize the damage, shrines are always taken by mid and creeps give less xp and gold now. The only way to jungle seems to get snowballed/get midas later in the game.

Don't give advices like "don't jungle, etc.", please.

submitted by /u/viledeadd4
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I Want To Learn Meepo. Help Needed!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:14 AM PDT

I've been eyeing Meepo lately, and really want to learn this insanely hard hero. I've been kept away from him by my own mechanical inability, but I feel that I'm decent enough to give it a shot.

One problem; I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. What lane, where to be, what items, what to skill, all mysteries to me. I've looked up a few guides but they are either extremely dated or assume you know most of the hero already.

For reference, I play support most of the time, but have recently been playing more carries. I want the challenge, but I don't want to ruin pubs for 9 guys. Thanks everyone!

Example game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3221250376

submitted by /u/Appletineeoh
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Healing salve and Chen

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:24 PM PDT

Do Chen's and Enchantress' creeps interrupt healing salves and bottles and such? Hero-based damage interrupts regen, but creep damage doesn't, so I'm not sure of the interaction

submitted by /u/frodo54
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How to deal with farmed Medusa?

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:32 PM PDT

I'm troll in this match, starting was fairly good but at end we weren't able to kill Medusa, she went tankier than a axe. How to kill her besides buying diffusal?

Dota buff - https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3220802698

submitted by /u/cymphonyyc4
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