Heroes of the Storm - By the state of the game is right now, Raynor trait is useless (sorry for bad english)

By the state of the game is right now, Raynor trait is useless (sorry for bad english)

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:52 PM PDT

Look at how the characters is now, his trait only give him 1 range and vision, this thing could be a Passive os his E Skill (like Cassia have on her W). Raynor could have like, vision through obstacle or cannot be blind, something like that. This could make him more viable on high lvl matchs, and still easy to play.

submitted by /u/fairerman
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How to kill Muradin in 3 seconds

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:57 AM PDT

So Tassadar is a ridiculous power house right now.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:05 PM PDT

Since his buff to auto attack happened last patch I've been on an insane win streak with Tassadar. My QM streak was about 20 games with one loss. My hero league experience has been around 60% win rate (still figuring out the best time to draft him).

For reference I'm a lower diamond, upper platinum player (depending on how well I keep my rage in check).

When I win I am usually top most damage in the game or I've empowered someone else to carry by a landslide in a similar way.

Here's why he's amazing:

  • His level 1 quest talent "Templars Will" is incredible. You can get the first half done within a couple of minutes by just being aggressive with your team (you'll also usually score some easy kills since most people don't know how to react to the slow). Now you are dealing crazy ass damage by simply auto attacking, so always be attacking something whenever possible. When the quest is done you can use that amazing attack from 7 range and it is officially OP.

  • Always take life leech at 4. This was buffed so highly pretty much anyone you put it on can regenerate to full health by swiping a few minions. Butcher and Kerri become goddamn wrecking balls. Valla can get a full bar back with a couple of autos. Dva can get full health from a group of minions too.

  • At 7 you can take Mental Acuity to lower your vision cooldown to 10 seconds. It takes seriously zero effort to finish and will lay the groundwork for wrecking tanks later.

  • At 10 you can either carry your team with Archon (seems to get all the benefits from his auto attack talents) or take wall, which will boost your 7 range dick slap to a 30% slow. Between the wall and the slow, pretty much any hero you target is dead.

  • At 13 you can take whatever feels right. I prefer Deep Shift as it allows you to escape pretty much any gank attempt. Adun's Wisdom is nice too if you took his vision quest earlier; now you can officially shield spam.

  • At 16 you can pick up your tank buster talent, Focused Beam. Because you finished your vision talent at 7, you can now melt tanks from 7 range every 10 seconds. It is amazing and they never expect it. Usually a tank will stun me, then I'll shield myself and leech it all back. They see their health bar draining and panic when they realize they're losing the duel and start running. If you have Shield Wall, this doesn't end well for them.

  • At 20 the game is officially over when you take Prismatic Link. Now every 10 seconds you have a 7 range auto attack that melts three tanks at one time while slowing them up to 30%. In archon form you just delete three heroes at once. It's fucking disgusting how strong you become.

I really, really encourage anyone who hasn't tried Tass in a while to try this out and play him like an assassin. He's just so, so good!

submitted by /u/Lucavious
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nazeebo roleplay

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:14 PM PDT


I don't know why doing this made me laugh so much. Getting flamed and then hearing nazeebo make those weird noises made me really laugh

submitted by /u/kingshanks
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With all the HGC retirement news... Blizzard, help us help you make HGC more money.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:06 PM PDT

And please let us buy in-game premium cosmetics to help support our favorite teams, or HGC as a whole.

I know I post this all the time, but money is so incredibly valuable to sporting leagues. Dota 2 does this with Battle Passes, and the money payout for professional players are nearly twice the size of Leagues, with half the amount of events.

So please Blizzard, help us help you to keep players like Merryday, or teams like eStar in the HGC.

submitted by /u/BuckSleezy
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First valuable zoning from D.Va in HGC

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:04 AM PDT

I know Blizzard wants to be casual-friendly but after losing a match I would much rather to see what I did wrong that might have led me to lose than what I did right

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:23 PM PDT

I'm talking about the post-match score screen hint messages, ex:

"Hey, you did 14% more damage than the average of 11'673! Attaboy!"

That's great and all when winning, when it means something like "Hey, you just won, and here's something good you did that might have helped you win!".

