Learn Dota 2 - 7.06d Dota update |
- 7.06d Dota update
- Community Coaching Session.
- Lane creep exp range?
- How to Invoker?
- Spam hero
- Dragon Knight
- In need of pointers and tips (1.8k Support)
- Asking for tips and reviews of my latest support games
- Is Necronomicon a really underused item?
- Need help devoloping mechanically as a player.
- Spectre - what makes her durable? keep getting owned by everyone in early-mid.
- Question about "Bristle Back" Skill Mechanics.
- Is is worth it to sell Desolator late game on Templar Assasin?
- Advice Sought: Common Scenarios as a Support Hero
- what did I do wrong?
- Which is more valuable, a ranged creep deny or a melee creep last hit?
- If (X strength = Y hp) which buff should I prefer?
- Looking for a newbie like myself from EU to play DotA2 with.
- What should I do?
- Is scepter on Storm Spirit a good item?
- are individual hotkeys really necessary for meepo?
- Effigies and Earth Spirit
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:02 AM PDT |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:04 PM PDT Hey everyone! I was browsing through multiple subreddits trying to look for some community efforts I could add to in regards to coaching newer/inexperienced players to learn dota. So without further ado, my name is Goliath and i'm hosting free weekly coaching events every Sunday at 8pm EST on my twitch channel (twitch.tv/goliath114). I'm a ~5k player that has been playing Dota for many years (10+) and have a vast knowledge on the intricacies of Dota 2. I'm mainly just looking for people who want to improve at dota2, have questions, or match replays they want to discuss, and then we can go over the questions as a group effort. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 12:27 PM PDT Can anyone show me the exp range of lanes creeps? (image preferably). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:58 PM PDT I've decided if I can't beat them (without going LS or something strong against the hero) I'm going to join them. Might give me some insight on how to deal with Invoker as well. Any good Invoker guides? I'm still working on combos and learning what combination of QWE makes what spell. Relatively new. I understand a few of the basics of the hero. Midas is pretty good because he relies on levels a lot. BKBs are his worst enemy as not a single spell goes through it. Quas gives HP regen and helps him to stay in lane with little to no regen items. Wex deals with attack and move speed. Exort increases damage. And what about the whole "Quas-Wex" or "Quas-Exort" dealio. Wouldn't it be ideal to level each orb as you see fit? TL;DR am noob invoker not even really touched him in ranked/int ranked have been practicing his spells in demo mode [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:57 PM PDT Do you recommend hero spamming? Or should i play around my hero pool. How many heroes should i play around with and is it recommended for it to be one role. Like offlane only or mix of other roles. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:43 AM PDT I'm thinking of spamming DK mid for a bit, I like the hero and I think in lower MMR people struggle with tanky heroes, and he is safe in most mid match ups. Does anyone have any tips for him? Things that aren't too basic. Is he a mid that ganks or not really? [link] [comments] |
In need of pointers and tips (1.8k Support) Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:11 PM PDT Guys, if any fellow supports out there have some tips or insights on how to be a good support. Please share it with me here :( You guys will be my heroes. [link] [comments] |
Asking for tips and reviews of my latest support games Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:05 PM PDT So i played three games as Lich today, picking him first and trying to play him as the classic lane support. I feel i had an impact in everyone of the three games and it somehow wasnt enough in the end, my team just fell apart during the midgame in all three cases. Just wanted some feedback other that the classic mechanics stuff (pullthroughs, deaggroing while zoning, stacking whenever possible, rune and mapcontrol with wards and presence). All the help is appreciated. Here is my Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/90314253 [link] [comments] |
Is Necronomicon a really underused item? Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:56 AM PDT I rarely use Necronomicon or see other use it, unless I play heroes such as Lycan or other heroes that give buffs to them. But I think that I maby should buy this item more often, especially on supports. Sure lvl 3 is 5k gold and I belive it's level 3 melee necro summon who has true sight ability. But the item is useable at 2.5k gold. Somewhere between the cost of a force staff and RoA. But they are pretty strong from level 1. Both have mana burn abilities, hit pretty fast and the archer has a aura speed which is super usefull for the lane creeps. You can easely push a lane with lvl 1 alone far away and get the gold from enemy creep lane. Big turnoff is probably the 90 sec CD however. But should I buy this item more often, especially on supports? [link] [comments] |
Need help devoloping mechanically as a player. Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:18 PM PDT Alright so I am 2K MMR. My problem is especially profound on ranged heroes. I hardly play ranged heroes. Also if I do, I just feel so mechanically inept playing Mid. I always find hero animations 'heavy' earlier on, no matter how much I practice them. I feel mechanically really poor, but I wanna learn how to play mid. Thing is I usually play support or roamers, and sometimes offlaners, so I don't really know how to lane against half decent opponents, in terms of contesting CS. Can someone help me out with this. My issues are as dumb as this : Me clicking next to creep instead of on it while trying to CS leading me to walk up to enemy creeps and hero, leading to me taking harrass unwantedly. I just never seem to position myself well with ranged heroes and just overall feel so clumsy while playing most midlaners. No matter how many games I win on other heroes, I never feel satisfied cuz I win because of doing stuff that people in my bracket don't expect. I never