Elder Scrolls Online - When you cant decide between being a tank and a healer

When you cant decide between being a tank and a healer

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:07 PM PDT

Line for "free" stuff today

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:19 PM PDT

Germany's chancellor posing with me

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:52 AM PDT

[PS4] Finally Flawless! Reached my last goal before Morrowind!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:42 PM PDT

My first two days in ESO.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 05:35 PM PDT

So i recently brought ESO as i found it on sale (outside of steam). I played during the beta but never picked it up because i heard bad things about it. After playing this for two days now, i can safely say i am thoroughly enjoying the game. Forgetting the fact that it is an MMO for a second, this is a pretty good Elder Scrolls game, now i know it's not 100% like a normal Elder Scrolls game, but i still get the feelings i get when i play them games. Exploring the world and randomly bumping into secrets and random NPC's with quests is so fun and distracting.

The MMO side of it is not too bad either, the combat is a little ... light, but i still enjoy it, i like that there are no real cooldowns for skills and i like that i can just pretty much use all weapon types.

So yeah, just wanted to throw my thoughts out there even though there is no point hahah. Game is super fun and i am glad i brought it!

submitted by /u/SimpleGamerzYT
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When you've played since launch but just find out mouse wheel zooms in on Character Select.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:30 AM PDT

Oh my... it's stripy!

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:03 PM PDT

[PC] Current Tank Meta?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:25 PM PDT

Just dinged a Nord Warden to level 50 and I have a strong leaning to making this hunk of brick wall a tank. I know the best for most tanks a few DLC's back was Tava's along with something else, but am unsure at the moment. If it's still Tava's that would be nice to know, or if anyone has a good suggestion for a gear setup, I'm all ears.

My plan is to use the Nord's passive ruggedness, along with the Ice Fortress ability, plus the Permafrost ult. 6%+8%+30% = 44% DR on top of the armor cap to make a near un-killable tank when it comes to high power hits. My only problem at the moment is testing the damage reduction itself to see if the percentages stack along with some stamina and recovery problems.

submitted by /u/wdf70
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It's the little things.

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:35 PM PDT

Are battlemages viable for endgame?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:28 PM PDT

I am new to PC ESO and really want to get into a nice guild and have some really good endgame fun with dungeons and hardcore pvp. Now I personally love the idea of a tough as nails sorcerer battlemage. Is this not going to help my pve or pvp teams? I am planning to have solid DPS but be a sorcerer who specializes in heavy armor and two handed swords. This works great as solo but with a team will I throw off the balance? I am new to teamwork as I play every game as a solo but I really want to become very active in the ESO community. Tell me if this is crazy or how to do it correctly please... Thanks!

submitted by /u/my_username_is_1
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Random Dungeon Rewards bugged?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:06 PM PDT

Friend of mine just grouped up for a random normal dungeon, at the end of the dungeon I got the daily bonus but he did not. It's still telling him he's eligible for it. What gives? Is that another bug on top of all the others with the dungeon finder?

submitted by /u/upvotesforeverything
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Finding half empty chests/troves/lockboxes is the worst feeling

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:47 AM PDT

I seriously hate it when people leave their loot behind, because it doesn't seem to "despawn" the container, and all I get is a crappy white because someone didn't want to take a second to loot all.

edit - runestones too!

Why do people do this?

submitted by /u/Peejaye
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Nothing beats a nice hot bath

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:12 AM PDT

[Official Response] Pet Health Regeneration was deliberately removed from the game

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:19 AM PDT


Hey guys, apologies for the delay. We got some answers tracked down for you and this is, actually, intended behavior.There were some changes for pets that went in back on the PTS, and unfortunately the patch notes for the changes were missed. Here are the things we changed and what is currently live:

  • Removed passive healing from summoned pets.

  • Increased a pet's damage reduction to radius attacks to 85% >from 75%. This bonus applies to all attacks in Trials.

  • Clannfear pets no longer taunt enemies in Trials.

While I am of course grateful to get a response on this matter at all, I'm left in a state of shock. This change was not mentioned or addressed when brought up on PTS (repeatedly I might add), and is now in Early Access. The Official launch of Morrowind is mere days away so likely will go Live too.

Pet Health Regeneration (outside combat) has been a key part of combat pet play since launch (AFAIK): it was never a problem until Morrowind, for whatever reason. Awfully convenient that the Warden Bear ultimate functions the same as the Sorceror summons and suddenly regeneration goes away for all of them... something about a Warden Bear never dying if it regenerated health after every fight? Hmmm...

Unlike other all other builds, pet users had to additionally manage their pets health and actions during combat... and outside combat, the pets regenerated resources just like players do. This kept the downtime between combat relatively equal, but not anymore. Now not only do pets health have to be managed DURING combat, but OUTSIDE combat as well. Healing them after every single encounter isn't fun, it's a tedious chore that does nothing to improve gameplay.

