The Legend of Zelda - BoTW Daily Questions Thread: Ask questions and get help! - May 07, 2017

BoTW Daily Questions Thread: Ask questions and get help! - May 07, 2017

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:08 AM PDT

The new queue has many questions being asked so here's a daily megathread to help your question not get lost. You're more than welcome to continue to make threads with questions. Please try and help users by answering their questions!

Questions could have spoilers in them! BEWARE ALL THOSE WHO ENTER! Minor spoilers will be below about weapons, bosses, locations, etc. But someone might ask a question regarding a moment that has happened you have not experienced. So please know what you're entering.

Tips and Tricks Megathread

Want tips and tricks? Read all the tips and tricks provided by you, the users. Or submit your own.

Spoiler policy

>> Read the spoiler policy here. <<

TL;DR: Major locations/temples and major character names will be allowed in titles with the release of the game. Titles still must be vague and cannot divulge storylines. Boss names, dungeon weapons, plot points are not allowed in titles.

Titles must begin with [SPOILERS] when discussing the game or they will be removed.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Self Post Sundays! - May 07, 2017

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:07 PM PDT

To foster more discussion about the games every Sunday we turn the subreddit into self-post only mode.

Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

Please save your images, fan art, screenshots, videos, etc to the other days of the week. Use this day to discuss the games. Other posts will be removed.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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We've been streaming two people playing BotW. Each one with one joycon. Here is one of the highlights.

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:20 PM PDT

Definitive timeline including BotW. This should end all debates as to where this amazing game fits in the timeline.

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:06 PM PDT

So I played LoZ: Breath Of The Wild on Friday... It left me well, breathless...

Posted: 07 May 2017 07:18 AM PDT

This is going to be a long and soppy tale about how me and a couple of my closest friends binge played the beginning of the game last Friday night. So, like everyone else I remember the total hype behind the game post launch and I watched all the GameXplain videos I could that didn't contain too much spoilers whereas my three other buddies hadn't even seen ANYTHING aside from a trailer or two and bits from the E3 presentation and they're way bigger Zelda fans than I am. Anyways, life happens and I didn't/haven't had the money to purchase a Wii U or Switch to play it due to me moving into our first house with my partner so I patiently waited until the time I saved up enough for a Switch. Until, one night last week we all met up and started chilling, one of my friends said that he's had the game waiting for 2 WEEKS and that he hasn't even started it yet my friend turns estatically towards him and exclaims "I HAVE A WII U, BRING IT DOWN WE NEED TO PLAY THIS!!" Everyone looked at each other in the room. We all hadn't played it yet for different reasons in our lives and now the stars were aligned for a marathon of a gaming session.

So, Friday rolled around and the hype was STRONG with a tint of optimism in the air. "Can this game even live up to all this hype?" We all thought to ourselves as the opening title screen appeared. "Is this game truly worth the critics overwhelming praise and adoration?" Within the first 15 minutes of the game it was apparent that this game was truly special. I can truly go on and on about our first couple of hours exploring the Great Plateau and how memorable it was and how many funny, hype and intense moments there was but for the guys that have experienced the game before, they know the feeling.

I can't explain the amazing moments because they were so specific to our playthrough and I think that's the true beauty of this masterpiece. Everything feels unique and we truly haven't felt anything close to that feeling of genuine intrigue and excitement. In a world filled with disappointing games, this blew all my expectations away...

Time to start saving!

submitted by /u/DailyWizard
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I Drew Hetsu Running From A Guardian

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:48 PM PDT

What do you guys think of my first tattoo? [MM]

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:19 PM PDT

[BotW] I took Daruk jokes to the next level

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:55 PM PDT

[MM] TIL you can blow up Sakon if you shoot the Big Bomb Bag he's stealing with a projectile

Posted: 07 May 2017 08:40 AM PDT

Holy shit. He just explodes. That's friggin insane. This game just got even darker

submitted by /u/Talonflameop497
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When it comes to Korok Seeds...