dominate as carry or mid, and always depend on another 1 or two carries in my team to take us over finish line. I usually can win my games by taking roamers like Pudge and being a general nuisance. I end warding or whatever on most heroes I end up playing, cuz they are usually roamer type of heroes. I wanna really learn how to dominate games once I have a great or even decent start. I also want to know how to win not so favourable matchups. Here are two QOP games of mine, that really depressed me because I realized just how mechanically inept I just am on carries after playing them : GAME 1 This one I lost mid and lost game and was the game where I realized their is something wrong with me. I have a 60+ percent winrate over my last 50 games I guess (havent verified) but I am sure if I narrowed it down to games where I played mid or carry, I would be down to 40-50 percent winrate. In this game I absolutely lost mid and couldn't do anything to help our team win at all. GAME 2 This is one of the games I won as QOP. But I had no satisfaction at all) I pretty much got carried by my BS and had no impact on game result on my own. I really feel like I just have to work on some things, and then I can make this click as well. I just need some help from anyone to get me to that point. Thing is I know for a fact as I get higher in MMR, simply walking upto enemy midlaner during night time as NS to gank, or roaming around map as Pudge, whilst being 3 levels behind my support in early game, and still winning game just wont happen. Hell I fear I won't get to a much higher MMR cuz my mechanical skills are a piece of shit. I honestly dont think I even know how to play Carries or mids at all. I just make them work somehow by winging it. This is my issue with TA as well or even heroes like SF (with which I absolutely suck). Anyone please help me out [link] [comments] |
Spectre - what makes her durable? keep getting owned by everyone in early-mid. Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:03 PM PDT |
Question about "Bristle Back" Skill Mechanics. Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:52 AM PDT I know that it works if you're being hit at the back/side but how does it interact with skills that has no Projectiles like Zeus' SS, Viper's SS, Axe's "W", DoT debuffs etc.... For example, i'm playing bristle back and was hit at the back by Viper's SS, do I take reduced damage if I turned my back on Viper and take full damage of it's DoT if I face Viper? [link] [comments] |
Is is worth it to sell Desolator late game on Templar Assasin? Posted: 11 Jun 2017 03:14 PM PDT I love a mathematical analysis of choices that you make in DOTA 2. I remember a post from a few years back that compared a Daedlus on Templar versus a Desolator, assuming you had space for only one. Anyways a recent change to Templar's talent tree allows you to pickup an additional -8 armor reduction reduction from Meld strike at level 25. I know Desolator has a number of advantages such as increased tower damage, faster wave clearing and it's better against multi unit heroes. However let's assume you're up against single unit carries like Ursa or Phantom Assasin. Would it benefit you to sell Desolator and get say.....a Butterfly instead? A Butterfly would net you an increase of 15 damage over Desolator and more attack speed and higher armour. The armor reduction lost from Desolator would be made up for by the Meld Strike. What do you guys think? Can Desolator be sold for a more useful item with the -8 armor reduction from meld? (I'm a 3K MMR player). [link] [comments] |
Advice Sought: Common Scenarios as a Support Hero Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:16 AM PDT I play support most of the time, and there are three common scenarios that come up that I have always struggled to deal with. I have 700+ hours played, watch the pros, read this sub and other helpful places re: dota strategy, but I really am just wondering if there are obvious answers I'm missing. Here are the questions: 1) Frequently, as a support hero, I will reach a point in a game where I feel truly useless. Using a recent game for example, I played as Disruptor with an aggressive safe triplane (Disrupter/Earthshaker/CK). We dominated that lane and I was very powerful during the laning portion. Around 20 minutes in, I was 4/4/14. Shortly after that point, however, my utility dropped to virtually zero. The enemy team had a Legion Commander with Agh's and Shadow Blade, as well as a Nyx with Dagon. Basically every team fight from that point on, I died nearly instantly with almost no opportunity to fight back or use any items. Shadow bladed Legion would initiate on me and/or invisible Nyx would initiate on me. On MOST of these deaths (not every single one of them), I was well in the rear, playing very cautiously and letting disablers and carries lead the way. This is not a problem exclusive to these types of team makeups, and it is not an exclusive result of no dust/sentries. It could just as easily be any carry with a BKB and a blink dagger. I ended up finishing 6/15/35 in this game, and I truly was useless other than buying wards/sentries/dust for the last 30 minutes or so. What am I supposed to do when the game reaches this point where, as the support player, I'm just getting smashed? In a perfect world, I would have a Linken's, a push stick, etc., but having all of that farm as a support will be rare. I'm inclined to believe that games that end up like this (support is just slaughtered over and over) are largely due to a systemic failure (e.g. disablers not protecting me, other team being too farmed, poor team balance for me or great wombo combo bullshit for them), but I always leave that as the last conclusion and assume I can do something better. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. 