Please use this post to share your opinion on this mechanic removal: are you for it, are you against it? How do you feel about it? Are you riled up like me such a key change was "missed" for weeks/months?

Personally as a die-hard combat pet user, I think this is a mistake. It's taken years of buffs to make combat pets viable instead of being a ESO's joke abilities, and now we're slapped with a massive nerf across the board: Twilight Tormentor sure didn't need a nerf! Nevermind such a blatant change not receiving any feedback or response on the PTS where it could have been disputed.

Please reconsider this decision, ZOS. You didn't exactly give any wild compensation buffs to account for this massive nerf. Combat Pet basic attacks still aren't affected by CP for crying out loud.

submitted by /u/Transairion
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When will the new crown crates debut?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:19 PM PDT

I haven't been on for about 24 hours so ignore me if it's there now, but I've yet to see a "5 Days Left" announcement for the current crates. I figured the Dwemer crates would come out with Morrowind on the 6th but without the notice it seems unlikely. Has ZOS mentioned the date the new crates will be available?

submitted by /u/CeramicPanda1
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Feeling super Squishy as a level 14 MagSorc. Any tips of other types of Soc builds I can play while leveling?

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 03:52 AM PDT

I want to try out a Mag Sorc Tank build, which seems fun. I don't mind doing a bit less damage, as long as I can handle big mob packs.

I do lots of damage at the moment, but archers especially destroy me. It gets a lot harder with 3+ mobs.

Any tips? Does this change later?

submitted by /u/JeckylTesla
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Are archers viable?

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 03:51 AM PDT

Is there any archer class viable in the game? Are they fun in pvp? What class/race is the best? Are warden worth archers?

submitted by /u/Droguer
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[PC] A Quick Thieving Route in Vivec City

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:21 PM PDT

Any big changes to healer meta recently? [PS4]

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:53 PM PDT

Just started playing again due to the Morrowind expansion coming out Tuesday. My favorite character is a Sorcerer Healer (not exactly the best choice in class for a healer, but it works and I have fun playing it), but I haven't played since around whenever the Storm Atronach crates first came out. Have there been any big changes - or WILL there be any big changes come Tuesday - to healer skills that are considered "good" that I should know about?

submitted by /u/Jimlad116
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MagSorc vs MagPlar DPSing

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 03:29 AM PDT

Having trouble trying to decide between MagSorc and MagPlar for endgame PvE and was wondering what are the main differences between each one? Thanks.

submitted by /u/naths4
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Morrowind Patch - MagSorc Questiones!

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 03:19 AM PDT

What sets are people running these days? And what exactly is the hype about lightning staffs? I feel like there is no difference in light attacking/ heavy attacking for the magicka return and for single target you want a fire stafg iver a lighting staff? Blockade of fire does more damage, bur a lightning staff increases aoe damage? What's the way to go now?

Moondancer / IA no question there, llambris the same - and if you dont have a sharpened staff of one of these, there starts your trouble.

I've been playing magsorc for about 1300 hours now, pvping pveing and trying out different things, usually staying far from stamsorc builds though.

After about 150 rounds of vma i got 1 sharpened fire staffs and apparently the trend now goes towards 2 ******* sharpened lightning staffs! I'm not doing that! No way! It will take me years.

Some people can pull off 35k+ on the target dummies, while I'm stuck at 29,2k something. I'm still wearing 2 llambris, 4 IA, 5 BSW (frontstaff), and vma fire backbar.

Lots of people now go for scathing mage, netch's touch/ war maiden; but if you don't have any lightning staffs, why bother? And there is no possible way of getting a sharpened scathing mage staff anytime soon :( Or is it time to grind the craglorn trials for a staff now until eternity?

So if you havy any ideas - feel free to post it! Im aware that lots of people talked about this topic before and i made it a bit too long and personal!

submitted by /u/Myclock44
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Dolmens leveling ??

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 09:04 PM PDT

So I'm watching a stream and this guy who is about 35th level was getting almost 30 K experience for each Dolmen. I was getting about 6 k and I was 5 levels higher than him. Why is that? There's no amount of bonus experience that would give you that much.

submitted by /u/Dekeon
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[PC] [Discussion] Was wondering if Archer Sorc could work

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 02:55 AM PDT

Title says it all, i was looking for something new as a sorc dps. I thought that it would be really cool to play an archer sorc but idk if it works. Does anyone have an idea? And if it doesn't work, any other build recommendations?

submitted by /u/W_RuneHawk_B
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Making first tank

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:50 PM PDT

I'm using only crafted sets for now I'm thinking Hist bark willows path and engine guardian thoughts?

submitted by /u/cadeross
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Battlegrounds teams becoming very competitive to make it to MLG tournament.

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 02:45 AM PDT

Who else thinks that battleground will become the new league of legends. With teams this could become profession.

submitted by /u/NieSab
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