Posted: 07 May 2017 08:54 AM PDT

I have to say I miss the brilliant map function from Link Between Worlds that showed you exactly how many Mai Mai were left in an area to collect. It was really helpful without showing exactly where they were. I can't help but feel a bit like that system would be amazingly useful for helping find Koroks.

I understand the whole Schtick of Botw is exploration and exploring the world to find Koroks is sort of the point of Koroks anyway but I don't think this would've ruined that at all. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Sega_Genitals
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[BOTW] I made a mistake about the length of Hyrule! It's 11.5km not 4.6km (I'm an idiot)

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:52 PM PDT

In regards to my recent experiment measuring Hyrule.

First off, I would like to formally apologize for misleading anyone with my last results. They were way off from other people's findings, and for good reason. I used an incorrect number (essential recording Link's stride as 1ft rather than 2.5ft by accident) that domino-effect ruined the results of the experiment. Thank you /u/intoxicus5 for pointing this out! Before I believed Hyrule to be 4.6km. This was extremely wrong. The correct approximate length using my experiment is 11.5 km.

Below is a corrected repost of my findings.

DISCLAIMERS: This conclusion is an approximation solely based on the accuracy of the in-game map and it's representation of significant objects. In addition, given the large number of steps used for measurement, there is a small margin of error. But, hopefully this gives a decent idea of how big the world really is.

Lets begin.

Step 1: I needed a point of reference, preferably something I could convert into a measurement tool. So I chose the Bridge of Hylia. It was a nice length and straight, so it would be easy to measure. I made sure to make my starting and ending points of the bridge as accurate as possible by starting the measurement at the beginning of the overhang. The end point is nearly identical.

Step 2: I needed a unit of measurement, which was Link's walking stride. In game I had Link walk at his slowest possible speed to reduce a chance of an inaccurate stride, or miscounting steps. The average stride length of a male is 2.5 feet. I am rather short myself (5'4). This is close to the speculative height of Link and I can confirm my stride is very close to 2.5.

Step 3: I counted every single step across the bridge to the end point. This of course is a rough estimation, but upon my trial it took 642 steps to cross the bridge.

Step 4: Using math magic, I figured that 2 bridge lengths were equivalent to 1km. This just made it easier to measure in the long run. (In reality 2 bridge lengths was 25 meters shy of 1km)

Step 5: I took screenshots of the map and moved my marker as far left, and right, as possible, using the outside of the box marker to determine the end points of the map (i.e. traversable area space).

Here is an example of how I used the markers to measure areas able to travel to.

Step 6: Lastly, I created a key to use for measurement. It is the length of five bridges. I did not feel like recreating the key entirely so I edited over what use to be a 1km key and changed it to 2.5k for simplicity sake. Using this new key I was able to determine that the length of Hyrule in km is approximately 11.5km (Not 4.6, really sorry about that).

Here is the new map the key, and with the bars pre-laid across map proof.

TL;DR: I messed up, and the correct length of Hyrule is 11.5km. However, this remains purely an approximation based on a simple experiment.

Here is a small chart that essentially shows all the #'s without all my words lol.

submitted by /u/S3CR3TN1NJA
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Snow, lightning and Dinraal

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:36 PM PDT

Don't get the Sheikah Slate phone case from Threadfox!

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:56 PM PDT

First of all the order took over a month just to get to me. When I finally received the case the image was off center and slightly askew not to mention already quite scratched up... I understand they are a small company that was trying to meet large demand but even after my order and contacting them about the long wait I STILL kept seeing their ads on Facebook for that case. I feel like if you can't keep up with demand such that you are backordered a month plus and can't even do decent quality assurance then you should stop accepting orders for a while until you can..

submitted by /u/ch0colate_malk
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Can we get a Zelda game where Link's companion is a giant lizard, maybe like a crocodile?

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:21 PM PDT

I think it would be super helpful to have a Navi-Gator

submitted by /u/XxNerdAtHeartxX
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Anyone else think skull kid should be in smash bro's?