And I know they want everyone to feel fine, even if they just lost. But when losing, those messages only help to validate what you just did, and potentially reinforce behavior that might have led you to losing that game, or even worse, throwing a game for the rest of your team.
It doesnt give you anything to work on and improve, it's the equivalent of your mom telling you "It's ok, Timmy, you're great! They're just jealous of you! One day, you're gonna be faaamooous!"

To the losing player, it probably reads something like "Hey, I just lost, but the game says I played fine, look at all the XP I got! Maybe the enemy team was just better and there was just no way of winning that. Maybe we lost at draft, our comp was bad, and theirs was superior. Or maybe, just maybe, my team were all idiots and I just couldnt carry them, no matter how much XP I got." Requeue.

A Small Digression About Replays

Here's the thing, no one looks at replays, unless you're in the pro-scene, or very dedicated (the users here are more likely, but still I bet even the majority here doesnt either), the average player doesnt look at replays.
And I dont blame them,

  1. They have no incentive to do so.
  2. The replay system is too clunky.
    • The Replay tab takes forever to load.
    • The time seeker bar in the replays is a pain in the ass.
    • If you want to go forward to a specific point, you have to wait for it to "reconnect" (we already hate reconnecting in the real game, we're no gonna put ourselves through it again just for watching replays).
    • If you just missed something, and want to go backwards again? RECONNECTING

I used to watch replays in Starcraft, and WarCraft 3, I loved doing it, and I learned lots of things, and improved on many errors by doing it, when I started HOTS I did it, a few times then never again.

But the most important part is that they have no incentive to look at their mistakes, the game only points out what they did right and never what they did wrong, and this is terrible!
This makes the player feel like they're at their peak, but the game is keeping them down, and sours them in the long run.
I would much rather the game show me what I did wrong when losing, so that it could give me something to work on and improve.

Some examples of reverse commendations:

  • You only had X takedowns
  • You died X times
  • You were only alive for X% of the match
  • You only absorbed X% of the damage dealt to your team
  • You only healed for X% of the damage dealt to your team
  • You only collected X xp
  • You only did X of the objective
  • You only dealt X hero damage
  • You only dealt X siege damage

followed by:

that's Y% less than the winning average of Z


that's only Y% of the winning average of Z

This is more useful, because in the current system, the game is telling a solo laner healer that just lost "Hey, you got lots more XP than the average Malfs! GJ!", but in the new system it would be telling that same losing player "Hey, bud, barely even healed your team during that last mach, compared to winning Malfs, what happened? You were supposed to be the healer :("

Now, it's very important that it only compares it to the winning average of the hero you picked in the same tier that you are.
If it's comparing you to other losing averages as well, that's just keeping you in bad company.
And if you're in Bronze or Silver, and it's comparing you to winning averages including Plat/Diamond/Master/GM that's just giving you information that's not relevant to you, and your context.

Here's the thing, Blizzard, I know you, and even if you consider implementing this, I'm afraid that you'll feel compelled to do it in a way that still makes everybody feel fuzzy about themselves, and defeats the purpose.
Just as it happened with the MVP/Commendation system that everybody asked for, but now nobody uses in the neutered way that it was implemented.

I think that doing little things like this right, in the long run promotes:

  • A playerbase that seeks to improve themselves
  • A less toxic community, because they are made aware of their own mistakes, instead of having their own egos inflated which would have led them to blame others instead.
  • A playerbase that is more dedicated and sticks longer with the game, because they see the game being fair, instead of feeling cheated by the system, and in turn that could help attract more players as well.

I know, because it happens to me. <3

submitted by /u/suppow
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Roll20 welcomes Goku

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:45 AM PDT

The most recent set of patch notes need to be stickied at the top of the sub reddit.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 11:08 AM PDT

I have to put something here or the auto moderator throws a fit.

submitted by /u/Final-Verdict
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When will we have 1080p HGC?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:37 AM PDT

I'm just curious whether Blizzard are going to make this happen sometimes. Everything in HGC is so perfect besides this thing.

submitted by /u/ForlornFjord
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Noblesse and NaCHoJin leaving L5

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:41 PM PDT

In case anyone did not know this, I just read it on the HGC site and unlike the other roster changes it doesn't seem like this was discussed before.


