Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 03, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - June 03, 2017

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:10 AM PDT

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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t's Slime Time with the #ArenaNet audio team! (BTS)

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:22 PM PDT

A Basic WvW Guide

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:52 PM PDT

Hi guys! Swift from [BOO] here. We're a Wvw guild who's been around for quite some time now and we're quite excited about the new WVW update for next week. And we hope there will be an influx of people who do end up liking WVW as well and continue to support a game mode who do direly need a bigger playerbase.

A guildie of mine [Sonya Riel - dayvie.2134] wrote a Basic WvW guide intended for those who are not very familiar with the game mode. "This guide is centered around combat and giving a general overview. There will be no siege placement or keep defending tips. It is intended for all classes and covers basic information with varying detail."

The guide is composed of information regarding:

  • Game Settings
  • Key Binds
  • Class Overviews
  • Combat Tips
  • Terms and Calls
  • (Also I included his Guardian overview guide as well)

Links to the guide: (Pastebin Links)

  1. Basic WvW Overview Guide

  2. WvW Guardian Guide

Feel free to discuss and ask questions here and I'm sure we and a lot of the WVW peeps here will be happy to answer your questions :)

submitted by /u/swifthide
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Could we have a Phantasm Collection? :)

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:27 PM PDT

I'm currently crafting several of the Phantasm Weapons (Vision of the Mists, Whisperblade, Reaver of the Mists) for my Mesmer. I'm also crafting some of the Spirit Weapons (Forefire's Essence, Azureflame) for my Guardian.

Collecting all the Spirit Weapons makes a collection! The reward being the matching backpack, Spirit Crafter.

I didn't even know about this when I started crafting. I started looking around for a Phantasm version, but it seems that one doesn't exist!

Arena-net, could we please have a matching collection achievement and a Mesmery backpack reward to go? :)

For those unfamiliar, the Spirit Weapons are summonable minions of the Guardian profession - and these models are also available as weapon skins from the mystic forge. The Phantasm weapons are the weapon skins wielded by the Mesmer phantasms, who wield these instead of the Mesmer's weapons, like the clones do.

submitted by /u/K0nfuzion
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Dear Developers, "Unblockable" is a thing, but "undodgeable"?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:05 AM PDT

By "undodgeable" I meant mechanically. I just found out that according to GW2 Wiki, Binding Blade is "undodgeable" and before this I didn't even know undodgeable attacks did exist.

And then after a little more research, I also found that Eviscerate was also undodgeable according to another thread in the link.

This prompts the question: are there more undodgeable skills out there? And why is this not in the tooltip anyway?

Edit: Or alternatively, if some kind reddit folks know other existing undodgeable skills, please reply below and we can at least make a list by ourselves!

Edit: Here's the list so far! (Links to the source are provided to promote discussion and confirmation/disconfirmation and for credits)

------------Player Character Skills------------

------------Player Character Traits------------

  • Speculation or uncertainty to be confirmed

    [Warrior] Bloody Roar for its taunting effect.

    A variety of PBAoE effects triggered based on traits has the history of being unable to evade, and thus suspicious according to /u/Wandelaars 's comment.


  • Retaliation

  • Auras (All auras? To be confirmed)

  • A variety of PBAoE effects triggered based on runes has the history of being unable to evade, and thus suspicious according to /u/Wandelaars 's comment.

------------Non Player Character Skills & Environmental Effects ------------

  • Fractal of the Mist

    Agony application from all bosses.

    Mai Trin's projectiles that trigger shadowstep.

    (Thanks to /u/Frusen1 and /u/skarpak; although the projectile can be blocked and avoided by some specific techniques--see /u/abe100b 's comment below.)

    Floor tiles on the boss of Chaos fractal and in Aetherblade fractal.

    Laser walls in Aetherblade fractal, which shares similar characteristic with the skills in Impassable Control AoE section.

    (Thanks to /u/TerribleTransit)

  • Raids (I have not participated in a single raid, so I can only relay from others here.)

    The AoE by ghosts at Matthias (source)

    Distributed Magic, World Eater, Firestorm (source)

  • Dungeons

    A great variety of environmental traps in dungeon instances. (Thanks to /u/MithranArkanere)

    [CM] Grenade attacks thrown by bandits. (to be confirmed; thanks to /u/TerribleTransit)

  • Open World PvE Content

    Lava! (apparently, although can be avoided by constantly jumping)

    [Auric Basin][Octovine] The elite hyleks' ground slamming attack with their own bodies. (confirmed)

Edit: wow the downvotes seriously reddit folks >_>

Edit: Although I started this thread with concern on the clarity of skill description in general PvP instances, I'm surprised and glad to see so many feedback on PvE contents. Although regarding the PvE part the list could be endless, I'll update based on the comment as much as I can.

Edit: /u/MithranArkanere proposed a better way to call it, "unevadible". Perhaps someone familiar with the Wiki page format could create a page and document this?