2) As a support, I will often have decent farm early/mid game as my team does well early, but then my farm will taper off rapidly as I die more and get less killing blows (getting them early due to the early effectiveness of my spells -- not necessarily on purpose). This often leads me to situations where I will be building for some item (let's say a Linken's or something), and it quickly becomes apparent I'm never going to finish this item. Usually, if I am committed to an item and it will still help me, I keep building it as long as the fully-upgraded item has a true benefit over the uncombined, incomplete components. But I am not opposed to the idea that at some point, it is silly to think I'm going to get 2k or 3k to finish my item off while saving for buyback too, and I should just build something that will have more effectiveness. When, if ever, is it appropriate to just give up on whatever you're buying because you're either not going to get it or because it will no longer be effective (e.g. the effectiveness of Mek is lessed the longer the game goes on and the more damage and health people do/have)? As a support, I rarely buy expensive items anyway and am usually sticking to Ghost Scepter, Push Stick, etc., but it seems like when things are going well and level off, I can get stuck either saving for something or holding pieces of it for a very long time, if not the remainder of the game. 3) There seems to be a common point in some games where my team doesn't want to push and instead wants to farm individually. I usually disagree that this should be happening in the 15-25 minute range, but I almost always queue solo or in 2s so all I can do is say 'don't do that' and people do it anyways. During this period, what should I be doing as a support? I generally will try to stack (that is something I can only do once a minute); ward (but many times I can't safely ward since my teammates won't leave the lanes or our own jungle -- so if we need wards on the other side of the river it is a true gamble to go alone); or leech XP. I never really know what I'm supposed to be doing though. I don't want to take the farm or leech XP from heroes that actually need it, but I also don't want to just sit around trying to stack once a minute. What should a support be doing in this post-laning period where the teammates want to farm and I am not really capable of effectively farming or anything that involves being alone? Thanks for any advice. I'm hoping people have ideas or guidance I haven't thought of, but I'm open to just hearing anything. I want to get better as a support player and it seems like it is just so out of my hand most of the time, and it is completely out of my hands after a certain point in the game. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:10 AM PDT https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3241926931 I wonder if anyone could look at the game (i was CM) and tell me what I did wrong. I know I died multiple times because I was alone warding but Im not sure what next. Also my 1st and 2nd to QoP were quite bad as well. Played as CM [link] [comments] |
Which is more valuable, a ranged creep deny or a melee creep last hit? Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:19 AM PDT I know this might change depending on the role you're playing, but if you're playing carry/mid/offlane and you have to choose between denying the ranged creep but missing the last hit or vice-versa, which one should you choose? [link] [comments] |
If (X strength = Y hp) which buff should I prefer? Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:13 AM PDT Is there an added value to have the strength over the hp boost? Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Looking for a newbie like myself from EU to play DotA2 with. Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:17 AM PDT 2 heads are better than 1 as they say (Jakiro can probably attest to that) Anywho, I'm a pretty new lad to DotA 2 so I thought of maybe finding another new player like myself and trying to work something, play cooperatively. Ala combine 2 "meh" players to get 1 good player,if you get what I'm saying folks. If anyone is interested on the offer, don't hesitate to have a chat with me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Fenragus Hm, I guess that's really, good luck out there folks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:26 AM PDT I recently came back to dota from other mobas and imo I'm usually doing better than my teammates. When I started playing I jumped right into ranked and calibrated at 1k. Now I'm 1.4k but it feels like my teammates decision making feels weird. I'm thinking about making a second account to place higher. Here is my dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/152788075 Should I do it or is it not worth the time? [link] [comments] |
Is scepter on Storm Spirit a good item? Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:30 PM PDT I feel that it's kind of like a shorter version of Enigma's black hole except with no damage, and that it would help a ton in team fights. [link] [comments] |
are individual hotkeys really necessary for meepo? Posted: 11 Jun 2017 01:45 AM PDT Hey guys, I play in the low mmr bracket (2-3k) and I play meepo with only select all other units and select all. The gameplan is basically to farm up the dragon lance blink and then go for pick offs (of course I do go for early kills eg. lv3 etc.). I realised that meepo isn't a win-all hero (Axe, Invoker just rapes you), but it's really good against certain lineups. That being said, I haven't been seeing the need for individual hotkeys as I find that it's only for escaping but then again you can either click the low health meepo away or use the side portraits. And sometimes, let's say you pick meepo into an axe/ES you really can't do much in fights until call/Echo is used, so you either split push (doesn't require individual hotkeys) or you just yolo and accept fate. After I farm my blink I just farm with my other meepos and use my main to go around looking for kills into push. Please enlighten me, thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:03 AM PDT So, um, this is a bit embarassing. I have my effigies on shuffle and it just so happened that the effigy I got in my last game, as Earth Spirit, was my Fall 2016 Level III Effigy. From the default DotA 2 top down perspective, the effigy can be mistaken as one of your remnants during a team fight in your base. I was spamming E (Geomagnetic Grip) at my "remnant," wondering why it wasn't working, and didn't realize until after I died that it was actually my effigy. [link] [comments] |
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