Does anyone have information on why they are gonna be leaving? It does not show them joining another team, so it would be interesting why they quit this incredible synergy.

submitted by /u/gutscheinmensch
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Based on his problem solving ideas, I'm not convinced Nazeebo isn't the adult version of the Scribblenauts protagonist.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Got an army man chasing me? Better throw spiders at him until he dies!

What's that The Lord of Hell is ontop of me? Frogs to the face. No wait. POISON FROGS.

O fuck. That Panda is getting away. Quick. Quick. What's the most obvious way to stop her.... Zombies. Perfect.

Oh shit it's a giant Panda! Uh uh uh... GIANT ZOMBIE. Fuckin' nailed it.

submitted by /u/Keypaw
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Phase 2 Movers and Shakeups

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 12:12 PM PDT

Stimmed Archon is quite fun

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:54 PM PDT

Faye on being cut and the future

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:14 AM PDT

I just want to remind you that players going AFK or non-partecipating will get suspended, so report them to make our favourite game better!

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:50 AM PDT

HGC Mid-Season Brawl - Group stage :: MVP Black (KR #2) vs Roll20 esports (NA #2) :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:45 AM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Mid-Season Brawl - Group stage :: Super Perfect Team (CN #3) vs Nomia (ANZ) :: Discussion Thread.


The match is planned to start at 17:00 CET / 8:00 PT, 15 minutes after this post was posted.


Community challenges


MVP Black vs Roll20 esports
KyoCha melee/flex - support buds
merryday support - flex Glaurung
reset ranged/flex - warrior Justing
Sake ranged/flex - flex Prismaticism
Ttsst warrior - flex YoDa

HGC Mid-Season Brawl

HGC Mid-Season Brawl is the first Heroes tournament in 2017 featuring teams from the entire world. 12 teams play to determine the world champions: two best teams from each major region (South Korea, Europe, North America, China) and the champions of minor region championships (Taiwan, Australia & New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Latin America). Tournament winners get 100,000 USD out of the total prize pool of 250,00 USD.

The Brawl starts with a group stage. Each of the two groups is played in a round-robin format. All matches are a two-game series and teams get 3 points for a 2:0 win or 1 point each for a 1:1 draw. The group stage is played from June 10th to June 14th in Stockholm, Sweden.

Two bottom teams from both groups are eliminated and the tournament moves on to the playoffs - a double elimination bracket. Top two teams from each group start in the upper bracket semi-finals while 3rd and 4th placed teams have to fight through the lower bracket. All matches are best-of-5, except for the best-of-7 Grand Final where the upper bracket winner starts with a one game lead. The playoffs are played from June 17 to June 19 during DreamHack Summer in Jönköping, Sweden.

Match format

Each match in the group stage is a two-game series. 3 points are awarded for a 2:0 win and 1 point for a 1:1 draw.

The map ban and pick format is still unannounced.

Battleground draft

MVP Black Roll20 esports
veto Braxis Holdout Cursed Hollow
pick Tomb of the Spider Queen Battlefield of Eternity

Game version

HGC Mid-Season Brawl is played on the May 31 balance patch. D.Va is allowed.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/videos/150818333?t=03h37m30s

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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The entire current 5 man roster of Estar gonna retire from Hots after this tournament

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:23 PM PDT

You may wondering why CN region are getting weaker and weaker. let me tell you the reason. HOTS are not popular in CHINA, even after 2.0. Not only LOL,DOTA2 are ahead of HOTS. but also a mobile moba game called "strike of kings" made by Tecent company. ALL the TOP chinese teams/players you may heard about like Gemini and his old EDG Team, Six and his old Zero gaming team are now playing that new game . Simply because that game own you 30 times more money than HOTS. Not only from the tournament ,but also from ur personal daily stream. So the best moba talents in china are not playing HOTS, and we are losing our best HOTS players. After this tournament .The current Estar 5 man roster will switch over to that game too. SO no more XingC and his beautiful micro. It's so sad, almost drop a tear from my eyes, but It's the fact in China 
submitted by /u/sherrymichael
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Drew one of my favorite characters!