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:56 AM PDT

Like...come on Nintendo. It just makes sense.

submitted by /u/Corrado910815
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Weapon durability isn't the most controversial design choice

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Now that's a pose you don't just forget

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:44 AM PDT

A Possible Grueling Addition to Hard Mode

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:27 PM PDT

Alright, I know you've all seen the newly released details on the new hard mode for botw, but I know many (like myself) feel that the "hard" mode isn't even that hard. Higher level enemies? no problem. Air enemies? that's cool I guess. Enemy regain? Not even necessary.

I think "hard" mode needs another addition to actually make it hard. I think the addition that would make the game MOST DIFFICULT would be when Daruk should say "DARUK'S PROTECTION IS READY TO ROLE" the game literally does not play the audio of Daruk's voice. For example, I was on the subway once and I forgot my ear buds, when Daruk started to speak about his readiness to roll and I could not hear it, the game LITERALLY BECAME DARK SOULS 4. I FIRMLY believe the absence of Daruk's comforting voice would lead to

  • Little to no confidence on your ability to be a good Link

  • Crippling depression

  • No reason to save Hyrule

  • Distraction and anxiety (always waiting for that sublime "DARUK'S PROTECTION IS NOW READY TO ROLE, but it never comes)

  • No safe space (Many rely on the physical shield Daruk's Protection provides, but I could care less for that, for I am solely protected by the emotional shield Daruk's voice provides)

  • And many, many other debilitating challenges

What are your thought's on this? thanks

submitted by /u/DankMemeMasterBoi
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[BOTW] Double rainbow across the sky!

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:23 PM PDT

My take on Zelda from BotW!

Posted: 06 May 2017 12:08 PM PDT

Here are some things I hope future Zelda games do with the slingshot.

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:43 PM PDT

  • The slingshot is automatically a scattershot.

  • The bow does not have area of effect properties, and therefore no bomb arrows. This way the slingshot has exclusive rights to quick, ranged area of effect outside of boomerangs and bombs.

  • The slingshot has bomb seeds. Silly, I know. But I just want an excuse to be made so that the slingshot isn't pushed to the curb as soon as Link gets the bow.

submitted by /u/JPLangley
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[BOTW] Is there anyway to screencap or download photos taken from your Sheika Slate to your Switch?

Posted: 06 May 2017 11:08 PM PDT

I've taken some pretty decent photos and I'd like to keep them. Any way this would be a fucking fantastic feature to have, but haven't seen a way to do it yet. If it can't be done, is there a way we can get this opinion heard to have it make an impact?

Edit: I'm aware of the the capture button in the L-Joy Con, I meant images from my Sheika Slate

submitted by /u/Spider2458
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Hero of the Wild Challenge

Posted: 07 May 2017 06:43 AM PDT

Alright, so after beating Breath of the Wild for like the 3rd time, I decided to spice up the gameplay. I present to you...

The Hero of the Wild Challenge!

Basically, here's how it goes -

No heart upgrades - That's right. We're doing this Chuck Norris - style.

No saving, only in your house or near a campfire - You can really skip this one for the sake of saving you frustration, but for those that love Dark Souls, give this a go!

Cannot complete dungeons until all shrines and side quests are completed - If this challenge wasn't hard enough, it just got harder. At least those monks won't feel left out.

Must stay naked until getting the Tunic of the Wild - Is this even possible?! Yes. This also means no armor potion buffs.

No armor upgrades and must keep Wild armor on at all times.

So, you think you're up for the challenge? Let me know! If you feel like anything is unnecessary to the Challenge, you can tweak it or get rid of it all together.

submitted by /u/harvurr_
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A bit of something that's been on my mind after a recent replay of Skyward Sword

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:41 PM PDT

I understand that the Triforce pieces are where they are, due to the temples represented in each room.

However, I always feel that Courage and Power should have been reversed, with Power being after an enemy gauntlet, and Courage by traversing the lava.

submitted by /u/pokedude728
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