Edit: Some folks are working on the Wiki page here. Much appreciated to you and to /u/Alcohol_Intolerant for the heads-up!

Edit: will come back to check on this thread tomorrow. Obviously since the entire list is based on players' experience, errors are be inevitable. Confirming and disconfirming feedbacks are all welcomed.

submitted by /u/PallasLandan
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Hey, I made a sylvari sketch a while back, Here's the finished version!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:50 AM PDT

Hey, you might remember me from a post a while back when I made a sylvari sketch. It was pretty well recieved so I was very motivated to finish it and share with you guys, so here it is!

submitted by /u/emnovia
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Made my coworker a 'This is Fine' trophy as a gift for his last day • r/3Dprinting

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:57 AM PDT

Giant Slayer Event Sunday June 4th @ 430PM CST [NA] Brisban Wildlands

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:36 PM PDT

Good evening all. I led a Giantslayer event last week and this post is a reminder of the one happening tomorrow, Sunday June 4th @ 430PM CST for NA players. Last time we had around 30-35 players, so I am hoping to see that many if not more this time. I said that if we had the turnout that I would do it weekly, and so we shall.

I will throw up a LFG under Fifth Character, my druid.

I look forward to seeing everyone!

Please mail me in game at soboard.6974 with any questions.

submitted by /u/sobored12345
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100 CM Siax the Corrupted Solo

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:16 PM PDT

Why fractal 40?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:14 AM PDT

I've been wondering why people farm this specific level. When searching for info here I only found out that it's the quickest fractal map to complete.

But why people farm lvl 40, and not its other occurrences? Wouldn't lower lvl mean an easier, and thus even quicker fight? Or wouldn't higher lvls give better rewards?

Please enlighten me :)

submitted by /u/kazerniel
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New player looking for other players

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:32 PM PDT


I just started to play Guild Wars 2 today and I'm looking for anyone who would be interested in playing/levelling up with a newbie.

One of the things that made me give up on WoW was that I found it hard to find other players to interact with as everyone else on my server had been playing the game for years and I ended up levelling up solo. It got boring really fast so I want to try and find other people to enjoy the game with.

I'm just looking for anyone who would like to level up together or hell, just wants someone to chat to as they're playing the game.

A co-worker who recommended the game to me also said there are mentor guilds (?) new players can join. I don't know anything about that but if anyone has a guild that welcomes newbies then I would be interested in hearing about it.

I'm playing on Tarnished Coast server. Despite it being an American server, I'm actually Scottish, so if you are on a different timezone from me then we might need to plan a wee bit.

A little about me: I'm Kate, I'm in my early twenties, I'm obsessed ASOIAF/Game of Thrones and I decided on playing a Norn Guardian as my first character in GW2.

If you're interested then feel free to comment below or message me. Cheers!

submitted by /u/PixelatedPaladin
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Finally finished Mawdrey!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:16 PM PDT

I'm quite happy, that after many weeks of item hunting and crafting, I finally finished Mawdrey! :D (Took this long because I crafted almost every step to save money.)

Finally I can use up all that Bloodstone Dust, and take a looong break from bloody Dry Top :D

submitted by /u/kazerniel
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[WvW] Some Tips for Newcomers

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 11:33 PM PDT

With the upcoming patch rekindling interest in WvW from other gamemodes, I thought this would be a good opportunity to compile some tips for new players - the kinds of things that veterans barely even think of, but that might not be obvious for someone who's never stepped foot in the gamemode. If you think of something important I've missed, feel free to bring it up in the comments!

  • Team chat crosses all WvW maps for your team except for EotM. It's typically saved for major callouts (keeps/upgraded towers being hit by large enemy forces), and you should make sure to specify the map when making a callout. Map chat is used for your team for whichever map you're currently on.

  • Be careful with supply - if a wall is currently being trebbed, don't repair it, because you're only draining supply from whichever tower/keep you're in. Also, if you're in a keep that's low on supply from being hit by enemies recently, save the remaining supply for building defensive siege and repairs instead of picking it up and running across the map with it.

  • Many guilds like to run private squads, so don't take it personally if you're declined from squad. It's usually a guild doing their own thing, and there should be a public tag somewhere around for you to join. Typically, these private groups prefer it if pugs don't follow them.

  • Siege with the blue icon ("regular", "paper", or "walmart" siege are common nicknames) is less efficient than superior siege in terms of damage/supply ratio. It's mostly intended for small groups that wouldn't be carrying enough supply to build superior siege. Also, if you're following a tag, leave siege-throwing to the commander. Your paper ram on a gate when he's throwing superiors really only takes up space, and the paper arrow cart that you throw in a fight just makes you a target.