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 01:39 PM PDT


And hopefully he (or garrosh) will be the next hero!

submitted by /u/Zoljiini
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Mid Season Brawl: Elo and Statistics Update - Post Day 1

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:14 PM PDT

Hey guys, post this one directly to reddit since it usually takes a day for things to get published on GFE.gg, so it's easier for me to just post this here:

There was actually some pretty big Elo changes as a result of day 1. For teams in the Mid Season Brawl, here are the current ratings:


MSB Rank Team Rating
1 L-5 1876
2 Fnatic 1777
3 MVP Black 1759
4 E-Star 1695
5 Roll20 eSports 1652
6 Team Dignitas 1652
7 Tempo Storm 1637
8 Super Perfect Team 1512
9 Nomia 1490
10 Red Canids 1364
11 Soul Torturers 1358
12 Deadly Kittens 1353

As always, minor region teams are likely underestimated due to all the usual caveats. That said, Nomia is starting to make the climb. Given that this is a true international event, these games have a much large impact on a team's Elo than regional games.

Group A Odds

Using Elo odds to simulate each group 100K times, I get the following updated odds

Team Points Winner's Bracket Loser's Bracket Elimination
Fnatic 3 84.6% 15.1% 0.3%
Nomia 3 8.6% 75.7% 15.7%
Roll20 esports 1 34.5% 59.8% 5.5%
MVP Black 1 71.4% 17.5 1.1%
SPT 0 0.8% 16.1% 83.1
Deadlykittens 0 0.1% 5.7% 94.3%

Group A had two big shakeups: Roll20 took a game off of MVP Black (rocketing up their Elo) and Nomia 2-0'd SPT, causing them to effectively switch places in Group A odds. SPT is going to probably need to beat a major region team 2-0 to get back into the top 4 in their region or they could be eliminated before the playoffs.

Group B

Team Points Winner's Bracket Loser's Bracket Elimination
L-5 3 94.4% 5.6% 0.0%
E-Star 3 73.4% 26.6% 0.2%
Tempo Storm 3 24.5% 74.1% 1.4%
Team Dignitas 0 7.6% 85.3% 6.9%
Red Canids 0 0.0% 3.7% 96.3%
Soul Torturers 0 0.0% 4.8% 95.2%

The big surprise in Group B is just how dominant EStar looked in their set against Team Dignitas. It wasn't just that the series was 2-0, but that both games were so one-sided. Dignitas will now likely wind up in the loser's bracket, barring either an E-Star or L-5 collapse.

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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MSB Bingo Board by TeamLiquid

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 07:09 AM PDT

Captain's Scouting Report: Mid-Season Brawl

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:29 AM PDT

Roll 20 vs MVP Black game discussion

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 09:04 AM PDT

That game was amazing, don't even know what to think. What did u guys think of it?

submitted by /u/Spac3bar_Official
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New, and have Sylvanas frustrations.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 03:43 PM PDT

Heyo. I'm newish to hots, been playing for a month or two, and I'm playing heroes in QM. I have experience playing MOBA's from league, I took a shine to playing Sylvanas, but I'm stuck in a bind.

For the past few days, I've just been doing abysmally with her. It seems like it doesn't matter how well I position, if my team isn't already winning, I'm almost worthless. I used to do very well, getting good damage to both heroes and siege, but as of late, it feels like I just can't cut it.

I've been thinking over my positioning, and playing Sylvanas feels so... Awkward. She has mediocre damage for a long period of the game, good waveclear, she feels like a "win more" hero who's useless from behind(?). She's got such a small HP pool and almost no sustain... I can't tell if it's the spontaneous nature of quickplay, where peel is unreliable, my own mistakes, my team being behind, or what. It's making me tear my hair out, I swear. Even when we're winning, I feel kind like half a hero.

I don't die much when I play Tyrande, who's arguably even less safe than Sylv, so I feel like my positioning isn't the problem, is there something about QM that makes her a struggle?

submitted by /u/littleinnsmouth
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