  • Leave the tactivators alone unless you know how and when to use them. Save them for when you're being attacked by a big force and need that extra minute to get a squad of friendlies in to help. An EWP pull for an enemy group of 5 people is only asking for a bigger group to attack later. Also, if the commander asks you to pull an EWP, make sure to say something like "pulling now", and spam the WP link in map/team chat to make sure people know it's up. If the enemy is in position to bomb on an EWP instantly, it's not a good time to pull it.

  • Show up to WvW with a real WvW build. That zerker/viper set will get you killed very quickly. Metabattle is a good source for builds, and your server's TS/forums/discord probably also has a builds page. If you want to just make a budget set of exotics, Soldier gear works fine for most classes while you figure out how to play your build.

  • When making scouting calls, priority order for information is location, numbers, server, guild, direction they're going. "30 enemies @ SMC lord" is more helpful than "YB inc". Rough estimates for numbers are okay (about 5, about 15, 15+, 30+, etc.) but even if your estimate is off it's better than nothing so your team knows how big of a group to send in response.

  • The best WvW masteries to start with are Siege Bunker, Supply Master, Provisions Master (autoloot), Build Master, Repair Master, and the first few levels of Supply Capacity. After that, start on some of the siege masteries that you're most likely to use. A rule of thumb for siege masteries that I used when leveling was thinking about if I was in a keep under attack, which siege would be most helpful for me to use.

  • Every host server has voice comms of some variety, either TS or discord. Ask in Map Chat for the link, and do your best to join the public tag in there for fights. Knowing what the commander is going to do increases your survival rate over going in blind.

  • Don't be afraid to ask questions!

submitted by /u/Artele7
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This is why we can't have nice things

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:06 PM PDT

Updated my gearing guide

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:36 AM PDT

Updated just in time to have to update it again on Tuesday to include the new WvW reward armors and backpack, woo~

There is now a Runes&Sigils section and a Food section, information on LS3E5 items has been inserted where appropriate, I've changed the example of a class that doesn't have a condi build since Anet trolled me and decided to make condi ele top damage, a bit of clean-up here and there, and we think the table of crafting costs for ascended armor occasionally giving far too low of numbers has been fixed, but I left a disclaimer on it to just refresh if it happens anyway.

(if it does happen, let me know please)

Otherwise I think it's in pretty good shape. Feedback as always welcome, and I hope people find it useful, whether for themselves or to link to friends.

submitted by /u/Tanetris
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Best Map for Gathering?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:26 PM PDT

Ok, so basically, I want to be queuing for pvp outside of the lobby because I want to be spamming the candy corn cobbler to get an exp booster. This means I need to be out of combat, so the only profitable way for me to do this would be gathering.

What map would you recommend? It doesn't matter it there are a few mobs here and there, but I wouldn't be doing event chains (for example).

I was thinking somewhere in Orr? Basically, the question is, "what map has the most natural resources"

EDIT: Actually, I can switch maps, so the new question is, what maps have to most nodes to gather

submitted by /u/Sovereigner
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Noob here. Where's My Clothes?!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:18 AM PDT

The armor is all equipped but I'm running around in my bra and panties!

submitted by /u/BDaught
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FYI for Error Code=7:11:3:189:101 (Win 10x64)

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:21 AM PDT

I have been having a lot of server disconnects with this error intermittently for the last week or so. I ran the regular troubleshooting but it did not fix the issue(reboot, router settings, blah, blah, blah). Discovered the problem was in Windows Firewall, Guild Wars 2 was no longer showing as an allowed app. I had to manually add it back again.

Windows Defender Security Center>Firewall & Network Protection>Allow an app through the firewall>Change settings>Allow another app>Guild Wars 2 Game Client. In my case the client is under Local Disk(C:)>Guild Wars 2>Gw2-64.exe

So it looks like one of the recent Windows updates changed my allowed app settings. Hope this helps anyone else that is having server time our errors recently. And it also reduced my average ping time by a few points as well.

submitted by /u/redkingca
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You're soul is mine! Is utterly useless.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:43 PM PDT

At least in PvP. Barely heals, takes forever to cast, and lifeforce is situational.

submitted by /u/Tentacles_Inside
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Problem with Fractal Buffs in WvW and other buffs like it

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:14 PM PDT

They hide certain conditions on your enemy like blind and stuff. Creates an unfair advantage because you read that bar for when to spike and go in for kills.

Please remove all the buffs upon entering WvW/PvP/etc.

submitted by /u/Jinks4Prez
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Brazil: How to Gear Your Characters in Ascended Gear (NO CRAFTING)

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:03 PM PDT

New player looking for a good thief PVE build

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:43 PM PDT

I'm new, not to MMO's but to gw2 and I have tried to find good thief builds for pve, im only level 60 so dungeons and things for now, but can't seem to find a pve build only pvp builds. Not sure what weapon combos and builds i should be using. any help is much appreciated ! thank you

submitted by /u/animusDRUID
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